I spent the morning reorganizing and editing the txt file looks much better IMO. After lunch I settled into a Picture Box Control addition and Demo after spending last night trying to find some Graphic that needed Lists and Text Boxes and feature some sort of picture. Maybe a Quadratic Plotter, maybe a Tile Maker... nothing truly excites me, I'll sleep on it. Ah, in the morning an inspiration! a GUI Forms designer, of course! I get started with all the inputs needed to do a NewControl call but I fritter away the afternoon chasing down a little bug with the blinking cursor that likes to stick halfway out past the border of a Text Box. It was absolutely nutz! I went to feed the neighbors cats, came back and found I had been trying to fix the wrong part of the code! I started Text characters 4 pixels to right of left border and forgot all about that!
Good that's settled but I don't need a picture box so much as another screen or window to draw these controls on.
Well I know I don't want to build an independent floating Dialog Screen, hmmm how about Window layers: screen 1 on top of screen 2 on top of screen 3... ? hmm... I take a nap.
(06-19-2022, 02:02 AM)bplus Wrote: Well I know I don't want to build an independent floating Dialog Screen, hmmm how about Window layers: screen 1 on top of screen 2 on top of screen 3... ? hmm... I take a nap.
I used different layers on top of each other in a program with QuickC. Created under Win 95, it ran under MS-DOS and was intended to resemble Windows. It looked something like this:
int vg_farbe, i, spalte;
int azeile, aspalte, ezeile, espalte;
int t_zeit; //Tilgungsfreie Zeit
unsigned int hg_farbe;
double kurs, nominal_zins, prozent_annu;
char puffer[64];
06-20-2022, 05:17 AM (This post was last modified: 06-20-2022, 05:21 AM by bplus.)
OK finally the Form Designer and Picture Box Demo is ready. I had some loose ends to tie up and then decided to do a complete Picture Box Demo with the Form thing that allows you to preview your screen with buttons.
So here is all that over 1000 LOC now maybe not so siimple. Line 124 works with QB64 compiling the Preview screen in a Shell. I'd be surprised if it works in Linux but who knows, you will have to definitely rePath the files to your setup even in Windows.
So here is code for Form Designer and Picture Box Demo 282 LOC
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
_Title "GUI Forms Designer" 'b+ build from GUI Get Filename test app 2022-06-16
' 2022-06-18 still organizing this file with: b+ Very Simple GUI.txt file
' 2022-06-19 compiled first working test form
'$include:'vs GUI.BI'
' Set Globals from BI
Xmax = 1280: Ymax = 700: GuiTitle$ = "GUI Form Designer" ' <<<<< Window size shared throughout program
OpenWindow Xmax, Ymax, GuiTitle$ ' need to do this before drawing anything from NewControls
' Dim and set Globals for GUI app
Dim Shared As Long LblName, TbName, LstType, LblType, LblSelType
LblName = NewControl(4, 14, 434, 42, 16, "Name")
TbName = NewControl(2, 62, 426, 136, 32, "name/handle")
LblType = NewControl(4, 10, 476, 80, 16, "Type:") '
LstType = NewControl(3, 10, 493, 80, 112, "Button~Text Box~List Box~Label~Picture") '
LblSelType = NewControl(4, 10, 606, 80, 16, "here") '
Dim Shared As Long LblText, TbText
LblText = NewControl(4, 10, _Height - 58, 80, 16, "Text: ")
TbText = NewControl(2, 10, _Height - 42, _Width - 20, 32,_
"Need lot's and lot's of room here for very long labels that might stretch across the screen.")
Dim Shared As Long BtnAdd
BtnAdd = NewControl(1, 210, 552, 120, 74, "Add to List")
ReDim Shared ControlList$(5) ' keep this one dynamic with ReDim
Dim Shared As Long NList
Dim Clist$ ' just for here
' EDIT these to your programs needs
Sub BtnClickEvent (i As Long) ' attach you button click code in here
Dim As Long j
Dim b$, t$
Select Case i
Case BtnAdd
NList = NList + 1
ReDim _Preserve ControlList$(NList)
ControlList$(NList) = NewControlStr$(1)
con(LstCon).Text = Join$(ControlList$(), "~")
drwLst LstCon, -1
Case BtnPreview
Open "GUI_Preview.bas" For Output As #1
Print #1, "'$include:'vs GUI.BI'"
Print #1, "' Set Globals from BI your Title here VVV"
Print #1, "Xmax = 1280: Ymax = 700: GuiTitle$ = " + Chr$(34) + "GUI Form Designer" + Chr$(34) '<< Window size shared throughout
Print #1, "OpenWindow Xmax, Ymax, GuiTitle$ ' need to do this before drawing anything from NewControls"
Print #1, "' Dim and set Globals for GUI app"
Print #1, "Dim Shared As Long ";
For j = 1 To UBound(ControlList$)
t$ = LeftOf$(ControlList$(j), " = NewControl(")
If _Trim$(t$) <> "" Then
If Len(b$) Then b$ = b$ + ", " + t$ Else b$ = t$
End If
Print #1, b$
For j = 1 To UBound(ControlList$)
Print #1, ControlList$(j)
Print #1, ""
Print #1, "MainRouter ' after all controls setup"
Print #1, ""
Print #1, "Sub BtnClickEvent (i As Long)"
Print #1, " Select Case i"
Print #1, " End Select"
Print #1, "End Sub"
Print #1, ""
Print #1, "Sub LstSelectEvent (control As Long)"
Print #1, " Select Case control"
Print #1, " End Select"
Print #1, "End Sub"
Print #1, ""
Print #1, "Sub PicClickEvent (i As Long, Pmx As Long, Pmy As Long)"
Print #1, " Select Case i"
Print #1, " End Select"
Print #1, "End Sub"
Print #1, ""
Print #1, "Sub PicFrameUpdate (i As Long)"
Print #1, " Select Case i"
Print #1, " End Select"
Print #1, "End Sub"
Print #1, ""
Print #1, "'$include:'vs GUI.BM'"
Close #1
_Delay .5
' It worked!!! IDE Run Menu: "Output EXE to Source Folder" bulleted
Shell "C:\Users\marka\Downloads\qb64_win-x64-0.8.2\qb64\qb64.exe -c " + _
Chr$(34) + "C:\Users\marka\Desktop\QB64 work\000 work QB64\GUI Tools\GUI_Preview.bas" + Chr$(34)
_Delay 3
Shell Chr$(34) + "C:\Users\marka\Desktop\QB64 work\000 work QB64\GUI Tools\GUI_Preview.exe" + Chr$(34)
'................ Of couse you will need to fix this for your system setup ..............................
Case BtnDelete
If con(LstCon).Text2 <> "" Then
Remove con(LstCon).Text2, ControlList$()
con(LstCon).Text = Join$(ControlList$(), "~")
con(LstCon).N2 = 1 ' better than leaving it on a likely blank
con(LstCon).Text2 = ""
drwLst LstCon, 0
con(LblSelCon).Text = ""
drwLbl LblSelCon
End If
Case BtnEdit
If con(LstCon).Text2 <> "" Then
con(TbName).Text = _Trim$(LeftOf$(con(LstCon).Text2, " ="))
drwTB TbName, 0
ReDim T$(1 To 1)
Split RightOf$(con(LstCon).Text2, "NewControl("), ", ", T$()
Select Case _Trim$(T$(1))
Case "1": con(LstType).Text2 = "Button"
Case "2": con(LstType).Text2 = "Text Box"
Case "3": con(LstType).Text2 = "List Box"
Case "4": con(LstType).Text2 = "Label"
Case "5": con(LstType).Text2 = "Picture"
End Select
con(LblSelType).Text = con(LstType).Text2
drwLbl LblSelType
con(TbX).Text = _Trim$(T$(2))
drwTB TbX, 0
con(TbY).Text = _Trim$(T$(3))
drwTB TbY, 0
con(TbW).Text = _Trim$(T$(4))
drwTB TbW, 0
con(TbH).Text = _Trim$(T$(5))
drwTB TbH, 0
con(TbText).Text = LeftOf$(RightOf$(_Trim$(T$(6)), Chr$(34)), Chr$(34))
drwTB TbText, 0
BtnClickEvent BtnDelete 'clear the item from LstCon
End If
End Select
End Sub
Sub LstSelectEvent (control As Long)
Select Case control
Case LstType
con(LblSelType).Text = con(LstType).Text2
drwLbl LblSelType
Case LstCon
con(LblSelCon).Text = Mid$(con(LstCon).Text2, 1, 600 / 8 - 2)
drwLbl LblSelCon
End Select
End Sub
Sub PicClickEvent (i As Long, Pmx As Long, Pmy As Long) ' attach your Picture click code in here
Select Case i
Case PicTestMouse 'test handling a click event
_Dest con(i).N1
If Pmy > 20 Then
_PrintString (Pmx, Pmy), Str$(Pmx) + "," + Str$(Pmy)
Circle (Pmx, Pmy), 1
End If
_Dest 0
drwPic i, -1
End Select
End Sub
Sub PicFrameUpdate (i As Long) ' attach your Picture click code in here
Dim x, y
Select Case i
Case PicTestMouse 'test handling a click event
_Dest con(i).N1
' loop code here shared all variables that need to persist between calls
Line (0, 0)-(319, 319), &H09220044, BF
aaa = aaa + _Pi(2 / 360): bbb = bbb + dbbb: ccc = ccc + dccc
If bbb < 5 Then bbb = 5: dbbb = -dbbb
If bbb > 53 Then bbb = 53: dbbb = -dbbb
If ccc < 53 Then ccc = 53: dccc = -dccc
If ccc > 106 Then ccc = 106: dccc = -dccc
x = 160 + 53 * Cos(aaa): y = 180 + 53 * Sin(aaa)
drawShip x, y, _RGB32(255, 255, 0)
x = 160 + ccc * Cos(aaa + _Pi(2 / 3)): y = 180 + bbb * Sin(aaa + _Pi(2 / 3))
drawShip x, y, _RGB32(200, 0, 0)
x = 160 + bbb * Cos(aaa + _Pi(4 / 3)): y = 180 + ccc * Sin(aaa + _Pi(4 / 3))
drawShip x, y, _RGB32(0, 0, 160)
_Dest 0
drwPic i, 0
End Select
End Sub
' some fun with Picture demo
Sub drawShip (x, y, colr As _Unsigned Long) 'shipType collisions same as circle x, y radius = 30
Static ls
Dim light As Long, r As Long, g As Long, b As Long
r = _Red32(colr): g = _Green32(colr): b = _Blue32(colr)
fellipse x, y, 6, 15, _RGB32(r, g - 120, b - 100)
fellipse x, y, 18, 11, _RGB32(r, g - 60, b - 50)
fellipse x, y, 30, 7, _RGB32(r, g, b)
For light = 0 To 5
fcirc x - 30 + 11 * light + ls, y, 1, _RGB32(ls * 50, ls * 50, ls * 50)
ls = ls + 1
If ls > 5 Then ls = 0
End Sub
' ======== helper subs for drawShip that you can use for other things specially fcirc = fill_circle x, y, radius, color
Sub fellipse (CX As Long, CY As Long, xr As Long, yr As Long, C As _Unsigned Long)
If xr = 0 Or yr = 0 Then Exit Sub
Dim h2 As _Integer64, w2 As _Integer64, h2w2 As _Integer64
Dim x As Long, y As Long
w2 = xr * xr: h2 = yr * yr: h2w2 = h2 * w2
Line (CX - xr, CY)-(CX + xr, CY), C, BF
Do While y < yr
y = y + 1
x = Sqr((h2w2 - y * y * w2) \ h2)
Line (CX - x, CY + y)-(CX + x, CY + y), C, BF
Line (CX - x, CY - y)-(CX + x, CY - y), C, BF
End Sub
Sub fcirc (x As Long, y As Long, R As Long, C As _Unsigned Long) 'vince version fill circle x, y, radius, color
Dim x0 As Long, y0 As Long, e As Long
x0 = R: y0 = 0: e = 0
Do While y0 < x0
If e <= 0 Then
y0 = y0 + 1
Line (x - x0, y + y0)-(x + x0, y + y0), C, BF
Line (x - x0, y - y0)-(x + x0, y - y0), C, BF
e = e + 2 * y0
Line (x - y0, y - x0)-(x + y0, y - x0), C, BF
Line (x - y0, y + x0)-(x + y0, y + x0), C, BF
x0 = x0 - 1: e = e - 2 * x0
End If
Line (x - R, y)-(x + R, y), C, BF
End Sub
Function NewControlStr$ (dummy)
Dim As Long typ
dummy = 0
Select Case con(LblSelType).Text
Case "Button": typ = 1
Case "Text Box": typ = 2
Case "List Box": typ = 3
Case "Label": typ = 4
Case "Picture": typ = 5
End Select
NewControlStr$ = con(TbName).Text + " = NewControl(" + _trim$(str$(typ)) + ", "+ con(TbX).Text + ", " + con(TbY).Text + ", " +_
con(TbW).Text + ", " + con(TbH).Text + ", " + chr$(34) + con(TbText).Text+ chr$(34) + ")"
End Function
'$include:'vs GUI.BM'
Here is the code it writes for GUI_Preview:
Code: (Select All)
'$include:'vs GUI.BI'
' Set Globals from BI your Title here VVV
Xmax = 1280: Ymax = 700: GuiTitle$ = "GUI Form Designer"
OpenWindow Xmax, Ymax, GuiTitle$ ' need to do this before drawing anything from NewControls
' Dim and set Globals for GUI app
Dim Shared As Long Tb1, Lst1, Lbl1, Pic1, BtnQuit
Tb1 = NewControl(2, 200, 10, 100, 32, "Text Box 1")
Lst1 = NewControl(3, 350, 10, 350, 192, "List Box 1")
Lbl1 = NewControl(4, 10, 100, 200, 32, "Label 1")
Pic1 = NewControl(5, 10, 200, 200, 200, "Picture 1")
nice work @bplus. the cursor in the input field is not stable. for the rest, I think the ideal would be to define a single window (resolution 1800x900 or other. most of the current screen displays are 1980x1080) and inside a working window (resolution of 1280x720 to see big modifiable in the code generated by the user) and all around the functions of creation of the gadgets, the positonnement will be seen in real time in the working window. the coordinates x y will be readapte in the generated code. of course, it is only a suggestion. good continuation.
06-20-2022, 04:36 PM (This post was last modified: 06-20-2022, 05:02 PM by bplus.)
Yeah, didn't put screen sizing in .BI to allow coders to put in what they need and you could even prompt the user for a size. Text Boxes might be shaky but I think I have cursor contained in box in last update, progress. Speaking of TB, you can clear one now with Shift + Delete or Shift + Backspace.
I am planning another string parameter to be parsed, so can add in optionals with only one more parameter say Parse$ which could simple be empty eg, Parse$ = "ImageFile = MyImageFile.png" or Parse$ = "data = 1,2,3,4.. delimiter = , " or both Parse$ = "ImageFile = MyImageFile.png; data = 1,2,3,4..; delimiter = , "
Parse$ = ; delimited items of variable = value; variable = value; variable = value;... for what is needed.
Also maybe add a grid to the Preview screen for future placement of controls.
Update: oops, see an error in Picture control, alpha blacking out is doing the wrong rectangle
Line (0, 0)-(319, 319), &H09220044, BF
should be
Line (0, 20) - step(320, 320), &H09220044, BF
forgot about Picture Box Title.
Another update: looks like the Picture Box Active Control White Box is not showing, maybe better to draw on top after _PutImage.
06-20-2022, 06:24 PM (This post was last modified: 06-20-2022, 06:26 PM by bplus.)
This fixes showing whether the Picture Box is active or not:
Code: (Select All)
Sub PicFrameUpdate (i As Long)
Dim x, y
Select Case i
Case PicTestMouse 'test handling a click event
_Dest con(i).N1
' loop code here shared all variables that need to persist between calls
Line (1, 20)-Step(318, 318), &H09220044, BF
aaa = aaa + _Pi(2 / 360): bbb = bbb + dbbb: ccc = ccc + dccc
If bbb < 5 Then bbb = 5: dbbb = -dbbb
If bbb > 53 Then bbb = 53: dbbb = -dbbb
If ccc < 53 Then ccc = 53: dccc = -dccc
If ccc > 106 Then ccc = 106: dccc = -dccc
x = 160 + 53 * Cos(aaa): y = 180 + 53 * Sin(aaa)
drawShip x, y, _RGB32(255, 255, 0)
x = 160 + ccc * Cos(aaa + _Pi(2 / 3)): y = 180 + bbb * Sin(aaa + _Pi(2 / 3))
drawShip x, y, _RGB32(200, 0, 0)
x = 160 + bbb * Cos(aaa + _Pi(4 / 3)): y = 180 + ccc * Sin(aaa + _Pi(4 / 3))
drawShip x, y, _RGB32(0, 0, 160)
_Dest 0
drwPic i, ActiveControl = i
End Select
End Sub
Now I see it had the comment from the Pic Click Event.
06-20-2022, 06:50 PM (This post was last modified: 06-20-2022, 06:54 PM by bplus.)
Kind of interesting how I detect errors in screen shots I post here. I see an odd gap in the listing of controls in the GUI_Preview.bas file. It was getting late last night and I wanted to post before going to bed, so my blurry eyes overlooked a thing or 2. Still very happy the Preview did get written, compiled and ran correctly AND the animated Picture Control worked as well.
As far as the shaky Text Box, I need a description so I can duplicate the error so I have a hope of fixing it.
The only thing I am getting is if I click into a box past the text and then type something, that something goes directly at the end of the text. To put spaces into the text, you have to type them in. Also the cursor is sometimes off a character when clicking into a box or ends up at end of text because you click too close to border, easily fixed with arrow, home or end keys.
06-20-2022, 08:33 PM (This post was last modified: 06-20-2022, 08:37 PM by bplus.)
Another fix for running GUI Forms Designer out of different Folders.
I already had been saving project path under global curPath$ in BI and set when OpenWindow, it fits in nicely for compiling and running the GUI_Preview.bas file:
My code mods that work from different folders without hardcoding path:
Code: (Select All)
' It worked!!! IDE Run Menu: "Output EXE to Source Folder" bulleted
Shell "C:\Users\marka\Downloads\qb64_win-x64-0.8.2\qb64\qb64.exe -c " + _
Chr$(34) + curpath$+ "\GUI_Preview.bas" + Chr$(34)
_Delay 3
Shell Chr$(34) + curPath$ + "\GUI_Preview.exe" + Chr$(34)
'................ Of course you will need to fix this for your system setup ..............................
Man it sucks tracking changes in 2 sets of folders, one set does it with BI and BM unpacked all in one code file in case I have to change something in those, and another set runs with BI and BM just for a check.
I will post an updated, "stable" version of forms designer after I get more apps coded and changes settle down or there are so many fixes.