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The _BASE64DECODE$ function decodes a Base64-encoded string back to its original binary or textual representation.


decodedString$ = _BASE64DECODE$(stringToDecode$)


  • stringToDecode$ is the Base64-encoded string to be decoded. It must conform to the Base64 encoding standard.


  • The _BASE64DECODE$ function takes a Base64-encoded string as input and returns the decoded data as a string.
  • If the input string is invalid or improperly formatted for Base64, the function will return an empty string.
  • It is commonly used for decoding strings that were previously encoded with _BASE64ENCODE$.
  • The decoded string may contain binary data, so ensure the target string variable can handle such content if necessary.



Example 1
Decoding a Base64 string.
CONST encodedString = _
    "VGhvJyBtdWNoIGlzIHRha2VuLCBtdWNoIGFiaWRlczsgYW5kIHRobycNCldlIGFyZSBub3Qgbm9" + _
    "3IHRoYXQgc3RyZW5ndGggd2hpY2ggaW4gb2xkIGRheXMNCk1vdmVkIGVhcnRoIGFuZCBoZWF2ZW" + _
    "47IHRoYXQgd2hpY2ggd2UgYXJlLCB3ZSBhcmU7DQpPbmUgZXF1YWwgdGVtcGVyIG9mIGhlcm9pY" + _
    "yBoZWFydHMsDQpNYWRlIHdlYWsgYnkgdGltZSBhbmQgZmF0ZSwgYnV0IHN0cm9uZyBpbiB3aWxs" + _

PRINT "Decoded string: "; _BASE64DECODE$(encodedString)
Decoded string:
Tho' much is taken, much abides; and tho'

We are not now that strength which in old days

Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are;

One equal temper of heroic hearts,

Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

See also

Main Page with Articles and Tutorials
Keyword Reference - Alphabetical
Keyword Reference - By usage
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