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Very fast NEW division routine with string math...
So I tried this new improved division code I created in the pi routine Jack provided, and wow, a 700% speed improvement! That makes it 500%+ faster than that same pi routine running with Treebeard's string math.

From the pi thread, I commented about the improvements...

"Basically what I did was to shortcut zero and 1 divisors, chop out leading zeros in small decimal numbers making less digits to calculate, estimate the mult loop by using just the first one or two digits of the divisor and the dividend or remainder so it usually only takes two tries to get the right multiplier before subtracting to obtain the remainder and, of course, working with chunks of numbers with multiplication and subtraction in the long division process.

I knew it would be faster, I'm just amazed it's so much faster.

Now I'm wondering how much faster it could be if I switched from string concatenation to fixed string replacement? I did that once with a c keyboard WP routine (about the only complicated C/C++ prog I've ever written) and the speed increase was pretty impressive. Converting for string math might be a bit of a challenge, and if too many conditions need to be added, it might end up being a push."

So this code was added to that pi routine, but you can try the it out here as a divison calculator by inputting a dividend and divisor. It will validate input, but I left out my conversion of scientific notation to numerical expresion for this demo, so don't input SI.

It has a variable named: BETATEST%. Set it to ZERO to avoid all the screen notes, SLEEP between loops, and just get the results. I kept betatest% = -1 for this demo, to show the divison steps in progress.

Increase or decrease the limit&& variable to control the number of digits displayed. Note: for this demo, I did not include my rounding routie to round the last digit displayed.

So while my previous string routine was accurate for large numbers, this routine is looking to be both accurate and fast. I think it's fast enough now to be to calculate numbers with several hundreds of digits to sevreral hundreds of places almost instantaneously!

As for beta testing, that's another workhorse in the making. I will need to try some huge numbers out on n online precison calculator later. Of course if anyone spots any bugs, let me know, and I'll look into it. Maybe soon I can bump this baby up to a work in progress.

Thanks to Jack for getting me motivated to look further into this project.

Code: (Select All)
WIDTH 160, 42
DIM SHARED limit&&, betatest%
limit&& = 32: betatest% = 1
    LINE INPUT "Dividend: "; stringmatha$
    LINE INPUT "Divisor:  "; stringmathb$

    CALL sm(stringmatha$, stringmathb$, runningtotal$)

    IF runningtotal$ <> "invalid" THEN COLOR 14, 1: PRINT "Quotent = "; runningtotal$;: COLOR 7, 0: PRINT: PRINT "---------------------------------": PRINT

SUB sm (stringmatha$, stringmathb$, runningtotal$)
    DIM AS _INTEGER64 a, c, aa, cc, s, ss
    validate$ = stringmatha$: GOSUB validate_string_number
    IF validate$ = "invalid number" THEN PRINT "Invalid number entry. Redo...": runningtotal$ = "invalid": EXIT SUB
    validate$ = stringmathb$: GOSUB validate_string_number
    IF validate$ = "invalid number" THEN PRINT "Invalid number entry. Redo...": runningtotal$ = "invalid": EXIT SUB
    GOSUB string_divide_new

    q$ = "": divisor$ = stringmathb$: dividend$ = stringmatha$
    DO ' Falx loop.
        'Strip off neg(s) and determine quotent sign.
        IF LEFT$(divisor$, 1) = "-" THEN divisor$ = MID$(divisor$, 2): q$ = "-"
        IF LEFT$(dividend$, 1) = "-" THEN dividend$ = MID$(dividend$, 2): IF q$ = "-" THEN q$ = "" ELSE q$ = "-"

        ' Quick results for divisor 1 or 0.
        IF divisor$ = "0" THEN q$ = "0": EXIT DO
        IF divisor$ = "1" THEN q$ = dividend$: EXIT DO
        IF dividend$ = "0" THEN q$ = "Division by zero not possible.": EXIT DO

        ' Determine decimal direction. -1 to left, +1 to right.
        gl% = 0: string_compare divisor$, dividend$, gl%
        IF betatest% AND gl% = 1 THEN PRINT divisor$; " > "; dividend$; " Move decimal to the left"
        IF betatest% AND gl% = 0 THEN PRINT divisor$; " = "; dividend$
        IF betatest% AND gl% = -1 THEN PRINT divisor$; " < "; dividend$; " Move deciml to the right."
        IF gl% = 1 THEN ' Divisor is larger than dividend so decimal moves to the left.
            div_decimal% = -1 ' Move decimal point to the left.
        ELSEIF gl% = -1 THEN
            div_decimal% = 1 ' Move decimal point to the right.
            ' Divisor and dividend are the same number.
            q$ = q$ + "1": EXIT DO
        END IF
        divisor_ratio_dividend% = gl%

        ' Strip off decimal point(s) and determine places in these next 2 routines.
        dp&& = 0: dp2&& = 0: j2&& = 0
        temp&& = INSTR(divisor$, ".")
        IF temp&& THEN
            divisor$ = MID$(divisor$, 1, temp&& - 1) + MID$(divisor$, temp&& + 1)
            IF temp&& = 1 THEN
                DO UNTIL LEFT$(divisor$, 1) <> "0" ' Strip off any leading zeros on divisor only.
                    divisor$ = MID$(divisor$, 2)
                    dp&& = dp&& + 1
                dp&& = dp&& + 1
                dp&& = -(temp&& - 2)
            END IF
            dp&& = -(LEN(divisor$) - 1)
        END IF
        temp&& = INSTR(dividend$, ".")
        IF temp&& THEN
            dividend$ = MID$(dividend$, 1, temp&& - 1) + MID$(dividend$, temp&& + 1)
            IF temp&& = 1 THEN
                DO UNTIL LEFT$(dividend$, 1) <> "0" ' Strip off any leading zeros on divisor only.
                    dividend$ = MID$(dividend$, 2)
                    dp2&& = dp2&& + 1
                dp2&& = dp2&& + 1
                dp2&& = -(temp&& - 2)
            END IF
            dp2&& = -(LEN(dividend$) - 1)
        END IF
        IF betatest% THEN COLOR 11: PRINT "Divisor decimal moves "; LTRIM$(STR$(dp&&)); ". Dividend decimal moves"; LTRIM$(STR$(dp2&&)); ". Quotent decimal ABS("; LTRIM$(STR$(dp&&)); " - "; LTRIM$(STR$(dp2&&)); ") =";: COLOR 14: PRINT ABS(dp&& - dp2&&);: COLOR 11: PRINT "+ any adjustment.": COLOR 7
        dp&& = ABS(dp&& - dp2&&)

        IF betatest% THEN PRINT "Divisor 1st# = "; MID$(divisor$, 1, 1); "  Remainder 1st# = "; MID$(dividend$, 1, 1)

        ' Adjust decimal place for instances when divisor is larger than remainder.
        IF MID$(divisor$, 1, 1) > MID$(dividend$, 1, 1) THEN
            dp&& = dp&& - div_decimal%
            IF betatest% THEN PRINT "Larger divisor, so move quotent decimal one place back to: ";: COLOR 14: PRINT LTRIM$(STR$(dp&&)): COLOR 7
        ELSEIF MID$(divisor$, 1, 1) = MID$(dividend$, 1, 1) THEN
            IF divisor_ratio_dividend% = 1 THEN
                dp&& = dp&& - div_decimal%
                IF betatest% THEN PRINT "Larger divisor, so move quotent decimal one place back to: ";: COLOR 14: PRINT LTRIM$(STR$(dp&&)): COLOR 7
                IF betatest% THEN PRINT "Smaller divisor, so no quotent decimal place adjustment needed. Quotent decimal place = ";: COLOR 14: PRINT LTRIM$(STR$(dp&&)): COLOR 7
            END IF
            IF betatest% THEN PRINT "Smaller divisor, so no quotent decimal place adjustment needed. Quotent decimal place = ";: COLOR 14: PRINT LTRIM$(STR$(dp&&)): COLOR 7
        END IF
        origdividend$ = dividend$
        ' Determine length of divisor and dividend to begin initial long divison step.
        gl% = 2: string_compare divisor$, MID$(dividend$, 1, LEN(divisor$)) + STRING$(LEN(divisor$) - LEN(dividend$), "0"), gl%
        divisor_ratio_dividend% = gl%
        IF gl% = 1 AND MID$(dividend$, 1, 1) <> "0" THEN
            dividend$ = MID$(dividend$, 1, LEN(divisor$) + 1) + STRING$(LEN(divisor$) + 1 - LEN(dividend$), "0")
            dividend$ = MID$(dividend$, 1, LEN(divisor$)) + STRING$(LEN(divisor$) - LEN(dividend$), "0")
        END IF

        ' Long divison loop. Mult and subtraction of dividend and remainder.
        k&& = 0
        IF betatest% THEN PRINT "Begin long divison loop..."
            SELECT CASE MID$(divisor$, 1, 1)
                CASE IS < MID$(dividend$, 1, 1)
                    adj_rem_len% = 0
                CASE IS = MID$(dividend$, 1, 1)
                    gl% = 2: string_compare divisor$, MID$(dividend$, 1, LEN(divisor$)), gl%
                    IF gl% = 1 THEN adj_rem_len% = 1 ELSE adj_rem_len% = 0
                CASE IS > MID$(dividend$, 1, 1)
                    adj_rem_len% = 1
            END SELECT
            IF j2&& = 0 THEN j2&& = LEN(divisor$) + adj_rem_len%
                IF LEN(divisor$) > LEN(dividend$) THEN
                    w3&& = 0: runningtotal$ = dividend$: stringmathb$ = "0"
                    IF betatest% THEN PRINT: COLOR 3: PRINT "Divisor is larger so "; dividend$; " \ "; divisor$; " =";: COLOR 5: PRINT w3&&: COLOR 7
                    EXIT DO
                END IF
                IF LEN(divisor$) = LEN(dividend$) THEN
                    gl% = 2: string_compare divisor$, dividend$, gl%
                    IF gl% = 1 THEN
                        w3&& = 0: runningtotal$ = dividend$: stringmathb$ = "0"
                        IF betatest% THEN COLOR 9: PRINT "Length of divisor is the same as remainder but remainder is smaller so w3&& = ";: COLOR 5: PRINT "0": COLOR 7
                        EXIT DO
                    END IF
                END IF
                SELECT CASE LEN(dividend$)
                    CASE IS > 2
                        w3&& = VAL(MID$(dividend$, 1, 2 + adj_rem_len%)) \ VAL(MID$(divisor$, 1, 2))
                        IF betatest% THEN PRINT MID$(dividend$, 1, 2 + adj_rem_len%); " \ "; MID$(divisor$, 1, 2); " =";
                    CASE ELSE
                        w3&& = VAL(MID$(dividend$, 1, 1 + adj_rem_len%)) \ VAL(MID$(divisor$, 1, 1))
                        IF betatest% THEN PRINT MID$(dividend$, 1, 1 + adj_rem_len%); " \ "; MID$(divisor$, 1, 1); " =";
                END SELECT
                IF betatest% THEN COLOR 5: PRINT " " + LTRIM$(STR$(w3&&));: COLOR 7: PRINT ". Begin mult est. at or one above this number."
                IF w3&& < 9 THEN w3&& = w3&& + 1 ELSE IF w3&& = 10 THEN w3&& = 9
                    stringmatha$ = divisor$: stringmathb$ = LTRIM$(STR$(w3&&))
                    GOSUB string_multiply_new
                    gl% = 2: string_compare runningtotal$, dividend$, gl%
                    IF gl% <= 0 OR w3&& = 0 THEN EXIT DO
                    IF betatest% THEN COLOR 8: PRINT "Mult loop:"; w3&&; "* "; divisor$; " = "; runningtotal$: COLOR 7
                    w3&& = w3&& - 1
                stringmatha$ = dividend$: stringmathb$ = runningtotal$
                operator$ = "-": GOSUB string_add_subtract_new
                EXIT DO
            IF betatest% THEN PRINT LTRIM$(STR$(w3&&)); " * "; divisor$; " = "; stringmathb$; " | "; stringmatha$; " - "; stringmathb$; " = "; runningtotal$; " Remainder and drop-down = ";
            j2&& = j2&& + 1
            drop$ = "0": MID$(drop$, 1, 1) = MID$(origdividend$, j2&&, 1)
            IF runningtotal$ <> "0" THEN remainder$ = runningtotal$ ELSE remainder$ = ""
            dividend$ = remainder$ + drop$
            w3$ = LTRIM$(STR$(w3&&))
            temp$ = ""
            IF div_decimal% = -1 THEN
                IF dp&& AND k&& = 0 THEN
                    q$ = q$ + "." + STRING$(dp&& - 1, "0")
                    IF w3&& = 0 THEN w3$ = ""
                END IF
            END IF
            IF div_decimal% >= 0 THEN
                IF dp&& = k&& THEN
                    temp$ = "."
                END IF
            END IF
            q$ = q$ + w3$ + temp$
            IF betatest% AND remainder$ = "" THEN betatemp$ = CHR$(34) + CHR$(34) ELSE IF betatest% THEN betatemp$ = remainder$
            IF betatest% AND MID$(origdividend$, j2&&, 1) = "" THEN betatemp2$ = CHR$(34) + CHR$(34) ELSE IF betatest% THEN betatemp2$ = MID$(origdividend$, j2&&, 1)
            IF betatest% THEN PRINT dividend$; " ("; betatemp$; " +  "; drop$; ") at:"; j2&&; "of "; origdividend$; "  Loop"; k&& + 1; "Quotent = ";: COLOR 14, 4: PRINT q$;: COLOR 7, 0: PRINT: SLEEP
            ' Check to terminate
            IF div_decimal% = -1 THEN
                ' Decimal to left.
                IF remainder$ = "" AND MID$(origdividend$, j2&&, 1) = "" OR j2&& = limit&& THEN EXIT DO
                ' Decimal to right.
                IF remainder$ = "" AND MID$(origdividend$, j2&&, 1) = "" AND k&& >= dp&& OR j2&& = limit&& THEN EXIT DO
            END IF
            IF INKEY$ = " " THEN EXIT DO
            k&& = k&& + 1
        EXIT DO
    IF RIGHT$(q$, 1) = "." THEN runningtotal$ = MID$(q$, 1, LEN(q$) - 1) ELSE runningtotal$ = q$

    a1$ = stringmatha$: b1$ = stringmathb$
    s = 18: i&& = 0: c = 0

    a$ = stringmatha$: b$ = stringmathb$: op$ = operator$

    IF op$ = "-" THEN
        IF LEFT$(b$, 1) = "-" THEN b$ = MID$(b$, 2) ELSE b$ = "-" + b$
    END IF

    IF INSTR(a$, ".") <> 0 OR INSTR(b$, ".") <> 0 THEN
        decimal% = -1
        IF INSTR(a$, ".") <> 0 THEN
            dec_a&& = LEN(MID$(a$, INSTR(a$, ".") + 1))
            a$ = MID$(a$, 1, INSTR(a$, ".") - 1) + MID$(a$, INSTR(a$, ".") + 1)
        END IF
        IF INSTR(b$, ".") <> 0 THEN
            dec_b&& = LEN(MID$(b$, INSTR(b$, ".") + 1))
            b$ = MID$(b$, 1, INSTR(b$, ".") - 1) + MID$(b$, INSTR(b$, ".") + 1)
        END IF
        ' Line up decimal places by inserting trailing zeros.
        IF dec_b&& > dec_a&& THEN
            j&& = dec_b&&
            a$ = a$ + STRING$(dec_b&& - dec_a&&, "0")
            j&& = dec_a&&
            b$ = b$ + STRING$(dec_a&& - dec_b&&, "0")
        END IF
    END IF

    IF LEFT$(a$, 1) = "-" OR LEFT$(b$, 1) = "-" THEN
        IF LEFT$(a$, 1) = "-" AND LEFT$(b$, 1) = "-" THEN
            sign$ = "": a$ = MID$(a$, 2): b$ = MID$(b$, 2)
            IF LEFT$(a$, 1) = "-" THEN a$ = MID$(a$, 2): sign_a$ = "-"
            IF LEFT$(b$, 1) = "-" THEN b$ = MID$(b$, 2): sign_b$ = "-"

            IF LEFT$(a1$, 1) = "-" THEN a1_x$ = MID$(a1$, 2) ELSE a1_x$ = a1$
            IF LEFT$(b1$, 1) = "-" THEN b1_x$ = MID$(b1$, 2) ELSE b1_x$ = b1$

            string_compare a1_x$, b1_x$, gl%

            IF gl% < 0 THEN
                IF LEN(sign_b$) THEN sign$ = "-": SWAP a$, b$
                IF LEN(sign_a$) THEN sign$ = "-": SWAP sign_a$, sign_b$
            END IF
        END IF
    END IF

    z$ = ""
    ' Addition and subtraction of digits.
        i&& = i&& + s
        x1$ = MID$(a$, LEN(a$) - i&& + 1, s)
        x2$ = MID$(b$, LEN(b$) - i&& + 1, s)
        IF LEN(x2$) > LEN(x1$) THEN SWAP x1$, x2$
        a = VAL(sign_a$ + x1$) + VAL(sign_b$ + x2$) + c
        IF x1$ + x2$ = "" AND c = 0 THEN EXIT DO
        c = 0
        IF a > VAL(STRING$(s, "9")) THEN a = a - 10 ^ s: c = 1
        IF a < 0 THEN a = a + 10 ^ s: c = -1 ' a will never be less than 0.
        tmp$ = LTRIM$(STR$(a))
        z$ = STRING$(LEN(x1$) - LEN(tmp$), "0") + tmp$ + z$

    IF decimal% THEN
        z$ = MID$(z$, 1, LEN(z$) - j&&) + "." + MID$(z$, LEN(z$) - j&& + 1)
    END IF

    ' Remove any leading zeros.
        IF LEFT$(z$, 1) = "0" THEN z$ = MID$(z$, 2) ELSE EXIT DO

    IF z$ = "" OR z$ = "0" THEN z$ = "0" ELSE z$ = LEFT$(sign$, 1) + z$

    runningtotal$ = z$

    sign$ = "": sign_a$ = "": sign_b$ = "": i&& = 0: j&& = 0: decimal% = 0: c = 0

    z$ = "": sign$ = "": mult&& = 0: h&& = 0: i&& = 0: j&& = 0: c = 0: decimal% = 0
    zz$ = "": ii&& = 0: jj&& = 0
    s = 8: ss = 18

    a$ = stringmatha$: b$ = stringmathb$

    IF INSTR(a$, "-") <> 0 OR INSTR(b$, "-") <> 0 THEN
        IF INSTR(a$, "-") <> 0 AND INSTR(b$, "-") <> 0 THEN
            a$ = MID$(a$, 2): b$ = MID$(b$, 2)
            IF INSTR(a$, "-") <> 0 THEN a$ = MID$(a$, 2) ELSE b$ = MID$(b$, 2)
            sign$ = "-"
        END IF
    END IF

    IF INSTR(a$, ".") <> 0 OR INSTR(b$, ".") <> 0 THEN
        decimal% = -1
        IF INSTR(a$, ".") <> 0 THEN
            dec_a&& = LEN(MID$(a$, INSTR(a$, ".") + 1))
            a$ = MID$(a$, 1, INSTR(a$, ".") - 1) + MID$(a$, INSTR(a$, ".") + 1)
        END IF
        IF INSTR(b$, ".") <> 0 THEN
            dec_b&& = LEN(MID$(b$, INSTR(b$, ".") + 1))
            b$ = MID$(b$, 1, INSTR(b$, ".") - 1) + MID$(b$, INSTR(b$, ".") + 1)
        END IF
    END IF

    IF LEN(a$) < LEN(b$) THEN SWAP a$, b$ ' Needed so x1$ is always the largest for leading zero replacements.
    ' Multiplication of digits.
        h&& = h&& + s: i&& = 0
        x2$ = MID$(b$, LEN(b$) - h&& + 1, s)
            i&& = i&& + s
            x1$ = MID$(a$, LEN(a$) - i&& + 1, s)
            a = VAL(x1$) * VAL(x2$) + c
            c = 0
            tmp$ = LTRIM$(STR$(a))
            IF LEN(tmp$) > s THEN c = VAL(MID$(tmp$, 1, LEN(tmp$) - s)): tmp$ = MID$(tmp$, LEN(tmp$) - s + 1)
            z$ = STRING$(LEN(x1$) - LEN(tmp$), "0") + tmp$ + z$
        LOOP UNTIL i&& >= LEN(a$) AND c = 0

        jj&& = jj&& + 1

        IF jj&& > 1 THEN
            ii&& = 0: cc = 0
            aa$ = holdaa$
            bb$ = z$ + STRING$((jj&& - 1) * s, "0")
            ' Addition only of digits.
                ii&& = ii&& + ss
                xx1$ = MID$(aa$, LEN(aa$) - ii&& + 1, ss)
                xx2$ = MID$(bb$, LEN(bb$) - ii&& + 1, ss)
                IF LEN(xx1$) < LEN(xx2$) THEN SWAP xx1$, xx2$
                aa = VAL(xx1$) + VAL(xx2$) + cc
                IF xx1$ + xx2$ = "" AND cc = 0 THEN EXIT DO ' Prevents leading zeros.
                cc = 0
                IF aa > VAL(STRING$(ss, "9")) THEN aa = aa - 10 ^ ss: cc = 1
                tmp$ = LTRIM$(STR$(aa))
                zz$ = STRING$(LEN(xx1$) - LEN(tmp$), "0") + tmp$ + zz$

            DO WHILE LEFT$(zz$, 1) = "0"
                IF LEFT$(zz$, 1) = "0" THEN zz$ = MID$(zz$, 2)
            IF zz$ = "" THEN zz$ = "0"

            holdaa$ = zz$
            holdaa$ = z$ + STRING$(jj&& - 1, "0")
        END IF

        z$ = "": zz$ = ""

    LOOP UNTIL h&& >= LEN(b$)

    z$ = holdaa$

    IF decimal% THEN
        DO UNTIL LEN(z$) >= dec_a&& + dec_b&&
            z$ = "0" + z$

        z$ = MID$(z$, 0, LEN(z$) - (dec_a&& + dec_b&& - 1)) + "." + MID$(z$, LEN(z$) - (dec_a&& + dec_b&&) + 1)

        DO UNTIL RIGHT$(z$, 1) <> "0" AND RIGHT$(z$, 1) <> "."
            z$ = MID$(z$, 1, LEN(z$) - 1)
    END IF

    IF STRING$(LEN(z$), "0") = z$ OR z$ = "" OR z$ = "0" THEN z$ = "0" ELSE z$ = sign$ + z$

    decimal% = 0: sign$ = ""

    runningtotal$ = z$

    vsn_negcnt& = 0: vsn_poscnt& = 0: vsn_depresent& = 0: decimalcnt& = 0: vsn_numberpresent& = 0: vsn_zerospresent& = 0
    IF LEFT$(validate$, 1) = "-" THEN validate$ = MID$(validate$, 2): sm_sign$ = "-" ELSE sm_sign$ = ""
    IF LEFT$(validate$, 1) = "+" THEN IF sm_sign$ <> "-" THEN validate$ = MID$(validate$, 2) ELSE validate$ = "invalid number": RETURN
    IF INSTR(UCASE$(validate$), "D") OR INSTR(UCASE$(validate$), "E") THEN ' Evaluate for Scientific Notation.
        FOR sm_i& = 1 TO LEN(validate$)
            validatenum$ = MID$(UCASE$(validate$), sm_i&, 1)
            SELECT CASE validatenum$
                CASE "+"
                    IF vsn_depresent& THEN vsn_poscnt& = vsn_poscnt& + 1 ELSE validate$ = "invalid number": RETURN
                CASE "-"
                    IF vsn_depresent& THEN vsn_negcnt& = vsn_negcnt& + 1 ELSE validate$ = "invalid number": RETURN
                CASE "0" TO "9"
                    vsn_numberpresent& = -1
                CASE "D", "E"
                    vsn_depresent& = vsn_depresent& + 1
                    IF decimalcnt& = 0 AND sm_i& <> 2 OR vsn_depresent& > 1 OR vsn_numberpresent& = 0 OR vsn_negcnt& > 1 OR vsn_poscnt& > 1 OR vsn_negcnt& = 1 AND vsn_poscnt& >= 1 THEN vsn_numberpresent& = 0: EXIT FOR
                    vsn_numberpresent& = 0
                    MID$(validate$, sm_i&, 1) = "e" ' Standardize
                CASE "."
                    decimalcnt& = decimalcnt& + 1
                    IF sm_i& <> 2 THEN vsn_numberpresent& = 0: EXIT FOR
                CASE ELSE
                    vsn_numberpresent& = 0: EXIT FOR
            END SELECT
        IF decimalcnt& = 0 THEN validate$ = MID$(validate$, 1, 1) + "." + MID$(validate$, 2) ' Standardize "."
        IF vsn_numberpresent& = 0 OR vsn_negcnt& = 1 AND vsn_poscnt& = 1 OR decimalcnt& > 1 OR INSTR(validate$, ".") <> 2 THEN validate$ = "invalid number": RETURN
        vsn_depresent& = INSTR(validate$, "e")
        sm_x$ = MID$(validate$, vsn_depresent& + 1, 1) ' Standardize exponent "+" these two lines.
        IF sm_x$ <> "+" AND sm_x$ <> "-" THEN validate$ = MID$(validate$, 1, vsn_depresent&) + "+" + MID$(validate$, vsn_depresent& + 1)
        IF MID$(validate$, vsn_depresent& + 2, 1) = "0" THEN
            IF MID$(validate$, vsn_depresent& + 3, 1) <> "" THEN validate$ = "invalid number": RETURN ' No leading zeros allowed in exponent notation.
        END IF
        jjed& = INSTR(validate$, "e") ' Get position of notation.
        valexpside$ = MID$(validate$, jjed&) ' These two lines break up into number and notation
        validate$ = MID$(validate$, 1, jjed& - 1) ' validate$ is +- single digit whole number, decimal point and decimal number. valexpside$ is notation, sign and exponent.
        DO UNTIL RIGHT$(validate$, 1) <> "0" ' Remove any trailing zeros for number. Example 1.0d3 or 1.0000d3, etc.
            validate$ = MID$(validate$, 1, LEN(validate$) - 1)
        IF VAL(MID$(validate$, 1, INSTR(validate$, ".") - 1)) = 0 THEN
            IF RIGHT$(validate$, 1) = "." THEN
                validate$ = "0.e+0" ' Handles all types of zero entries.
                validate$ = "invalid number": RETURN
            END IF
        END IF
        validate$ = sm_sign$ + validate$ + valexpside$
        FOR sm_i& = 1 TO LEN(validate$)
            validatenum$ = MID$(validate$, sm_i&, 1)
            SELECT CASE validatenum$
                CASE "."
                    decimalcnt& = decimalcnt& + 1
                CASE "0"
                    vsn_zerospresent& = -1
                CASE "1" TO "9"
                    vsn_numberpresent& = -1
                CASE "$"
                CASE ELSE
                    validate$ = "invalid number": RETURN
            END SELECT
        IF decimalcnt& > 1 OR vsn_negcnt& > 1 OR vsn_poscnt& > 1 OR vsn_negcnt& >= 1 AND vsn_poscnt& >= 1 THEN
            validate$ = "invalid number": RETURN
        END IF
        REM IF INSTR(validate$, "$") THEN GOSUB currency_validate
        IF INSTR(validate$, ",") THEN
            REM GOSUB comma_validation
            IF validate$ = "invalid number" THEN RETURN
            REM GOSUB comma_removal
        END IF
        IF RIGHT$(validate$, 1) = "." THEN validate$ = MID$(validate$, 1, LEN(validate$) - 1)
        DO UNTIL LEFT$(validate$, 1) <> "0" ' Strip off any leading zeros.
            validate$ = MID$(validate$, 2)
        validate$ = sm_sign$ + validate$
        IF INSTR(validate$, ".") THEN
            DO UNTIL RIGHT$(validate$, 1) <> "0" ' Strip off any trailing zeros in a decimal.
                validate$ = MID$(validate$, 1, LEN(validate$) - 1)
        END IF
        IF RIGHT$(validate$, 1) = "." THEN validate$ = MID$(validate$, 1, LEN(validate$) - 1)
        IF vsn_numberpresent& = 0 THEN
            IF vsn_zerospresent& THEN
                validate$ = "0"
                validate$ = "invalid number"
            END IF
        END IF
    END IF


SUB string_compare (stringmatha$, stringmathb$, gl%)
    compa$ = stringmatha$: compb$ = stringmathb$ ' So original variables do not get changed.
        WHILE -1 ' Falx loop.
            IF gl% = 2 THEN EXIT WHILE ' For bypassing sign and decimal adjustments when only positive non-decimal numbers are being evaluated.
            ' Remove trailing zeros after a decimal point.
            IF INSTR(compa$, ".") THEN
                DO UNTIL RIGHT$(compa$, 1) <> "0" AND RIGHT$(compa$, 1) <> "." AND RIGHT$(compa$, 1) <> "-"
                    compa$ = MID$(compa$, 1, LEN(compa$) - 1)
            END IF
            IF INSTR(compb$, ".") THEN
                DO UNTIL RIGHT$(compb$, 1) <> "0" AND RIGHT$(compb$, 1) <> "." AND RIGHT$(compb$, 1) <> "-"
                    compb$ = MID$(compb$, 1, LEN(compb$) - 1)
            END IF

            IF MID$(compa$, 1, 2) = "-0" OR compa$ = "" OR compa$ = "-" THEN compa$ = "0"
            IF MID$(compb$, 1, 2) = "-0" OR compb$ = "" OR compb$ = "-" THEN compb$ = "0"

            ' A - and +
            IF LEFT$(compa$, 1) = "-" THEN j% = -1
            IF LEFT$(compb$, 1) = "-" THEN k% = -1
            IF k% = 0 AND j% THEN gl% = -1: EXIT DO
            IF j% = 0 AND k% THEN gl% = 1: EXIT DO

            ' A decimal and non-decimal.
            j% = INSTR(compa$, ".")
            k% = INSTR(compb$, ".")

            IF j% = 0 AND k% THEN
                IF compa$ = "0" THEN gl% = -1 ELSE gl% = 1
                EXIT DO
            END IF
            IF k% = 0 AND j% THEN
                IF compb$ = "0" THEN gl% = 1 ELSE gl% = -1
                EXIT DO
            END IF

            ' Both decimals.
            IF j% THEN
                SELECT CASE INSTR(compa$, ".")
                    CASE IS > INSTR(compb$, ".")
                        gl% = 1
                    CASE IS = INSTR(compb$, ".")
                        IF compa$ = compb$ THEN
                            gl% = 0
                        ELSEIF compa$ < compb$ THEN gl% = -1
                            gl% = 1
                        END IF
                    CASE IS < INSTR(compb$, ".")
                        gl% = -1
                END SELECT
                EXIT DO
            END IF
            EXIT WHILE

        ' Remove leading zeros if any.
        DO UNTIL LEFT$(compa$, 1) <> "0"
            compa$ = MID$(compa$, 2)
        IF compa$ = "" THEN compa$ = "0"
        DO UNTIL LEFT$(compb$, 1) <> "0"
            compb$ = MID$(compb$, 2)
        IF compb$ = "" THEN compb$ = "0"

        ' Both positive or both negative whole numbers.

        SELECT CASE LEN(compa$)
            CASE IS < LEN(compb$)
                gl% = -1
            CASE IS = LEN(compb$)
                IF compa$ = compb$ THEN
                    gl% = 0
                ELSEIF compa$ > compb$ THEN gl% = 1
                ELSEIF compa$ < compb$ THEN gl% = -1
                END IF
            CASE IS > LEN(compb$)
                gl% = 1
        END SELECT
        EXIT DO


PS Here is the routine used in the pi calculations:
Oh, and just for fun, here is the string math routine as a function. The function calls the appropriate math subs. Of course, those subs could just be all part of the function, with GOSUB/RETURN but from a previous discussion, it seems most of us prefer separate subs.

So a PRINT SM("24/6") will return a string value of 4.

Code: (Select All)
DIM SHARED limit&&, betatest%
limit&& = 32: betatest% = 0
IF betatest% THEN WIDTH 170, 42: _SCREENMOVE 0, 0
DIM SHARED stringmatha$, stringmathb$, runningtotal$, operator$

PRINT sm$("24*6")
PRINT sm$("24/6")
PRINT sm$("24+6")
PRINT sm$("24-6")

FUNCTION sm$ (x$)
    IF INSTR(x$, "*") THEN
        stringmathb$ = MID$(x$, INSTR(x$, "*") + 1)
        stringmatha$ = MID$(x$, 1, INSTR(x$, "*") - 1)
        GOSUB validate_string_number
        string_multiply stringmatha$, stringmathb$, runningtotal$
    ELSEIF INSTR(x$, "/") THEN
        stringmathb$ = MID$(x$, INSTR(x$, "/") + 1)
        stringmatha$ = MID$(x$, 1, INSTR(x$, "/") - 1)
        GOSUB validate_string_number
        string_divide stringmatha$, stringmathb$, runningtotal$
    ELSEIF INSTR(x$, "+") THEN
        stringmathb$ = MID$(x$, INSTR(x$, "+") + 1)
        stringmatha$ = MID$(x$, 1, INSTR(x$, "+") - 1)
        GOSUB validate_string_number
        string_add_subtract stringmatha$, "+", stringmathb$, runningtotal$
    ELSEIF INSTR(x$, "-") THEN
        stringmathb$ = MID$(x$, INSTR(x$, "-") + 1)
        stringmatha$ = MID$(x$, 1, INSTR(x$, "-") - 1)
        GOSUB validate_string_number
        string_add_subtract stringmatha$, "-", stringmathb$, runningtotal$
        PRINT "An operator was not included in the expression."
    END IF
    sm$ = runningtotal$

    vsn_negcnt& = 0: vsn_poscnt& = 0: vsn_depresent& = 0: decimalcnt& = 0: vsn_numberpresent& = 0: vsn_zerospresent& = 0
    IF LEFT$(validate$, 1) = "-" THEN validate$ = MID$(validate$, 2): sm_sign$ = "-" ELSE sm_sign$ = ""
    IF LEFT$(validate$, 1) = "+" THEN IF sm_sign$ <> "-" THEN validate$ = MID$(validate$, 2) ELSE validate$ = "invalid number": RETURN
    IF INSTR(UCASE$(validate$), "D") OR INSTR(UCASE$(validate$), "E") THEN ' Evaluate for Scientific Notation.
        FOR sm_i& = 1 TO LEN(validate$)
            validatenum$ = MID$(UCASE$(validate$), sm_i&, 1)
            SELECT CASE validatenum$
                CASE "+"
                    IF vsn_depresent& THEN vsn_poscnt& = vsn_poscnt& + 1 ELSE validate$ = "invalid number": RETURN
                CASE "-"
                    IF vsn_depresent& THEN vsn_negcnt& = vsn_negcnt& + 1 ELSE validate$ = "invalid number": RETURN
                CASE "0" TO "9"
                    vsn_numberpresent& = -1
                CASE "D", "E"
                    vsn_depresent& = vsn_depresent& + 1
                    IF decimalcnt& = 0 AND sm_i& <> 2 OR vsn_depresent& > 1 OR vsn_numberpresent& = 0 OR vsn_negcnt& > 1 OR vsn_poscnt& > 1 OR vsn_negcnt& = 1 AND vsn_poscnt& >= 1 THEN vsn_numberpresent& = 0: EXIT FOR
                    vsn_numberpresent& = 0
                    MID$(validate$, sm_i&, 1) = "e" ' Standardize
                CASE "."
                    decimalcnt& = decimalcnt& + 1
                    IF sm_i& <> 2 THEN vsn_numberpresent& = 0: EXIT FOR
                CASE ELSE
                    vsn_numberpresent& = 0: EXIT FOR
            END SELECT
        IF decimalcnt& = 0 THEN validate$ = MID$(validate$, 1, 1) + "." + MID$(validate$, 2) ' Standardize "."
        IF vsn_numberpresent& = 0 OR vsn_negcnt& = 1 AND vsn_poscnt& = 1 OR decimalcnt& > 1 OR INSTR(validate$, ".") <> 2 THEN validate$ = "invalid number": RETURN
        vsn_depresent& = INSTR(validate$, "e")
        sm_x$ = MID$(validate$, vsn_depresent& + 1, 1) ' Standardize exponent "+" these two lines.
        IF sm_x$ <> "+" AND sm_x$ <> "-" THEN validate$ = MID$(validate$, 1, vsn_depresent&) + "+" + MID$(validate$, vsn_depresent& + 1)
        IF MID$(validate$, vsn_depresent& + 2, 1) = "0" THEN
            IF MID$(validate$, vsn_depresent& + 3, 1) <> "" THEN validate$ = "invalid number": RETURN ' No leading zeros allowed in exponent notation.
        END IF
        jjed& = INSTR(validate$, "e") ' Get position of notation.
        valexpside$ = MID$(validate$, jjed&) ' These two lines break up into number and notation
        validate$ = MID$(validate$, 1, jjed& - 1) ' validate$ is +- single digit whole number, decimal point and decimal number. valexpside$ is notation, sign and exponent.
        DO UNTIL RIGHT$(validate$, 1) <> "0" ' Remove any trailing zeros for number. Example 1.0d3 or 1.0000d3, etc.
            validate$ = MID$(validate$, 1, LEN(validate$) - 1)
        IF VAL(MID$(validate$, 1, INSTR(validate$, ".") - 1)) = 0 THEN
            IF RIGHT$(validate$, 1) = "." THEN
                validate$ = "0.e+0" ' Handles all types of zero entries.
                validate$ = "invalid number": RETURN
            END IF
        END IF
        validate$ = sm_sign$ + validate$ + valexpside$
        FOR sm_i& = 1 TO LEN(validate$)
            validatenum$ = MID$(validate$, sm_i&, 1)
            SELECT CASE validatenum$
                CASE "."
                    decimalcnt& = decimalcnt& + 1
                CASE "0"
                    vsn_zerospresent& = -1
                CASE "1" TO "9"
                    vsn_numberpresent& = -1
                CASE "$"
                CASE ELSE
                    validate$ = "invalid number": RETURN
            END SELECT
        IF decimalcnt& > 1 OR vsn_negcnt& > 1 OR vsn_poscnt& > 1 OR vsn_negcnt& >= 1 AND vsn_poscnt& >= 1 THEN
            validate$ = "invalid number": RETURN
        END IF
        REM IF INSTR(validate$, "$") THEN GOSUB currency_validate
        IF INSTR(validate$, ",") THEN
            REM GOSUB comma_validation
            IF validate$ = "invalid number" THEN RETURN
            REM GOSUB comma_removal
        END IF
        IF RIGHT$(validate$, 1) = "." THEN validate$ = MID$(validate$, 1, LEN(validate$) - 1)
        DO UNTIL LEFT$(validate$, 1) <> "0" ' Strip off any leading zeros.
            validate$ = MID$(validate$, 2)
        validate$ = sm_sign$ + validate$
        IF INSTR(validate$, ".") THEN
            DO UNTIL RIGHT$(validate$, 1) <> "0" ' Strip off any trailing zeros in a decimal.
                validate$ = MID$(validate$, 1, LEN(validate$) - 1)
        END IF
        IF RIGHT$(validate$, 1) = "." THEN validate$ = MID$(validate$, 1, LEN(validate$) - 1)
        IF vsn_numberpresent& = 0 THEN
            IF vsn_zerospresent& THEN
                validate$ = "0"
                validate$ = "invalid number"
            END IF
        END IF
    END IF

SUB string_divide (stringmatha$, stringmathb$, runningtotal$)
    q$ = "": divisor$ = stringmathb$: dividend$ = stringmatha$
    DO ' Falx loop.
        'Strip off neg(s) and determine quotent sign.
        IF LEFT$(divisor$, 1) = "-" THEN divisor$ = MID$(divisor$, 2): q$ = "-"
        IF LEFT$(dividend$, 1) = "-" THEN dividend$ = MID$(dividend$, 2): IF q$ = "-" THEN q$ = "" ELSE q$ = "-"

        ' Quick results for divisor 1 or 0.
        IF divisor$ = "0" THEN q$ = "0": EXIT DO
        IF divisor$ = "1" THEN q$ = dividend$: EXIT DO
        IF dividend$ = "0" THEN q$ = "Division by zero not possible.": EXIT DO

        ' Determine decimal direction. -1 to left, +1 to right.
        gl% = 0: string_compare divisor$, dividend$, gl%
        IF betatest% AND gl% = 1 THEN PRINT divisor$; " > "; dividend$; " Move decimal to the left"
        IF betatest% AND gl% = 0 THEN PRINT divisor$; " = "; dividend$
        IF betatest% AND gl% = -1 THEN PRINT divisor$; " < "; dividend$; " Move deciml to the right."
        IF gl% = 1 THEN ' Divisor is larger than dividend so decimal moves to the left.
            div_decimal% = -1 ' Move decimal point to the left.
        ELSEIF gl% = -1 THEN
            div_decimal% = 1 ' Move decimal point to the right.
            ' Divisor and dividend are the same number.
            q$ = q$ + "1": EXIT DO
        END IF
        divisor_ratio_dividend% = gl%

        ' Strip off decimal point(s) and determine places in these next 2 routines.
        dp&& = 0: dp2&& = 0: j2&& = 0
        temp&& = INSTR(divisor$, ".")
        IF temp&& THEN
            divisor$ = MID$(divisor$, 1, temp&& - 1) + MID$(divisor$, temp&& + 1)
            IF temp&& = 1 THEN
                DO UNTIL LEFT$(divisor$, 1) <> "0" ' Strip off any leading zeros on divisor only.
                    divisor$ = MID$(divisor$, 2)
                    dp&& = dp&& + 1
                dp&& = dp&& + 1
                dp&& = -(temp&& - 2)
            END IF
            dp&& = -(LEN(divisor$) - 1)
        END IF
        temp&& = INSTR(dividend$, ".")
        IF temp&& THEN
            dividend$ = MID$(dividend$, 1, temp&& - 1) + MID$(dividend$, temp&& + 1)
            IF temp&& = 1 THEN
                DO UNTIL LEFT$(dividend$, 1) <> "0" ' Strip off any leading zeros on divisor only.
                    dividend$ = MID$(dividend$, 2)
                    dp2&& = dp2&& + 1
                dp2&& = dp2&& + 1
                dp2&& = -(temp&& - 2)
            END IF
            dp2&& = -(LEN(dividend$) - 1)
        END IF
        IF betatest% THEN COLOR 11: PRINT "Divisor decimal moves "; LTRIM$(STR$(dp&&)); ". Dividend decimal moves"; LTRIM$(STR$(dp2&&)); ". Quotent decimal ABS("; LTRIM$(STR$(dp&&)); " - "; LTRIM$(STR$(dp2&&)); ") =";: COLOR 14: PRINT ABS(dp&& - dp2&&);: COLOR 11: PRINT "+ any adjustment.": COLOR 7
        dp&& = ABS(dp&& - dp2&&)

        IF betatest% THEN PRINT "Divisor 1st# = "; MID$(divisor$, 1, 1); "  Remainder 1st# = "; MID$(dividend$, 1, 1)

        ' Adjust decimal place for instances when divisor is larger than remainder.
        IF MID$(divisor$, 1, 1) > MID$(dividend$, 1, 1) THEN
            dp&& = dp&& - div_decimal%
            IF betatest% THEN PRINT "Larger divisor, so move quotent decimal one place back to: ";: COLOR 14: PRINT LTRIM$(STR$(dp&&)): COLOR 7
        ELSEIF MID$(divisor$, 1, 1) = MID$(dividend$, 1, 1) THEN
            IF divisor_ratio_dividend% = 1 THEN
                dp&& = dp&& - div_decimal%
                IF betatest% THEN PRINT "Larger divisor, so move quotent decimal one place back to: ";: COLOR 14: PRINT LTRIM$(STR$(dp&&)): COLOR 7
                IF betatest% THEN PRINT "Smaller divisor, so no quotent decimal place adjustment needed. Quotent decimal place = ";: COLOR 14: PRINT LTRIM$(STR$(dp&&)): COLOR 7
            END IF
            IF betatest% THEN PRINT "Smaller divisor, so no quotent decimal place adjustment needed. Quotent decimal place = ";: COLOR 14: PRINT LTRIM$(STR$(dp&&)): COLOR 7
        END IF
        origdividend$ = dividend$
        ' Determine length of divisor and dividend to begin initial long divison step.
        gl% = 2: string_compare divisor$, MID$(dividend$, 1, LEN(divisor$)) + STRING$(LEN(divisor$) - LEN(dividend$), "0"), gl%
        divisor_ratio_dividend% = gl%
        IF gl% = 1 AND MID$(dividend$, 1, 1) <> "0" THEN
            dividend$ = MID$(dividend$, 1, LEN(divisor$) + 1) + STRING$(LEN(divisor$) + 1 - LEN(dividend$), "0")
            dividend$ = MID$(dividend$, 1, LEN(divisor$)) + STRING$(LEN(divisor$) - LEN(dividend$), "0")
        END IF

        ' Long divison loop. Mult and subtraction of dividend and remainder.
        k&& = 0
        IF betatest% THEN PRINT "Begin long divison loop..."
            SELECT CASE MID$(divisor$, 1, 1)
                CASE IS < MID$(dividend$, 1, 1)
                    adj_rem_len% = 0
                CASE IS = MID$(dividend$, 1, 1)
                    gl% = 2: string_compare divisor$, MID$(dividend$, 1, LEN(divisor$)), gl%
                    IF gl% = 1 THEN adj_rem_len% = 1 ELSE adj_rem_len% = 0
                CASE IS > MID$(dividend$, 1, 1)
                    adj_rem_len% = 1
            END SELECT
            IF j2&& = 0 THEN j2&& = LEN(divisor$) + adj_rem_len%
                IF LEN(divisor$) > LEN(dividend$) THEN
                    w3&& = 0: runningtotal$ = dividend$: stringmathb$ = "0"
                    IF betatest% THEN PRINT: COLOR 3: PRINT "Divisor is larger so "; dividend$; " \ "; divisor$; " =";: COLOR 5: PRINT w3&&: COLOR 7
                    EXIT DO
                END IF
                IF LEN(divisor$) = LEN(dividend$) THEN
                    gl% = 2: string_compare divisor$, dividend$, gl%
                    IF gl% = 1 THEN
                        w3&& = 0: runningtotal$ = dividend$: stringmathb$ = "0"
                        IF betatest% THEN COLOR 9: PRINT "Length of divisor is the same as remainder but remainder is smaller so w3&& = ";: COLOR 5: PRINT "0": COLOR 7
                        EXIT DO
                    END IF
                END IF
                SELECT CASE LEN(dividend$)
                    CASE IS > 2
                        w3&& = VAL(MID$(dividend$, 1, 2 + adj_rem_len%)) \ VAL(MID$(divisor$, 1, 2))
                        IF betatest% THEN PRINT MID$(dividend$, 1, 2 + adj_rem_len%); " \ "; MID$(divisor$, 1, 2); " =";
                    CASE ELSE
                        w3&& = VAL(MID$(dividend$, 1, 1 + adj_rem_len%)) \ VAL(MID$(divisor$, 1, 1))
                        IF betatest% THEN PRINT MID$(dividend$, 1, 1 + adj_rem_len%); " \ "; MID$(divisor$, 1, 1); " =";
                END SELECT
                IF betatest% THEN COLOR 5: PRINT " " + LTRIM$(STR$(w3&&));: COLOR 7: PRINT ". Begin mult est. at or one above this number."
                IF w3&& < 9 THEN w3&& = w3&& + 1 ELSE IF w3&& = 10 THEN w3&& = 9
                    stringmatha$ = divisor$: stringmathb$ = LTRIM$(STR$(w3&&))
                    string_multiply stringmatha$, stringmathb$, runningtotal$
                    gl% = 2: string_compare runningtotal$, dividend$, gl%
                    IF gl% <= 0 OR w3&& = 0 THEN EXIT DO
                    IF betatest% THEN COLOR 8: PRINT "Mult loop:"; w3&&; "* "; divisor$; " = "; runningtotal$: COLOR 7
                    w3&& = w3&& - 1
                stringmatha$ = dividend$: stringmathb$ = runningtotal$
                string_add_subtract stringmatha$, "-", stringmathb$, runningtotal$
                EXIT DO
            IF betatest% THEN PRINT LTRIM$(STR$(w3&&)); " * "; divisor$; " = "; stringmathb$; " | "; stringmatha$; " - "; stringmathb$; " = "; runningtotal$; " Remainder and drop-down = ";
            j2&& = j2&& + 1
            drop$ = "0": MID$(drop$, 1, 1) = MID$(origdividend$, j2&&, 1)
            IF runningtotal$ <> "0" THEN remainder$ = runningtotal$ ELSE remainder$ = ""
            dividend$ = remainder$ + drop$
            w3$ = LTRIM$(STR$(w3&&))
            temp$ = ""
            IF div_decimal% = -1 THEN
                IF dp&& AND k&& = 0 THEN
                    q$ = q$ + "." + STRING$(dp&& - 1, "0")
                    IF w3&& = 0 THEN w3$ = ""
                END IF
            END IF
            IF div_decimal% >= 0 THEN
                IF dp&& = k&& THEN
                    temp$ = "."
                END IF
            END IF
            q$ = q$ + w3$ + temp$
            IF betatest% AND remainder$ = "" THEN betatemp$ = CHR$(34) + CHR$(34) ELSE IF betatest% THEN betatemp$ = remainder$
            IF betatest% AND MID$(origdividend$, j2&&, 1) = "" THEN betatemp2$ = CHR$(34) + CHR$(34) ELSE IF betatest% THEN betatemp2$ = MID$(origdividend$, j2&&, 1)
            IF betatest% THEN PRINT dividend$; " ("; betatemp$; " +  "; drop$; ") at:"; j2&&; "of "; origdividend$; "  Loop"; k&& + 1; "Quotent = ";: COLOR 14, 4: PRINT q$;: COLOR 7, 0: PRINT: SLEEP
            ' Check to terminate
            IF div_decimal% = -1 THEN
                ' Decimal to left.
                IF remainder$ = "" AND MID$(origdividend$, j2&&, 1) = "" OR j2&& = limit&& THEN EXIT DO
                ' Decimal to right.
                IF remainder$ = "" AND MID$(origdividend$, j2&&, 1) = "" AND k&& >= dp&& OR j2&& = limit&& THEN EXIT DO
            END IF
            IF INKEY$ = " " THEN EXIT DO
            k&& = k&& + 1
        EXIT DO
    IF RIGHT$(q$, 1) = "." THEN runningtotal$ = MID$(q$, 1, LEN(q$) - 1) ELSE runningtotal$ = q$

SUB string_add_subtract (stringmatha$, operator$, stringmathb$, runningtotal$)
    DIM AS _INTEGER64 a, c, s
    a1$ = stringmatha$: b1$ = stringmathb$
    s = 18: i&& = 0: c = 0

    a$ = stringmatha$: b$ = stringmathb$: op$ = operator$

    IF op$ = "-" THEN
        IF LEFT$(b$, 1) = "-" THEN b$ = MID$(b$, 2) ELSE b$ = "-" + b$
    END IF

    IF INSTR(a$, ".") <> 0 OR INSTR(b$, ".") <> 0 THEN
        decimal% = -1
        IF INSTR(a$, ".") <> 0 THEN
            dec_a&& = LEN(MID$(a$, INSTR(a$, ".") + 1))
            a$ = MID$(a$, 1, INSTR(a$, ".") - 1) + MID$(a$, INSTR(a$, ".") + 1)
        END IF
        IF INSTR(b$, ".") <> 0 THEN
            dec_b&& = LEN(MID$(b$, INSTR(b$, ".") + 1))
            b$ = MID$(b$, 1, INSTR(b$, ".") - 1) + MID$(b$, INSTR(b$, ".") + 1)
        END IF
        ' Line up decimal places by inserting trailing zeros.
        IF dec_b&& > dec_a&& THEN
            j&& = dec_b&&
            a$ = a$ + STRING$(dec_b&& - dec_a&&, "0")
            j&& = dec_a&&
            b$ = b$ + STRING$(dec_a&& - dec_b&&, "0")
        END IF
    END IF

    IF LEFT$(a$, 1) = "-" OR LEFT$(b$, 1) = "-" THEN
        IF LEFT$(a$, 1) = "-" AND LEFT$(b$, 1) = "-" THEN
            sign$ = "": a$ = MID$(a$, 2): b$ = MID$(b$, 2)
            IF LEFT$(a$, 1) = "-" THEN a$ = MID$(a$, 2): sign_a$ = "-"
            IF LEFT$(b$, 1) = "-" THEN b$ = MID$(b$, 2): sign_b$ = "-"

            IF LEFT$(a1$, 1) = "-" THEN a1_x$ = MID$(a1$, 2) ELSE a1_x$ = a1$
            IF LEFT$(b1$, 1) = "-" THEN b1_x$ = MID$(b1$, 2) ELSE b1_x$ = b1$

            string_compare a1_x$, b1_x$, gl%

            IF gl% < 0 THEN
                IF LEN(sign_b$) THEN sign$ = "-": SWAP a$, b$
                IF LEN(sign_a$) THEN sign$ = "-": SWAP sign_a$, sign_b$
            END IF
        END IF
    END IF

    z$ = ""
    ' Addition and subtraction of digits.
        i&& = i&& + s
        x1$ = MID$(a$, LEN(a$) - i&& + 1, s)
        x2$ = MID$(b$, LEN(b$) - i&& + 1, s)
        IF LEN(x2$) > LEN(x1$) THEN SWAP x1$, x2$
        a = VAL(sign_a$ + x1$) + VAL(sign_b$ + x2$) + c
        IF x1$ + x2$ = "" AND c = 0 THEN EXIT DO
        c = 0
        IF a > VAL(STRING$(s, "9")) THEN a = a - 10 ^ s: c = 1
        IF a < 0 THEN a = a + 10 ^ s: c = -1 ' a will never be less than 0.
        tmp$ = LTRIM$(STR$(a))
        z$ = STRING$(LEN(x1$) - LEN(tmp$), "0") + tmp$ + z$

    IF decimal% THEN
        z$ = MID$(z$, 1, LEN(z$) - j&&) + "." + MID$(z$, LEN(z$) - j&& + 1)
    END IF

    ' Remove any leading zeros.
        IF LEFT$(z$, 1) = "0" THEN z$ = MID$(z$, 2) ELSE EXIT DO

    IF z$ = "" OR z$ = "0" THEN z$ = "0" ELSE z$ = LEFT$(sign$, 1) + z$

    runningtotal$ = z$

    sign$ = "": sign_a$ = "": sign_b$ = "": i&& = 0: j&& = 0: decimal% = 0: c = 0

SUB string_multiply (stringmatha$, stringmathb$, runningtotal$)
    DIM AS _INTEGER64 a, c, aa, cc, s, ss
    z$ = "": sign$ = "": mult&& = 0: h&& = 0: i&& = 0: j&& = 0: c = 0: decimal% = 0
    zz$ = "": ii&& = 0: jj&& = 0
    s = 8: ss = 18

    a$ = stringmatha$: b$ = stringmathb$

    IF INSTR(a$, "-") <> 0 OR INSTR(b$, "-") <> 0 THEN
        IF INSTR(a$, "-") <> 0 AND INSTR(b$, "-") <> 0 THEN
            a$ = MID$(a$, 2): b$ = MID$(b$, 2)
            IF INSTR(a$, "-") <> 0 THEN a$ = MID$(a$, 2) ELSE b$ = MID$(b$, 2)
            sign$ = "-"
        END IF
    END IF

    IF INSTR(a$, ".") <> 0 OR INSTR(b$, ".") <> 0 THEN
        decimal% = -1
        IF INSTR(a$, ".") <> 0 THEN
            dec_a&& = LEN(MID$(a$, INSTR(a$, ".") + 1))
            a$ = MID$(a$, 1, INSTR(a$, ".") - 1) + MID$(a$, INSTR(a$, ".") + 1)
        END IF
        IF INSTR(b$, ".") <> 0 THEN
            dec_b&& = LEN(MID$(b$, INSTR(b$, ".") + 1))
            b$ = MID$(b$, 1, INSTR(b$, ".") - 1) + MID$(b$, INSTR(b$, ".") + 1)
        END IF
    END IF

    IF LEN(a$) < LEN(b$) THEN SWAP a$, b$ ' Needed so x1$ is always the largest for leading zero replacements.
    ' Multiplication of digits.
        h&& = h&& + s: i&& = 0
        x2$ = MID$(b$, LEN(b$) - h&& + 1, s)
            i&& = i&& + s
            x1$ = MID$(a$, LEN(a$) - i&& + 1, s)
            a = VAL(x1$) * VAL(x2$) + c
            c = 0
            tmp$ = LTRIM$(STR$(a))
            IF LEN(tmp$) > s THEN c = VAL(MID$(tmp$, 1, LEN(tmp$) - s)): tmp$ = MID$(tmp$, LEN(tmp$) - s + 1)
            z$ = STRING$(LEN(x1$) - LEN(tmp$), "0") + tmp$ + z$
        LOOP UNTIL i&& >= LEN(a$) AND c = 0

        jj&& = jj&& + 1

        IF jj&& > 1 THEN
            ii&& = 0: cc = 0
            aa$ = holdaa$
            bb$ = z$ + STRING$((jj&& - 1) * s, "0")
            ' Addition only of digits.
                ii&& = ii&& + ss
                xx1$ = MID$(aa$, LEN(aa$) - ii&& + 1, ss)
                xx2$ = MID$(bb$, LEN(bb$) - ii&& + 1, ss)
                IF LEN(xx1$) < LEN(xx2$) THEN SWAP xx1$, xx2$
                aa = VAL(xx1$) + VAL(xx2$) + cc
                IF xx1$ + xx2$ = "" AND cc = 0 THEN EXIT DO ' Prevents leading zeros.
                cc = 0
                IF aa > VAL(STRING$(ss, "9")) THEN aa = aa - 10 ^ ss: cc = 1
                tmp$ = LTRIM$(STR$(aa))
                zz$ = STRING$(LEN(xx1$) - LEN(tmp$), "0") + tmp$ + zz$

            DO WHILE LEFT$(zz$, 1) = "0"
                IF LEFT$(zz$, 1) = "0" THEN zz$ = MID$(zz$, 2)
            IF zz$ = "" THEN zz$ = "0"

            holdaa$ = zz$
            holdaa$ = z$ + STRING$(jj&& - 1, "0")
        END IF

        z$ = "": zz$ = ""

    LOOP UNTIL h&& >= LEN(b$)

    z$ = holdaa$

    IF decimal% THEN
        DO UNTIL LEN(z$) >= dec_a&& + dec_b&&
            z$ = "0" + z$

        z$ = MID$(z$, 0, LEN(z$) - (dec_a&& + dec_b&& - 1)) + "." + MID$(z$, LEN(z$) - (dec_a&& + dec_b&&) + 1)

        DO UNTIL RIGHT$(z$, 1) <> "0" AND RIGHT$(z$, 1) <> "."
            z$ = MID$(z$, 1, LEN(z$) - 1)
    END IF

    IF STRING$(LEN(z$), "0") = z$ OR z$ = "" OR z$ = "0" THEN z$ = "0" ELSE z$ = sign$ + z$

    decimal% = 0: sign$ = ""

    runningtotal$ = z$

SUB string_compare (stringmatha$, stringmathb$, gl%)
    compa$ = stringmatha$: compb$ = stringmathb$ ' So original variables do not get changed.
        WHILE -1 ' Falx loop.
            IF gl% = 2 THEN EXIT WHILE ' For bypassing sign and decimal adjustments when only positive non-decimal numbers are being evaluated.
            ' Remove trailing zeros after a decimal point.
            IF INSTR(compa$, ".") THEN
                DO UNTIL RIGHT$(compa$, 1) <> "0" AND RIGHT$(compa$, 1) <> "." AND RIGHT$(compa$, 1) <> "-"
                    compa$ = MID$(compa$, 1, LEN(compa$) - 1)
            END IF
            IF INSTR(compb$, ".") THEN
                DO UNTIL RIGHT$(compb$, 1) <> "0" AND RIGHT$(compb$, 1) <> "." AND RIGHT$(compb$, 1) <> "-"
                    compb$ = MID$(compb$, 1, LEN(compb$) - 1)
            END IF

            IF MID$(compa$, 1, 2) = "-0" OR compa$ = "" OR compa$ = "-" THEN compa$ = "0"
            IF MID$(compb$, 1, 2) = "-0" OR compb$ = "" OR compb$ = "-" THEN compb$ = "0"

            ' A - and +
            IF LEFT$(compa$, 1) = "-" THEN j% = -1
            IF LEFT$(compb$, 1) = "-" THEN k% = -1
            IF k% = 0 AND j% THEN gl% = -1: EXIT DO
            IF j% = 0 AND k% THEN gl% = 1: EXIT DO

            ' A decimal and non-decimal.
            j% = INSTR(compa$, ".")
            k% = INSTR(compb$, ".")

            IF j% = 0 AND k% THEN
                IF compa$ = "0" THEN gl% = -1 ELSE gl% = 1
                EXIT DO
            END IF
            IF k% = 0 AND j% THEN
                IF compb$ = "0" THEN gl% = 1 ELSE gl% = -1
                EXIT DO
            END IF

            ' Both decimals.
            IF j% THEN
                SELECT CASE INSTR(compa$, ".")
                    CASE IS > INSTR(compb$, ".")
                        gl% = 1
                    CASE IS = INSTR(compb$, ".")
                        IF compa$ = compb$ THEN
                            gl% = 0
                        ELSEIF compa$ < compb$ THEN gl% = -1
                            gl% = 1
                        END IF
                    CASE IS < INSTR(compb$, ".")
                        gl% = -1
                END SELECT
                EXIT DO
            END IF
            EXIT WHILE

        ' Remove leading zeros if any.
        DO UNTIL LEFT$(compa$, 1) <> "0"
            compa$ = MID$(compa$, 2)
        IF compa$ = "" THEN compa$ = "0"
        DO UNTIL LEFT$(compb$, 1) <> "0"
            compb$ = MID$(compb$, 2)
        IF compb$ = "" THEN compb$ = "0"

        ' Both positive or both negative whole numbers.

        SELECT CASE LEN(compa$)
            CASE IS < LEN(compb$)
                gl% = -1
            CASE IS = LEN(compb$)
                IF compa$ = compb$ THEN
                    gl% = 0
                ELSEIF compa$ > compb$ THEN gl% = 1
                ELSEIF compa$ < compb$ THEN gl% = -1
                END IF
            CASE IS > LEN(compb$)
                gl% = 1
        END SELECT
        EXIT DO

Anyway, I hardly ever work with functions, mostly all subs, so...

Is there anyway to make:

PRINT sm$("24/6")


PRINT sm("24/6") [no $ sign]

DIM sm AS STRING fails because the name is already in use for the function.

What I would really like is : PRINT sm 24/6 but that's probably close to impossible as strings.

looks good Pete Smile
thank for sharing
(09-11-2022, 04:39 PM)Pete Wrote: Anyway, I hardly ever work with functions, mostly all subs, so...

Is there anyway to make:

PRINT sm$("24/6")


PRINT sm("24/6") [no $ sign]

DIM sm AS STRING fails because the name is already in use for the function.
This is actually one my top feature requests that might never be answered...

The problem is that it could make QB64 like Freebasic -- might not allow sigils any longer anywhere, for the sake of defining:
FUNCTION sm(a as string) as string

instead of
FUNCTION sm$(a$)

If the QB64 programmers (or contributor!) are slick enough, could make an exception just for user's string functions, as was already done for a short time with one of the QB64-only functions for Internet.
I wouldn't like that trade off losing the ability to use %,$, etc. on variables, either. That stated, if there was a way to make FUNCTION sm(x$) AS STRING, as per your example, that would be cool.

To me, I'm not seeing a good "One size fits all." method here.

Several methods could be made, the best one would depend on best meeting the needs of the program. While function is a neat compact way to PRINT the results when working explicitly with numeric literals, it's not so hot when we need to work with variables.

Code: (Select All)
a = "24"
b = "4"
sm a, "*", b: PRINT c

SUB sm (a, c, b)
    PRINT a, c, b
        CASE "*"
        CASE "/"
        CASE "+"
        CASE "-"
    c = runningtotal$

Or... we just DIM STRING and call each string math sub like sm_mult a, b, c... sm_div a, b, c... etc.

Or with a DIM STRING and function... PRINT sm_mult$ (a, b) or c = sm_mult$ (a, b) to place the results in a variable, like a sub would.

Anyone have any particular preferences or other sub/function call variants?


PS Thanks for the link. I actually had to make a spelling edit on that page before coming back.
(09-11-2022, 06:20 PM)Jack Wrote: looks good Pete Smile
thank for sharing


Thanks Jack. Does that smile make my ears look big?
Well not much feedback so far on format, so here's the one I think most folks would agree on, provided you don't mind more than a single sub-routine running the show in whatever program it gets used in...

Code: (Select All)
DIM SHARED limit&&, betatest%
limit&& = 32: betatest% = 0
IF betatest% THEN WIDTH 170, 42: _SCREENMOVE 0, 0

    WHILE -1
        LINE INPUT "1st Number: "; a$: IF sm_validate(a$) THEN PRINT a$: EXIT WHILE
        LINE INPUT "2nd Number: "; b$: IF sm_validate(b$) THEN PRINT b$: EXIT WHILE

        PRINT "a * b = "; sm_mult$(a$, b$)
        PRINT "a / b = "; sm_div$(a$, b$)
        PRINT "a + b = "; sm_add$(a$, b$)
        PRINT "a - b = "; sm_sub$(a$, b$)
        PRINT "srt a = "; sm_sqrt$(a$)
        PRINT "srt b = "; sm_sqrt$(b$)
        PRINT "sqr a = "; sm_sqr$(a$)
        PRINT "sqr b = "; sm_sqr$(b$)
        EXIT WHILE

SUB sm_greater_lesser (stringmatha$, stringmathb$, gl%)
    compa$ = stringmatha$: compb$ = stringmathb$ ' So original variables do not get changed.
        WHILE -1 ' Falx loop.
            IF gl% = 2 THEN EXIT WHILE ' For bypassing sign and decimal adjustments when only positive non-decimal numbers are being evaluated.
            ' Remove trailing zeros after a decimal point.
            IF INSTR(compa$, ".") THEN
                DO UNTIL RIGHT$(compa$, 1) <> "0" AND RIGHT$(compa$, 1) <> "." AND RIGHT$(compa$, 1) <> "-"
                    compa$ = MID$(compa$, 1, LEN(compa$) - 1)
            END IF
            IF INSTR(compb$, ".") THEN
                DO UNTIL RIGHT$(compb$, 1) <> "0" AND RIGHT$(compb$, 1) <> "." AND RIGHT$(compb$, 1) <> "-"
                    compb$ = MID$(compb$, 1, LEN(compb$) - 1)
            END IF

            IF MID$(compa$, 1, 2) = "-0" OR compa$ = "" OR compa$ = "-" THEN compa$ = "0"
            IF MID$(compb$, 1, 2) = "-0" OR compb$ = "" OR compb$ = "-" THEN compb$ = "0"

            ' A - and +
            IF LEFT$(compa$, 1) = "-" THEN j% = -1
            IF LEFT$(compb$, 1) = "-" THEN k% = -1
            IF k% = 0 AND j% THEN gl% = -1: EXIT DO
            IF j% = 0 AND k% THEN gl% = 1: EXIT DO

            ' A decimal and non-decimal.
            j% = INSTR(compa$, ".")
            k% = INSTR(compb$, ".")

            IF j% = 0 AND k% THEN
                IF compa$ = "0" THEN gl% = -1 ELSE gl% = 1
                EXIT DO
            END IF
            IF k% = 0 AND j% THEN
                IF compb$ = "0" THEN gl% = 1 ELSE gl% = -1
                EXIT DO
            END IF

            ' Both decimals.
            IF j% THEN
                SELECT CASE INSTR(compa$, ".")
                    CASE IS > INSTR(compb$, ".")
                        gl% = 1
                    CASE IS = INSTR(compb$, ".")
                        IF compa$ = compb$ THEN
                            gl% = 0
                        ELSEIF compa$ < compb$ THEN gl% = -1
                            gl% = 1
                        END IF
                    CASE IS < INSTR(compb$, ".")
                        gl% = -1
                END SELECT
                EXIT DO
            END IF
            EXIT WHILE

        ' Remove leading zeros if any.
        DO UNTIL LEFT$(compa$, 1) <> "0"
            compa$ = MID$(compa$, 2)
        IF compa$ = "" THEN compa$ = "0"
        DO UNTIL LEFT$(compb$, 1) <> "0"
            compb$ = MID$(compb$, 2)
        IF compb$ = "" THEN compb$ = "0"

        ' Both positive or both negative whole numbers.

        SELECT CASE LEN(compa$)
            CASE IS < LEN(compb$)
                gl% = -1
            CASE IS = LEN(compb$)
                IF compa$ = compb$ THEN
                    gl% = 0
                ELSEIF compa$ > compb$ THEN gl% = 1
                ELSEIF compa$ < compb$ THEN gl% = -1
                END IF
            CASE IS > LEN(compb$)
                gl% = 1
        END SELECT
        EXIT DO

SUB sm_add_subtract_router (stringmatha$, operator$, stringmathb$, runningtotal$)
    DIM AS _INTEGER64 a, c, s
    a1$ = stringmatha$: b1$ = stringmathb$
    s = 18: i&& = 0: c = 0

    a$ = stringmatha$: b$ = stringmathb$: op$ = operator$

    IF op$ = "-" THEN
        IF LEFT$(b$, 1) = "-" THEN b$ = MID$(b$, 2) ELSE b$ = "-" + b$
    END IF

    IF INSTR(a$, ".") <> 0 OR INSTR(b$, ".") <> 0 THEN
        decimal% = -1
        IF INSTR(a$, ".") <> 0 THEN
            dec_a&& = LEN(MID$(a$, INSTR(a$, ".") + 1))
            a$ = MID$(a$, 1, INSTR(a$, ".") - 1) + MID$(a$, INSTR(a$, ".") + 1)
        END IF
        IF INSTR(b$, ".") <> 0 THEN
            dec_b&& = LEN(MID$(b$, INSTR(b$, ".") + 1))
            b$ = MID$(b$, 1, INSTR(b$, ".") - 1) + MID$(b$, INSTR(b$, ".") + 1)
        END IF
        ' Line up decimal places by inserting trailing zeros.
        IF dec_b&& > dec_a&& THEN
            j&& = dec_b&&
            a$ = a$ + STRING$(dec_b&& - dec_a&&, "0")
            j&& = dec_a&&
            b$ = b$ + STRING$(dec_a&& - dec_b&&, "0")
        END IF
    END IF

    IF LEFT$(a$, 1) = "-" OR LEFT$(b$, 1) = "-" THEN
        IF LEFT$(a$, 1) = "-" AND LEFT$(b$, 1) = "-" THEN
            sign$ = "": a$ = MID$(a$, 2): b$ = MID$(b$, 2)
            IF LEFT$(a$, 1) = "-" THEN a$ = MID$(a$, 2): sign_a$ = "-"
            IF LEFT$(b$, 1) = "-" THEN b$ = MID$(b$, 2): sign_b$ = "-"

            IF LEFT$(a1$, 1) = "-" THEN a1_x$ = MID$(a1$, 2) ELSE a1_x$ = a1$
            IF LEFT$(b1$, 1) = "-" THEN b1_x$ = MID$(b1$, 2) ELSE b1_x$ = b1$

            sm_greater_lesser a1_x$, b1_x$, gl%

            IF gl% < 0 THEN
                IF LEN(sign_b$) THEN sign$ = "-": SWAP a$, b$
                IF LEN(sign_a$) THEN sign$ = "-": SWAP sign_a$, sign_b$
            END IF
        END IF
    END IF

    z$ = ""
    ' Addition and subtraction of digits.
        i&& = i&& + s
        x1$ = MID$(a$, LEN(a$) - i&& + 1, s)
        x2$ = MID$(b$, LEN(b$) - i&& + 1, s)
        IF LEN(x2$) > LEN(x1$) THEN SWAP x1$, x2$
        a = VAL(sign_a$ + x1$) + VAL(sign_b$ + x2$) + c
        IF x1$ + x2$ = "" AND c = 0 THEN EXIT DO
        c = 0
        IF a > VAL(STRING$(s, "9")) THEN a = a - 10 ^ s: c = 1
        IF a < 0 THEN a = a + 10 ^ s: c = -1 ' a will never be less than 0.
        tmp$ = LTRIM$(STR$(a))
        z$ = STRING$(LEN(x1$) - LEN(tmp$), "0") + tmp$ + z$

    IF decimal% THEN
        z$ = MID$(z$, 1, LEN(z$) - j&&) + "." + MID$(z$, LEN(z$) - j&& + 1)
    END IF

    ' Remove any leading zeros.
        IF LEFT$(z$, 1) = "0" THEN z$ = MID$(z$, 2) ELSE EXIT DO

    IF z$ = "" OR z$ = "0" THEN z$ = "0" ELSE z$ = LEFT$(sign$, 1) + z$

    runningtotal$ = z$

    sign$ = "": sign_a$ = "": sign_b$ = "": i&& = 0: j&& = 0: decimal% = 0: c = 0

FUNCTION sm_validate (validate$)
    sm_validate = 0: vsn_negcnt& = 0: vsn_poscnt& = 0: vsn_depresent& = 0: decimalcnt& = 0: vsn_numberpresent& = 0: vsn_zerospresent& = 0
    IF LEFT$(validate$, 1) = "-" THEN validate$ = MID$(validate$, 2): sm_sign$ = "-" ELSE sm_sign$ = ""
    WHILE -1 ' Falx loop.
        IF LEFT$(validate$, 1) = "+" THEN IF sm_sign$ <> "-" THEN validate$ = MID$(validate$, 2) ELSE validate$ = "invalid number": EXIT WHILE
        IF INSTR(UCASE$(validate$), "D") OR INSTR(UCASE$(validate$), "E") THEN ' Evaluate for Scientific Notation.
            FOR sm_i& = 1 TO LEN(validate$)
                validatenum$ = MID$(UCASE$(validate$), sm_i&, 1)
                SELECT CASE validatenum$
                    CASE "+"
                        IF vsn_depresent& THEN vsn_poscnt& = vsn_poscnt& + 1 ELSE validate$ = "invalid number": EXIT WHILE
                    CASE "-"
                        IF vsn_depresent& THEN vsn_negcnt& = vsn_negcnt& + 1 ELSE validate$ = "invalid number": EXIT WHILE
                    CASE "0" TO "9"
                        vsn_numberpresent& = -1
                    CASE "D", "E"
                        vsn_depresent& = vsn_depresent& + 1
                        IF decimalcnt& = 0 AND sm_i& <> 2 OR vsn_depresent& > 1 OR vsn_numberpresent& = 0 OR vsn_negcnt& > 1 OR vsn_poscnt& > 1 OR vsn_negcnt& = 1 AND vsn_poscnt& >= 1 THEN vsn_numberpresent& = 0: EXIT FOR
                        vsn_numberpresent& = 0
                        MID$(validate$, sm_i&, 1) = "e" ' Standardize
                    CASE "."
                        decimalcnt& = decimalcnt& + 1
                        IF sm_i& <> 2 THEN vsn_numberpresent& = 0: EXIT FOR
                    CASE ELSE
                        vsn_numberpresent& = 0: EXIT FOR
                END SELECT
            IF decimalcnt& = 0 THEN validate$ = MID$(validate$, 1, 1) + "." + MID$(validate$, 2) ' Standardize "."
            IF vsn_numberpresent& = 0 OR vsn_negcnt& = 1 AND vsn_poscnt& = 1 OR decimalcnt& > 1 OR INSTR(validate$, ".") <> 2 THEN validate$ = "invalid number": EXIT WHILE
            vsn_depresent& = INSTR(validate$, "e")
            sm_x$ = MID$(validate$, vsn_depresent& + 1, 1) ' Standardize exponent "+" these two lines.
            IF sm_x$ <> "+" AND sm_x$ <> "-" THEN validate$ = MID$(validate$, 1, vsn_depresent&) + "+" + MID$(validate$, vsn_depresent& + 1)
            IF MID$(validate$, vsn_depresent& + 2, 1) = "0" THEN
                IF MID$(validate$, vsn_depresent& + 3, 1) <> "" THEN validate$ = "invalid number": EXIT WHILE ' No leading zeros allowed in exponent notation.
            END IF
            jjed& = INSTR(validate$, "e") ' Get position of notation.
            valexpside$ = MID$(validate$, jjed&) ' These two lines break up into number and notation
            validate$ = MID$(validate$, 1, jjed& - 1) ' validate$ is +- single digit whole number, decimal point and decimal number. valexpside$ is notation, sign and exponent.
            DO UNTIL RIGHT$(validate$, 1) <> "0" ' Remove any trailing zeros for number. Example 1.0d3 or 1.0000d3, etc.
                validate$ = MID$(validate$, 1, LEN(validate$) - 1)
            IF VAL(MID$(validate$, 1, INSTR(validate$, ".") - 1)) = 0 THEN
                IF RIGHT$(validate$, 1) = "." THEN
                    validate$ = "0.e+0" ' Handles all types of zero entries.
                    validate$ = "invalid number": EXIT WHILE
                END IF
                EXIT WHILE
            END IF
            validate$ = sm_sign$ + validate$ + valexpside$
            EXIT WHILE
            FOR sm_i& = 1 TO LEN(validate$)
                validatenum$ = MID$(validate$, sm_i&, 1)
                SELECT CASE validatenum$
                    CASE "."
                        decimalcnt& = decimalcnt& + 1
                    CASE "0"
                        vsn_zerospresent& = -1
                    CASE "1" TO "9"
                        vsn_numberpresent& = -1
                    CASE "$"
                    CASE ELSE
                        validate$ = "invalid number": EXIT WHILE
                END SELECT
            IF decimalcnt& > 1 OR vsn_negcnt& > 1 OR vsn_poscnt& > 1 OR vsn_negcnt& >= 1 AND vsn_poscnt& >= 1 THEN
                validate$ = "invalid number": EXIT WHILE
            END IF
            REM IF INSTR(validate$, "$") THEN GOSUB currency_validate
            IF INSTR(validate$, ",") THEN
                REM GOSUB comma_validation
                IF validate$ = "invalid number" THEN EXIT WHILE
                REM GOSUB comma_removal
            END IF
            IF RIGHT$(validate$, 1) = "." THEN validate$ = MID$(validate$, 1, LEN(validate$) - 1)
            DO UNTIL LEFT$(validate$, 1) <> "0" ' Strip off any leading zeros.
                validate$ = MID$(validate$, 2)
            validate$ = sm_sign$ + validate$
            IF INSTR(validate$, ".") THEN
                DO UNTIL RIGHT$(validate$, 1) <> "0" ' Strip off any trailing zeros in a decimal.
                    validate$ = MID$(validate$, 1, LEN(validate$) - 1)
            END IF
            IF RIGHT$(validate$, 1) = "." THEN validate$ = MID$(validate$, 1, LEN(validate$) - 1)
            IF vsn_numberpresent& = 0 THEN
                IF vsn_zerospresent& THEN
                    validate$ = "0"
                    validate$ = "invalid number"
                END IF
            END IF
        END IF
        EXIT WHILE
    IF validate$ = "invalid number" THEN sm_validate = 1 ELSE sm_validate = 0

FUNCTION sm_add$ (stringmatha$, stringmathb$)
    operator$ = "+"
    sm_add_subtract_router stringmatha$, operator$, stringmathb$, runningtotal$
    sm_add$ = runningtotal$

FUNCTION sm_sub$ (stringmatha$, stringmathb$)
    operator$ = "-"
    sm_add_subtract_router stringmatha$, operator$, stringmathb$, runningtotal$
    sm_sub$ = runningtotal$

FUNCTION sm_mult$ (stringmatha$, stringmathb$)
    DIM AS _INTEGER64 a, c, aa, cc, s, ss
    z$ = "": sign$ = "": mult&& = 0: h&& = 0: i&& = 0: j&& = 0: c = 0: decimal% = 0
    zz$ = "": ii&& = 0: jj&& = 0
    s = 8: ss = 18

    a$ = stringmatha$: b$ = stringmathb$

    IF INSTR(a$, "-") <> 0 OR INSTR(b$, "-") <> 0 THEN
        IF INSTR(a$, "-") <> 0 AND INSTR(b$, "-") <> 0 THEN
            a$ = MID$(a$, 2): b$ = MID$(b$, 2)
            IF INSTR(a$, "-") <> 0 THEN a$ = MID$(a$, 2) ELSE b$ = MID$(b$, 2)
            sign$ = "-"
        END IF
    END IF

    IF INSTR(a$, ".") <> 0 OR INSTR(b$, ".") <> 0 THEN
        decimal% = -1
        IF INSTR(a$, ".") <> 0 THEN
            dec_a&& = LEN(MID$(a$, INSTR(a$, ".") + 1))
            a$ = MID$(a$, 1, INSTR(a$, ".") - 1) + MID$(a$, INSTR(a$, ".") + 1)
        END IF
        IF INSTR(b$, ".") <> 0 THEN
            dec_b&& = LEN(MID$(b$, INSTR(b$, ".") + 1))
            b$ = MID$(b$, 1, INSTR(b$, ".") - 1) + MID$(b$, INSTR(b$, ".") + 1)
        END IF
    END IF

    IF LEN(a$) < LEN(b$) THEN SWAP a$, b$ ' Needed so x1$ is always the largest for leading zero replacements.
    ' Multiplication of digits.
        h&& = h&& + s: i&& = 0
        x2$ = MID$(b$, LEN(b$) - h&& + 1, s)
            i&& = i&& + s
            x1$ = MID$(a$, LEN(a$) - i&& + 1, s)
            a = VAL(x1$) * VAL(x2$) + c
            c = 0
            tmp$ = LTRIM$(STR$(a))
            IF LEN(tmp$) > s THEN c = VAL(MID$(tmp$, 1, LEN(tmp$) - s)): tmp$ = MID$(tmp$, LEN(tmp$) - s + 1)
            z$ = STRING$(LEN(x1$) - LEN(tmp$), "0") + tmp$ + z$
        LOOP UNTIL i&& >= LEN(a$) AND c = 0

        jj&& = jj&& + 1

        IF jj&& > 1 THEN
            ii&& = 0: cc = 0
            aa$ = holdaa$
            bb$ = z$ + STRING$((jj&& - 1) * s, "0")
            ' Addition only of digits.
                ii&& = ii&& + ss
                xx1$ = MID$(aa$, LEN(aa$) - ii&& + 1, ss)
                xx2$ = MID$(bb$, LEN(bb$) - ii&& + 1, ss)
                IF LEN(xx1$) < LEN(xx2$) THEN SWAP xx1$, xx2$
                aa = VAL(xx1$) + VAL(xx2$) + cc
                IF xx1$ + xx2$ = "" AND cc = 0 THEN EXIT DO ' Prevents leading zeros.
                cc = 0
                IF aa > VAL(STRING$(ss, "9")) THEN aa = aa - 10 ^ ss: cc = 1
                tmp$ = LTRIM$(STR$(aa))
                zz$ = STRING$(LEN(xx1$) - LEN(tmp$), "0") + tmp$ + zz$

            DO WHILE LEFT$(zz$, 1) = "0"
                IF LEFT$(zz$, 1) = "0" THEN zz$ = MID$(zz$, 2)
            IF zz$ = "" THEN zz$ = "0"

            holdaa$ = zz$
            holdaa$ = z$ + STRING$(jj&& - 1, "0")
        END IF

        z$ = "": zz$ = ""

    LOOP UNTIL h&& >= LEN(b$)

    z$ = holdaa$

    IF decimal% THEN
        DO UNTIL LEN(z$) >= dec_a&& + dec_b&&
            z$ = "0" + z$

        z$ = MID$(z$, 0, LEN(z$) - (dec_a&& + dec_b&& - 1)) + "." + MID$(z$, LEN(z$) - (dec_a&& + dec_b&&) + 1)

        DO UNTIL RIGHT$(z$, 1) <> "0" AND RIGHT$(z$, 1) <> "."
            z$ = MID$(z$, 1, LEN(z$) - 1)
    END IF

    IF STRING$(LEN(z$), "0") = z$ OR z$ = "" OR z$ = "0" THEN z$ = "0" ELSE z$ = sign$ + z$

    decimal% = 0: sign$ = ""

    runningtotal$ = z$
    sm_mult$ = z$

FUNCTION sm_div$ (stringmatha$, stringmathb$)
    hold_stringmatha$ = stringmatha$: hold_stringmathb$ = stringmathb$
    q$ = "": divisor$ = stringmathb$: dividend$ = stringmatha$
    DO ' Falx loop.
        'Strip off neg(s) and determine quotent sign.
        IF LEFT$(divisor$, 1) = "-" THEN divisor$ = MID$(divisor$, 2): q$ = "-"
        IF LEFT$(dividend$, 1) = "-" THEN dividend$ = MID$(dividend$, 2): IF q$ = "-" THEN q$ = "" ELSE q$ = "-"

        ' Quick results for divisor 1 or 0.
        IF dividend$ = "0" THEN q$ = "0": EXIT DO
        IF divisor$ = "1" THEN q$ = dividend$: EXIT DO
        IF divisor$ = "0" THEN q$ = "Division by zero not possible.": EXIT DO

        ' Determine decimal direction. -1 to left, +1 to right.
        gl% = 0: sm_greater_lesser divisor$, dividend$, gl%
        IF betatest% AND gl% = 1 THEN PRINT divisor$; " > "; dividend$; " Move decimal to the left"
        IF betatest% AND gl% = 0 THEN PRINT divisor$; " = "; dividend$
        IF betatest% AND gl% = -1 THEN PRINT divisor$; " < "; dividend$; " Move deciml to the right."
        IF gl% = 1 THEN ' Divisor is larger than dividend so decimal moves to the left.
            div_decimal% = -1 ' Move decimal point to the left.
        ELSEIF gl% = -1 THEN
            div_decimal% = 1 ' Move decimal point to the right.
            ' Divisor and dividend are the same number.
            q$ = q$ + "1": EXIT DO
        END IF
        divisor_ratio_dividend% = gl%

        ' Strip off decimal point(s) and determine places in these next 2 routines.
        dp&& = 0: dp2&& = 0: j2&& = 0
        temp&& = INSTR(divisor$, ".")
        IF temp&& THEN
            divisor$ = MID$(divisor$, 1, temp&& - 1) + MID$(divisor$, temp&& + 1)
            IF temp&& = 1 THEN
                DO UNTIL LEFT$(divisor$, 1) <> "0" ' Strip off any leading zeros on divisor only.
                    divisor$ = MID$(divisor$, 2)
                    dp&& = dp&& + 1
                dp&& = dp&& + 1
                dp&& = -(temp&& - 2)
            END IF
            dp&& = -(LEN(divisor$) - 1)
        END IF
        temp&& = INSTR(dividend$, ".")
        IF temp&& THEN
            dividend$ = MID$(dividend$, 1, temp&& - 1) + MID$(dividend$, temp&& + 1)
            IF temp&& = 1 THEN
                DO UNTIL LEFT$(dividend$, 1) <> "0" ' Strip off any leading zeros on divisor only.
                    dividend$ = MID$(dividend$, 2)
                    dp2&& = dp2&& + 1
                dp2&& = dp2&& + 1
                dp2&& = -(temp&& - 2)
            END IF
            dp2&& = -(LEN(dividend$) - 1)
        END IF
        IF betatest% THEN COLOR 11: PRINT "Divisor decimal moves "; LTRIM$(STR$(dp&&)); ". Dividend decimal moves"; LTRIM$(STR$(dp2&&)); ". Quotent decimal ABS("; LTRIM$(STR$(dp&&)); " - "; LTRIM$(STR$(dp2&&)); ") =";: COLOR 14: PRINT ABS(dp&& - dp2&&);: COLOR 11: PRINT "+ any adjustment.": COLOR 7
        dp&& = ABS(dp&& - dp2&&)

        IF betatest% THEN PRINT "Divisor 1st# = "; MID$(divisor$, 1, 1); "  Remainder 1st# = "; MID$(dividend$, 1, 1)

        ' Adjust decimal place for instances when divisor is larger than remainder.
        IF MID$(divisor$, 1, 1) > MID$(dividend$, 1, 1) THEN
            dp&& = dp&& - div_decimal%
            IF betatest% THEN PRINT "Larger divisor, so move quotent decimal one place back to: ";: COLOR 14: PRINT LTRIM$(STR$(dp&&)): COLOR 7
        ELSEIF MID$(divisor$, 1, 1) = MID$(dividend$, 1, 1) THEN
            IF divisor_ratio_dividend% = 1 THEN
                dp&& = dp&& - div_decimal%
                IF betatest% THEN PRINT "Larger divisor, so move quotent decimal one place back to: ";: COLOR 14: PRINT LTRIM$(STR$(dp&&)): COLOR 7
                IF betatest% THEN PRINT "Smaller divisor, so no quotent decimal place adjustment needed. Quotent decimal place = ";: COLOR 14: PRINT LTRIM$(STR$(dp&&)): COLOR 7
            END IF
            IF betatest% THEN PRINT "Smaller divisor, so no quotent decimal place adjustment needed. Quotent decimal place = ";: COLOR 14: PRINT LTRIM$(STR$(dp&&)): COLOR 7
        END IF
        origdividend$ = dividend$
        ' Determine length of divisor and dividend to begin initial long divison step.
        gl% = 2: sm_greater_lesser divisor$, MID$(dividend$, 1, LEN(divisor$)) + STRING$(LEN(divisor$) - LEN(dividend$), "0"), gl%
        divisor_ratio_dividend% = gl%
        IF gl% = 1 AND MID$(dividend$, 1, 1) <> "0" THEN
            dividend$ = MID$(dividend$, 1, LEN(divisor$) + 1) + STRING$(LEN(divisor$) + 1 - LEN(dividend$), "0")
            dividend$ = MID$(dividend$, 1, LEN(divisor$)) + STRING$(LEN(divisor$) - LEN(dividend$), "0")
        END IF

        ' Long divison loop. Mult and subtraction of dividend and remainder.
        k&& = 0
        IF betatest% THEN PRINT "Begin long divison loop..."
            SELECT CASE MID$(divisor$, 1, 1)
                CASE IS < MID$(dividend$, 1, 1)
                    adj_rem_len% = 0
                CASE IS = MID$(dividend$, 1, 1)
                    gl% = 2: sm_greater_lesser divisor$, MID$(dividend$, 1, LEN(divisor$)), gl%
                    IF gl% = 1 THEN adj_rem_len% = 1 ELSE adj_rem_len% = 0
                CASE IS > MID$(dividend$, 1, 1)
                    adj_rem_len% = 1
            END SELECT
            IF j2&& = 0 THEN j2&& = LEN(divisor$) + adj_rem_len%
                IF LEN(divisor$) > LEN(dividend$) THEN
                    w3&& = 0: runningtotal$ = dividend$: stringmathb$ = "0"
                    IF betatest% THEN PRINT: COLOR 3: PRINT "Divisor is larger so "; dividend$; " \ "; divisor$; " =";: COLOR 5: PRINT w3&&: COLOR 7
                    EXIT DO
                END IF
                IF LEN(divisor$) = LEN(dividend$) THEN
                    gl% = 2: sm_greater_lesser divisor$, dividend$, gl%
                    IF gl% = 1 THEN
                        w3&& = 0: runningtotal$ = dividend$: stringmathb$ = "0"
                        IF betatest% THEN COLOR 9: PRINT "Length of divisor is the same as remainder but remainder is smaller so w3&& = ";: COLOR 5: PRINT "0": COLOR 7
                        EXIT DO
                    END IF
                END IF
                SELECT CASE LEN(dividend$)
                    CASE IS > 2
                        w3&& = VAL(MID$(dividend$, 1, 2 + adj_rem_len%)) \ VAL(MID$(divisor$, 1, 2))
                        IF betatest% THEN PRINT MID$(dividend$, 1, 2 + adj_rem_len%); " \ "; MID$(divisor$, 1, 2); " =";
                    CASE ELSE
                        w3&& = VAL(MID$(dividend$, 1, 1 + adj_rem_len%)) \ VAL(MID$(divisor$, 1, 1))
                        IF betatest% THEN PRINT MID$(dividend$, 1, 1 + adj_rem_len%); " \ "; MID$(divisor$, 1, 1); " =";
                END SELECT
                IF betatest% THEN COLOR 5: PRINT " " + LTRIM$(STR$(w3&&));: COLOR 7: PRINT ". Begin mult est. at or one above this number."
                IF w3&& < 9 THEN w3&& = w3&& + 1 ELSE IF w3&& = 10 THEN w3&& = 9
                    stringmatha$ = divisor$: stringmathb$ = LTRIM$(STR$(w3&&))
                    runningtotal$ = sm_mult$(divisor$, LTRIM$(STR$(w3&&)))
                    gl% = 2: sm_greater_lesser runningtotal$, dividend$, gl%
                    IF gl% <= 0 OR w3&& = 0 THEN EXIT DO
                    IF betatest% THEN COLOR 8: PRINT "Mult loop:"; w3&&; "* "; divisor$; " = "; runningtotal$: COLOR 7
                    w3&& = w3&& - 1
                stringmatha$ = dividend$: stringmathb$ = runningtotal$
                sm_add_subtract_router dividend$, "-", stringmathb$, runningtotal$
                EXIT DO
            IF betatest% THEN PRINT LTRIM$(STR$(w3&&)); " * "; divisor$; " = "; stringmathb$; " | "; stringmatha$; " - "; stringmathb$; " = "; runningtotal$; " Remainder and drop-down = ";
            j2&& = j2&& + 1
            drop$ = "0": MID$(drop$, 1, 1) = MID$(origdividend$, j2&&, 1)
            IF runningtotal$ <> "0" THEN remainder$ = runningtotal$ ELSE remainder$ = ""
            dividend$ = remainder$ + drop$
            w3$ = LTRIM$(STR$(w3&&))
            temp$ = ""
            IF div_decimal% = -1 THEN
                IF dp&& AND k&& = 0 THEN
                    q$ = q$ + "." + STRING$(dp&& - 1, "0")
                    IF w3&& = 0 THEN w3$ = ""
                END IF
            END IF
            IF div_decimal% >= 0 THEN
                IF dp&& = k&& THEN
                    temp$ = "."
                END IF
            END IF
            q$ = q$ + w3$ + temp$
            IF betatest% AND remainder$ = "" THEN betatemp$ = CHR$(34) + CHR$(34) ELSE IF betatest% THEN betatemp$ = remainder$
            IF betatest% AND MID$(origdividend$, j2&&, 1) = "" THEN betatemp2$ = CHR$(34) + CHR$(34) ELSE IF betatest% THEN betatemp2$ = MID$(origdividend$, j2&&, 1)
            IF betatest% THEN PRINT dividend$; " ("; betatemp$; " +  "; drop$; ") at:"; j2&&; "of "; origdividend$; "  Loop"; k&& + 1; "Quotent = ";: COLOR 14, 4: PRINT q$;: COLOR 7, 0: PRINT: SLEEP
            ' Check to terminate
            IF div_decimal% = -1 THEN
                ' Decimal to left.
                IF remainder$ = "" AND MID$(origdividend$, j2&&, 1) = "" OR LEN(q$) = limit&& THEN EXIT DO
                ' Decimal to right.
                IF remainder$ = "" AND MID$(origdividend$, j2&&, 1) = "" AND k&& >= dp&& OR LEN(q$) = limit&& THEN EXIT DO
            END IF
            IF INKEY$ = " " THEN EXIT DO
            k&& = k&& + 1
        EXIT DO
    IF RIGHT$(q$, 1) = "." AND divisor$ <> "0" THEN runningtotal$ = MID$(q$, 1, LEN(q$) - 1) ELSE runningtotal$ = q$
    sm_div$ = runningtotal$
    stringmatha$ = hold_stringmatha$: stringmathb$ = hold_stringmathb$

FUNCTION sm_sqrt$ (sm_var$)
    oldy$ = "": sqrt$ = "": IF limit&& < 150 THEN custom_limit&& = 150 ELSE custom_limit&& = limit&&
    sqrt_a$ = sm_var$
    IF INSTR(sqrt_a$, ".") THEN
        decx$ = MID$(sqrt_a$, 1, INSTR(sqrt_a$, ".") - 1)
        sqrt_a$ = MID$(sqrt_a$, 1, INSTR(sqrt_a$, ".") - 1) + MID$(sqrt_a$, INSTR(sqrt_a$, ".") + 1)
        IF LEN(sqrt_a$) = 1 THEN sqrt_a$ = sqrt_a$ + "0"
        decx$ = sqrt_a$
    END IF

    j&& = LEN(decx$)

    ' VAL() okay, one character eval.
    IF VAL(RIGHT$(LTRIM$(STR$(j&&)), 1)) / 2 = VAL(RIGHT$(LTRIM$(STR$(j&&)), 1)) \ 2 THEN
        i&& = 1 ' Even number length.
        i&& = 0 ' Odd number length.
    END IF

        runningtotal$ = sm_sub$(z$, k$) '''''         sm z$, "-", k$, runningtotal$
        z$ = runningtotal$ + (MID$(sqrt_a$, i&&, 2))
        IF LEFT$(z$, 1) = "0" THEN z$ = MID$(z$, 2) ' Remove leading zeros

        oldy$ = ""
        FOR j&& = 1 TO 10
            IF i&& > 1 THEN
                y$ = sm_mult$(sqrt$, "2") '''' sm sqrt$, "*", "2", y$
                y$ = y$ + LTRIM$(STR$(j&&))
                y$ = LTRIM$(STR$(j&&))
            END IF

            runningtotal$ = sm_mult$(y$, LTRIM$(STR$(j&&))) '''''sm y$, "*", LTRIM$(STR$(j&&)), runningtotal$

            sm_greater_lesser runningtotal$, z$, gl%
            IF gl% > -1 THEN
                IF gl% = 0 THEN
                    h% = 0: oldy$ = y$ ' Perfect square division.
                    h% = 1
                END IF
                runningtotal$ = sm_mult$(oldy$, LTRIM$(STR$(j&& - h%))) '''', runningtotal$

                IF STRING$(LEN(z$), "0") = z$ AND runningtotal$ = "0" AND i&& >= LEN(decx$) THEN EXIT DO

                IF dpx&& = 0 THEN ' Limited to && size unless converted to string.
                    IF i&& >= LEN(decx$) THEN
                        dpx&& = INT(LEN(decx$) / 2 + .5)
                        IF dpx&& = 0 THEN dpx&& = -1
                    END IF
                END IF

                IF betatest% < -1 THEN PRINT "Sqrt "; sqrt$; " * 2 = ";: COLOR 2, 0: PRINT LTRIM$(STR$(VAL(sqrt$) * 2));: COLOR 7, 0: PRINT LTRIM$(STR$(j&& - h%)); " * "; LTRIM$(STR$(j&& - h%)); " ="; VAL(oldy$) * (j&& - h%)
                sqrt$ = sqrt$ + LTRIM$(STR$(j&& - h%))

                runningtotal$ = sm_mult$(oldy$, LTRIM$(STR$(j&& - h%))) '''', runningtotal$
                k$ = runningtotal$

                IF betatest% < -1 THEN PRINT "Remainder "; z$; " minus "; k$; " = ";
                EXIT FOR
            END IF
            oldy$ = y$

        i&& = i&& + 2
        IF LEN(z$) >= custom_limit&& THEN EXIT DO
        sqrt_a$ = sqrt_a$ + "00"

    IF dpx&& THEN sqrt$ = MID$(sqrt$, 0, dpx&& + 1) + "." + MID$(sqrt$, dpx&& + 1)
    sm_sqrt$ = sqrt$

FUNCTION sm_sqr$ (sm_var$)
    runningtotal$ = sm_mult$(sm_var$, sm_var$)
    sm_sqr$ = runningtotal$

EDITED to correct a glitch Jack uncovered. Thanks Jack! +2

Note: A variable could be easily substituted for the PRINT function statements for progressive calculations.

hello Pete
something is wrong, try with the following values
Code: (Select All)
limit&& = 32: betatest% = 0
If betatest% Then Width 170, 42: _ScreenMove 0, 0
Dim Shared stringmatha$, stringmathb$, runningtotal$, operator$
a$ = "8." + String$(limit&& - 1, "8")
b$ = "9." + String$(limit&& - 1, "9")
the division routine goes into an infinite loop

Found it, fixed it, and added just a couple of bells and whistles to it. (SQRT, SQR)

At some point, I will have to address rounding the last digit for limited output. Right now, multiplication ignores the limit&& variable during output. Division will work with limit output, but I need to decide if I need more than one limit variable, to control decimal and sign inclusion. It's only a matter of importance if the width of the display is limited, which is usually the case, unless you include lateral scrolling.


works Ok now, kudos Smile

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