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Program Real Line Counter. Anyone want to jump in?
Mark asked about this, so I thought I whip up a little something to find out how many real line numbers are in a program. By real line numbers I'm talking about excluding spaces, but adding a line number count for the proper use of colons to separate statements on a single line.

I haven't goof proofed this yet, but I was hoping before going any further I could get some feedback or if anyone would like to modify it, etc. that's fine too. It might be fun for contests, etc. to have an "OFFICIAL" (ha ha) QB64 program line counter.

So basically it roots out trailing colons, REM statements with colons, both ' and REM, and any colons enclosed in quotes like PRINT statements. Did I miss anything? For instance, this routine counts...

CASE 1: PRINT "foo"

That colon is counted as an extra line.

     PRINT "foo"

If you think more conditions apply, it might be easy to add in the select case portion.

To try, just copy a forum post program or IDE program to the clipboard and run this code.
Code: (Select All)
PRINT "Line count analysis...": PRINT


    ' parse clipboard
    statement$ = UCASE$(MID$(x$, 1, INSTR(x$, CHR$(13)) - 1))
    x$ = MID$(x$, INSTR(x$, CHR$(10)) + 1)

    IF LEN(_TRIM$(statement$)) THEN
        program_ide_lines = program_ide_lines + 1
        FOR i = 1 TO 3
            SELECT CASE i
                CASE 1: mychr$ = CHR$(34)
                CASE 2: mychr$ = "'"
                CASE 3: mychr$ = "REM"
            END SELECT

            SELECT CASE i
                CASE 1 '  Double polling for enclosed quotes.

                    DO UNTIL INSTR(statement$, mychr$) = 0
                        IF INSTR(statement$, mychr$) THEN
                            statement$ = MID$(statement$, 1, INSTR(statement$, mychr$) - 1) + MID$(statement$, INSTR(INSTR(statement$, mychr$) + 1, statement$, mychr$) + 1)
                        END IF
                CASE ELSE
                    DO UNTIL INSTR(statement$, mychr$) = 0
                        IF INSTR(statement$, mychr$) THEN
                            statement$ = MID$(statement$, 1, INSTR(statement$, mychr$) - 1)
                        END IF
            END SELECT
        IF RIGHT$(RTRIM$(statement$), 1) = ":" THEN statement$ = MID$(RTRIM$(statement$), 1, LEN(RTRIM$(statement$)) - 1)

        REM PRINT statement$,

        ' count colons

        seed% = 0: linecnt = linecnt + 1: real_line_cnt = real_line_cnt + 1
        DO UNTIL INSTR(seed%, statement$, ":") = 0
            seed% = INSTR(seed%, statement$, ":") + 1
            real_line_cnt = real_line_cnt + 1
        program_ide_lines = program_ide_lines + 1
    END IF
    IF INSTR(x$, CHR$(10)) = 0 THEN myexit = myexit + 1
LOOP UNTIL myexit = 2
PRINT "Program IDE lines ="; program_ide_lines; "  Line count ="; linecnt; "  Real line count ="; real_line_cnt

Yes you are on track. The case of difficulty I have in mind is a legit one line use of colon in an Single line IF.

It might be debatable if that is legit use of colon as not counting as more than one statement, I would say... I don't know!?

If there is an IF, THEN if something follow THEN ignore it? (as far as colon counting goes).

If a <> b then a = a + 1 : b = b + 3 : goto anotherLine

Isn't that one line equivalent to
if a<>b then
a = a+1
b = b+ 3
goto anotherLine
end if

Do you see what I am getting at?
b = b + ...
Don't forget to count underscore ending lines as continuous lines.

"Hello _

The above is only one line of code, formatted to lay across multiple lines in the IDE for readability.
And, of course, colons don't necessary mean there's an extra line after them. I've seen code by at least a few of our members that looks like:

Locate 10, 10:: Print "Hello World"

Multiple colons for formatting, or searching, or some oddish reason -- but they do exist in various code snippets people have shared in the past. Smile
(10-22-2022, 08:52 PM)SMcNeill Wrote: And, of course, colons don't necessary mean there's an extra line after them.  I've seen code by at least a few of our members that looks like:

Locate 10, 10:: Print "Hello World"

Multiple colons for formatting, or searching, or some oddish reason -- but they do exist in various code snippets people have shared in the past. Smile

Someone's just colon happy, it should count against them for the excess ;-)
b = b + ...
Try this...

Code: (Select All)
PRINT "Line count analysis...": PRINT

PRINT "Press [1] to parse all colons or [2] the exclude colons after an IF statement.": PRINT

    _LIMIT 30
    b$ = INKEY$
    IF LEN(b$) THEN
        SELECT CASE b$
            CASE CHR$(27): SYSTEM
            CASE "1": myopt = 3: PRINT "Parsing all significant colons...": PRINT
            CASE "2": myopt = 4: PRINT "Parsing all significant colons not used in IF/THEN one line statements.": PRINT
        END SELECT
        IF myopt THEN EXIT DO
    END IF

IF RIGHT$(x$, 2) <> CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) THEN x$ = x$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) ' Compenstates for 1-line no return Notepad copy.

    ' parse clipboard
    statement$ = UCASE$(MID$(x$, 1, INSTR(x$, CHR$(13)) - 1))
    IF INSTR(statement$, CHR$(10)) THEN BEEP
    IF INSTR(statement$, CHR$(13)) THEN BEEP
    '''IF statement$ = CHR$(10) THEN statement$ = ""
    x$ = MID$(x$, INSTR(x$, CHR$(13)) + 2)

    IF LEN(_TRIM$(statement$)) THEN
        program_ide_lines = program_ide_lines + 1
        FOR i = 1 TO myopt
            SELECT CASE i
                CASE 1: mychr$ = CHR$(34)
                CASE 2: mychr$ = "'"
                CASE 3: mychr$ = "REM "
                CASE 4: mychr$ = " THEN "
            END SELECT

            SELECT CASE i
                CASE 1 '  Double polling for enclosed quotes.
                    DO UNTIL INSTR(statement$, mychr$) = 0
                        IF INSTR(statement$, mychr$) THEN
                            statement$ = MID$(statement$, 1, INSTR(statement$, mychr$) - 1) + MID$(statement$, INSTR(INSTR(statement$, mychr$) + 1, statement$, mychr$) + 1)
                        END IF
                CASE ELSE
                    DO UNTIL INSTR(statement$, mychr$) = 0
                        IF INSTR(statement$, mychr$) THEN
                            statement$ = MID$(statement$, 1, INSTR(statement$, mychr$) - 1)
                        END IF
            END SELECT
        IF RIGHT$(RTRIM$(statement$), 1) = ":" THEN statement$ = MID$(RTRIM$(statement$), 1, LEN(RTRIM$(statement$)) - 1)

        REM PRINT statement$,

        ' count colons

        seed% = 0: linecnt = linecnt + 1: real_line_cnt = real_line_cnt + 1
        DO UNTIL INSTR(seed%, statement$, ":") = 0
            seed% = INSTR(seed%, statement$, ":") + 1
            real_line_cnt = real_line_cnt + 1
        program_ide_lines = program_ide_lines + 1
    END IF

LOOP UNTIL x$ = ""
PRINT "Program IDE lines ="; program_ide_lines; "  Line count ="; linecnt; "  Real line count ="; real_line_cnt
Shoot first and shoot people who ask questions, later.
OK I put my counts at bottom in comment:
Code: (Select All)
Print "Line count analysis...": Print ' 1

Print "Press [1] to parse all colons or [2] the exclude colons after an IF statement.": Print '2

    _Limit 30
    b$ = InKey$
    If Len(b$) Then
        Select Case b$
            Case Chr$(27): System ' 3
            Case "1": myopt = 3: Print "Parsing all significant colons...": Print ' 6
            Case "2": myopt = 4: Print "Parsing all significant colons not used in IF/THEN one line statements.": Print ' 9
        End Select
        If myopt Then Exit Do
    End If

x$ = _Clipboard$ + Chr$(13)

    ' parse clipboard
    statement$ = UCase$(Mid$(x$, 1, InStr(x$, Chr$(13)) - 1))
    If statement$ = Chr$(10) Then statement$ = ""
    x$ = Mid$(x$, InStr(x$, Chr$(13)) + 1)

    If Len(_Trim$(statement$)) Then
        program_ide_lines = program_ide_lines + 1
        For i = 1 To myopt
            Select Case i
                Case 1: mychr$ = Chr$(34) '10
                Case 2: mychr$ = "'" '11
                Case 3: mychr$ = "REM " '12
                Case 4: mychr$ = " THEN " '13
            End Select

            Select Case i
                Case 1 '  Double polling for enclosed quotes.
                    Do Until InStr(statement$, mychr$) = 0
                        If InStr(statement$, mychr$) Then
                            statement$ = Mid$(statement$, 1, InStr(statement$, mychr$) - 1) + Mid$(statement$, InStr(InStr(statement$, mychr$) + 1, statement$, mychr$) + 1)
                        End If
                Case Else
                    Do Until InStr(statement$, mychr$) = 0
                        If InStr(statement$, mychr$) Then
                            statement$ = Mid$(statement$, 1, InStr(statement$, mychr$) - 1)
                        End If
            End Select
        If Right$(RTrim$(statement$), 1) = ":" Then statement$ = Mid$(RTrim$(statement$), 1, Len(RTrim$(statement$)) - 1) ' ??

        Rem PRINT statement$,

        ' count colons

        seed% = 0: linecnt = linecnt + 1: real_line_cnt = real_line_cnt + 1 '  15
        Do Until InStr(seed%, statement$, ":") = 0 ' ??
            seed% = InStr(seed%, statement$, ":") + 1 ' ??
            real_line_cnt = real_line_cnt + 1
        program_ide_lines = program_ide_lines + 1
    End If
Loop Until x$ = ""
Print "Program IDE lines ="; program_ide_lines; "  Line count ="; linecnt; "  Real line count ="; real_line_cnt

' 66 lines  9 blank lines  = 57 + 15 colons = 72
They match what your code comes up with but should we count a line that is only a comment?
b = b + ...
Sounds like another option. Oh shite on a stike, multiple options makes me think of what Steve is doing with pointers. Oh the freakin' horror! Oh well, Halloween's closing in.

Next up will address your REM lines, and Steve's two observations. Stay tuned. Same bat channel. Same bat station.

Meanwhile at another loacation MasterGy's Shaddowing program hand counted at 89 Ide - 20 blank + 85 = 154 LOC
Petes colon code got 155 and I wouldn't be surprised if I missed a colon:
Code: (Select All)
picture$ = "" '<-------- enter an image or leave the field blank

If _FileExists(picture$) Then
    text = _LoadImage(picture$, 33)
    temp = _NewImage(1, 1, 32): _Dest temp: Cls , _RGB32(255, 255, 255): text = _CopyImage(temp, 33): _FreeImage temp ' 4
End If

monx = 800: mony = Int(monx / _DesktopWidth * _DesktopHeight): monm = monx * .008: mon = _NewImage(monx, mony, 32): Screen mon: _FullScreen: _DisplayOrder _Hardware , _Software '10

Const pip180 = 3.141592 / 180
Dim Shared me(9), cosrotz, sinrotz, cosrotx, sinrotx, sinrot_cs, cosrot_cs

'cube locations, sizes
Randomize Timer
cube_res = 1000: cube_deep = 1000 '11
temp = _NewImage(cube_res - 1, cube_deep - 1, 32): _Dest temp: For t = 0 To cube_res - 1: For t2 = 0 To cube_deep - 1 ' 14
        PSet (t, t2), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, Int(255 / (cube_deep - 1) * t2) - 3)
Next t2, t: cube_text = _CopyImage(temp, 33): _FreeImage temp ' 16

'mask distance behind texture
Dim shdw_m(15000): For t = 0 To 15000: shdw_m(t) = Interpolate(.999, .97, 1 / 15000 * t): Next t ' 19

mapdim = 1000

'make cubes
obj_c = 200
Dim obj(obj_c - 1, 9): _Source deep_text: For t = 0 To obj_c - 2: For t2 = 0 To 2: obj(t, t2) = mapdim * Rnd: obj(t, t2 + 3) = 10 + 40 * Rnd: Next t2, t ' 25

For t = 0 To 2: obj(obj_c - 1, 3 + t) = mapdim / 2: obj(obj_c - 1, t) = mapdim / 2: Next t ' 28
For t = 0 To 2: me(t) = mapdim / 2: Next t: light = .2: me(4) = -.2: ut_me4 = -.2: ylook_limit = 80 'radian   ' 34

_Dest mon
Locate 1, 1: Print "moving:WASD       looking:mouse        light adjust : mousewheel" ' 35
Dim p(3, 2), p2(3, 2), pc(7, 9)
Do: _Limit 30
    mouse_sens_xy = .01: mouse_sens_z = .01 ' 36
    mousex = 0: mousey = 0: mousew = 0: While _MouseInput: mousex = mousex + _MouseMovementX: mousey = mousey + _MouseMovementY: mousew = mousew + _MouseWheel: Wend ' 43
    me(3) = me(3) + mousex * mouse_sens_xy: me(4) = me(4) + mousey * mouse_sens_z ' 44

    ylook_deg = ((me(4) / pip180) + 90): If Abs(ylook_deg) > ylook_limit Then me(4) = ut_me4 Else ut_me4 = me(4) ' 45
    rot_cs = (rot_cs + mousex * .001 * Abs(Sin(me(4)))) * .9
    light = light - mousew * 0.005: If light < 0 Then light = 0 Else If light > 1 Then light = 1 ' 46
    Locate 2, 1: Print "light:"; Int(light * 100); "%   " ' 47
    position_speed = 5
    kw = _KeyDown(119): ks = _KeyDown(115): ka = _KeyDown(97): kd = _KeyDown(100): new_direction = (Abs(ka Or kd Or kw) Or -Abs(ks)) * position_speed ' 51
    deg_XY = -90 * Abs(ka) + 90 * Abs(kd): szog_xy = me(3) + deg_XY * pip180: szog_z = me(4) ' 53
    me(0) = me(0) - Sin(szog_xy) * (1 - Cos(szog_z)) * new_direction
    me(1) = me(1) - Cos(szog_xy) * (1 - Cos(szog_z)) * new_direction
    me(2) = me(2) - Cos(szog_z + _Pi) * new_direction

    cosrotz = Cos(me(3)): sinrotz = Sin(me(3)): cosrotx = Cos(me(4)): sinrotx = Sin(me(4)): cosrot_cs = Cos(rot_cs): sinrot_cs = Sin(rot_cs) 'to rotating angles ' 58

    'draw cubes
    px1 = cube_res / 2: px2 = cube_res - 2 ' 59
    dl = cube_deep - 3: c_dis = Interpolate(50, 2500, light): temp = cube_deep / c_dis ' 61
    For a_obj = 0 To obj_c - 1: For t = 0 To 7 ' 62
            For t2 = 0 To 2: pc(t, t2) = (obj(a_obj, 3 + t2) * (Sgn(t And 2 ^ t2) * 2 - 1) + (obj(a_obj, t2) - me(t2))): Next t2 ' 64
            rotate pc(t, 0), pc(t, 1), pc(t, 2)
            pc(t, 3) = Sqr(pc(t, 0) * pc(t, 0) + pc(t, 1) * pc(t, 1) + pc(t, 2) * pc(t, 2))
            sm = shdw_m(Abs(Int(pc(t, 2))))
            For t2 = 0 To 2: pc(t, 4 + t2) = pc(t, t2) * sm: Next t2 ' 66
        Next t

        For t = 0 To 5: For t2 = 0 To 3: side(t2) = Val(Mid$("024623673175105445670123", 1 + t * 4 + t2, 1)): For t3 = 0 To 2: p(t2, t3) = pc(side(t2), t3): p2(t2, t3) = pc(side(t2), t3 + 4): Next t3, t2 ' 72

            _MapTriangle (0, 0)-(_Width(text) - 1, 0)-(0, _Height(text)), text To(p(0, 0), p(0, 1), p(0, 2))-(p(1, 0), p(1, 1), p(1, 2))-(p(2, 0), p(2, 1), p(2, 2)), , _Smooth
            _MapTriangle (_Width(text), _Height(text))-(_Width(text) - 1, 0)-(0, _Height(text)), text To(p(3, 0), p(3, 1), p(3, 2))-(p(1, 0), p(1, 1), p(1, 2))-(p(2, 0), p(2, 1), p(2, 2)), , _Smooth

            'shadow mask
            For t2 = 0 To 3: py(t2) = Int(temp * pc(side(t2), 3)): If py(t2) > dl Then py(t2) = dl ' 74
            Next t2
            _MapTriangle (1, py(0))-(px1, py(1))-(px2, py(2)), cube_text To(p2(0, 0), p2(0, 1), p2(0, 2))-(p2(1, 0), p2(1, 1), p2(1, 2))-(p2(2, 0), p2(2, 1), p2(2, 2)), , _Smooth
            _MapTriangle (1, py(3))-(px1, py(1))-(px2, py(2)), cube_text To(p2(3, 0), p2(3, 1), p2(3, 2))-(p2(1, 0), p2(1, 1), p2(1, 2))-(p2(2, 0), p2(2, 1), p2(2, 2)), , _Smooth
    Next t, a_obj


Function Interpolate (a, b, x): Interpolate = a + (b - a) * x: End Function ' 76
Sub rotate (px, py, pz2): px3 = px * cosrotz - py * sinrotz: py2 = px * sinrotz + py * cosrotz: py3 = py2 * cosrotx - pz2 * sinrotx: pz3 = py2 * sinrotx + pz2 * cosrotx '80
px4 = px3 * cosrot_cs - py3 * sinrot_cs: py4 = px3 * sinrot_cs + py3 * cosrot_cs: px = -px4: py = -py4: pz2 = -pz3: End Sub ' 85

' hand cound 89 Ide - 20 blank + 85 colons = 154 lines
It has another line now with my last comment added.
b = b + ...
Ah let's not call it "Pete's colon count." I'd like to think when I'm counting out loud I can't be accused of talking out of my ASCII.

So in that program, there are 90 colons, but 4 of them are enclosed in parentheses as PRINT statement, so that makes 86 extra lines produced by colons to add to the 69 program lines that contain remarks or statements, making a total of 155 real coding lines.

The not counting remark lines is a little wonkie, because it was an afterthought. I'll post that below, soon.


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