ATTENTION: This program is now out of date and no longer needed to include files in compiled programs. QB64PE now has a a built-in $EMBED command that does this. I will leave the program posted here up for archival purposes and for those who have yet to update to the latest QB64PE, but I won’t be updating it anymore.
BASFILE is a utility I use often when wanting to put small files INSIDE my EXE programs. It does this by converting the file to BAS code that, when run, will recreate the file. This tool is helpful when wanting to distribute/post just BAS code instead of extra files with your program. The BASFILE program will ask you for a file to convert and then for an BAS output filename to create. The source is below.
- Dav
Code: (Select All)
'Coded by Dav for QB64PE 3.8, SEP/2023
'v0.25 - More friendly and purely dialog handled app now, no window.
' - Added DIM line to output FUNCTION for OPTION _EXPLICIT users.
' - Saves the encoded filename in output FUNCTION for information.
'BASFILE helps you include binary files INSIDE your QB64 compiled programs.
'It does this by converting file to BAS code that you add to your program
'that will recreate the file when you wish to use it.
'BASFILE will ask you for a file to convert, and will output the BAS code.
_ScreenMove _Middle: _ScreenHide
length& = 160 '<-- Length of data lines in output code. !! MUST BE DIV BY 4!!
' Smaller number means shorter lines, but bigger output code.
'Make sure length& is divisble by 4. If not, then adjust it so it is.
If length& Mod 4 <> 0 Then length& = length& - (length& Mod 4)
If length& < 4 Then length& = 4
cr$ = Chr$(13)
m$ = "BASFILE v.25 - Binary file to .BAS converter." + cr$ + cr$
m$ = m$ + "Converts a file to .BAS code to include in QB64 programs." + cr$
m$ = m$ + "BASFILE will first ask you for a file to convert, then it will" + cr$
m$ = m$ + "will ask you for a .BAS filename to create." + cr$ + cr$
m$ = m$ + "Proceed?"
If _MessageBox("BASFILE v.25", m$, "yesno", "question") = 0 Then System
IN$ = _OpenFileDialog$("Open File to encode...", "", "", "All files", -1)
If IN$ = "" Then
_MessageBox "BASFILE v.25", "No file selected. BASFILE will close.", "info"
End If
m$ = "You selected: " + IN$ + cr$ + cr$
m$ = m$ + "Now select a .BAS filename to create."
_MessageBox "BASFILE v.25", m$, "info"
OUT$ = _SaveFileDialog$("Save Encoded file as ", "", "*.bas", "BAS files")
If OUT$ = "" Then
_MessageBox "BASFILE v.25", "No filename given. BASFILE will close.", "info"
End If
m$ = "You have selected..." + cr$ + cr$
m$ = m$ + "Input file: " + IN$ + cr$
m$ = m$ + "Output file: " + OUT$ + cr$ + cr$
m$ = m$ + "Proceed?"
If _MessageBox("BASFILE v.25", m$, "yesno", "question") = 0 Then
_MessageBox "BASFILE v.25", "Ok. BASFILE will close.", "info"
End If
'Grab whole file as a string
Open IN$ For Binary As 1
INDATA$ = (Input$(LOF(1), 1))
'Original size
OrigSize& = Len(INDATA$)
'Compress it
INDATA$ = _Deflate$(INDATA$)
CompSize& = Len(INDATA$)
Open OUT$ For Output As 2
Q$ = Chr$(34) 'quotation mark
Print #2, "'==================================="
Print #2, "'==================================="
Print #2, "'OPEN "; Q$; IN$; Q$; " FOR OUTPUT AS #1"
Print #2, "'PRINT #1, BASFILE$;"
Print #2, "'CLOSE #1"
Print #2, ""
Print #2, "Function BASFILE$()"
Print #2, " 'Returns decoded file as BASFILE$"
Print #2, " 'Encoded file: "; IN$
Print #2, " DIM A$, c$, o$, btemp$, a&, j&, p&, oc&, i, i&, a, c&"
Print #2, " A$ = SPACE$("; LTrim$(RTrim$(Str$(Len(INDATA$)))); "): a& = 1"
Print #2, " Mid$(A$, a&, "; LTrim$(RTrim$(Str$(length&))); ") = "; Q$;
BC& = 1
a$ = Mid$(INDATA$, BC&, 4)
BC& = BC& + 4: LL& = LL& + 4
If LL& >= length& Then
LL& = 0
Print #2, a$;: Print #2, Q$; ": a& = a& + "; LTrim$(RTrim$(Str$(length&)))
Print #2, " Mid$(A$, a&, "; LTrim$(RTrim$(Str$(length&))); ") = "; Q$;
Print #2, a$;
End If
If Len(INDATA$) - BC& < 4 Then
a$ = Mid$(INDATA$, Len(INDATA$) - BC&, 1)
a$ = a$ + Q$
Print #2, a$;: Exit Do
End If
Print #2, ""
Print #2, " o$ = Space$("; LTrim$(RTrim$(Str$(CompSize&))); "): oc& = 1"
Print #2, " For i = 39 To 125"
Print #2, " If i <> 64 And i <> 96 Then c$ = c$ + Chr$(i)"
Print #2, " Next: Dim v As _Unsigned Long"
Print #2, " a = Val(Mid$(a$, 1, 1))"
Print #2, " For i& = 2 To Len(a$) Step 5: v = 0"
Print #2, " For j& = 0 To 4: p& = 85 ^ (4 - j&)"
Print #2, " c& = InStr(c$, Mid$(a$, i& + j&, 1)) - 1"
Print #2, " v = v + c& * p&: Next: Mid$(o$, oc&, 4) = MKL$(v)"
Print #2, " oc& = oc& + 4"
Print #2, " Next: btemp$ = Mid$(o$, 1, Len(o$) - a + 1)"
Print #2, " BASFILE$ = _INFLATE$(btemp$, "; LTrim$(RTrim$(Str$(OrigSize&))); ")"
Print #2, "End Function"
_MessageBox "BASFILE v.25", OUT$ + " created!", "info"
Function E$ (in$)
For i = 39 To 125 'Make 85 character set to use
If i <> 64 And i <> 96 Then c$ = c$ + Chr$(i)
Dim v As _Unsigned Long
t$ = in$ 'make a working copy so in$ isn't changed
If Len(t$) Mod 4 > 0 Then 'pad needed bytes on end
a = 5 - Len(t$) Mod 4
t$ = t$ + Space$(a - 1)
End If
out$ = Space$(Len(t$) * 1.25): outb& = 1
For i& = 1 To Len(t$) Step 4
v = CVL(Mid$(t$, i&, 4))
For j& = 4 To 0 Step -1
p& = 85 ^ j&
r& = v \ p&
v = v Mod p&
Mid$(out$, outb&, 1) = Mid$(c$, r& + 1, 1)
outb& = outb& + 1
E$ = LTrim$(RTrim$(Str$(a))) + out$
End Function