
From QB64 Phoenix Edition Wiki
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The _BlankPage serves as a skeleton for new Wiki pages.


_BlankSub arg1[, arg2]
result% = _BlankFunc(arg1[, arg2])


  • arg1 is a mandatory argument
  • the arg2 is optional


To use this skeleton click on the View source tab above the page, then copy the raw text of this page and paste it into your new page. Change/remove sections as needed. Use this for italic and this for bold text style. To color your writings use the Text template. It takes either a color name or a #RRGGBB 32bit color, if the color part is omitted it will default to gray.

You can inline simple code one liners like w = _WIDTH

  • an askerisk marks a list point
    • two askerisks will do a sub-list, avoid deeper nesting than this
This is a definition list
The first description can follow right after a colon
or in a new line
more descriptions can follow
  • using list bullets with an askerisk
as already seen in the syntax above, you may use desciptions without a defininition too
you may also nest descriptions
but at some point it's cluttering the page so please use it sparingly
This is a nice piece of paper for quotes and similar things. In case of short code snippets you may use the "Cb" (code blue) template to highlight and link keywords to the Wiki pages.

FOR x = 1 TO 5
   PRINT "Hello World!"

As you see, this Text block is suitable for preformatted text, but note that the browser is still allowed to wrap too long lines. If you really need your preformatted text to be shown as is, then use a fixed text block instaed, see below.
Use this fixed text block for preformatted text, which is not even allowed to wrap long lines, such as tables etc..
As you see this very long line goes far over the display width, so please limit youself to the available space to not clutter the display too much.


  • This may be a sub-section for further notes like special behavior, required prerequisites etc.
  • If used/required, then this should always be a sub-section under the Description main section


  • If used/required, then this also should be a sub-section under the Description main section
  • This is not intended for the regular errors a SUB/FUNCTION could throw, those should be handled in the main description section.
    • Rather use it for subtle things, known mis-behavior, tendency for stack overflows and seg faults etc.


  • The capability to load from memory was introduced in QB64-PE v3.5.0.


Example 1
Each example should have a short description.
'Place your code example here
'The "Cl" (code link) template can be used to link keywords to its
'respective Wiki page. Those words will also get highlighted.
COLOR 15,4
PRINT "Hello World!"
This template allows for a short author credit.
Note: To avoid the annoying task of manually inserting the templates
in your code examples, since v3.7.0 you may simply write your example
in the IDE and later use the menu "File > Export As > Wiki example" to
export a completely prepared code block, which you can paste "as is"
into the Wiki page.

Oh, and by the way, this preformatted text block is also new. Generally
it's the same as a fixed text block shown above, but it uses horizontal
scrollers instead of stretching the text box and it has a more plain
appearance. If you want avoid the horizontal scroller, then restrict
yourself to a line length of max. 72 characters.
The output block is available for the SCREEN 0 background colors 0-7
Inside the output block use the "Ot" (output text) template for coloring
Hello World!

See also

Main Page with Articles and Tutorials
Keyword Reference - Alphabetical
Keyword Reference - By usage
Report a broken link