09-07-2022, 06:35 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2022, 06:41 PM by madscijr.)
(09-07-2022, 03:18 PM)Spriggsy Wrote: Adding this reply as a way to keep track of this source as I work on converting what you've done so far. I'll have to pull up my Win32 Video Player code to bring in all my junk for the callbacks and window functions but the InitRawInput function works as expected
I don't know why the jstookey C examples aren't referencing "winuser.h" but that seems to be where these RawInput commands are defined.
I must say I forgot I had actually put that much work into it back then. It looks so foreign to me because it was made before I developed new coding habits lol! However, there is definitely a way to have two executables talk to each other or just have one read the output of the other. Personally, I wouldn't like to do that for this project in particular as it involves a parent-child scenario. I have faith that we can do this 100% in QB64 (well, more like 95% because there will be some C headers involved). I think I should have more time this week to look at this since I've hit a good spot with getting all my required documentation turned in for my mortgage loan. And, now that I know way more about Win32 API and have better coding habits, I think you and I can do this. I actually really appreciate the fact that you've hung on to the old code I wrote and that you've brought this project up yet again. It always excites me to use API in QB64.
I will take a look at this and try my best to get this going for ya.
09-07-2022, 06:45 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2022, 06:46 PM by SpriggsySpriggs.)
(09-07-2022, 06:35 PM)madscijr Wrote: I don't know why the jstookey C examples aren't referencing "winuser.h" but that seems to be where these RawInput commands are defined.
Oh, I've had no issue hunting down these functions. I'm no stranger to the MSDN documentation pages. Besides, winuser.h, along with many other headers, are already included with QB64 so all I have to do is either a DECLARE LIBRARY or a DECLARE CUSTOMTYPE LIBARY without having to worry about where they're coming from. Also, Winuser.h is just User32.dll so I could even use DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "User32" to get the same results
09-07-2022, 06:51 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2022, 06:52 PM by madscijr.)
(09-07-2022, 06:39 PM)Spriggsy Wrote: I must say I forgot I had actually put that much work into it back then. It looks so foreign to me because it was made before I developed new coding habits lol! However, there is definitely a way to have two executables talk to each other or just have one read the output of the other. Personally, I wouldn't like to do that for this project in particular as it involves a parent-child scenario. I have faith that we can do this 100% in QB64 (well, more like 95% because there will be some C headers involved). I think I should have more time this week to look at this since I've hit a good spot with getting all my required documentation turned in for my mortgage loan. And, now that I know way more about Win32 API and have better coding habits, I think you and I can do this.
I know how you must feel, looking at code I've done in the past is always eye opening... "I used to do it THAT way?!" LoL
(09-07-2022, 06:39 PM)Spriggsy Wrote: I actually really appreciate the fact that you've hung on to the old code I wrote and that you've brought this project up yet again. It always excites me to use API in QB64.
I can be a bit of a pack rat. I'll keep a project on the backburner until I can make more progress, if it seems worthwhile. Sometimes you just have to put something down for a bit and then come back to it when your head is cleared.
(09-07-2022, 06:39 PM)Spriggsy Wrote: I will take a look at this and try my best to get this going for ya.
I am definitely in over my head and appreciate any help I can get!
As Unsigned Integer usUsagePage, usUsage
As Unsigned Long dwFlags
As Offset hwndTarget
End Type
As Offset hDevice
As Unsigned Long dwType
$If 64BIT Then
As String * 4 alignment
$End If
End Type
As Long x, y
End Type
Type MSG
As Offset hwnd
As Unsigned Long message
As Unsigned Offset wParam
As Offset lParam
As Long time
As Long lPrivate
End Type
As Unsigned Long cbSize, style
As Offset lpfnWndProc
As Long cbClsExtra, cbWndExtra
As Offset hInstance, hIcon, hCursor, hbrBackground, lpszMenuName, lpszClassName, hIconSm
End Type
As Long left, top, right, bottom
End Type
As Offset hdc
As Long fErase
$If 64BIT Then
As String * 4 alignment
$End If
As RECT rcPaint
As Long fRestore, fIncUpdate
As String * 32 rgbReserved
End Type
As Unsigned Long dwType, dwSize
As Offset hDevice
As Unsigned Offset wParam
End Type
As Unsigned Integer usFlags
$If 64BIT Then
As String * 2 alignment
$End If
'As Unsigned Long ulButtons 'commented out because I'm creating this value using MAKELONG
As Unsigned Integer usButtonFlags, usButtonData
As Unsigned Long ulRawButtons
As Long lLastX, lLastY
As Unsigned Long ulExtraInformation
End Type
End Type
Declare CustomType Library
Function GetRawInputDeviceList~& (ByVal pRawInputDeviceList As Offset, Byval puiNumDevices As Offset, Byval cbSize As Unsigned Long)
Sub GetRawInputDeviceList (ByVal pRawInputDeviceList As Offset, Byval puiNumDevices As Offset, Byval cbSize As Unsigned Long)
Function RegisterRawInputDevices& (ByVal pRawInputDevices As Offset, Byval uiNumDevices As Unsigned Long, Byval cbSize As Unsigned Long)
Function GetModuleHandle%& (ByVal lpModulename As Offset)
Function LoadIcon%& (ByVal hInstance As Offset, Byval lpIconName As Offset)
Function LoadCursor%& (ByVal hInstance As Offset, Byval lpCursorName As Offset)
Function RegisterClassEx% (ByVal wndclassex As Offset)
Function CreateWindowEx%& (ByVal dwExStyle As Unsigned Long, Byval lpClassName As Offset, Byval lpWindowName As Offset, Byval dwStyle As Unsigned Long, Byval x As Long, Byval y As Long, Byval nWidth As Long, Byval nHeight As Long, Byval hWndParent As Offset, Byval hMenu As Offset, Byval hInstance As Offset, Byval lpParam As Offset)
Sub ShowWindow (ByVal hWnd As Offset, Byval nCmdShow As Long)
Sub UpdateWindow (ByVal hWnd As Offset)
Function GetMessage& (ByVal lpMsg As Offset, Byval hWnd As Offset, Byval wMsgFilterMin As Unsigned Long, Byval wMsgFilterMax As Unsigned Long)
Sub TranslateMessage (ByVal lpMsg As Offset)
Sub DispatchMessage (ByVal lpMsg As Offset)
Sub PostQuitMessage (ByVal nExitCode As Long)
Function DefWindowProc%& (ByVal hWnd As Offset, Byval Msg As Unsigned Long, Byval wParam As Unsigned Offset, Byval lParam As Offset)
Sub GetRawInputData (ByVal hRawInput As Offset, Byval uiCommand As Unsigned Long, Byval pData As Offset, Byval pcbSize As Offset, Byval cbSizeHeader As Unsigned Long)
Function GetRawInputData~& (ByVal hRawInput As Offset, Byval uiCommand As Unsigned Long, Byval pData As Offset, Byval pcbSize As Offset, Byval cbSizeHeader As Unsigned Long)
Sub InvalidateRect (ByVal hWnd As Offset, Byval lpRect As Offset, Byval bErase As Long)
Sub SendMessage (ByVal hWnd As Offset, Byval Msg As Unsigned Long, Byval wParam As Unsigned Offset, Byval lParam As Offset)
Function BeginPaint%& (ByVal hWnd As Offset, Byval lpPaint As Offset)
Sub GetClientRect (ByVal hWnd As Offset, Byval lpRect As Offset)
Sub DrawText (ByVal hdc As Offset, Byval lpchText As Offset, Byval cchText As Long, Byval lprc As Offset, Byval format As Unsigned Long)
Sub OffsetRect (ByVal lprc As Offset, Byval dx As Long, Byval dy As Long)
Sub EndPaint (ByVal hWnd As Offset, Byval lpPaint As Offset)
End Declare
Declare CustomType Library "makeint"
Function MAKEINTRESOURCE%& Alias "MAKEINTRSC" (ByVal i As _Offset)
End Declare
Declare Library
Function MAKELPARAM%& (ByVal l As Integer, Byval h As Integer)
Function MAKELONG~& (ByVal l As Unsigned Integer, Byval h As Unsigned Integer)
End Declare
Declare Library "winproc"
Function WindowProc%& ()
End Declare
Dim Shared As String * 256 mousemessage
Dim Shared As String * 256 rawinputdevices
System Val(Str$(WinMain))
Function MainWndProc%& (hwnd As Offset, nMsg As Unsigned Long, wParam As Unsigned Offset, lParam As Offset)
Static As Offset hwndButton
Static As Long cx, cy
Dim As Offset hdc
Dim As RECT rc
Dim As MEM lpb
Dim As Unsigned Long dwSize
Dim As Long tmpx, tmpy
Static As Long maxx
Select Case nMsg
PostQuitMessage 0
MainWndProc = 0
Exit Function
GetRawInputData lParam, RID_INPUT, 0, Offset(dwSize), Len(rih)
lpb = MemNew(dwSize)
If lpb.SIZE = 0 Then
MainWndProc = 0
Exit Function
End If
If GetRawInputData(lParam, RID_INPUT, lpb.OFFSET, Offset(dwSize), Len(rih)) <> dwSize Then
Print "GetRawInputData doesn't return correct size!"
End If
While GetMessage(Offset(msg), 0, 0, 0)
TranslateMessage Offset(msg)
DispatchMessage Offset(msg)
WinMain = msg.wParam
End Function
Sub InitRawInput ()
Dim As Unsigned Long nDevices
If GetRawInputDeviceList(0, Offset(nDevices), Len(RawInputDeviceList)) <> 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim As MEM pRawInputDeviceList: pRawInputDeviceList = MemNew(Len(RawInputDeviceList) * nDevices)
GetRawInputDeviceList pRawInputDeviceList.OFFSET, Offset(nDevices), Len(RawInputDeviceList)
'This small block of commented code proves that we've got the device list
'Dim As RAWINPUTDEVICELIST rawdevs(0 To nDevices - 1)
'MemGet pRawInputDeviceList, pRawInputDeviceList.OFFSET, rawdevs()
'Dim As Unsigned Long x
'For x = 0 To UBound(rawdevs)
' Print rawdevs(x).hDevice, rawdevs(x).dwType
rawinputdevices = "Number of raw input devices:" + Str$(nDevices)
(09-08-2022, 05:57 PM)Spriggsy Wrote: @madscijr
Hey! I converted that C program over to QB64 and it works well. A good start in the right direction.
Attached are the header files you need.
Thanks! I will give this a try.
I am attaching my attempt, which compiles, but doesn't really work right.
It keeps opening new windows without closing them, and I don't know how to stop it without restarting the PC!
I think the problem is in "mooltiMouse4.c", which is the EXE that mooltiMouse4.bas calls using your pipecom_lite$.
Even calling the EXE one time results in window after window opening until either the PC blows up
(I restarted before that happened) or you restart.
09-08-2022, 06:49 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2022, 07:08 PM by SpriggsySpriggs.)
Oh. You are using this code wrong. This is the one based on that code you posted that has the batch file. The one that shows the device ID and then the info from the RAWINPUT struct.
I'm gettin' all confused lol. I'll have to take a peek at that zip file.
09-08-2022, 06:54 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2022, 07:01 PM by madscijr.)
(09-08-2022, 05:57 PM)Spriggsy Wrote: @madscijr
Hey! I converted that C program over to QB64 and it works well. A good start in the right direction.
Attached are the header files you need.
Code: (Select All)
Option Explicit
Console Off
As Unsigned Integer usUsagePage, usUsage
As Unsigned Long dwFlags
As Offset hwndTarget
End Type
As Offset hDevice
As Unsigned Long dwType
$If 64BIT Then
As String * 4 alignment
$End If
End Type
As Long x, y
End Type
Type MSG
As Offset hwnd
As Unsigned Long message
As Unsigned Offset wParam
As Offset lParam
As Long time
As Long lPrivate
End Type
As Unsigned Long cbSize, style
As Offset lpfnWndProc
As Long cbClsExtra, cbWndExtra
As Offset hInstance, hIcon, hCursor, hbrBackground, lpszMenuName, lpszClassName, hIconSm
End Type
As Long left, top, right, bottom
End Type
As Offset hdc
As Long fErase
$If 64BIT Then
As String * 4 alignment
$End If
As RECT rcPaint
As Long fRestore, fIncUpdate
As String * 32 rgbReserved
End Type
As Unsigned Long dwType, dwSize
As Offset hDevice
As Unsigned Offset wParam
End Type
As Unsigned Integer usFlags
$If 64BIT Then
As String * 2 alignment
$End If
'As Unsigned Long ulButtons 'commented out because I'm creating this value using MAKELONG
As Unsigned Integer usButtonFlags, usButtonData
As Unsigned Long ulRawButtons
As Long lLastX, lLastY
As Unsigned Long ulExtraInformation
End Type
End Type
Declare CustomType Library
Function GetRawInputDeviceList~& (ByVal pRawInputDeviceList As Offset, Byval puiNumDevices As Offset, Byval cbSize As Unsigned Long)
Sub GetRawInputDeviceList (ByVal pRawInputDeviceList As Offset, Byval puiNumDevices As Offset, Byval cbSize As Unsigned Long)
Function RegisterRawInputDevices& (ByVal pRawInputDevices As Offset, Byval uiNumDevices As Unsigned Long, Byval cbSize As Unsigned Long)
Function GetModuleHandle%& (ByVal lpModulename As Offset)
Function LoadIcon%& (ByVal hInstance As Offset, Byval lpIconName As Offset)
Function LoadCursor%& (ByVal hInstance As Offset, Byval lpCursorName As Offset)
Function RegisterClassEx% (ByVal wndclassex As Offset)
Function CreateWindowEx%& (ByVal dwExStyle As Unsigned Long, Byval lpClassName As Offset, Byval lpWindowName As Offset, Byval dwStyle As Unsigned Long, Byval x As Long, Byval y As Long, Byval nWidth As Long, Byval nHeight As Long, Byval hWndParent As Offset, Byval hMenu As Offset, Byval hInstance As Offset, Byval lpParam As Offset)
Sub ShowWindow (ByVal hWnd As Offset, Byval nCmdShow As Long)
Sub UpdateWindow (ByVal hWnd As Offset)
Function GetMessage& (ByVal lpMsg As Offset, Byval hWnd As Offset, Byval wMsgFilterMin As Unsigned Long, Byval wMsgFilterMax As Unsigned Long)
Sub TranslateMessage (ByVal lpMsg As Offset)
Sub DispatchMessage (ByVal lpMsg As Offset)
Sub PostQuitMessage (ByVal nExitCode As Long)
Function DefWindowProc%& (ByVal hWnd As Offset, Byval Msg As Unsigned Long, Byval wParam As Unsigned Offset, Byval lParam As Offset)
Sub GetRawInputData (ByVal hRawInput As Offset, Byval uiCommand As Unsigned Long, Byval pData As Offset, Byval pcbSize As Offset, Byval cbSizeHeader As Unsigned Long)
Function GetRawInputData~& (ByVal hRawInput As Offset, Byval uiCommand As Unsigned Long, Byval pData As Offset, Byval pcbSize As Offset, Byval cbSizeHeader As Unsigned Long)
Sub InvalidateRect (ByVal hWnd As Offset, Byval lpRect As Offset, Byval bErase As Long)
Sub SendMessage (ByVal hWnd As Offset, Byval Msg As Unsigned Long, Byval wParam As Unsigned Offset, Byval lParam As Offset)
Function BeginPaint%& (ByVal hWnd As Offset, Byval lpPaint As Offset)
Sub GetClientRect (ByVal hWnd As Offset, Byval lpRect As Offset)
Sub DrawText (ByVal hdc As Offset, Byval lpchText As Offset, Byval cchText As Long, Byval lprc As Offset, Byval format As Unsigned Long)
Sub OffsetRect (ByVal lprc As Offset, Byval dx As Long, Byval dy As Long)
Sub EndPaint (ByVal hWnd As Offset, Byval lpPaint As Offset)
End Declare
Declare CustomType Library "makeint"
Function MAKEINTRESOURCE%& Alias "MAKEINTRSC" (ByVal i As _Offset)
End Declare
Declare Library
Function MAKELPARAM%& (ByVal l As Integer, Byval h As Integer)
Function MAKELONG~& (ByVal l As Unsigned Integer, Byval h As Unsigned Integer)
End Declare
Declare Library "winproc"
Function WindowProc%& ()
End Declare
Dim Shared As String * 256 mousemessage
Dim Shared As String * 256 rawinputdevices
System Val(Str$(WinMain))
Function MainWndProc%& (hwnd As Offset, nMsg As Unsigned Long, wParam As Unsigned Offset, lParam As Offset)
Static As Offset hwndButton
Static As Long cx, cy
Dim As Offset hdc
Dim As RECT rc
Dim As MEM lpb
Dim As Unsigned Long dwSize
Dim As Long tmpx, tmpy
Static As Long maxx
Select Case nMsg
PostQuitMessage 0
MainWndProc = 0
Exit Function
GetRawInputData lParam, RID_INPUT, 0, Offset(dwSize), Len(rih)
lpb = MemNew(dwSize)
If lpb.SIZE = 0 Then
MainWndProc = 0
Exit Function
End If
If GetRawInputData(lParam, RID_INPUT, lpb.OFFSET, Offset(dwSize), Len(rih)) <> dwSize Then
Print "GetRawInputData doesn't return correct size!"
End If
While GetMessage(Offset(msg), 0, 0, 0)
TranslateMessage Offset(msg)
DispatchMessage Offset(msg)
WinMain = msg.wParam
End Function
Sub InitRawInput ()
Dim As Unsigned Long nDevices
If GetRawInputDeviceList(0, Offset(nDevices), Len(RawInputDeviceList)) <> 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim As MEM pRawInputDeviceList: pRawInputDeviceList = MemNew(Len(RawInputDeviceList) * nDevices)
GetRawInputDeviceList pRawInputDeviceList.OFFSET, Offset(nDevices), Len(RawInputDeviceList)
'This small block of commented code proves that we've got the device list
'Dim As RAWINPUTDEVICELIST rawdevs(0 To nDevices - 1)
'MemGet pRawInputDeviceList, pRawInputDeviceList.OFFSET, rawdevs()
'Dim As Unsigned Long x
'For x = 0 To UBound(rawdevs)
' Print rawdevs(x).hDevice, rawdevs(x).dwType
rawinputdevices = "Number of raw input devices:" + Str$(nDevices)
09-08-2022, 07:16 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2022, 07:18 PM by madscijr.)
(09-08-2022, 06:56 PM)Spriggsy Wrote: You need to have both headers in the same directory as QB64. Or, you can just change the declarations to the relative or absolute path of the headers.