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Fall Banner bplus WIP
OK much better! I got the leaves falling while the Title is printing out plus it looks like strong wind is blowing them off.

Fall Banner 2023 bplus WIP

Code: (Select All)
'Option _Explicit
'_Title "Fall Foliage Banner"
' started 2017-10-21 by bplus as: fall foliage.bas SmallBASIC 0.12.9 (B+=MGA) 2017-10-21

' 2023-08-30 start of QBJS Banner
' 2023-08-31 Logo and Hills added

' 2023-09-01 Fellippe I see contributed allot to orig code with moving leaves
' Also thanks to grymmjack for getting me starting of PFont and font patterns.
' Also thanks to dbox for catching all my errors with QBJS.

' 2023-09-03 try to fix font print to print while leaves are falling

Type new_Leaf
    x As Single
    y As Single
    w As Single
    h As Single
    c As _Unsigned Long
    isFree As Integer
    randomMove As Integer
    yvel As Single
    xvel As Single
    yacc As Single
    xacc As Single
End Type

Const gravity = .0005
Dim Shared totalLeaves As Long
Dim Shared horizon
Dim Shared wind
Dim Shared lastLeaf As Long
Dim Shared stopFrame As Long

Dim As Long Logo
$If WEB Then
        Logo = _LoadImage("", 32)
    Logo = _LoadImage("peLogo.png", 32)
$End If

'now for full viewing enjoyment xmx = screen width, ymx = screen height
Dim Shared xmx, ymx
xmx = 970 ' for banner
ymx = 256
Screen _NewImage(xmx, ymx, 32)
FontImage = _NewImage(_Width, 100, 32)

Dim spattern$(0 To 255) ' for 9x9 fonts from string patterns some reworked or added for banner
LoadPatterns9x9 spattern$()
Dim As Long i, scene
Dim trees, y, r, h, tim

While 1
    'Draw scene:
    ReDim Shared leaf(30000) As new_Leaf
    totalLeaves = 0
    stopFrame = 0

    horizon = rand&(.8 * ymx, .9 * ymx)

    'sky and hill background
    For i = horizon To ymx
        midInk 160, 188, 50, 100, 60, 25, (i - horizon) / (ymx - horizon)
        lien 0, i, xmx, i

    'fallen leaves:
    For i = 1 To 50 'less of these at start, as they'll grow in number anyway
        createLeaf rand&(0, xmx), rand&(horizon * 1.002, ymx)

    ' trees
    trees = rand&(5, 12)
    For i = 1 To trees
        y = horizon + .04 * ymx + i / trees * (ymx - horizon - .1 * ymx)
        r = .01 * y: h = rand&(y * .15, y * .18)
        branch rand&(50, xmx - 50), y, r, 90, h, 0
    '_PutImage (20, 80)-(150, 210), Logo, 0
    '_PutImage (xmx - 150, 80)-(xmx - 20, 210), Logo, 0
    'FPrint "QB64PE FALL EDITION", spattern$(), 12, 20, 5, 1, &HFFAAFF00, 1
    If scene < -1 Then _FreeImage scene
    scene = _CopyImage(0)
    tim = Timer(.01)
    'Animate scene:
    While (Timer(.01) < tim + 30) Or (tim > Timer(.01)) ' + 20 leaves off the N
        If Rnd < .5 Then wind = Rnd / 150 - Rnd / 800 Else wind = 0
        _PutImage , scene
        For i = 1 To totalLeaves
            moveLeaf leaf(i)
            drawLeaf leaf(i)
        _PutImage (20, 80)-(150, 210), Logo, 0
        _PutImage (xmx - 150, 80)-(xmx - 20, 210), Logo, 0
        FPrint "QB64PE FALL EDITION", spattern$(), 12, 20, 5, 1, &HFFAAFF00
        _Limit 30

Sub branch (xx, yy, startrr, angDD, lengthh, levv)
    Dim x, y, lev, length, angD, startr, x2, y2, dx, dy, i
    Dim bc~&
    x = xx: y = yy
    lev = levv
    length = lengthh
    angD = angDD
    startr = startrr
    x2 = x + Cos(_D2R(angD)) * length
    y2 = y - Sin(_D2R(angD)) * length
    dx = (x2 - x) / length
    dy = (y2 - y) / length
    bc~& = _RGB32(60 + 12 * lev, 30 + 7 * lev, 15 + 5 * lev)
    If 2 * startr <= 1 Then
        Line (x, y)-(x2, y2), bc~&
        For i = 0 To length
            fCirc x + dx * i, y + dy * i, startr, bc~&
    End If
    If lev > 1 Then createLeaf x2, y2
    If .8 * startr < .1 Or lev > 7 Or length < 3 Then Exit Sub
    lev = lev + 1
    branch x2, y2, .8 * startr, angD + 22 + rand&(-10, 19), rand&(.75 * length, .9 * length), lev
    branch x2, y2, .8 * startr, angD - 22 - rand&(-10, 19), rand&(.75 * length, .9 * length), lev
End Sub

Sub fCirc (CX As Long, CY As Long, R As Long, c As _Unsigned Long)
    Dim subRadius As Long, RadiusError As Long
    Dim X As Long, Y As Long

    subRadius = Abs(R)
    RadiusError = -subRadius
    X = subRadius
    Y = 0

    If subRadius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY): Exit Sub

    ' Draw the middle span here so we don't draw it twice in the main loop,
    ' which would be a problem with blending turned on.
    Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), c, BF

    While X > Y
        RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
        If RadiusError >= 0 Then
            If X <> Y + 1 Then
                Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), c, BF
                Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), c, BF
            End If
            X = X - 1
            RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
        End If
        Y = Y + 1
        Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), c, BF
        Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), c, BF
End Sub

Sub fRect (x1, y1, x2, y2, c&)
    Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), c&, BF
End Sub

Sub fRectStep (x1, y1, x2, y2)
    Line (x1, y1)-Step(x2, y2), , BF
End Sub

Sub lien (x1, y1, x2, y2)
    Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2)
End Sub

Sub createLeaf (x, y)
    Dim sp, leafs, n, xoff, yoff, woff, hoff
    sp = 15: leafs = rand&(0, 2)
    For n = 1 To leafs
        xoff = x + Rnd * sp - Rnd * sp
        yoff = y + Rnd * sp - Rnd * sp
        woff = 3 + Rnd * 3
        hoff = 3 + Rnd * 3
        totalLeaves = totalLeaves + 1
        If totalLeaves > UBound(leaf) Then ReDim _Preserve leaf(1 To UBound(leaf) + 5000) As new_Leaf
        leaf(totalLeaves).x = xoff
        leaf(totalLeaves).y = yoff
        leaf(totalLeaves).w = woff
        leaf(totalLeaves).h = hoff
        leaf(totalLeaves).c = _RGB32(rand&(50, 250), rand&(25, 255), rand&(0, 40))
End Sub

Sub moveLeaf (idx As new_Leaf)
    If idx.randomMove = 1 Then
        idx.randomMove = -1
        idx.randomMove = 1
    End If

    If idx.isFree Then
        'leaves falling
        If idx.y < horizon Then
            idx.yacc = idx.yacc + 3 * gravity
            idx.yvel = idx.yvel + idx.yacc
            idx.y = idx.y + idx.yvel
            idx.yacc = idx.yacc + 3 * gravity
            idx.yvel = idx.yvel + idx.yacc
            idx.y = idx.y + idx.yvel
            If idx.y >= horizon Then idx.isFree = 0
        End If

        idx.xacc = idx.xacc + wind
        idx.xvel = idx.xvel + idx.xacc
        idx.x = idx.x + idx.xvel
        If Rnd <= .02 And wind Then idx.x = idx.x + idx.randomMove
        If Rnd <= .02 And wind Then idx.y = idx.y + idx.randomMove

        'leaves waving in their branch
        If idx.y < horizon Then
            If idx.randomMove = 1 Then
                idx.randomMove = -1
                idx.randomMove = 1
            End If
            If Rnd <= .01 Then idx.x = idx.x + idx.randomMove
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Sub allFree
    Dim i&
    For i& = 1 To totalLeaves
        leaf(i&).isFree = -1
End Sub

Sub letLeafGo
    Dim which&, i&
    If Timer(.01) - lastLeaf > .002 Then
        For i& = 1 To 10
            which& = rand&(1, totalLeaves)
            If which& < 1 Then which& = 1
            If which& > totalLeaves Then which& = totalLeaves
            leaf(which&).isFree = -1
            lastLeaf = Timer
    End If
End Sub

Sub drawLeaf (idx As new_Leaf)
    Color idx.c
    fRectStep idx.x, idx.y, idx.w, idx.h
End Sub

Sub midInk (r1%, g1%, b1%, r2%, g2%, b2%, fr##)
    Color _RGB(r1% + (r2% - r1%) * fr##, g1% + (g2% - g1%) * fr##, b1% + (b2% - b1%) * fr##)
End Sub

Function rand& (lo%, hi%)
    rand& = Int(Rnd * (hi% - lo% + 1)) + lo%
End Function

Sub drawLandscape
    'needs midInk, rand&

    Dim i As Long, startH As Single, rr As Long, gg As Long, bb As Long
    Dim mountain As Long, Xright As Single, y As Single, upDown As Single, range As Single
    Dim lastx As Single, X As Long
    'the sky
    For i = 0 To ymx
        midInk 150, 150, 220, 255, 255, 255, i / ymx
        Line (0, i)-(xmx, i)
    'the land
    startH = ymx - 200
    rr = 125: gg = 140: bb = 120
    For mountain = 1 To 4
        Xright = 0
        y = startH
        While Xright < xmx
            ' upDown = local up / down over range, change along Y
            ' range = how far up / down, along X
            upDown = (Rnd * .8 - .35) * (mountain * .5)
            range = Xright + rand(15, 25) * 2.5 / mountain
            lastx = Xright - 1
            For X = Xright To range
                y = y + upDown
                Color _RGB(rr, gg, bb)
                Line (lastx, y)-(X, ymx), , BF 'just lines weren't filling right
                lastx = X
            Xright = range
        rr = rand&(rr + 65, rr): gg = rand&(gg + 45, gg): bb = rand&(bb - 25, bb)
        If rr < 0 Then rr = 0
        If gg < 0 Then gg = 0
        If bb < 0 Then bb = 0
        startH = startH + rand&(5, 20)
End Sub

Sub FPrint (s$, PA$(), x%, y%, scale%, spacing%, colr~&)
    ' s$ is string to "print" out
    ' PA$() is the array of string holding the font THE SQUARE pattern (must be NxN pattern)
    ' x, y top, left corner of print just like _PrintString
    ' scale is multiplier of pixeled font at NxN so now is Scale * N x Scale * N
    ' spacing is amount of pixels * scale between letters
    ' color~& type allows up to _RGB32() colors
    Dim As Integer ls, l, a, sq, r, c, i, digi
    Dim As Long frame
    Dim d$

    ls = Len(s$)
    For l = 1 To ls
        a = Asc(s$, l)
        If Len(PA$(a)) Then ' do we have a pattern
            sq = Sqr(Len(PA$(a)))
            'Print Chr$(a), sq  'debug
            For digi = 1 To 9
                d$ = _Trim$(Str$(digi))
                For r = 0 To sq - 1 ' row and col of letter block
                    For c = 0 To sq - 1
                        i = (r * sq) + c + 1
                        $If WEB Then
                                i = i + 1
                        $End If
                        If Mid$(PA$(a), i, 1) = d$ Then
                            Line (x% + ((l - 1) * (sq + spacing%) + c) * scale% + 4, y% + r * scale% + 4)-Step(scale% - 1, scale% - 1), &HFF000000, BF
                            Line (x% + ((l - 1) * (sq + spacing%) + c) * scale% - 1, y% + r * scale% - 1)-Step(scale% - 1, scale% - 1), &HFFFFFFFF, BF
                            Line (x% + ((l - 1) * (sq + spacing%) + c) * scale%, y% + r * scale%)-Step(scale% - 1, scale% - 1), colr~&, BF
                            frame = frame + 1
                            If frame >= stopFrame Then
                                stopFrame = stopFrame + 1
                                Exit Sub
                            End If
                        End If
        End If
End Sub

Sub LoadPatterns9x9 (SPattern() As String)
    Dim As Integer a
    a = Asc("S")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..111111."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2......."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2......."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..3......"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "...333..."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "......4.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".......4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".......4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "5555555.."
    a = Asc("T")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "111111111"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    a = Asc("A")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "...122..."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..1...2.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..1...2.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1.....2."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1333332."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1.....2."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    a = Asc("F")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "122222222"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333333.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    a = Asc("I")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..22222.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....1...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....1...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....1...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....1...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....1...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....1...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....1...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.."
    a = Asc("G")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1111111."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2....4444"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......5"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2......35"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.....3.5"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".33333..5"
    a = Asc("Q")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..11111.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2....5..4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.....5.4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2....55."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.5"
    a = Asc("O")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..11111.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.."
    a = Asc("D")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1444444.."

    a = Asc("6")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..11111.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2......."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.444444."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "24......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.."
    a = Asc("H")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "133333332"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    a = Asc("4")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "...1....2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..1.....2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "133333332"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........2"

    a = Asc("E")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "111111111"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2444444.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "233333333"
    a = Asc("N")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "12......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.2.....3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1..2....3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1...2...3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1....2..3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.....2.3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......23"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    a = Asc("B")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333333.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1444444.."
    a = Asc("L")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "122222222"
    a = Asc("U")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2222222."
    a = Asc("P")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333332.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    a = Asc("R")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333332.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.....4.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......4"
End Sub
b = b + ...
Looks great @bplus! Well done.

I put it online so you could see. I also modified it to use 1400 to show you what it will look like live.

LMK if it's ok.

grymmjack (gj!)
GitHubYouTube | Soundcloud |
(09-04-2023, 12:01 AM)grymmjack Wrote: Looks great @bplus! Well done.

I put it online so you could see. I also modified it to use 1400 to show you what it will look like live.

LMK if it's ok.


Yeah see I'd rather not have scroll bars, wow even a vertical one!

Imagine what Leonardo would say if they put the Mona Lisa in scroll bars.

Here is my view of it:
It's not terrible because the Font Title fits and you can see at least one Logo. Wow a vertical scroll bar too, rats!

Gotta say it is really cool to see the animation in a banner! Thanks @grymmjack for the test.
b = b + ...
I'm using Firefox v117 AppImage on Debian v12 "Bookworm", MATE desktop (old GNOME).

Maybe it's just me, but the animation interrupts before it finishes drawing all the letters on the top. It goes drawing each block of the letters slowly because it also has to drop some leaves from the trees. It looks great, only it doesn't finish drawing the message. I don't mind the scrollbars but the right-hand-side QB64PE logo, which is hidden at first is becoming lonely. I hope this description is helpful.
(09-04-2023, 01:57 AM)mnrvovrfc Wrote: I'm using Firefox v117 AppImage on Debian v12 "Bookworm", MATE desktop (old GNOME).

Maybe it's just me, but the animation interrupts before it finishes drawing all the letters on the top. It goes drawing each block of the letters slowly because it also has to drop some leaves from the trees. It looks great, only it doesn't finish drawing the message. I don't mind the scrollbars but the right-hand-side QB64PE logo, which is hidden at first is becoming lonely. I hope this description is helpful.

Ah the timer is different in Linux. The drawing of letters was timed in Windows to complete the drawing of letters in Title AND allow allot more leaves to fall before switching to the next scene. I could set a flag in the FPrint sub letting the main code know when the letters are done instead of using a timer.
Or maybe it is allot of processing for CPU and it is needing more than 1/30 of a second to complete a loop. That's more likely what is off. The flag should help that too.
b = b + ...
FontFlag is working great! I can get most of leaves fallen before cycling around to main loop for another set.

Fall Banner with moving leaves and FontFlag

Code: (Select All)

'Option _Explicit
'_Title "Fall Foliage Banner Move Leaves bak 2023-09-03"
' started 2017-10-21 by bplus as: fall foliage.bas SmallBASIC 0.12.9 (B+=MGA) 2017-10-21

' 2023-08-30 start of QBJS Banner
' 2023-08-31 Logo and Hills added

' 2023-09-01 Fellippe I see contributed allot to orig code with moving leaves
' Also thanks to grymmjack for getting me starting of PFont and font patterns.
' Also thanks to dbox for catching all my errors with QBJS.

' 2023-09-03 try to fix font print to print while leaves are falling
' tweak numbers for falling leaves for more and not too leaden.

' 2023-09-03 FontFlag to signal FPrint is done

Type new_Leaf
x As Single
y As Single
w As Single
h As Single
c As _Unsigned Long
isFree As Integer
randomMove As Integer
yvel As Single
xvel As Single
yacc As Single
xacc As Single
End Type

Const gravity = .0010
Dim Shared totalLeaves As Long
Dim Shared horizon
Dim Shared wind
Dim Shared lastLeaf As Long
Dim Shared stopFrame As Long
Dim Shared FontFlag As Long ' to signal Font has been finished

Dim As Long Logo
$If WEB Then
Logo = _LoadImage("", 32)
Logo = _LoadImage("peLogo.png", 32)
$End If

'now for full viewing enjoyment xmx = screen width, ymx = screen height
Dim Shared xmx, ymx
xmx = 970 ' for banner
ymx = 256
Screen _NewImage(xmx, ymx, 32)

Dim spattern$(0 To 255) ' for 9x9 fonts from string patterns some reworked or added for banner
LoadPatterns9x9 spattern$()
Dim As Long i, scene
Dim trees, y, r, h, tim

While 1
'Draw scene:
ReDim Shared leaf(30000) As new_Leaf
totalLeaves = 0
stopFrame = 0
FontFlag = 0

horizon = rand&(.8 * ymx, .9 * ymx)

'sky and hill background
For i = horizon To ymx
midInk 160, 188, 50, 100, 60, 25, (i - horizon) / (ymx - horizon)
lien 0, i, xmx, i

'fallen leaves:
For i = 1 To 50 'less of these at start, as they'll grow in number anyway
createLeaf rand&(0, xmx), rand&(horizon * 1.002, ymx)

' trees
trees = rand&(5, 12)
For i = 1 To trees
y = horizon + .04 * ymx + i / trees * (ymx - horizon - .1 * ymx)
r = .01 * y: h = rand&(y * .15, y * .18)
branch rand&(50, xmx - 50), y, r, 90, h, 0
'_PutImage (20, 80)-(150, 210), Logo, 0
'_PutImage (xmx - 150, 80)-(xmx - 20, 210), Logo, 0
'FPrint "QB64PE FALL EDITION", spattern$(), 12, 20, 5, 1, &HFFAAFF00, 1
If scene < -1 Then _FreeImage scene
scene = _CopyImage(0)
tim = Timer(.01)
'Animate scene:
While FontFlag < 1500 ' keep going 1500 more loops to drop allot of leaves
If Rnd < .4 Then wind = Rnd / 50 - Rnd / 800 Else wind = 0
_PutImage , scene
For i = 1 To totalLeaves
moveLeaf leaf(i)
drawLeaf leaf(i)
_PutImage (20, 80)-(150, 210), Logo, 0
_PutImage (xmx - 150, 80)-(xmx - 20, 210), Logo, 0
FPrint "QB64PE FALL EDITION", spattern$(), 12, 20, 5, 1, &HFFAAFF00
_Limit 30

Sub branch (xx, yy, startrr, angDD, lengthh, levv)
Dim x, y, lev, length, angD, startr, x2, y2, dx, dy, i
Dim bc~&
x = xx: y = yy
lev = levv
length = lengthh
angD = angDD
startr = startrr
x2 = x + Cos(_D2R(angD)) * length
y2 = y - Sin(_D2R(angD)) * length
dx = (x2 - x) / length
dy = (y2 - y) / length
bc~& = _RGB32(60 + 12 * lev, 30 + 7 * lev, 15 + 5 * lev)
If 2 * startr <= 1 Then
Line (x, y)-(x2, y2), bc~&
For i = 0 To length
fCirc x + dx * i, y + dy * i, startr, bc~&
End If
If lev > 1 Then createLeaf x2, y2
If .8 * startr < .1 Or lev > 7 Or length < 3 Then Exit Sub
lev = lev + 1
branch x2, y2, .8 * startr, angD + 22 + rand&(-10, 19), rand&(.75 * length, .9 * length), lev
branch x2, y2, .8 * startr, angD - 22 - rand&(-10, 19), rand&(.75 * length, .9 * length), lev
End Sub

Sub fCirc (CX As Long, CY As Long, R As Long, c As _Unsigned Long)
Dim subRadius As Long, RadiusError As Long
Dim X As Long, Y As Long

subRadius = Abs(R)
RadiusError = -subRadius
X = subRadius
Y = 0

If subRadius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY): Exit Sub

' Draw the middle span here so we don't draw it twice in the main loop,
' which would be a problem with blending turned on.
Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), c, BF

While X > Y
RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
If RadiusError >= 0 Then
If X <> Y + 1 Then
Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), c, BF
Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), c, BF
End If
X = X - 1
RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
End If
Y = Y + 1
Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), c, BF
Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), c, BF
End Sub

Sub fRect (x1, y1, x2, y2, c&)
Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), c&, BF
End Sub

Sub fRectStep (x1, y1, x2, y2)
Line (x1, y1)-Step(x2, y2), , BF
End Sub

Sub lien (x1, y1, x2, y2)
Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2)
End Sub

Sub createLeaf (x, y)
Dim sp, leafs, n, xoff, yoff, woff, hoff
sp = 15: leafs = rand&(0, 2)
For n = 1 To leafs
xoff = x + Rnd * sp - Rnd * sp
yoff = y + Rnd * sp - Rnd * sp
woff = 3 + Rnd * 3
hoff = 3 + Rnd * 3
totalLeaves = totalLeaves + 1
If totalLeaves > UBound(leaf) Then ReDim _Preserve leaf(1 To UBound(leaf) + 5000) As new_Leaf
leaf(totalLeaves).x = xoff
leaf(totalLeaves).y = yoff
leaf(totalLeaves).w = woff
leaf(totalLeaves).h = hoff
leaf(totalLeaves).c = _RGB32(rand&(50, 250), rand&(25, 255), rand&(0, 40))
End Sub

Sub moveLeaf (idx As new_Leaf)
If idx.randomMove = 1 Then
idx.randomMove = -1
idx.randomMove = 1
End If

If idx.isFree Then
'leaves falling
If idx.y < horizon Then
idx.yacc = idx.yacc + 3 * gravity
idx.yvel = idx.yvel + idx.yacc
idx.y = idx.y + idx.yvel
idx.yacc = idx.yacc + 3 * gravity
idx.yvel = idx.yvel + idx.yacc
idx.y = idx.y + idx.yvel
If idx.y >= horizon Then idx.isFree = 0
End If

idx.xacc = idx.xacc + wind
idx.xvel = idx.xvel + idx.xacc
idx.x = idx.x + idx.xvel
If Rnd <= .02 And wind Then idx.x = idx.x + idx.randomMove
If Rnd <= .02 And wind Then idx.y = idx.y + idx.randomMove

'leaves waving in their branch
If idx.y < horizon Then
If idx.randomMove = 1 Then
idx.randomMove = -1
idx.randomMove = 1
End If
If Rnd <= .01 Then idx.x = idx.x + idx.randomMove
End If
End If
End Sub

Sub allFree
Dim i&
For i& = 1 To totalLeaves
leaf(i&).isFree = -1
End Sub

Sub letLeafGo
Dim which&, i&
If Timer(.01) - lastLeaf > .002 Then
For i& = 1 To 10
which& = rand&(1, totalLeaves)
If which& < 1 Then which& = 1
If which& > totalLeaves Then which& = totalLeaves
leaf(which&).isFree = -1
lastLeaf = Timer
End If
End Sub

Sub drawLeaf (idx As new_Leaf)
Color idx.c
fRectStep idx.x, idx.y, idx.w, idx.h
End Sub

Sub midInk (r1%, g1%, b1%, r2%, g2%, b2%, fr##)
Color _RGB(r1% + (r2% - r1%) * fr##, g1% + (g2% - g1%) * fr##, b1% + (b2% - b1%) * fr##)
End Sub

Function rand& (lo%, hi%)
rand& = Int(Rnd * (hi% - lo% + 1)) + lo%
End Function

Sub drawLandscape
'needs midInk, rand&

Dim i As Long, startH As Single, rr As Long, gg As Long, bb As Long
Dim mountain As Long, Xright As Single, y As Single, upDown As Single, range As Single
Dim lastx As Single, X As Long
'the sky
For i = 0 To ymx
midInk 150, 150, 220, 255, 255, 255, i / ymx
Line (0, i)-(xmx, i)
'the land
startH = ymx - 200
rr = 125: gg = 140: bb = 120
For mountain = 1 To 4
Xright = 0
y = startH
While Xright < xmx
' upDown = local up / down over range, change along Y
' range = how far up / down, along X
upDown = (Rnd * .8 - .35) * (mountain * .5)
range = Xright + rand(15, 25) * 2.5 / mountain
lastx = Xright - 1
For X = Xright To range
y = y + upDown
Color _RGB(rr, gg, bb)
Line (lastx, y)-(X, ymx), , BF 'just lines weren't filling right
lastx = X
Xright = range
rr = rand&(rr + 65, rr): gg = rand&(gg + 45, gg): bb = rand&(bb - 25, bb)
If rr < 0 Then rr = 0
If gg < 0 Then gg = 0
If bb < 0 Then bb = 0
startH = startH + rand&(5, 20)
End Sub

Sub FPrint (s$, PA$(), x%, y%, scale%, spacing%, colr~&)
' s$ is string to "print" out
' PA$() is the array of string holding the font THE SQUARE pattern (must be NxN pattern)
' x, y top, left corner of print just like _PrintString
' scale is multiplier of pixeled font at NxN so now is Scale * N x Scale * N
' spacing is amount of pixels * scale between letters
' color~& type allows up to _RGB32() colors
Dim As Integer ls, l, a, sq, r, c, i, digi
Dim As Long frame
Dim d$

ls = Len(s$)
For l = 1 To ls
a = Asc(s$, l)
If Len(PA$(a)) Then ' do we have a pattern
sq = Sqr(Len(PA$(a)))
'Print Chr$(a), sq 'debug
For digi = 1 To 9
d$ = _Trim$(Str$(digi))
For r = 0 To sq - 1 ' row and col of letter block
For c = 0 To sq - 1
i = (r * sq) + c + 1
$If WEB Then
i = i + 1
$End If
If Mid$(PA$(a), i, 1) = d$ Then
Line (x% + ((l - 1) * (sq + spacing%) + c) * scale% + 4, y% + r * scale% + 4)-Step(scale% - 1, scale% - 1), &HFF000000, BF
Line (x% + ((l - 1) * (sq + spacing%) + c) * scale% - 1, y% + r * scale% - 1)-Step(scale% - 1, scale% - 1), &HFFFFFFFF, BF
Line (x% + ((l - 1) * (sq + spacing%) + c) * scale%, y% + r * scale%)-Step(scale% - 1, scale% - 1), colr~&, BF
frame = frame + 1
If frame >= stopFrame Then
stopFrame = stopFrame + 1
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
FontFlag = FontFlag + 1
' _Title Str$(FontFlag) ' checking how long it needs to cycle after letters are complete
End Sub

Sub LoadPatterns9x9 (SPattern() As String)
Dim As Integer a
a = Asc("S")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..111111."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2......."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2......."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..3......"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "...333..."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "......4.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".......4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".......4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "5555555.."
a = Asc("T")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "111111111"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
a = Asc("A")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "...122..."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..1...2.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..1...2.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1.....2."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1333332."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1.....2."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
a = Asc("F")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "122222222"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333333.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
a = Asc("I")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..22222.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....1...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....1...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....1...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....1...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....1...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....1...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....1...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.."
a = Asc("G")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1111111."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2....4444"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......5"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2......35"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.....3.5"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".33333..5"
a = Asc("Q")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..11111.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2....5..4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.....5.4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2....55."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.5"
a = Asc("O")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..11111.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.."
a = Asc("D")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1444444.."

a = Asc("6")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..11111.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2......."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.444444."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "24......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.."
a = Asc("H")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "133333332"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
a = Asc("4")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "...1....2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..1.....2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "133333332"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........2"

a = Asc("E")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "111111111"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2444444.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "233333333"
a = Asc("N")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "12......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.2.....3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1..2....3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1...2...3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1....2..3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.....2.3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......23"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
a = Asc("B")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333333.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1444444.."
a = Asc("L")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "122222222"
a = Asc("U")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2222222."
a = Asc("P")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333332.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
a = Asc("R")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333332.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.....4.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......4"
End Sub

b = b + ...
(09-04-2023, 01:31 AM)bplus Wrote: Yeah see I'd rather not have scroll bars, wow even a vertical one!

Imagine what Leonardo would say if they put the Mona Lisa in scroll bars.

Here is my view of it:

It's not terrible because the Font Title fits and you can see at least one Logo. Wow a vertical scroll bar too, rats!

Gotta say it is really cool to see the animation in a banner! Thanks @grymmjack for the test.

I can try to get rid of the scrollbars.
grymmjack (gj!)
GitHubYouTube | Soundcloud |
(09-04-2023, 01:31 AM)bplus Wrote: Yeah see I'd rather not have scroll bars, wow even a vertical one!

I have updated staging with your banner FontFlag and added the following for your code to remove the scrollbars in qbjs:

Code: (Select All)
Import Dom From "lib/web/dom.bas"
Dom.Container().style.overflow = "hidden"

Put this right at the top.
grymmjack (gj!)
GitHubYouTube | Soundcloud |
OK thanks @grymmjack

I am getting use to seeing this with only the left Logo only. Not bad.

I hope this version works in Linux as it does in Windows. Might take a really long time to print all Letters and do another 1500 loops of falling leaves on slower machines. So basically one banner set per visit?

Next fix, don't allow leaves to land on tree trunks a foot or 2 up from the ground. Doesn't look right.
b = b + ...
OK lot's of little things including fixing font prints, adding treeType to fix leaves sticking to trees 2 feet up the trunk. I tried Point first to detect tree trunk color. It did not work all that great in QB64 and QBJS did not like at all. So I found another way around by redrawing the tree trunks.

So here is latest:
[Broken link error #413]
Hey is the QBJS Server is giving me an error when I try to test the Shared Code link from this forum. I retried 3 times. The code works fine in QBJS but the shared code link 413's an Error???

Code: (Select All)
'Option _Explicit
'_Title "Fall Foliage Banner Move Leaves"  2023-09-03 bak copy
' started 2017-10-21 by bplus as: fall foliage.bas SmallBASIC 0.12.9 (B+=MGA) 2017-10-21

' 2023-08-30 start of QBJS Banner
' 2023-08-31 Logo and Hills added

' 2023-09-01 Fellippe I see contributed allot to orig code with moving leaves
' Also thanks to grymmjack for getting me starting of PFont and font patterns.
' Also thanks to dbox for catching all my errors with QBJS.

' 2023-09-03 try to fix font print to print while leaves are falling
' tweak numbers for falling leaves for more and not too leaden.

' 2023-09-03 FontFlag to signal FPrint is done

' 2023-09-04 do not stop leaves falling when on a tree trunk
' Ran into problems with QBJS handling Point see commented code in MoveLeaf
' So this keeps moving leaves without Point
' Clean up code a bit fix letters shadows, toss junk subs
' Aha! found a way to get leaves off tree trunks = redraw trunks!
' New Type Tree

Type treeType
    x As Single
    y As Single
    r As Single
    h As Single
End Type

Type new_Leaf
    x As Single
    y As Single
    w As Single
    h As Single
    c As _Unsigned Long
    isFree As Integer
    rx As Integer
    ry As Integer
    yvel As Single
    xvel As Single
    yacc As Single
    xacc As Single
End Type

Const gravity = .0010

Dim Shared totalLeaves As Long
Dim Shared horizon
Dim Shared wind
Dim Shared stopFrame As Long
Dim Shared FontFlag As Long ' to signal Font has been finished
'Dim Shared TreeTrunkClr As _Unsigned Long
' TreeTrunkClr = _RGB32(60, 30, 15) ' lev 0 color  QBJS Point not working

Dim As Long Logo
$If WEB Then
        Logo = _LoadImage("", 32)
    Logo = _LoadImage("peLogo.png", 32)
$End If

'now for full viewing enjoyment xmx = screen width, ymx = screen height
Dim Shared xmx, ymx
xmx = 1200 ' for banner 1400 doesn't fit my screen so using 1200 for broader expanse look
ymx = 256
Screen _NewImage(xmx, ymx, 32) ' grymmjack set on making this 1400 it appears OK

Dim spattern$(0 To 255) ' for 9x9 fonts from string patterns some reworked or added for banner
LoadPatterns9x9 spattern$()
Dim As Long i, scene, trees

While 1
    'Draw scene:
    ReDim Shared leaf(30000) As new_Leaf
    totalLeaves = 0
    stopFrame = 0
    FontFlag = 0

    horizon = rand&(.8 * ymx, .9 * ymx)

    'sky and hill background
    For i = horizon To ymx
        midInk 160, 188, 50, 100, 60, 25, (i - horizon) / (ymx - horizon)
        Line (0, i)-(xmx, i)

    'fallen leaves:
    For i = 1 To 50 'less of these at start, as they'll grow in number anyway
        createLeaf rand&(0, xmx), rand&(horizon * 1.002, ymx)

    ' trees
    trees = rand&(5, 12)
    ReDim tree(1 To trees) As treeType
    For i = 1 To trees
        tree(i).x = rand&(50, xmx - 50)
        tree(i).y = horizon + .04 * ymx + i / trees * (ymx - horizon - .1 * ymx)
        tree(i).r = .01 * tree(i).y
        tree(i).h = rand&(tree(i).y * .15, tree(i).y * .18)
        branch tree(i).x, tree(i).y, tree(i).r, 90, tree(i).h, 0, 7

    If scene < -1 Then _FreeImage scene
    scene = _CopyImage(0) ' take a picture of bare trees before they are clothed with leaves

    'Animate scene:
    While FontFlag < 1500 ' keep going 1500 more loops to drop allot of leaves
        If Rnd < .4 Then wind = Rnd / 50 - Rnd / 800 Else wind = 0
        _PutImage , scene
        For i = 1 To totalLeaves
            moveLeaf leaf(i)
            Line (leaf(i).x, leaf(i).y)-Step(leaf(i).w, leaf(i).h), leaf(i).c, BF
        _PutImage (20, 80)-(150, 210), Logo, 0
        _PutImage (xmx - 150, 80)-(xmx - 20, 210), Logo, 0

        ' this draws one letter squares at a time until title is complete
        ' the FontFlag is increased by 1 for 1500 loops after letters are complete
        FPrint "QB64PE FALL EDITION", spattern$(), 12, 20, 5, 1, &HFFAAFF00

        ' draw tree trunks again
        For i = 1 To trees
            branch tree(i).x, tree(i).y, tree(i).r, 90, tree(i).h, 0, -1
        _Limit 30

Sub branch (xx, yy, startrr, angDD, lengthh, levv, stopLev)
    Dim x, y, lev, length, angD, startr, x2, y2, dx, dy, i
    Dim bc~&
    x = xx: y = yy
    lev = levv
    length = lengthh
    angD = angDD
    startr = startrr
    x2 = x + Cos(_D2R(angD)) * length
    y2 = y - Sin(_D2R(angD)) * length
    dx = (x2 - x) / length
    dy = (y2 - y) / length
    bc~& = _RGB32(60 + 12 * lev, 30 + 7 * lev, 15 + 5 * lev)
    If 2 * startr <= 1 Then
        Line (x, y)-(x2, y2), bc~&
        For i = 0 To length
            fCirc x + dx * i, y + dy * i, startr, bc~&
    End If
    If lev > 1 Then createLeaf x2, y2
    If .8 * startr < .1 Or lev > stopLev Or length < 3 Then Exit Sub
    lev = lev + 1
    branch x2, y2, .8 * startr, angD + 22 + rand&(-10, 19), rand&(.75 * length, .9 * length), lev, stopLev
    branch x2, y2, .8 * startr, angD - 22 - rand&(-10, 19), rand&(.75 * length, .9 * length), lev, stopLev
End Sub

Sub fCirc (CX As Long, CY As Long, R As Long, c As _Unsigned Long)
    Dim subRadius As Long, RadiusError As Long
    Dim X As Long, Y As Long

    subRadius = Abs(R)
    RadiusError = -subRadius
    X = subRadius
    Y = 0

    If subRadius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY): Exit Sub

    ' Draw the middle span here so we don't draw it twice in the main loop,
    ' which would be a problem with blending turned on.
    Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), c, BF

    While X > Y
        RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
        If RadiusError >= 0 Then
            If X <> Y + 1 Then
                Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), c, BF
                Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), c, BF
            End If
            X = X - 1
            RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
        End If
        Y = Y + 1
        Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), c, BF
        Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), c, BF
End Sub

Sub createLeaf (x, y)
    Dim sp, xoff, yoff, woff, hoff
    sp = 15
    xoff = x + Rnd * sp - Rnd * sp
    yoff = y + Rnd * sp - Rnd * sp
    woff = 3 + Rnd * 3
    hoff = 3 + Rnd * 3
    totalLeaves = totalLeaves + 1
    If totalLeaves > UBound(leaf) Then ReDim _Preserve leaf(1 To UBound(leaf) + 5000) As new_Leaf
    leaf(totalLeaves).x = xoff
    leaf(totalLeaves).y = yoff
    leaf(totalLeaves).w = woff
    leaf(totalLeaves).h = hoff
    leaf(totalLeaves).c = _RGB32(rand&(100, 250), rand&(50, 255), rand&(0, 40))
    If Rnd < .5 Then leaf(totalLeaves).rx = -2 Else leaf(totalLeaves).rx = 2
    If Rnd < .5 Then leaf(totalLeaves).ry = -1 Else leaf(totalLeaves).ry = 1
End Sub

Sub moveLeaf (idx As new_Leaf)

    If idx.isFree Then 'leaves falling
        If idx.y < horizon Then ' above ground
            idx.yacc = idx.yacc + 3 * gravity
            idx.yvel = idx.yvel + idx.yacc
            idx.y = idx.y + idx.yvel
        Else ' below hor  and falling
            idx.yacc = idx.yacc + 3 * gravity
            idx.yvel = idx.yvel + idx.yacc
            idx.y = idx.y + idx.yvel
            If idx.y >= horizon Then ' dont stop on tree trunk

                ' QBJS doesn't like point  it's OK it wasn't working very well anyway
                'If Point(idx.x, idx.y) <> TreeTrunkClr Then
                '    If Point(idx.x + idx.w, idx.y + idx.h) <> TreeTrunkClr Then
                '        If Point(idx.x + .5 * idx.w, idx.y + .5 * idx.h) <> TreeTrunkClr Then

                idx.isFree = 0

                '        End If
                '    End If
                'End If

            End If
        End If

        idx.xacc = idx.xacc + wind
        idx.xvel = idx.xvel + idx.xacc
        idx.x = idx.x + idx.xvel
        If Rnd <= .1 Then idx.x = idx.x + idx.ry: idx.rx = -idx.rx
        If Rnd <= .1 Then idx.y = idx.y + idx.ry: idx.ry = -idx.ry

        'leaves waving in their branch
        If idx.y < horizon Then
            If Rnd <= .02 Then idx.x = idx.x + idx.rx: idx.rx = -idx.rx
            If Rnd <= .02 Then idx.y = idx.y + idx.ry: idx.ry = -idx.ry

        Else 'leaves are on ground but can move too  down and to right only
            If Rnd <= .025 Then idx.x = idx.x + 1
            If Rnd <= .0025 Then idx.y = idx.y + 1

            ' QBJS doesn't like Point  it wasn't working very well anyway
            'If Point(idx.x + 1, idx.y) <> TreeTrunkClr Then
            '    If Point(idx.x + 1 + idx.w, idx.y + idx.h) <> TreeTrunkClr Then
            '        If Point(idx.x + 1 + .5 * idx.w, idx.y + .5 * idx.h) <> TreeTrunkClr Then
            '            idx.isFree = 0
            '        End If
            '    End If
            'End If

        End If
    End If
End Sub

Sub allFree
    Dim i&
    For i& = 1 To totalLeaves
        leaf(i&).isFree = -1
End Sub

Sub letLeafGo
    Dim which&, i&
    For i& = 1 To 5
        which& = rand&(1, totalLeaves)
        If which& < 1 Then which& = 1
        If which& > totalLeaves Then which& = totalLeaves
        leaf(which&).isFree = -1
End Sub

Sub midInk (r1%, g1%, b1%, r2%, g2%, b2%, fr##)
    Color _RGB(r1% + (r2% - r1%) * fr##, g1% + (g2% - g1%) * fr##, b1% + (b2% - b1%) * fr##)
End Sub

Function rand& (lo%, hi%)
    rand& = Int(Rnd * (hi% - lo% + 1)) + lo%
End Function

Sub drawLandscape
    'needs midInk, rand&

    Dim i As Long, startH As Single, rr As Long, gg As Long, bb As Long
    Dim mountain As Long, Xright As Single, y As Single, upDown As Single, range As Single
    Dim lastx As Single, X As Long
    'the sky
    For i = 0 To ymx
        midInk 150, 150, 220, 255, 255, 255, i / ymx
        Line (0, i)-(xmx, i)
    'the land
    startH = ymx - 200
    rr = 125: gg = 140: bb = 120
    For mountain = 1 To 4
        Xright = 0
        y = startH
        While Xright < xmx
            ' upDown = local up / down over range, change along Y
            ' range = how far up / down, along X
            upDown = (Rnd * .8 - .35) * (mountain * .5)
            range = Xright + rand(15, 25) * 2.5 / mountain
            lastx = Xright - 1
            For X = Xright To range
                y = y + upDown
                Color _RGB(rr, gg, bb)
                Line (lastx, y)-(X, ymx), , BF 'just lines weren't filling right
                lastx = X
            Xright = range
        rr = rand&(rr + 65, rr): gg = rand&(gg + 45, gg): bb = rand&(bb - 25, bb)
        If rr < 0 Then rr = 0
        If gg < 0 Then gg = 0
        If bb < 0 Then bb = 0
        startH = startH + rand&(5, 20)
End Sub

Sub FPrint (s$, PA$(), x%, y%, scale%, spacing%, colr~&)
    ' s$ is string to "print" out
    ' PA$() is the array of string holding the font THE SQUARE pattern (must be NxN pattern)
    ' x, y top, left corner of print just like _PrintString
    ' scale is multiplier of pixeled font at NxN so now is Scale * N x Scale * N
    ' spacing is amount of pixels * scale between letters
    ' color~& type allows up to _RGB32() colors
    Dim As Integer ls, l, a, sq, r, c, i, digi
    Dim As Long frame
    Dim d$

    ls = Len(s$)
    For l = 1 To ls
        a = Asc(s$, l)
        If Len(PA$(a)) Then ' do we have a pattern
            sq = Sqr(Len(PA$(a)))
            'Print Chr$(a), sq  'debug
            For digi = 1 To 9
                d$ = _Trim$(Str$(digi))
                For r = 0 To sq - 1 ' row and col of letter block
                    For c = 0 To sq - 1
                        i = (r * sq) + c + 1
                        $If WEB Then
                                i = i + 1
                        $End If
                        If Mid$(PA$(a), i, 1) = d$ Then
                            Line (x% + ((l - 1) * (sq + spacing%) + c) * scale% + 4, y% + r * scale% + 4)-Step(scale% - 1, scale% - 1), &HFF000000, BF
                            Line (x% + ((l - 1) * (sq + spacing%) + c) * scale% - 1, y% + r * scale% - 1)-Step(scale% - 1, scale% - 1), &HFFFFFFFF, BF
                            Line (x% + ((l - 1) * (sq + spacing%) + c) * scale%, y% + r * scale%)-Step(scale% - 1, scale% - 1), colr~&, BF
                            frame = frame + 1
                            If frame >= stopFrame Then
                                stopFrame = stopFrame + 1
                                Exit Sub
                            End If
                        End If
        End If
    FontFlag = FontFlag + 1
    ' _Title Str$(FontFlag) ' checking how long it needs to cycle after letters are complete
End Sub

Sub LoadPatterns9x9 (SPattern() As String)
    Dim As Integer a
    a = Asc("S")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..111111."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2......."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2......."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..3......"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "...333..."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "......4.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".......4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".......4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "5555555.."
    a = Asc("T")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "111111111"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    a = Asc("A")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "...133..."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..1...3.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..1...3.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1.....3."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1222223."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1.....3."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    a = Asc("F")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "122222222"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333333.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    a = Asc("I")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..11111.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.."
    a = Asc("G")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1111111."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2....4444"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......5"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2......35"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.....3.5"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".33333..5"
    a = Asc("Q")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..11111.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2....5..4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.....5.4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2....55."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.5"
    a = Asc("O")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..11111.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.."
    a = Asc("D")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1444444.."

    a = Asc("6")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..11111.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2......."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.444444."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "24......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.."
    a = Asc("H")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "133333332"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    a = Asc("4")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "...1....3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..1.....3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "122222223"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........3"

    a = Asc("E")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "111111111"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2444444.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "233333333"
    a = Asc("N")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "12......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.2.....3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1..2....3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1...2...3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1....2..3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.....2.3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......23"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    a = Asc("B")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333333.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1444444.."
    a = Asc("L")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "122222222"
    a = Asc("U")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2222222."
    a = Asc("P")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333332.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    a = Asc("R")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333332.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.....4.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......4"
End Sub

b = b + ...

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