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Comparison QB64 compiled with gcc optimizations and without
I have started to test the version of qb64 compiled with the option -Ofast and the original version. resultas :

simple code using pset.

2.3x seconds : program compiled with qb64 -Ofast
3.5x seconds : program compiled with original qb64

Interesting results. Quite an important gain.

Code: (Select All)
x% = 1280: y% = 768
Screen _NewImage(x%, y%, 32)
_Delay 0.2
_ScreenMove _Middle
start = Timer(.001)
For b% = 1 To 100
    For i% = 1 To x%
        For n% = 1 To y%
            PSet (i%, n%), _RGB(Rnd * 255, 0, 0)
        Next n%
    Next i%
Next b%
Print Timer(.001) - start; "seconds"

the _ScreenMove _Middle command is supposed to center the window but if I don't put _Delay 0.2 before, sometimes it doesn't work. strange.
Fractal Tree : I got this code from the site rosettacode.

4.1x seconds : program compiled with qb64 -Ofast
6.1x seconds : program compiled with original qb64

it seems that there is an interesting gain when graphic commands like pset or line are used.

Code: (Select All)
_Title "Fractal Tree"
Const sw% = 640
Const sh% = 480

Screen _NewImage(sw, sh, 8)
_Delay 0.2
_ScreenMove _Middle

start = Timer(.001)
For i% = 1 To 1000
    Color (Rnd * 15)
    Call tree(sw \ 2, sh - 10, _Pi * 1.5, _Pi / 180 * 29, 112, 15)
Next i%
Print Timer(.001) - start; "seconds"

Sub tree (x As Integer, y As Integer, initAngle As Double, theta As Double, length As Double, depth As Integer)
    Dim As Integer iL, newX, newY, iX, iY, iD
    iL = length: iX = x: iY = y: iD = depth
    newX = Cos(initAngle) * length + iX
    newY = Sin(initAngle) * length + iY
    Line (iX, iY)-(newX, newY)
    iL = length * .78
    iD = iD - 1
    If iD > 0 Then
        Call tree(newX, newY, initAngle - theta, theta, iL, iD)
        Call tree(newX, newY, initAngle + theta, theta, iL, iD)
    End If
End Sub
Bucketsort : I got this code from the site rosettacode.

3.4x seconds : program compiled with qb64 -Ofast
3.4x seconds : program compiled with original qb64

strangely, disappointing. almost no gain.

Code: (Select All)
'* Complexity Class: O(N^2)
Type MINMaxRec
    min As Long
    max As Long
End Type

ReDim a(0 To 1048575) As Double
For FillArray& = LBound(a) To UBound(a)
    a(FillArray&) = Rnd
DoRecurse% = -1
DemoOrder& = 1 '* -1 = descending
Print "start...": Print
start = Timer(.001)
BucketSort a(), LBound(a), UBound(a), DemoOrder&, DoRecurse% '* without the recursive initial call, executiom time is FAR slower.
Print Timer(.001) - start; "seconds"

Sub BucketSort (Array() As Double, start As Long, finish As Long, order&, recurse%)
    Dim BS_Local_NBuckets As Integer
    Dim BS_Local_ArrayRange As Double
    Dim BS_Local_N As Long
    Dim BS_Local_S As Long
    Dim BS_Local_Z As Long
    Dim BS_Local_Remainder As Integer
    Dim BS_Local_Index As Integer
    Dim BS_Local_Last_Insert_Index As Long
    Dim BS_Local_Current_Insert_Index As Long
    Dim BS_Local_BucketIndex As Integer
    ReDim BSMMrec As MINMaxRec
    GetMinMaxArray Array(), start, finish, BSMMrec
    BS_Local_ArrayRange = Array(BSMMrec.max) - Array(BSMMrec.min)
    If BS_Local_ArrayRange > 0 Then
        BS_Local_NBuckets = 2 * Int(Log(finish - start + 1) / Log(2)) + 1
        BS_Local_N = (finish - start)
        BS_Local_Remainder = BS_Local_N Mod BS_Local_NBuckets
        BS_Local_NBuckets = BS_Local_NBuckets - 1
        ReDim BS_Buckets_Array(BS_Local_NBuckets, 0 To (BS_Local_NBuckets * (1 + (BS_Local_N - BS_Local_Remainder) / BS_Local_NBuckets))) As Double
        ReDim BS_Count_Array(0 To BS_Local_NBuckets) As Long
        For BS_Local_S = start To finish
            BS_Local_BucketIndex = BS_Local_NBuckets * ((Array(BS_Local_S) - Array(BSMMrec.min)) / BS_Local_ArrayRange)
            BS_Buckets_Array(BS_Local_BucketIndex, BS_Count_Array(BS_Local_BucketIndex)) = Array(BS_Local_S)
            BS_Count_Array(BS_Local_BucketIndex) = BS_Count_Array(BS_Local_BucketIndex) + 1
        BS_Local_Last_Insert_Index = start
        BS_Local_Current_Insert_Index = start
        For BS_Local_S = 0 To BS_Local_NBuckets
            If BS_Count_Array(BS_Local_S) > 0 Then
                BS_Local_Last_Insert_Index = BS_Local_Current_Insert_Index
                For BS_Local_Z = 0 To BS_Count_Array(BS_Local_S) - 1
                    Array(BS_Local_Current_Insert_Index) = BS_Buckets_Array(BS_Local_S, BS_Local_Z)
                    BS_Local_Current_Insert_Index = BS_Local_Current_Insert_Index + 1
                If recurse% Then
                    '* Without this, Bucketort() will be much slower
                    BucketSort Array(), BS_Local_Last_Insert_Index, BS_Local_Current_Insert_Index - 1, order&, 0
                    '* using MergeSort will speed this significantly, however, this will be left as an exercise
                    '* MergeSort will keep this sorting algorithm quite competitive.
                    InsertionSort Array(), BS_Local_Last_Insert_Index, BS_Local_Current_Insert_Index - 1, order&
                End If
            End If
        Erase BS_Buckets_Array, BS_Count_Array
    End If
End Sub

Sub GetMinMaxArray (array() As Double, Start&, finish&, GetMinMaxArray_minmax As MINMaxRec)
    n& = finish& - Start&
    t% = n& - 10000 * (n& \ 10000)
    If (t% Mod 2) Then
        GetMinMaxArray_minmax.min = Start&
        GetMinMaxArray_minmax.max = Start&
        GetGetMinMaxArray_minmaxArray_i = Start& + 1
        If array(Start&) > array(finish&) Then
            GetMinMaxArray_minmax.max = Start&
            GetMinMaxArray_minmax.min = finish&
            GetMinMaxArray_minmax.min = finish&
            GetMinMaxArray_minmax.max = Start&
        End If
        GetGetMinMaxArray_minmaxArray_i = Start& + 2
    End If

    While GetGetMinMaxArray_minmaxArray_i < finish&
        If array(GetGetMinMaxArray_minmaxArray_i) > array(GetGetMinMaxArray_minmaxArray_i + 1) Then
            If array(GetGetMinMaxArray_minmaxArray_i) > array(GetMinMaxArray_minmax.max) Then
                GetMinMaxArray_minmax.max = GetGetMinMaxArray_minmaxArray_i
            End If
            If array(GetGetMinMaxArray_minmaxArray_i + 1) < array(GetMinMaxArray_minmax.min) Then
                GetMinMaxArray_minmax.min = GetGetMinMaxArray_minmaxArray_i + 1
            End If
            If array(GetGetMinMaxArray_minmaxArray_i + 1) > array(GetMinMaxArray_minmax.max) Then
                GetMinMaxArray_minmax.max = GetGetMinMaxArray_minmaxArray_i + 1
            End If
            If array(GetGetMinMaxArray_minmaxArray_i) < array(GetMinMaxArray_minmax.min) Then
                GetMinMaxArray_minmax.min = GetGetMinMaxArray_minmaxArray_i
            End If
        End If
        GetGetMinMaxArray_minmaxArray_i = GetGetMinMaxArray_minmaxArray_i + 2
End Sub

Sub InsertionSort (array() As Double, start As Long, finish As Long, order&)
    Dim InSort_L_ArrayTemp As Double
    Dim InSort_L_i As Long
    Dim InSort_L_j As Long
    Select Case order&
        Case 1
            For InSort_L_i = start + 1 To finish
                InSort_L_ArrayTemp = array(InSort_L_i)
                InSort_L_j = InSort_L_i - 1
                Do Until InSort_L_j < start
                    If (InSort_L_ArrayTemp < array(InSort_L_j)) Then
                        array(InSort_L_j + 1) = array(InSort_L_j)
                        InSort_L_j = InSort_L_j - 1
                        Exit Do
                    End If
                array(InSort_L_j + 1) = InSort_L_ArrayTemp
        Case Else
            For InSort_L_i = start + 1 To finish
                InSort_L_ArrayTemp = array(InSort_L_i)
                InSort_L_j = InSort_L_i - 1
                Do Until InSort_L_j < start
                    If (InSort_L_ArrayTemp > array(InSort_L_j)) Then
                        array(InSort_L_j + 1) = array(InSort_L_j)
                        InSort_L_j = InSort_L_j - 1
                        Exit Do
                    End If
                array(InSort_L_j + 1) = InSort_L_ArrayTemp
    End Select
End Sub
Most interesting. The file (for Windows) is:

And the optimization parameter may be inserted as follows:
c_compiler\bin\g++ -s -Ofast -Wfatal-errors -w -Wall qbx.cpp -lws2_32 -lwinspool parts\core\os\win\src.a -lopengl32 -lglu32 -lwinmm -lgdi32 -mwindows -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -D GLEW_STATIC -D FREEGLUT_STATIC -lksguid -lole32 -lwinmm -ldxguid -o ..\..\

That an "O", not a zero.

My chess program went from about 1 to 1.8 million moves per second.

Does anyone know a downside to doing this?
This document:

"Turning on optimization flags makes the compiler attempt to improve the performance and/or code size at the expense of compilation time and possibly the ability to debug the program."

Gosh, so it adds a few seconds to the compile time? Small price to pay!

What is "debugging"? I don't sugar my code, so ants have no interest.
Got another performance boost by adding the parameter -march=native, which is only
suitable for code to be executed on the compiling machine, or one with an identical processor.
*** My chess program went from about 1 to 1.8 million moves per second.

this is an impressive result. for the moment i haven't done any arithmetic test or disk access comparison...

the gain is sometimes very important. but it is not recommended to use -march=native because the program will only be able to run on the same type of processor. for debugging, I intend to keep the original version for that and as soon as the program is debugged compile it with the optimized version of qb64. I can't say anything for windows. I don't use it at all anymore. but i think you have to modify the setup_win.bat file to recompile qb64 with the Ofast parameter. i still advise to keep the original version.
when using gcc/g++ optimazation options I rarely use anything above O2, using Ofast may actually produce wrong or inaccurate result, I rarely use O3 but only to see if it would be faster than O2 and frequently O2 is faster than O3
Chess is up to 2.4 million moves evaluated per second, and I see no problem(s) with using -Ofast.
This level of optimization appears very worthwhile for any program that does a lot of number crunching.

Reading up on all the compiler options gives me a headache.  Very obtuse stuff!

    Sets the options -fno-math-errno, -funsafe-math-optimizations, -ffinite-math-only, -fno-rounding-math, -fno-signaling-nans, -fcx-limited-range and -fexcess-precision=fast.

    This option causes the preprocessor macro __FAST_MATH__ to be defined.

    This option is not turned on by any -O option besides -Ofast since it can result in incorrect output for programs that depend on an exact implementation of IEEE or ISO rules/specifications for math functions. It may, however, yield faster code for programs that do not require the guarantees of these specifications.

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