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You'd think this would be faster, but NO!!!!!! [Resolved]
The top code sets the variable "h" to equal the SCREEN() function. It is used so the screen position is read only once. The variable then checks two places in the code where this info is polled. Now the bottom code does exactly the same thing, but it calls the SCREEN() function THREE times. You'd probably think that's the slower way to do things, but it's actually about 5 times faster!

Code: (Select All)
ii = 0
FOR i = 0 TO LEN(a.ship) - 1
    h = SCREEN(j, k + i)
    IF h = ASC(g.flagship) OR h = g.m_asc THEN
        IF h = ASC(g.flagship) THEN
            ii = 1
            EXIT FOR
            ii = 2
            EXIT FOR
        END IF
    END IF

Code: (Select All)
FOR i = 0 TO LEN(a.ship) - 1
   IF SCREEN(j, k + i) = ASC(g.flagship) OR SCREEN(j, k + i) = g.m_asc THEN
      IF SCREEN(j, k + i) = ASC(g.flagship) THEN
         ii = 1
         EXIT FOR
         ii = 2
         EXIT FOR
     END IF


- Looking forward to an afterlife based on attendance.
Even if I can't describe it exactly right away, but actually it is clear.

Compare this in the For Loop:
Code: (Select All)
h = SCREEN(j, k + i)
    IF h = ASC(g.flagship) OR h = g.m_asc THEN
        IF h = ASC(g.flagship) THEN

With the:
Code: (Select All)
IF SCREEN(j, k + i) = ASC(g.flagship) OR SCREEN(j, k + i) = g.m_asc THEN
   IF SCREEN(j, k + i) = ASC(g.flagship) THEN
My feeling tells me it's better. I hope my feeling is not wrong.
It has to do with how the C++ compiler optimizes code. I'm not an expert on this by any means. In the past it wasn't recommended to call functions repeatedly because C/C++ compilers were less clever about it. Also some programmers preferred to do assembly language "by hand" to try to make it faster despite the "expensive" function calls that had to be made. This code might be even faster if it were written in C++ from scratch and even if it employed the classes.

"Inline" is mentioned many times in the "info gcc" manual, and it looks like no project in C/C++ is acceptable without any option for optimization. With 64-bit processors being way faster than 16-bit (parallel processing FTW), it doesn't seem to matter how many times to call a certain function previously considered inefficient, unless of course it does take longer than a few seconds to execute something. However, optimization has become more important in 32-bit and 64-bit than for 16-bit.

Finally, SCREEN() function was considered inefficient in QuickBASIC because it had to read from video memory. QB64PE has to fake it with memory pools, and although it also has to draw a graphics screen it's not really a problem especially when a lot of people have desktop systems with hot-rod GPU's.

Probably in that case ASC() is the one that is dragging things. It's being called twice while SCREEN() is called three times, but each one does a radically different thing.

EDIT: This gave me an idea: QB64PE doesn't support short-circuit evaluation. I think there should be a compiler option for it. :tu:
(10-13-2022, 11:41 PM)Kernelpanic Wrote: Even if I can't describe it exactly right away, but actually it is clear.

Compare this in the For Loop:
Code: (Select All)
h = SCREEN(j, k + i)
    IF h = ASC(g.flagship) OR h = g.m_asc THEN
        IF h = ASC(g.flagship) THEN

With the:
Code: (Select All)
IF SCREEN(j, k + i) = ASC(g.flagship) OR SCREEN(j, k + i) = g.m_asc THEN
   IF SCREEN(j, k + i) = ASC(g.flagship) THEN
My feeling tells me it's better. I hope my feeling is not wrong.

To my good friend from Germany with uneven tan lines....

Yes, that code I posted is not the best. I hate to use this term, but I was "transitioning" into a SELECT CASE model, but before I got to that part, I noticed the horrible lag making the SCREEN() function into a variable created.

So, what am I really going to use in the program? This...

Code: (Select All)
FOR i = 0 TO LEN(a.ship) - 1
    SELECT CASE SCREEN(j, k + i)
        CASE ASC(g.flagship)
            ii = 1
            EXIT FOR
        CASE g.m_asc
            ii = 2

Thank, and as a side note, I'm not big on castles, but if I took my wife to Germany, she'd be more than happy to push my ass down that Alpine Coaster!

@mnrvovrfc beat me to it.

It DOES sound like optimization at work.

If the compiler decides that the value of SCREEN(j, k + i) doesn't change between calls, then it may be holding that value in a register variable (storing the results of the first call in a CPU register), which would be faster to access than a standard RAM-based variable.

Even better: after the return value of SCREEN(j, k + i) is loaded into a register for first use, if that register remains unchanged between calls to SCREEN and the compiler determines that the return value of SCREEN will not change, then the compiler may not have to do anything with the value; just leave that register alone and use that held value as needed instead of calling SCREEN.  That would be fast.
Thanks for the replies.

It sure seems evident this should either be addressed as a compiler upgrade or a wiki notation. Imagine if I posted all 1000 lines of code and asked the community, "Why can't QB64 run these animation sequences faster? "Talk about a needle in a haystack issue.

IF h = ASC(g.flagship) OR h = g.m_asc THEN
        IF h = ASC(g.flagship) THEN
            ii = 1
            EXIT FOR
            ii = 2
            EXIT FOR
        END IF
    END IF

The above here, just seems dang weird to me.

IF h = 1 OR h = 2 THEN <--  This says only of h is 1 or 2 then we do inside this block
    IF h = 1 THEN
        do_whatever  <-- so h is 1 here and we do something
        do_junk    <-- h *has* to be 2 here to do junk.  (Otherwise we wouldn't have passed the first IF)
    END IF

Now my question is: WTH is the point of that outer loop to even begin with???

IF h = 1 THEN do_whatever
IF h = 2 THEN do_junk

PRESTO!  Done, clean, with several fewer IF checks and SCREEN calls...

What am I missing here?  Why do you IF check for 2 conditions and then IF check for each of those conditions independently? 

Personally, I'd just SELECT CASE the code and keep it simple.

  CASE IS = ASC(g.flagship): ii =1: EXIT FOR
  CASE IS = g.m_asc: ii = 2: EXIT FOR
FWIW I don't really think this is an optimization thing, unless Pete turned the "Compile program with C++ optimization flag" thing on then the code isn't being optimized. Beyond that, both the SCREEN() and ASC() functions live in a separate `.o` file from the main code so typically this means they would never be inlined since the linker doesn't normally do that (and we don't tell it to do link-time-optimization).

The one thing I was wondering is whether `h` was a SINGLE rather than integer value, then there would be a floating point conversion going on. Still, I would expect calling `func_screen()` to be slower than the floating point conversion.

The other consideration is whether the event checking around `h = SCREEN(j,  k + i)` adds too much overhead, simply because `func_screen()` and `func_asc()` do almost nothing in these cases and thus should be very fast. If you have a chance you might try putting `$CHECKING:OFF` around it and see if the speed discrepancy is still there.
Hi Matt,

I've already modified the code to the SELECT CASE snippet I posted, which solved the slow down the h = SCREEN() created. I do have a backup copy of the one with the speed killing situation. No, $CHECKING:OFF does nothing to offset the decreased speed issue in the backup copy with the speed reduction problem.

h, btw is an integer, defined by a DEFINT H-K at the top of the program.

Steve must have missed my second post.


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