Input then in the routine, press backspace to rerun, Esc to quit, or any other inkey$ recognized key to toggle from active to idle and back. Background dims when idle.
So what doesn't seem possible when working with _Display and an image in SCREEN 0 is to have a way to show both the image and the flashing SCREEN 0 cursor, when idle, without having to constantly put the image to the screen every loop.
I know in graphics we need to make a cursor routine, that's a given, but has anyone found a workaround other than constantly putting the images to display through the loop? If not, no biggie, because to get both, we just _PutImage and _Display constantly in a loop.
Code: (Select All)
img& = _LoadImage("activate-static.png", 32)
h1& = _CopyImage(img&, 33)
_FreeImage img&
Palette 5, 63: Cls
Input "0 or 1 to 120 for _limit _autodisplay demo: ", try
Color 12, 5: Cls
Locate , 40, 1, 7, 1
Print "Steve is ";
If try Then a = try Else a = 30
_Limit a
b$ = InKey$
If Len(b$) Then
If b$ = Chr$(8) Then Run
If b$ = Chr$(27) Then System
skip = Not skip
If skip Then Palette 5, 7: _PutImage (0, 0), h1&: _Display Else Palette 5, 63
End If
If skip = 0 Then
_PutImage (0, 0), h1&: _Display ' Normal display flow.
If try Then ' If try = 0 (input 0 at start) we skip any further display, which suspends the flashing cursor!
_PutImage (0, 0), h1& ' How the hell can we get rid of this, but still have the image show up?
_AutoDisplay ' Just for fun. This should be _Display but what's interesting is _AutoDisplay is similar, except you need to input 30 or higher so it doesn't flicker. _Display doesn't ever flicker.
End If
End If
So what doesn't seem possible when working with _Display and an image in SCREEN 0 is to have a way to show both the image and the flashing SCREEN 0 cursor, when idle, without having to constantly put the image to the screen every loop.
I know in graphics we need to make a cursor routine, that's a given, but has anyone found a workaround other than constantly putting the images to display through the loop? If not, no biggie, because to get both, we just _PutImage and _Display constantly in a loop.