This app will calculate every prime number from 1 to 100,000. It also puts it on a text file called PrimeNumbers.txt and will open Windows Notepad automatically and display all the numbers at the end.
Please don't increase the 100000 limit in this code. I don't want anyone's computer to break. Use at your own risk. With a Windows 11 computer, I read that it can do a million, but I wouldn't gamble.
Please don't increase the 100000 limit in this code. I don't want anyone's computer to break. Use at your own risk. With a Windows 11 computer, I read that it can do a million, but I wouldn't gamble.
Code: (Select All)
'Prime Number Calculator by SierraKen
'December 26, 2024
'I got no help from anyone or anything this time!
'If you change any of this code, please do not change the limit to more than 100000.
'I'm sure it can do much more but I hold no responsibility if this program overworks your computer in any way.
_Title "Prime Number Calculator"
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
Print: Print: Print
Print " Prime Number Calculator by SierraKen"
Print: Print: Print
Print " This will calculate all prime numbers from 1 up to your given number (1-100000)."
Print " A prime number is a number that can only be divided by itself and 1."
Print " Then it will save the numbers to PrimeNumbers.txt and will"
Print " open it in Notepad when it is finished."
Print " The total amount of prime numbers will be shown at the bottom of the text file."
Print " Make sure and close this program when it is finished."
Print: Print: Print
Input " How many numbers do you wish to calculate in sequence between 1-100000: "; n
If n > 100000 Or n < 1 Or n <> Int(n) Then GoTo start:
Open "PrimeNumbers.txt" For Output As #1
t = t + 1
If t = 1 Or t = 2 Or t = 3 Then
Print Str$(t) + ", ";
Print #1, t
a = a + 1
GoTo nex
End If
For tt = 2 To t - 1
If t / tt = Int(t / tt) Then GoTo nex
Next tt
Print Str$(t) + ", ";
Print #1, t
a = a + 1
Loop Until t = n
Print #1, ""
Print #1, "Total Prime Numbers Between 1 and " + Str$(t) + ": " + Str$(a)
Close #1
Shell "CMD /C START /MAX notepad " + "PrimeNumbers.txt"