DLL Libraries

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QB64 supports some DLL Library statements and functions. Currently the specified DLL file MUST either be in the Windows System folder (System32) or in the QB64 folder! NOTE: Use them at your own risk! QB64 CANNOT provide specific DLL Library information or support! When using unsupported DLL files use DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY and the name of an inactive library without the .DLL extension. The following statement and function routine examples have been provided by members AS IS:


Example 1: This example plays Midi files using the playmidi32.dll documented here: Liberty Basic University. Download the following DLL file to your main QB64 folder: PlayMidi32.dll

    FUNCTION PlayMIDI& (filename AS STRING)
result = PlayMIDI(".\samples\qb64\original\ps2battl.mid" + CHR$(0))
PRINT result
Note: Filename needs to be CHR$(0) terminated. QB64 STRINGs are passed to external libraries as pointers to first character.
Note: QB64 requires all DLL files to either be with the program or in the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 folder!

See also

QB64 Programming References

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