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loadimage show pcx error
Code: (Select All)
QB64 _loadimage statement shows PCX16 color 1 bit plane image error, 4 bit plane image is correct
Welcome to the QB64-PE forum.

Thank you for reporting. Can you please share a sample PCX file that has the issue? Or maybe a link?

I've mostly tested 8bpp/1 plane indexed and 24bpp/3 & 4 plane PCX files.
I can't upload the file, pcx16 color 1 bit plane image is very common, you can use image software to convert it, after all, it's not 16 color 4 bit plane
I have uploaded the picture as an attachment, you can test it

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 45.42 KB / Downloads: 62)
I was beginning to wonder which software can create PCX files using these old formats. Irfan Viewer can open the files you shared maybe it can export these old formats too. But thanks for sharing.

The PCX loader that we use (dr_pcx) has this note.

So, I guess it needs some work with these old formats. I'll take a look at it over the weekend.
Code: (Select All)

handle& = _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
Screen handle&
Dim palentry As String * 3
Dim piccdl(800, 800) As String
Dim syf(800, 800) As String
Dim rgbpalette(256) As Long
Dim dat As String * 1
Open "c:\16color2.pcx" For Binary As #1
header$ = Space$(128)
Get #1, , header$: Cls

XRes$ = Mid$(header$, 9, 2)
XRes1$ = Left$(XRes$, 1): XRes2$ = Right$(XRes$, 1)
XRes = Asc(XRes1$) + Asc(XRes2$) * 256 + 1

YRes$ = Mid$(header$, 11, 2)
YRes1$ = Left$(YRes$, 1): YRes2$ = Right$(YRes$, 1)
YRes = Asc(YRes1$) + Asc(YRes2$) * 256 + 1

scanline$ = Mid$(header$, 67, 2)
scanline1$ = Left$(scanline$, 1): scanline2$ = Right$(scanline$, 1)
scanline = Asc(scanline1$) + Asc(scanline2$) * 256
Seek #1, &H11
For i% = 0 To 15

    Get #1, , palentry$
    R& = Asc(Mid$(palentry$, 1, 1))
    G& = Asc(Mid$(palentry$, 2, 1))
    B& = Asc(Mid$(palentry$, 3, 1))
    rgbpalette&(i%) = _RGB(R&, G&, B&)
Next i%
Seek #1, &H81
c = 1: sum = 1: j = 1

    Get #1, , dat
    Select Case Asc(dat)
        Case Is < 192
            syf(c, j) = Hex$(Asc(dat))
            For z = 1 To 2
                piccdl(c * 2 - 2 + z, j) = Mid$(syf(c, j), z, 1)
                If XRes Mod 2 = 0 Then
                    temp = XRes
                    temp = XRes + 1
                End If
                If c * 2 - 2 + z = temp Then
                    j = j + 1
                    If j = YRes Then Exit Do
                    c = 0
                End If
            Next z
            c = c + 1
            sum = sum + 1

        Case Is > 192 And Asc(dat) <= 255
            lps = Asc(dat) - 192
            Seek #1, 129 + sum
            Get #1, , dat
            For a = 1 To lps
                syf$(c, j) = Hex$(Asc(dat))
                For z = 1 To 2
                    piccdl$(c * 2 - 2 + z, j) = Mid$(syf$(c, j), z, 1)
                    If XRes Mod 2 = 0 Then
                        temp = XRes
                        temp = XRes + 1
                    End If
                    If c * 2 - 2 + z = temp Then
                        j = j + 1
                        If j = YRes Then Exit Do
                        c = 0
                    End If
                Next z
                c = c + 1

            Next a
            sum = sum + 2
    End Select

For y = 1 To YRes
    For x = 1 To XRes
        a1 = HEXtoDEC&(piccdl(x, y))

        PSet (x, y), rgbpalette(a1)
    Next x
Next y
Close #1
Function HEXtoDEC& (hex1 As String)
    Dim i As Long
    Dim b As Long
    hex1 = UCase$(hex1)
    For i = 1 To Len(hex1)
        Select Case Mid$(hex1, Len(hex1) - i + 1, 1)
            Case "0": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 0
            Case "1": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 1
            Case "2": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 2
            Case "3": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 3
            Case "4": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 4
            Case "5": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 5
            Case "6": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 6
            Case "7": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 7
            Case "8": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 8
            Case "9": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 9
            Case "A": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 10
            Case "B": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 11
            Case "C": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 12
            Case "D": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 13
            Case "E": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 14
            Case "F": b = b + 16 ^ (i - 1) * 15
        End Select
    Next i
    HEXtoDEC& = b

End Function

This program is used to display pcx 16 color 1 bit planes, anyone with good suggestions is welcome to provide them
Case Is > 192 And Asc(dat) <= 255 <-- I doubt this will work.


CASE 193 TO 255

And where is CASE 192?
Easiest way to convert hex to decimal is:  VAL("&H" + hex_var$)
VAL("&H" + hex_var$), which is a bit simpler.
(06-22-2024, 01:31 PM)macalwen Wrote: VAL("&H" + hex_var$), which is a bit simpler.

As so:

Code: (Select All)
h$ = "&HFF"
h$ = "&HFFFF"
h$ = "&HFFFFFF"

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