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DIM AT -- feature request
PowerBasic has a very handy feature, the ability to dim at a certain address, for example suppose that you want to use a fixed-length string as a memory buffer
DIM buff As String * 256
DIM m(31) AS _Unsigned Long AT VARPTR(buff)

then you could access the array as usual but the values of the array m would be stored in the string buff
since QB64pe lacks arrays in Type, you could almost have that flexibility if you had Dim At
The "DIM" statement presented there looks confusing.

Therefore after many years I'm glad QB64 instead has _MEM and _OFFSET.

I understand, use "m(1), m(2)" etc. to access portions in "buff", but yet this could be simplified with _MEMGET and _MEMPUT wrapped into convenience functions. Because we are all using 64-bit there would be no performance penalty for it.
Hi @Jack

I just stumbled onto this in the issue tracker:

mechatronic3000 Wrote:I ran into a similar issue with my 2d physics engine. What I ended up doing is making the arrays into _MEM's (essentially making it a pointer) and I created some getters and setters to extract my data from the _MEM array.

Here is an example of what I did. You can make "test" and array in itself, however you have to do a _memnew for each element in the array.

Code: (Select All)

TYPE Example
Parameter1 AS INTEGER
Parameter2 AS INTEGER
Parameter3 AS _MEM

DIM test AS Example: test.Parameter3 = _MEMNEW(2 * 10) ' sizeof Integer * Number of elements

setter test, 2, 5
setter test, 6, 3
setter test, 9, 1

PRINT getter(test, 2)
PRINT getter(test, 6)
PRINT getter(test, 9)

SUB setter (test AS Example, index AS LONG, value AS INTEGER)
_MEMPUT test.Parameter3, test.Parameter3.OFFSET + (index * 2), value AS INTEGER

FUNCTION getter% (test AS Example, index AS LONG)
getter = _MEMGET(test.Parameter3, test.Parameter3.OFFSET + (index * 2), INTEGER)

This might help you as it helped me.
grymmjack (gj!)
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