11-21-2022, 11:27 PM
Today's Keyword of the Day is the first which has poor Steve shaking his head and sighing deeply over our documentation and wiki entries on it. Guys, do me a favor and toss the wiki examples out of your brains, as they're NOT what you want to do with _MOUSEINPUT at all.
Let me illustrate with the first example from the wiki:
Seems to work as advertised, so what's the problem here?
Nothing should go inside your _MOUSEINPUT loop, except for a _MOUSEWHEEL counter!
Let me show you why:
Take the first code and imagine trying to actually do something with it. Printing it inside that example loop isn't actually doing anything constructive for us -- it's just displaying all the mouse's minute movements as it crosses the screen. If we're going to check the mouse against a button, or some such, that we've draw upon our screen, we'll need to settle on o single value for that mouse position which we compare against -- and that's going to be AFTER WE EXIT THE LOOP.
^The above says we're not going to actually do anything with our _MOUSEX and _MOUSEY values... We'll only respond to them outside the loop.
And, as you can see from my second set of code, the end result is *always* going to print the same values as the last pass inside the loop did...
So why would we waste time processing a couple of dozen events, assigning them to overwrite the same values over and over and whatnot, when we're just going to toss those values out the door at the end of the loop??
IF both sets of the following code produce the same results, which is more efficient for us?
Both are going to generate the exact same values for x and y, so which is more efficient for us? The first code is going to assign several dozen temporary values to x and y, before exiting and giving us a final value for x and y. The second code skips all that intermittent assignment and just gives us the final result after the mouseinput loop.
Our second example in the wiki is just as poorly written, and is just as bad of an example.
Once again, the example is processing all sorts of crap inside that _MOUSEINPUT loop that it doesn't need to. Compile it. Run it. Watch how it behaves. And then compare to the following:
The only thing that needs to go inside a _MOUSEINPUT loop is possibly a counter to deal with _MOUSEWHEEL. Everything else should go outside it, or else you're going to end up lagging up your program to the point of uselessness.
MouseInput code should generally look like one of the two varieties below:
Attempting to process other code inside that mouseinput loop is just asking for trouble. Our wiki examples work for what they're showing, but what they're showing is about the worst possible structure I could imagine for use with _MOUSEINPUT. Honestly, they must've just written into the wiki when _MOUSEINPUT was first added into the wiki and nobody knew much about it.. As it stands now, those examples need an overhaul to show how to actually use them properly.
Let me illustrate with the first example from the wiki:
Code: (Select All)
DO WHILE _MOUSEINPUT ' Check the mouse status
Seems to work as advertised, so what's the problem here?
Nothing should go inside your _MOUSEINPUT loop, except for a _MOUSEWHEEL counter!
Let me show you why:
Code: (Select All)
Locate 1
i = 1
Do While _MouseInput ' Check the mouse status
Locate i, 1: Print _MouseX, _MouseY, _MouseButton(1), _MouseWheel
i = i + 1
If i <> 1 Then For z = i To 20: Locate z, 1: Print Space$(60): Next
Locate 21, 1: Print _MouseX, _MouseY, _MouseButton(1)
_Limit 120
Loop Until InKey$ <> ""
Take the first code and imagine trying to actually do something with it. Printing it inside that example loop isn't actually doing anything constructive for us -- it's just displaying all the mouse's minute movements as it crosses the screen. If we're going to check the mouse against a button, or some such, that we've draw upon our screen, we'll need to settle on o single value for that mouse position which we compare against -- and that's going to be AFTER WE EXIT THE LOOP.
Code: (Select All)
^The above says we're not going to actually do anything with our _MOUSEX and _MOUSEY values... We'll only respond to them outside the loop.
And, as you can see from my second set of code, the end result is *always* going to print the same values as the last pass inside the loop did...
So why would we waste time processing a couple of dozen events, assigning them to overwrite the same values over and over and whatnot, when we're just going to toss those values out the door at the end of the loop??
IF both sets of the following code produce the same results, which is more efficient for us?
Code: (Select All)
While _MouseInput
x = _MOUSEX: y = _MOUSEY
Code: (Select All)
While _MouseInput; Wend
x = _MouseX: y = _MouseY
Both are going to generate the exact same values for x and y, so which is more efficient for us? The first code is going to assign several dozen temporary values to x and y, before exiting and giving us a final value for x and y. The second code skips all that intermittent assignment and just gives us the final result after the mouseinput loop.
Our second example in the wiki is just as poorly written, and is just as bad of an example.
Code: (Select All)
DO ' main program loop
' your program code
DO WHILE _MOUSEINPUT'mouse status changes only
IF x > 0 AND x < 640 AND y > 0 AND y < 480 THEN
PSET (x, y), 15
LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT x, y
' your program code
Once again, the example is processing all sorts of crap inside that _MOUSEINPUT loop that it doesn't need to. Compile it. Run it. Watch how it behaves. And then compare to the following:
Code: (Select All)
Screen 12
Do ' main program loop
' your program code
Do While _MouseInput: Loop 'mouse status changes only
' your program code
x = _MouseX
y = _MouseY
If x > 0 And x < 640 And y > 0 And y < 480 Then
If _MouseButton(2) Then
PSet (x, y), 15
Locate 1, 1: Print x, y
End If
End If
Loop Until InKey$ = Chr$(27)
The only thing that needs to go inside a _MOUSEINPUT loop is possibly a counter to deal with _MOUSEWHEEL. Everything else should go outside it, or else you're going to end up lagging up your program to the point of uselessness.
MouseInput code should generally look like one of the two varieties below:
Code: (Select All)
While _MouseInput: Wend
Code: (Select All)
While _MouseInput
scrollwheel = scrollwheel + _MOUSEWHEEL
Attempting to process other code inside that mouseinput loop is just asking for trouble. Our wiki examples work for what they're showing, but what they're showing is about the worst possible structure I could imagine for use with _MOUSEINPUT. Honestly, they must've just written into the wiki when _MOUSEINPUT was first added into the wiki and nobody knew much about it.. As it stands now, those examples need an overhaul to show how to actually use them properly.