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Admin on vacation!!
Ok guys, this has been one heck of a productive week as far as restoring QB64 is concerned!  

We've got the forums here back up and going.  

I've got us half a homepage up and going.  (  

The wiki has been rebuilt (though its still missing a few things which we'll find and replace over time.), and new editors have signed up to help maintain and build it.  

We've got an official repo over at github now, and we've got a First Edition release available to help remove any issues with QB64 trying to link to the old site and error out when it can't do so...

In other words, I couldn't be any prouder of what we've accomplished as quicky as we have, BUT...  I need a break now.  My arthritis in my knuckles and shoulders is acting up from being hunched over the keyboard so much this week, and it looks like we're too the point where things should be able to exist without me for a few days.  I'm going to log out, take a good bath, maybe get dressed afterwards, before I go outside and grill me a nice big steak for supper, and then I'm going to just chill and relax and avoid everything for the next few days until the week starts back up again on Monday.

If anyone wants me before then...   Sorry!  You'll just have to wait.

Try not to burn down the place until I get back, and God forgive me for even saying it, but it looks like Pete is the boss in charge around here for now!  Big Grin
Beyond well-deserved vacation.  Soak yer buns in a hot tub for a good long stretch and relax.

Damned fine work !
Oh shoot, you already logged out. Rats, I needed to ask Steve what this "SELF DESTRUCT" button, on my control panel I just discovered, is all about. Oh well, might as well push it and f..............................
Got a ton of stuff to celebrate,
Now we're getting closer, we can't wait,
Gonna make this forum as perfect as can be,
When Steve comes back from Admin Vacation.

HeartBig GrinHeart
Going on a vacation? Several things that "must" be done... Take care... Take it easy... Take your time.... and Take me... Smile All the best!!
May your journey be free of incident. Live long and prosper.
(04-24-2022, 07:20 AM)johnno56 Wrote: Going on a vacation? Several things that "must" be done... Take care... Take it easy... Take your time.... and Take me... Smile  All the best!!

Well, enjoy the back seat, varmint, cuz I alreadies called shotgun! Hey, why is Steve's luggage in the front seat, and what the hell am I doing in the trunk?!!!

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