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"Locate" in the program
Cobol was the quintessential language for numbers.

I use string math, a rather lengthy program I coded for numbers. I also used to use a rounding method for smaller needs, and with _INTEGER64 I now use this...

Code: (Select All)
WIDTH 50, 42
add$ = ".00"
a! = .01
FOR i&& = 1 TO 100000000 ' 1-million dollar count.
    a1&& = a! * 100
    add&& = add&& + a1&&
    add$ = LTRIM$(STR$(add&&))
    IF LEN(add$) < 3 THEN
        add$ = MID$(".00", 1, 3 - LEN(add$)) + add$
        add$ = MID$(add$, 1, LEN(add$) - 2) + "." + RIGHT$(add$, 2)
    END IF

    x = LEN(add$): IF LEFT$(add$, 1) = "-" THEN x = x - 1
    j = 4
    DO UNTIL j / 4 >= (x - 3) / 3
        add$ = MID$(add$, 1, LEN(add$) - 3 + 1 - j) + "," + MID$(add$, LEN(add$) - 3 + 1 - j + 1)
        j = j + 4

    PRINT i&&, add&&;
    printx add$

    a$ = ""
    FOR j = 1 TO LEN(add$)
        IF MID$(add$, j, 1) <> "," AND MID$(add$, j, 1) <> "." THEN a$ = a$ + MID$(add$, j, 1)
    IF i&& <> VAL(a$) THEN PRINT a$, VAL(a$): BEEP: SLEEP

    IF i&& < 200 AND i&& MOD 40 = 0 THEN SLEEP ' View a few screens.

SUB printx (x$)
    LOCATE , _WIDTH - 2 - LEN(x$)
    PRINT x$

Press a key to view 5-screens of results. After that, it loops on its own to 1-million dollars or until you click the "x" to close the program.

If eggs are brain food, Biden has his scrambled.


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