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Oh I read the mid$ and the drawing as figuring out which plane (surface) to draw.
b = b + ...
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Yeah that's it for sure, selecting a plane. But for some reason instead of "plane 1, plane 2" etc, or it uses the corner numbers and then grabs those from that string. It seems like a neat way to go about this. I would have had separate strings, like side1$ = "0246" and so on.
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(10-22-2022, 06:26 PM)bplus Wrote: So how many lines when Double Parking colons, :, removed?
Anyone got a quick app? Eh, has to distinguish a single line IF with block IF to insert END IF's in correct place.
Playing with it a bit, I chopped it down for ease of reading and I come in around 120 or so, excluding comments and whitespace. Still impressive.
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I added a sphere and transparency. Set an image at the beginning of the code!
Code: (Select All) 'picture$ = "eye.bmp" '<-------- enter an image or leave the field blank
picture$ = "earth.jpg" '<-------- enter an image or leave the field blank
'texture set alpha
If _FileExists(picture$) Then temp2 = _LoadImage(picture$, 32) Else temp2 = _NewImage(1, 1, 32): _Dest temp2: Cls , _RGB(255, 255, 255)
_Dest temp2: _SetAlpha 120: text = _CopyImage(temp2, 33): _FreeImage temp2
monx = 800: mony = Int(monx / _DesktopWidth * _DesktopHeight): monm = monx * .008: mon = _NewImage(monx, mony, 32): Screen mon: _FullScreen: _DisplayOrder _Hardware , _Software
Const pip180 = 3.141592 / 180
Dim Shared me(9)
'cube locations, sizes
Randomize Timer
Dim Shared shdw_text: cube_res = 5: shdw_deep = 256
temp = _NewImage(cube_res - 1, shdw_deep - 1, 32): _Dest temp: For t = 0 To cube_res - 1: For t2 = 0 To shdw_deep - 1
PSet (t, t2), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, Int(255 / (shdw_deep - 1) * t2) - 3): Next t2, t: shdw_text = _CopyImage(temp, 33): _FreeImage temp
Dim Shared shp(2): shp(0) = 1: shp(1) = cube_res / 2: shp(2) = cube_res - 2
Dim Shared shdw_m(15000): For t = 0 To 15000: shdw_m(t) = Interpolate(.99, .97, 1 / 15000 * t): Next t 'mask distance behind texture
mapdim = 1000: mtp_c = 10000: ord_c = 200000: Dim ord(ord_c - 1) As _Unsigned Long
'make cubes
size = mapdim
cube_c = 12
If cube_c Then
Dim obj(cube_c - 1, 9): For t = 0 To cube_c - 1
For t2 = 0 To 2: obj(t, t2) = mapdim * Rnd: obj(t, t2 + 3) = 20 + 50 * Rnd: obj(t, 6) = _Pi * Rnd * .2: obj(t, 7) = _Pi * Rnd * .2
obj(t, 8) = 0.02 * (Rnd - .5): obj(t, 9) = 0.02 * (Rnd - .5): Next t2, t
End If
'make spheres
sph_c = 5
If sph_c Then
Dim sp(sph_c, 10): For t = 0 To sph_c - 2: For t2 = 0 To 2
sp(t, t2) = mapdim * Rnd: sp(t, t2 + 3) = 35 + 35 * Rnd: sp(t, 6) = _Pi * Rnd * .2: sp(t, 7) = _Pi * Rnd * .2
sp(t, 8) = 0.02 * (Rnd - .5): sp(t, 9) = 0.02 * (Rnd - .5): Next t2, t
End If
For t = 0 To 2: sp(sph_c - 1, 3 + t) = mapdim * .8: sp(sph_c - 1, t) = mapdim / 2: Next t: sp(sph_c - 1, 10) = 1
Dim Shared pc(2999, 19), p_set(9)
'install spheres
For t = 0 To 2: me(t) = mapdim / 2: Next t: light = .2: ylook_limit = 80 * pip180 'radian
_Dest mon
Locate 1, 1: Print "moving:WASD looking:mouse light adjust : mousewheel"
Dim p(9, 2, mtp_c - 1), pi(3, mtp_c - 1), py(3, mtp_c - 1)
limit_comm = 1
Do: If limit_comm Then _Limit 30
If InKey$ = "l" Then limit_comm = limit_comm Xor 1
mouse_sens_xy = .01: mouse_sens_z = .01
mousex = 0: mousey = 0: mousew = 0: While _MouseInput: mousex = mousex + _MouseMovementX: mousey = mousey + _MouseMovementY: mousew = mousew + _MouseWheel: Wend
me(3) = me(3) - mousex * mouse_sens_xy: me(4) = me(4) + mousey * mouse_sens_z
If ylook_limit < Abs(me(4)) Then me(4) = ylook_limit * Sgn(me(4))
me(5) = (me(5) - mousex * .001 * Abs(Sin(me(4)))) * .9
light = light - mousew * 0.002 + (_MouseButton(2) - _MouseButton(1)) * .008
If light < 0 Then light = 0 Else If light > 1 Then light = 1
Locate 2, 1: Print "light:"; Int(light * 100); "% "
position_speed = 10: kw = _KeyDown(119): ks = _KeyDown(115): ka = _KeyDown(97): kd = _KeyDown(100): new_direction = (Abs(ka Or kd Or kw) Or -Abs(ks)) * position_speed
dirx = new_direction: diry = 0: dirz = 0: rotate_2d dirx, diry, -me(4): rotate_2d dirx, dirz, -(me(3) + ((kd - ka)) * _Pi / 2) - _Pi / 2
me(0) = me(0) + dirx: me(1) = me(1) + diry: me(2) = me(2) + dirz: light2 = light ^ 1 '+ Sin(Timer*10) * .005
mtc = 0
'draw cubes
If cube_c Then
p_set(0) = shdw_deep - 3: c_dis = Interpolate(50, 2500, light2): p_set(1) = shdw_deep / c_dis
For a_obj = 0 To cube_c - 1: For t = 0 To 7: For t2 = 0 To 2: pc(t, t2) = obj(a_obj, 3 + t2) * (Sgn(t And 2 ^ t2) * 2 - 1): Next t2
rotate_2d pc(t, 0), pc(t, 1), obj(a_obj, 6): rotate_2d pc(t, 0), pc(t, 2), obj(a_obj, 7)
For t2 = 0 To 2: pc(t, t2) = pc(t, t2) + (obj(a_obj, t2) - me(t2)): Next t2: point_set t: Next t
For t = 0 To 5: For t2 = 0 To 3: side = Val(Mid$("024623673175105445670123", 1 + t * 4 + t2, 1))
For t3 = 0 To 2: p(t2, t3, mtc) = pc(side, t3): p(t2 + 4, t3, mtc) = pc(side, t3 + 4): Next t3: py(t2, mtc) = pc(side, 7): Next t2
pi(0, mtc) = 0: pi(1, mtc) = _Width(text) - 1:: pi(2, mtc) = 0: pi(3, mtc) = _Height(text) - 1: mtc = mtc + 1: Next t, a_obj
End If
'draw spheres
If sph_c Then
c_dis = Interpolate(20, 2500, light2): p_set(1) = shdw_deep / c_dis: sp_minres = 9: sp_maxres = 32
For a_obj = 0 To sph_c - 1
dis = Abs(Sqr((me(0) - sp(a_obj, 0)) ^ 2 + (me(1) - sp(a_obj, 1)) ^ 2 + (me(2) - sp(a_obj, 2)) ^ 2) - sp(a_obj, 3))
da = Int(Interpolate(sp_maxres, sp_minres, 1 / 600 * dis))
If da < sp_minres Then da = sp_minres Else If da > sp_maxres Then da = sp_maxres
If sp(a_obj, 10) Then da = sp_maxres
db = Int(da * .7): ssq_c = Int((da - 1) * db): temp0 = _Pi / (db - 1): temp1 = _Width(text) / (da - 1): temp2 = _Height(text) / (db - 1): temp3 = 2 * _Pi / (da - 1)
For da2 = 0 To da: dega = temp3 * da2: For db2 = 0 To db: degb = temp0 * db2: ap = Int(da2 * db + db2)
pc(ap, 0) = Sin(degb) * Cos(dega) * sp(a_obj, 3): pc(ap, 1) = Sin(degb) * Sin(dega) * sp(a_obj, 4): pc(ap, 2) = Cos(degb) * sp(a_obj, 5)
rotate_2d pc(ap, 0), pc(ap, 1), sp(a_obj, 6): rotate_2d pc(ap, 0), pc(ap, 2), sp(a_obj, 7)
For t = 0 To 2: pc(ap, t) = pc(ap, t) + (sp(a_obj, t) - me(t)): Next t: point_set ap
pc(ap, 10) = ap: pc(ap, 11) = pc(ap, 10) + db: pc(ap, 12) = pc(ap, 10) + 1: pc(ap, 13) = pc(ap, 12) + db
pc(ap, 14) = (temp1 * da2) - 1: pc(ap, 15) = (temp1 * (da2 + 1)) - 1
pc(ap, 16) = Int(temp2 * db2): pc(ap, 17) = Int(temp2 * (db2 + 1)): Next db2, da2
For ap = 0 To ssq_c - 1: For t = 0 To 3: who = pc(ap, 10 + t): For t2 = 0 To 2
p(t, t2, mtc) = pc(who, t2): p(t + 4, t2, mtc) = pc(who, t2 + 4): Next t2: py(t, mtc) = pc(who, 7)
pi(t, mtc) = pc(ap, 14 + t): Next t: mtc = mtc + 1: Next ap, a_obj
End If
For t = 0 To ord_c - 1: ord(t) = 0: Next t
For a = 0 To mtc - 1: x = Abs(Int((p(0, 2, a) + p(1, 2, a) + p(2, 2, a) + p(3, 2, a)) * 20)): If x > ord_c - 1 Then _Continue
Do While ord(x) And x < ord_c - 1: x = x + 1: Loop: ord(x) = a + 1: Next a
For t = ord_c - 1 To 0 Step -1: If ord(t) = 0 Then _Continue
a = ord(t) - 1: For t1 = 0 To 1: t2 = t1 * 3
_MapTriangle (pi(0 + t1, a), pi(2 + t1, a))-(pi(1, a), pi(2, a))-(pi(0, a), pi(3, a)), text To(p(t2, 0, a), p(t2, 1, a), p(t2, 2, a))-(p(1, 0, a), p(1, 1, a), p(1, 2, a))-(p(2, 0, a), p(2, 1, a), p(2, 2, a)), , _Smooth
_MapTriangle (shp(0), py(t2, a))-(shp(1), py(1, a))-(shp(2), py(2, a)), shdw_text To(p(4 + t2, 0, a), p(4 + t2, 1, a), p(4 + t2, 2, a))-(p(5, 0, a), p(5, 1, a), p(5, 2, a))-(p(6, 0, a), p(6, 1, a), p(6, 2, a)), , _Smooth
Next t1, t
For a_obj = 0 To cube_c - 1: obj(a_obj, 6) = obj(a_obj, 6) + obj(a_obj, 8): obj(a_obj, 7) = obj(a_obj, 7) + obj(a_obj, 9): Next a_obj: 'cubes rotating
For a_obj = 0 To sph_c - 1: sp(a_obj, 6) = sp(a_obj, 6) + sp(a_obj, 8): sp(a_obj, 7) = sp(a_obj, 7) + sp(a_obj, 9): Next a_obj 'spheres rotating
Function Interpolate (a, b, x): Interpolate = a + (b - a) * x: End Function
Sub rotate_2d (x, y, ang): x1 = x * Cos(ang) - y * Sin(ang): y1 = x * Sin(ang) + y * Cos(ang): x = x1: y = y1: End Sub
Sub rotate_3d (x, y, z, ang1, ang2, ang3): rotate_2d x, z, ang1: rotate_2d y, z, ang2: rotate_2d x, y, ang3: End Sub
Sub point_set (ap): rotate_3d pc(ap, 0), pc(ap, 1), pc(ap, 2), me(3), me(4), me(5): pc(ap, 3) = Abs(pc(ap, 2)): If pc(ap, 2) < 0 Then sm = Int(pc(ap, 2)) Else sm = 0
If sm < 0 Then sm = 0
sm = shdw_m(sm): For t2 = 0 To 2: pc(ap, 4 + t2) = pc(ap, t2) * sm: Next t2: pc(ap, 7) = Int(p_set(1) * pc(ap, 3)): If pc(ap, 7) > p_set(0) Then pc(ap, 7) = p_set(0)
End Sub
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10-27-2022, 10:16 AM
Wow, MasterGy continues to amaze!
b = b + ...
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10-27-2022, 07:03 PM
@MasterGy thank you for creating this program. Also for allowing left and right mouse button presses to adjust the light although the top of the program screen says "mousewheel" to do it. ![Heart Heart]( One modification I would make is checking for "escape" key press to leave the program. But that's just me.