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Metacommands are commands that start with dollar sign ($). Those commands usually switch the program between different operation modes/behavior or provide extended functionality.
Legacy Metacommands (QBasic/QuickBASIC)
- $DYNAMIC set all program arrays as changeable in size using REDIM.
- $INCLUDE designates a text code library file to include with the program.
- $STATIC set all program arrays as unchangeable in size using DIM.
Legacy style, but QB64-PE only
- $FORMAT controls the code formatting behavior in QB64-PE.
QB64 Metacommands
- $ASSERTS enables debug tests with the _ASSERT macro.
- $CHECKING turns event and error checking OFF or ON.
- $COLOR includes named color name constants in a program.
- $CONSOLE creates a console window that can be used throughout a program.
- $DEBUG enables debugging features, allowing you to step through your code line by line.
- $EMBED is used to embed any file's contents into the compiled executable. Recall the embedded file contents using _EMBEDDED$.
- $EXEICON is used with an .ICO icon file name to embed the image into the compiled executable.
- $INCLUDEONCE prevents that include file contents is injected multiple times into a program.
- $MIDISOUNDFONT (deprecated) enables the MIDI support for _SNDOPEN.
- $NOPREFIX (deprecated) allows QB64-specific keywords to be used without the underscore prefix.
- $RESIZE used with ON allows a user to resize the program window where OFF does not.
- $SCREENHIDE hides the program window from view.
- $SCREENSHOW displays the program window after it was hidden.
- $UNSTABLE will enable the use of features that have not yet been made a permanent part of the language.
- $VERSIONINFO adds metadata to Windows only binaries for identification purposes across the OS.
QB64 Precompiler Commands
- These are a special type of QB64 Metacommands, which allow for conditional compiling, hence including or excluding certain code sections depending on given conditions.
- $ELSE used in conjunction with $IF for the precompiler.
- $ELSEIF used in conjunction with $IF for the precompiler.
- $END IF used in conjunction with $IF for the precompiler.
- $ERROR used to trigger compiler errors from within the precompiling pass.
- $IF used to set an IF condition for the precompiler.
- $LET used to set a variable for the precompiler.
See also