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Here's a head scratcher for you math fans...
(08-12-2022, 04:34 PM)bplus Wrote: Math is perfect, discrete math like that done with computers is not. You only know perfect by way of math.

As of yesterday, I would have agreed. As of today, I think I may have to call bullshit! (Sorry, I'm irritated at idiots at Cox communication. Don't mean to take it out on you guys.) Somewhat the same idea with pi. A transcendental number. What the hell is the fraction equivalent of a transcendental number? Good luck with that one. Here's a hint, it sure as hell isn't 22/7, like some stupid online sources profess. 22/7 is a repetend.

Anyway, thanks for the .9... on .9... or 1 on 1, whichever you guys prefer. In my eyes, math is no longer perfect.

Everyone knows _PI isn't 22/7. It's 3927 / 1250! (Or, it's close enough for anything which I might ever need it for here on the farm!)

Code: (Select All)
Print 3927 / 1250
Print _Pi

I doubt you'd get too many pixels of discrepancy being off, if you used 3927 / 1250 in your programs instead of _PI.

39269908169872415480783 / 12500000000000000000000


31415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923 / 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
If eggs are brain food, Biden has his scrambled.

(08-12-2022, 05:32 PM)Pete Wrote: Or...

39269908169872415480783 / 12500000000000000000000

Wouldn't it just be easier to say 3.1415926535897932384 than that??
(08-12-2022, 04:35 AM)Pete Wrote: So working with repetends and converting them to fractions we have...

.333... = 1/3

.666... = 2/3

and now drum roll, please...

.999... = 1


Well, decimal and fractions: equally messy when 3 sibblings inherit their dad's four pigs...

But it doesn't have to be messy if everybody agrees to bacon.
Sure, ham it up all you want but at the end of the day be thankful they didn't have to divide up a pi.

If eggs are brain food, Biden has his scrambled.

(08-12-2022, 09:13 PM)Pete Wrote: Sure, ham it up all you want but at the end of the day be thankful they didn't have to divide up a pi.


Tortilla wrap challenge, winner take all.

Until the winner realizes that all of pi for him/her self is just as messy to gather "all of it."

- "Let me slap you with this tortilla, and you can have pi..."
A snack sounds pretty good about now. I'll take .999... of them! Whoever thought numbers would be subject to multiple identities. 3.5 is also 3.4999..., etc.

Pete @.999999...with the universe
(08-13-2022, 12:34 AM)Pete Wrote: A snack sounds pretty good about now. I'll take .999... of them! Whoever thought numbers would be subject to multiple identities. 3.5 is also 3.4999..., etc.

Pete @.999999...with the universe

I am forever going to be suspicious of anybody who ever says he/she is "100%" anything.

"You may say you are 100%, but how much wiggle room are you leaving yourself?  How many decimal positions are you giving me in your 99.9 .... ?

I've never appreciated plain old binary numbers so much. 0 and 1.  Off and on.

Giggles aside, it is interesting stuff.
(08-12-2022, 09:07 PM)CharlieJV Wrote: Well, decimal and fractions: equally messy when 3 sibblings inherit their dad's four pigs...

But it doesn't have to be messy if everybody agrees to bacon.

This reminds me of a story my father used to tell me...

Years ago, one of the neighbor's passed away and the had 17 horses.  The will stipulated how to split the horses between the three children.  The oldest boy got half the horses.  The second son got one third, and the last son got one ninth...

Try as they might, they couldn't figure out how to divide up the animals, so they asked my grandfather for help.  He told them that he'd ponder on the issue and come back to them the next day with a solution.

The next day rolled around, and grandpa rode his horse over to the neighbors to settle the argument.  "Boys, I'm sorry to hear about your loss," he told them.  "First thing I want to do is give you children my old horse, as a token of sympathy."  Tell all thanked him for his gift, told him it wasn't needed, but he insisted they take it.

"Now boys, let's solve your problem!

"Frank, you're the oldest, so you get one half -- that'll be nine of the horses.

"Joe, you're the second child, you get one third -- that'll be six of the horses.

"Tome, you're the third child, you get one-ninth of the herd -- that'll be two of the horses.

"And as for this old horse here," he pointed to the one he rode in on and gave them, "I'll be taking it as payment for services rendered and solving your problem.  You boys have a great day now, you hear!"

And with that, he rode off happily into the sunset on the same horse he rode in on.

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