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Drop down (& up) number pad
Trying to make my in house harvest database more usable for the non-technical members of my family, I came up with a GUI number pad for entering weight and moisture test data. The original was heavily dependent on my growing library of routines, but I incorporated all those into a single function to make it a little more universal for others to use. It will accept mouse click or keyboard input interchangeably. Numbers, period, enter or backspace are accepted.

Although it is for a 32 bit screen, it accepts LOCATE position data, in the row/column order as the second and third parameter. The first parameter sends a true if a floating point number is required, and a false if an integer is required by disabling the period input. It leaves the data echoed at the entry point.

Code: (Select All)
'OldMoses' number pad input subroutine - no sub/function dependencies
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(1024, 512, 32)
CONST true = -1
CONST false = 0
    FOR x% = 0 TO 1024 STEP 64
        LINE (0, x%)-(1023, x%), &H7F7F7F7F
        LINE (x%, 0)-(x%, 511), &H7F7F7F7F
    NEXT x%
    LOCATE 4, 1
    PRINT ">>>"
    row% = 4: col% = 4
    num! = Number_Pad(true, row%, col%)
    LOCATE row%, col%
    PRINT num!
    IF num! <> 0 THEN
        LOCATE 24, 5
        PRINT "number @ 24,20>"
        num2! = Number_Pad(true, 24, 20)
        LOCATE 24, 20
        PRINT num2!
        'LOCATE 15, 15
        'PRINT "number @ 15,30>"
        x1% = INT(RND * 100) + 1
        y1% = INT(RND * 30) + 1
        num3& = Number_Pad(false, y1%, x1%)
        LOCATE y1%, x1%
        PRINT num3&
    END IF
LOOP UNTIL num! = 0

'Display a number pad at upper left (xpos, ypos) position
'Set flt to -1 to enable floating point, 0 to disable
    backimg& = _COPYIMAGE(0) '                                  copy screen before number pad draw
    pm% = _PRINTMODE '                                          get prior printmode state
    c~& = &HFFAFAFAF '                                          set button color
    si% = _SHL(xpos, 3) '                                       set in position from left edge
    sd% = _SHL(ypos, 4) '                                       set down position from top edge
    IF sd% + 216 > _HEIGHT(0) THEN '                            keep within screen limits, set vertical adjust & vertical offset
        sd% = sd% - 216
        va% = 200: vo% = 208
        va% = -16: vo% = -8
    END IF
    lb$ = "789456123.0E" '                                      button label characters
    IF flt THEN al$ = "0123456789." ELSE al$ = "0123456789" '   allowable if float or not float
    df& = _DEFAULTCOLOR '                                       save default text color
    COLOR &HFF000000 '                                          button label color black
    FOR row% = 0 TO 3 '                                         button vertical ranks iteration
        sdr% = sd% + row% * 50
        FOR col% = 0 TO 2 '                                     button horizontal ranks iteration
            ps% = ps% + 1
            LINE (si% + col% * 50, sdr%)-(si% + 49 + col% * 50, sdr% + 49), c~&, BF
            c = 0
            FOR bb = 0 TO 12 '                                  SierraKen's button bevel
                c = c + 100 / 12
                LINE (si% + col% * 50 + bb, sdr% + bb)-(si% + 50 + col% * 50 - 1 - bb, sdr% + 50 - 1 - bb),_
                 _RGBA32(_RED32(c~&) - 100 + c, _GREEN32(c~&) - 100 + c, _BLUE32(c~&) - 100 + c, _ALPHA(c~&)), B
            NEXT bb
            _PRINTSTRING (si% + 21 + col% * 50, sdr% + 18), _TRIM$(MID$(lb$, ps%, 1)) 'button label
            IF NOT flt AND ps% = 10 THEN
                LINE (si% + col% * 50, sdr%)-(si% + col% * 50 + 50, sdr% + 50), &HAF000000, BF 'blank period
            END IF
    NEXT col%, row%
    COLOR df&
    DO '                                                        Building number loop
        LINE (si%, sd% + va%)-(si% + 150, sd% + va% + 16), &HFF0000FF, BF ' blue number echo field
        LINE (si% + 125, sd% + va%)-(si% + 150, sd% + va% + 16), &HFF7F7F00, BF 'backspace arrow field
        _PRINTSTRING (si% + 125, sd% + va%), "®®®" '            backspace indicator
        _PRINTSTRING (si%, sd% + va%), num$ '                   entry echo
        k$ = INKEY$
        IF k$ = CHR$(13) THEN '                                 enter pressed
            in% = -1
            IF k$ <> "" THEN GOSUB addstring
            k$ = ""
        END IF
            DO UNTIL NOT _MOUSEBUTTON(1) '                      Clear mouse button queue
                WHILE _MOUSEINPUT: WEND '                       to prevent multiple numbers / click
            IF ABS(_MOUSEY - (sd% + 25)) < 25 THEN '            within top button row
                IF ABS(_MOUSEX - (si% + 25)) < 25 THEN k$ = "7": GOSUB addstring
                IF ABS(_MOUSEX - (si% + 75)) < 25 THEN k$ = "8": GOSUB addstring
                IF ABS(_MOUSEX - (si% + 125)) < 25 THEN k$ = "9": GOSUB addstring
            ELSEIF ABS(_MOUSEY - (sd% + 75)) < 25 THEN '        within second button row
                IF ABS(_MOUSEX - (si% + 25)) < 25 THEN k$ = "4": GOSUB addstring
                IF ABS(_MOUSEX - (si% + 75)) < 25 THEN k$ = "5": GOSUB addstring
                IF ABS(_MOUSEX - (si% + 125)) < 25 THEN k$ = "6": GOSUB addstring
            ELSEIF ABS(_MOUSEY - (sd% + 125)) < 25 THEN '       within third button row
                IF ABS(_MOUSEX - (si% + 25)) < 25 THEN k$ = "1": GOSUB addstring
                IF ABS(_MOUSEX - (si% + 75)) < 25 THEN k$ = "2": GOSUB addstring
                IF ABS(_MOUSEX - (si% + 125)) < 25 THEN k$ = "3": GOSUB addstring
            ELSEIF ABS(_MOUSEY - (sd% + 175)) < 25 THEN '       within fourth button row
                IF ABS(_MOUSEX - (si% + 25)) < 25 AND flt THEN k$ = ".": GOSUB addstring
                IF ABS(_MOUSEX - (si% + 75)) < 25 THEN k$ = "0": GOSUB addstring
                IF ABS(_MOUSEX - (si% + 125)) < 25 THEN in% = -1 'enter clicked
            ELSEIF ABS(_MOUSEY - (sd% + vo%)) < 8 THEN '        withing number line/backspace row
                IF ABS(_MOUSEX - (si% + 137)) < 12 THEN '       within backspace arrow in number line
                    IF LEN(num$) > 0 THEN num$ = LEFT$(num$, LEN(num$) - 1) 'if digits then remove least significant
                END IF
            END IF
        END IF
        _LIMIT 30
        IF NOT _AUTODISPLAY THEN _DISPLAY '                     display changes if in display mode
    LOOP UNTIL in% '                                            loop until number entered
    _PUTIMAGE , backimg& '                                      redisplay original screen
    _FREEIMAGE backimg&
    SELECT CASE pm% '                                           return to prior printmode
    Number_Pad = VAL(num$) '                                    return value
    EXIT FUNCTION '                                             leave before gosub code

    IF k$ = CHR$(8) THEN '                                      if backspace pressed
        IF LEN(num$) > 0 THEN num$ = LEFT$(num$, LEN(num$) - 1)
        IF INSTR(al$, k$) <> 0 THEN num$ = num$ + _TRIM$(k$) '  add number to string
    END IF
    k$ = ""
This should be in the Wiki as part of a tutorial about portable GUI programming, as an example of using "_AUTODISPLAY", "_COPYIMAGE" and "_PRINTMODE" functions. The "main program" is a bit weird but it's just an example. On Linux should avoid "PRINT'ing" high-bit characters, if not from an external "MONOSPACE" TTF file because one of them could be interpreted in wildly different ways. For example I'm typing this from Devuan MATE, where I also compiled and ran your program. "Pluma" text editor has "registered trademark" character for one indicating the "backspace" thing. In your program when I ran the executable it displayed something totally different, one character taking up two character cells. :/

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