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Two or more finger on touchpad manager
CONST QB64 = QB64pe

Hi QB64 coders
QB64 developers
QB64 members of community

in what  manner do you manage modern input  mouse like touchpad of notebook?
Today new notebooks have customized input from touchpad with 2 or 3 or 4 fingers on it ....
how to catch and manage these new mouse input?
Where do you find and use the code for managing these modern mouse input?
In the old '80-'90 it was the new frontier managing mouse input (see call interrupt &H33, call absolute with binary code into an array), today the input with multiple fingers from a touchpad or another kind of input device is the new frontier.
I have get no good search result on stackoverflow.

Thanks for feedback boys and girls of QB64pe
If only it could be that neat on Linux. With this talk once in a while of "X-dot-org" stuff being obsoleted in favor of Wayland protocol. Also the Synaptics "synclient" stuff being ditched in favor of "libinput" except for some setups with window managers. Now I remember Fifi telling me about the kit on a Macintosh which could be possible on other computers, and it might be the end for me because I also resisted touchpads and portable phones of any kind.

The single-tap on button-less touchpad could be caught with _MOUSEBUTTON(1), and the double-tap with _MOUSEBUTTON(2) I guess, but "Launch Cortana" gesture and the four-tap... (facedesk)

But it might not be that different from having, for example this Logitech mouse I almost bought with "six buttons". Two of the "buttons", however, was nudging the mousewheel left and right which I thought was the flimsiest thing they ever designed. I expected better from Switzerland!
(04-11-2023, 09:43 PM)SMcNeill Wrote:

Thank you Steve
it is a wonderful link!

Taking a look at it I think I need a big amonunt of time for going through it.

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