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10-22-2022, 10:59 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-22-2022, 11:12 PM by bplus.)
(10-22-2022, 10:29 PM)james2464 Wrote: Yeah I think the math is there now, but programming is a different story. So far I've failed to get this to work. The bounces sometimes go in the wrong direction, the ball goes through the line sometimes. The problem seems to be that the calculations are sometimes using wrong info, backwards +/- values etc so I'll need to sort all that out. One thing I'll be thrilled to get right is breaking up a frame. Sometimes the ball is moving at say 10 pixels per frame and it could go past the line by 7 pixels for example. I'd like to somehow correctly break that into two parts so that the ball bounces back those 7 pixels in the new direction. If that makes sense.
Makes absolute sense and backing a ball up is easy if you maintain a variable for the ball heading, say ba (in radians to avoid conversions for sin and cos)
Code: (Select All) while (intersect is reported as true) ' back up ball
bx = bx + ballSpeed * cos(ba - pi) ' reversed ball heading = ba +- pi
by = by + ballSpeed * sin(ba - pi) ' ditto
On old games of Ping Pong, Break Out, Air Hockey, maybe even Pool, I did not back up balls making that old code less than perfect.
I use to add dx and dy to ball location and if that was beyond a boundary I'd just move the ball back inside the boundary x, or y not both (wrong) and then just change dx = -dx for left and right side and dy = -dy for upper or lower boundary. It works but crude.
Also never make ballSpeed > ball radius for best result max ball speed = .5 * ball radius, that way ball doesn't jump past any obstacle like a wall that is supposed to stop it.
Here is how I use to code bouncing a ball around inside a rectangular frame:
Code: (Select All) Option _Explicit
_Title "Standard Reflection in a Rectangle Container, spacebar to restart" ' b+ 2022-10-21
' A quick demo of the wrong way I was doing bouncing balls and circles on rectangular borders
' Air Hockey, Ping Pong, Break Out games
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
_ScreenMove 250, 50
Randomize Timer
Dim Top, Left, Bottom, Right ' borders for rectangle
Top = 10: Bottom = _Height - 10: Left = 10: Right = _Width - 10
Dim x, y, r, a, speed, dx, dy ' for ball x, y position moving with heading a and speed so dx, dy with radius r
Dim i
x = _Width / 2: y = _Height / 2: speed = 5
r = 15 ' make ball radius (br) at least 2* speed
a = Rnd * _Pi(2) ' setup up ball in middle of screen/container random heading = ba (ball angle)
dx = speed * Cos(a): dy = speed * Sin(a)
Color &HFFFFFFF, &HFF008844
Line (Left, Top)-(Right, Bottom), &HFF000000, BF
For i = 0 To r Step .25
Circle (x, y), i, &HFFFFFFFF
x = x + dx ' test x, y is new ball position if dont run into wall
If x < Left + r Then x = Left + r: dx = -dx
If x > Right - r Then x = Right - r: dx = -dx
y = y + dy
If y < Top + r Then y = Top + r: dy = -dy
If y > Bottom - r Then y = Bottom - r: dy = -dy
_Limit 60
Loop Until _KeyDown(27) Or _KeyDown(32)
If _KeyDown(32) Then GoTo restart
b = b + ...
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Not sure if it will help, but I wrote a Pool Game a while back using a 2d physics engine I ported to QB from Randy Gaul's Impulse Engine.
I'm sure you want to do it yourself, but It might give you some ideas on how attack certain problems. I'm no expert on the math, but If you have questions, I'd be happy to help.
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I need to have a look at it after I get this parsing project finished. The jpeg looks amazing.
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10-23-2022, 12:46 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-23-2022, 07:17 PM by OldMoses.)
A while back I found a ray tracing function for 3D vectors that I used to check for spacecraft/planet collisions. By chopping out the Z axis stuff, I got it a little smaller and working for a 2D screen. Detects when a circle/ball in question; of a certain radius, touches or intersects a line in question. Needed are the start and end points of a line, a circle center position and radius.
Maybe useful, maybe not.
EDIT: Ah, turns out it's not. It's for infinite rays crossing the ball, rather than a ball intersecting lines. Changing ball4.y to 350 reveals the issue
Code: (Select All) 'Intersection test
'Up & down arrows change the radius of balls 1 - 3
'left and right arrows move ball 4 across its line
radius = 25
DIM AS V2 ball1, ball2, ball3, ball4, line1s, line1e, line2s, line2e, line3s, line3e, line4s, line4e
ball1.x = 50: ball1.y = 200
line1s.x = 100: line1s.y = 25
line1e.x = 100: line1e.y = 300
ball2.x = 150: ball2.y = 200
line2s.x = 175: line2s.y = 25
line2e.x = 175: line2e.y = 300
ball3.x = 300: ball3.y = 200
line3s.x = 310: line3s.y = 25
line3e.x = 310: line3e.y = 300
ball4.x = 50: ball4.y = 450
line4s.x = 200: line4s.y = 350
line4e.x = 400: line4e.y = 550
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(800, 600, 32)
IF _KEYDOWN(20480) THEN radius = radius - 1
IF _KEYDOWN(18432) THEN radius = radius + 1
IF _KEYDOWN(19200) THEN ball4.x = ball4.x - 1
IF _KEYDOWN(19712) THEN ball4.x = ball4.x + 1
IF Intersect(line1s, line1e, ball1, radius) < 0 THEN c& = &HFF00FF00 ELSE c& = &HFFFF0000
CIRCLE (ball1.x, ball1.y), radius, c&
LINE (line1s.x, line1s.y)-(line1e.x, line1e.y), c&
IF Intersect(line2s, line2e, ball2, radius) < 0 THEN c& = &HFF00FF00 ELSE c& = &HFFFF0000
CIRCLE (ball2.x, ball2.y), radius, c&
LINE (line2s.x, line2s.y)-(line2e.x, line2e.y), c&
IF Intersect(line3s, line3e, ball3, radius) < 0 THEN c& = &HFF00FF00 ELSE c& = &HFFFF0000
CIRCLE (ball3.x, ball3.y), radius, c&
LINE (line3s.x, line3s.y)-(line3e.x, line3e.y), c&
IF Intersect(line4s, line4e, ball4, 30) < 0 THEN c& = &HFF00FF00 ELSE c& = &HFFFF0000
CIRCLE (ball4.x, ball4.y), 30, c&
LINE (line4s.x, line4s.y)-(line4e.x, line4e.y), c&
FUNCTION Intersect (lsrt AS V2, lend AS V2, bpos AS V2, rd AS INTEGER)
dx! = lend.x - lsrt.x: dy! = lend.y - lsrt.y
A## = dx! * dx! + dy! * dy!
B## = 2 * dx! * (lsrt.x - bpos.x) + 2 * dy! * (lsrt.y - bpos.y)
C## = (bpos.x * bpos.x) + (bpos.y * bpos.y) + (lsrt.x * lsrt.x) + (lsrt.y * lsrt.y) + -2 * (bpos.x * lsrt.x + bpos.y * lsrt.y) - (rd * rd)
Intersect = (B## * B##) - 4 * A## * C##
'if Intersect < 0 then no intersection; if = 0 then tangent; if > 0 then intersection
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Making some progress. I worked out the line endpoint collisions, and I'm in the process of sorting out the side collisions. Some things don't quite add up. The endpoints work really well - when rotating the line with the mouse wheel, you can kind of make the ball go where you want.
Code: (Select All) 'vector reflection and line detection demo
Dim Shared scx, scy As Integer
scx = 800: scy = 600
Screen _NewImage(scx, scy, 32)
Const PI = 3.141592654#
Dim Shared x, y, h, xv, yv, ndpx, ndpy, rx, ry
Dim Shared cpa, cpb, a, b, a2, b2, xx, yy
Dim Shared c(10) As Long
c(0) = _RGB(30, 30, 30)
c(1) = _RGB(255, 255, 255)
c(2) = _RGB(255, 255, 0)
c(3) = _RGB(255, 0, 0)
c(4) = _RGB(0, 255, 0)
c(5) = _RGB(0, 255, 255)
c(6) = _RGB(255, 0, 255)
'location of wall center point
xx = 400
yy = 300
na = 45 'wall starting angle (mouse wheel controlled)
wlen = 150 'wall length - each half
ballrad = 40 'ball radius
xv = 1.5 'ball x velocity
yv = -3.5 'ball y velocity
sbx = 200 'starting x position
sby = 200 'starting y position
flag = 0
message = 0
_Limit 50
mouseclick1 = 0
Do While _MouseInput
na = na + _MouseWheel * 2
mx% = _MouseX
my% = _MouseY
If mx% < 0 Then mx% = 0
If mx% > scx Then mx% = scx
If my% < 0 Then my% = 0
If my% > scy Then my% = scy
lc% = _MouseButton(1)
rc% = _MouseButton(2)
If lc% = -1 Then mouseclick1 = 1
If rc% = -1 Then mouseclick2 = 1
'sbx = mx%: sby = my% 'ball controlled by mouse
sbx = sbx + xv
sby = sby + yv
If sbx > (scx - ballrad) Then
xv = xv * -1
t = sbx - (scx - ballrad)
sbx = sbx - t
End If
If sby > (scy - ballrad) Then
yv = yv * -1
t = sby - (scy - ballrad)
sby = sby - t
End If
If sbx < ballrad Then
xv = xv * -1
t = ballrad - sbx
sbx = sbx + t
End If
If sby < ballrad Then
yv = yv * -1
t = ballrad - sby
sby = sby + t
End If
'origin lines
'Line (0, yy)-(800, yy), c(0)
'Line (xx, 0)-(xx, 600), c(0)
Circle (sbx, sby), (ballrad - 1), c(2) 'screen location of ball
x = sbx - xx: y = 0 - sby + yy 'location relative to wall
'Locate 1, 1
'Print na, x, y
h = (_Hypot(-x, y))
nx = Cos(na * (PI / 180)) 'normalize wall angle
ny = Sin(na * (PI / 180)) 'normalize wall angle
dx = -x * ny * -1: dy = y * nx: ndp = dx + dy
'dot product V.N - used to find distance of N
'The distance of N is from the point of collision to the middle of line A
'line A is a line from point I to point R (parallel to the angled wall)
ndpx = Sin(na * (PI / 180)) * ndp
ndpy = Cos(na * (PI / 180)) * ndp
'angled wall
a = (Sin(na * .017453292)) * wlen
b = (Cos(na * .017453292)) * wlen
a2 = a * -1: b2 = b * -1
c(9) = c(1)
'find length of line A
segx = Abs(x - rx)
segy = Abs((yy - y) - (yy + ry))
sega = _Hypot(segx, segy)
'find distance from point I to wall endpoints
i2w1x = Abs(x - b)
i2w1y = Abs(a + y)
i2w2x = Abs(x + b)
i2w2y = Abs(y - a)
i2wh1 = _Hypot(i2w1x, i2w1y)
i2wh2 = _Hypot(i2w2x, i2w2y)
If i2wh1 < i2wh2 Then 'determine which end the ball is closer to
i2ws = 1: i2w = i2wh1
i2ws = 2: i2w = i2wh2
End If
If sega < (wlen * 2) Then
If Abs(ndp) <= ballrad Then ' ***** collision with side of the line *****
c(9) = c(3) 'if beside the wall, just check length of line N
collisionpointa = (Sin(na * .017453292)) * (sega / 2)
collisionpointb = (Cos(na * .017453292)) * (sega / 2)
If i2ws = 1 Then
cpa = yy + collisionpointa: cpb = xx + collisionpointb
End If
If i2ws = 2 Then
cpa = yy - collisionpointa: cpb = xx - collisionpointb
End If
Locate 3, 1
Print " i2ws"; i2ws
Circle (cpb, cpa), 5, c(4) 'circle the collision point
End If
If i2w <= ballrad Then ' ***** collision with endpoint of the line *****
c(9) = c(3)
If i2ws = 1 Then
cpa = yy - a2: cpb = xx + b
End If
If i2ws = 2 Then
cpa = yy - a: cpb = xx + b2
End If
Circle (cpb, cpa), 5, c(4) 'circle the collision point
End If
End If
Line (xx, yy)-(xx + b, yy + a), c(9) 'angled wall (collision with ball changes colour)
Line (xx, yy)-(xx - b, yy - a), c(9) 'angled wall (collision with ball changes colour)
If mouseclick1 = 1 Then 'show geometry lines
If sega <= (wlen * 2) Then
Line (cpb, cpa)-(cpb - xv * 80, cpa - yv * 80), c(2) 'collision to point I
'Line (cpb + x, cpa - y)-(cpb + rx, cpa + ry), c(4) 'line A
Line (cpb, cpa)-(cpb + rx, cpa + ry), c(3) 'collision to point R
Line (cpb, cpa)-(cpb + ndpx, cpa - ndpy), c(5) 'line N
End If
If sega > (wlen * 2) Then
If i2ws = 1 Then
Line (xx + x, yy - y)-(xx + b, yy + a), c(6) 'endpoint collision line
End If
If i2ws = 2 Then
Line (xx + x, yy - y)-(xx - b, yy - a), c(6) 'endpoint collision line
End If
End If
message = 1
End If
If message = 0 Then
Locate 1, 1
Print "Left click to show lines"
Print "Scroll mouse wheel to rotate"
End If
If mouseclick2 = 1 Then flag = 1
Loop Until flag = 1
Sub sidecollisionpoint
'calculate point R
th1 = _Atan2(-y, x) 'radian value of ball (point I)
'th1 = _Atan2(-yv, xv)
th2 = _Atan2(-ndpy, ndpx) 'radian value of line N
thd = th1 - th2 'find difference
th3 = th2 - thd 'subtract difference from line N
rx = Cos(th3) * h: ry = Sin(th3) * h 'point R position - th3 * length of point I to collision point
End Sub
Sub sidecollisionvector
tx = xv: ty = yv: th = _Hypot(tx, ty)
tx2 = tx / th: ty2 = ty / th
spd = _Hypot(tx, ty) 'speed of existing motion vector
th1 = _Atan2(tx, -ty) 'radian value of motion vector
th2 = _Atan2(-ndpy, ndpx) 'radian value of line N
thd = th1 - th2 'find difference
th3 = th2 - thd 'subtract difference from line N
newxv = Cos(th3): newyv = Sin(th3)
xv = newxv * spd: yv = newyv * spd * -1
End Sub
Sub endpointcollision1
tx = x - b: ty = y - a2: th = _Hypot(tx, ty)
tx2 = tx / th: ty2 = ty / th
txv = Abs(xv): tyv = Abs(yv): spd = _Hypot(txv, tyv)
xv = tx2 * spd: yv = ty2 * spd * -1
End Sub
Sub endpointcollision2
tx = x - b2: ty = y - a: th = _Hypot(tx, ty)
tx2 = tx / th: ty2 = ty / th
txv = Abs(xv): tyv = Abs(yv): spd = _Hypot(txv, tyv)
xv = tx2 * spd: yv = ty2 * spd * -1
End Sub
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After finding some mistakes in the reflection subroutine, this finally works as intended. Other than so far I haven't done any frame splitting. But the line seems to be doing the proper job of reflecting the ball at any angle - unless rotating the line at the same time it's colliding, then it errors out a bit. I suppose I could disable the mouse during the collisions.
Code: (Select All) 'vector reflection and line detection demo
Dim Shared scx, scy As Integer
scx = 800: scy = 600
Screen _NewImage(scx, scy, 32)
Const PI = 3.141592654#
Dim Shared x, y, h, xv, yv, ndpx, ndpy, rx, ry
Dim Shared cpa, cpb, a, b, a2, b2, xx, yy
Dim Shared c(10) As Long
c(0) = _RGB(30, 30, 30)
c(1) = _RGB(255, 255, 255)
c(2) = _RGB(255, 255, 0)
c(3) = _RGB(255, 0, 0)
c(4) = _RGB(0, 255, 0)
c(5) = _RGB(0, 255, 255)
c(6) = _RGB(255, 0, 255)
'location of wall center point
xx = 400
yy = 300
na = 44 'wall starting angle (mouse wheel controlled)
wlen = 150 'wall length - each half
ballrad = 40 'ball radius
xv = 1. 'ball x velocity
yv = 2. 'ball y velocity
sbx = 200 'starting x position
sby = 200 'starting y position
flag = 0
_Limit 100
Line (1, 1)-(scx - 1, scy - 1), c(1), B 'screen border
mouseclick1 = 0
Do While _MouseInput
na = na + _MouseWheel * 2
mx% = _MouseX
my% = _MouseY
If mx% < 0 Then mx% = 0
If mx% > scx Then mx% = scx
If my% < 0 Then my% = 0
If my% > scy Then my% = scy
lc% = _MouseButton(1)
rc% = _MouseButton(2)
If lc% = -1 Then mouseclick1 = 1
If rc% = -1 Then mouseclick2 = 1
'sbx = mx%: sby = my% 'ball controlled by mouse
sbx = sbx + xv
sby = sby + yv
If sbx > (scx - ballrad) Then
xv = xv * -1
t = sbx - (scx - ballrad)
sbx = sbx - t
End If
If sby > (scy - ballrad) Then
yv = yv * -1
t = sby - (scy - ballrad)
sby = sby - t
End If
If sbx < ballrad Then
xv = xv * -1
t = ballrad - sbx
sbx = sbx + t
End If
If sby < ballrad Then
yv = yv * -1
t = ballrad - sby
sby = sby + t
End If
'origin lines
'Line (0, yy)-(800, yy), c(0)
'Line (xx, 0)-(xx, 600), c(0)
Circle (sbx, sby), (ballrad - 1), c(2) 'screen location of ball
x = sbx - xx: y = 0 - sby + yy 'location relative to wall
'Locate 1, 1
'Print na, x, y
h = (_Hypot(-x, y))
nx = Cos(na * (PI / 180)) 'normalize wall angle
ny = Sin(na * (PI / 180)) 'normalize wall angle
dx = -x * ny * -1: dy = y * nx: ndp = dx + dy
'dot product V.N - used to find distance of N
'The distance of N is from the point of collision to the middle of line A
'line A is a line from point I to point R (parallel to the angled wall)
ndpx = Sin(na * (PI / 180)) * ndp
ndpy = Cos(na * (PI / 180)) * ndp
'angled wall
a = (Sin(na * .017453292)) * wlen
b = (Cos(na * .017453292)) * wlen
a2 = a * -1: b2 = b * -1
c(9) = c(1)
'find length of line A
segx = Abs(x - rx)
segy = Abs((yy - y) - (yy + ry))
sega = _Hypot(segx, segy)
'find distance from point I to wall endpoints
i2w1x = Abs(x - b)
i2w1y = Abs(a + y)
i2w2x = Abs(x + b)
i2w2y = Abs(y - a)
i2wh1 = _Hypot(i2w1x, i2w1y)
i2wh2 = _Hypot(i2w2x, i2w2y)
If i2wh1 < i2wh2 Then 'determine which end the ball is closer to
i2ws = 1: i2w = i2wh1
i2ws = 2: i2w = i2wh2
End If
If sega < (wlen * 2) Then
If Abs(ndp) <= ballrad Then ' ***** collision with side of the line *****
c(9) = c(3) 'if beside the wall, just check length of line N
collisionpointa = (Sin(na * .017453292)) * (sega / 2)
collisionpointb = (Cos(na * .017453292)) * (sega / 2)
If i2ws = 1 Then
cpa = yy + collisionpointa: cpb = xx + collisionpointb
End If
If i2ws = 2 Then
cpa = yy - collisionpointa: cpb = xx - collisionpointb
End If
Circle (cpb, cpa), 5, c(4) 'circle the collision point
_Delay .05
End If
If i2w <= ballrad Then ' ***** collision with endpoint of the line *****
c(9) = c(3)
If i2ws = 1 Then
cpa = yy - a2: cpb = xx + b
End If
If i2ws = 2 Then
cpa = yy - a: cpb = xx + b2
End If
Circle (cpb, cpa), 5, c(4) 'circle the collision point
_Delay .05
End If
End If
Line (xx, yy)-(xx + b, yy + a), c(9) 'angled wall (collision with ball changes colour)
Line (xx, yy)-(xx - b, yy - a), c(9) 'angled wall (collision with ball changes colour)
If mouseclick2 = 1 Then flag = 1
Loop Until flag = 1
Sub sidecollisionpoint
'calculate point R
th1 = _Atan2(-y, x) 'radian value of ball (point I)
'th1 = _Atan2(-yv, xv)
th2 = _Atan2(-ndpy, ndpx) 'radian value of line N
thd = th1 - th2 'find difference
th3 = th2 - thd 'subtract difference from line N
rx = Cos(th3) * h: ry = Sin(th3) * h 'point R position - th3 * length of point I to collision point
End Sub
Sub sidecollisionvector
tx = xv: ty = yv: th = _Hypot(tx, ty)
tx2 = tx / th: ty2 = ty / th
spd = _Hypot(tx, ty) 'speed of existing motion vector
th1 = _Atan2(tx, -ty) 'radian value of motion vector
th2 = _Atan2(-ndpy, ndpx) 'radian value of line N
thd = th1 - th2 'find difference
th3 = th2 - thd 'subtract difference from line N
newxv = Sin(th3): newyv = Cos(th3)
xv = newxv * spd: yv = newyv * spd * -1
End Sub
Sub endpointcollision1
tx = x - b: ty = y - a2: th = _Hypot(tx, ty)
tx2 = tx / th: ty2 = ty / th
txv = Abs(xv): tyv = Abs(yv): spd = _Hypot(txv, tyv)
xv = tx2 * spd: yv = ty2 * spd * -1
End Sub
Sub endpointcollision2
tx = x - b2: ty = y - a: th = _Hypot(tx, ty)
tx2 = tx / th: ty2 = ty / th
txv = Abs(xv): tyv = Abs(yv): spd = _Hypot(txv, tyv)
xv = tx2 * spd: yv = ty2 * spd * -1
End Sub
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This looks much better, the ball reflections look correct. Very nice coverage of end points.
b = b + ...
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(10-25-2022, 12:37 AM)bplus Wrote: This looks much better, the ball reflections look correct. Very nice coverage of end points.
Thanks! Now hopefully I can use this to make that angled outer boundary wall.
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This procedure should work good for stationary walls. I noticed if you "swing the bat" at the ball it will often stick together and gradually work its way, wiggling, to one end or the other before releasing. Kind of like it gets confused about which side of the line it hit.
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(10-25-2022, 10:47 PM)OldMoses Wrote: This procedure should work good for stationary walls. I noticed if you "swing the bat" at the ball it will often stick together and gradually work its way, wiggling, to one end or the other before releasing. Kind of like it gets confused about which side of the line it hit.
Yeah if the line moves during a doesn't really work too well. I'm starting to work on a multi (static) line version.