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The MID$ statement substitutes one or more new characters for existing characters of a previously defined STRING.


MID$(baseString$, startPosition%[, bytes%]) = replacementString$


  • The baseString$ variable must exist and be large enough to contain the replacementString$.
  • startPosition% specifies the string character position to start the overwrite.
  • bytes% or number of characters is optional. Excess byte lenghts are ignored.
  • The replacementString$ should be as long as the byte length reserved.
  • The length of the original string is not changed in any case. If replacementString$ is longer, it gets clipped.


Using INSTR to locate the string positions and a MID$ statement to change the words.
 text$ = "The cats and dogs were playing, even though dogs don't like cats."
 PRINT text$
 start% = 1          ' start cannot be 0 when used in the INSTR function!
   position% = INSTR(start%, text$, "dog")
   IF position% THEN            ' when position is a value greater than 0
     MID$(text$, position%, 3) = "rat"   ' changes "dog" to "rat" when found
     start% = position% + 1     ' advance one position to search rest of string
 LOOP UNTIL position% = 0       ' no other matches found
 PRINT text$
The cats and dogs were playing, even though dogs don't like cats.
The cats and rats were playing, even though rats don't like cats.

See also

Main Page with Articles and Tutorials
Keyword Reference - Alphabetical
Keyword Reference - By usage