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Keyword of the Day!
From the topic here -- Code fix ( -- I was surprised to see both Dimster and OldMoses were both unaware of the INPUT$ function.  It's one of those commands that's been in the language since the beginning of time (back when cavemen used LET and such), so I just assumed everyone was familiar with it by now.  

Fool me once, as they say!

So the question then becomes, "What other keywords are folks missing out on?  And how can we help draw attention to those keywords, to make the user base aware of them?"

My solution??

Keyword of the Day!!  

Every day I'll run the little code below and TRY to write up an explanation and a few simple samples of whatever keyword the list gives me.  If it's a keyword that's already been covered, then YAYYYY -- I get a day off!!  For those that know the keyword, I encourage you to add any explanation and examples that you can with it, to showcase WHY one would use it and WHEN they would use it.  On any day which I might miss due to illness, life, or whatnot, I encourage any other user to feel free to run the code below and put up a sample for a Keyword of the Day!

Let's see how many days in a row we can go without missing one!

Code: (Select All)

ReDim KeyWords(0) As String

ParseList KeyWords(), listOfKeywords$
Randomize Timer
i = Int(Rnd * UBound(KeyWords)) + 1
Print "The KeyWord for the day is: "; KeyWords(i)

Sub ParseList (Array() As String, list$)
    ReDim Array(10000) As String
        p = InStr(list$, "@")
        Array(count) = Left$(list$, p - 1)
        list$ = Mid$(list$, p + 1)
        If Left$(list$, 3) <> "_GL" Then count = count + 1
    Loop Until p = 0
    ReDim _Preserve Array(count) As String
End Sub
Spectacular idea

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