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{{Small|Code by Matthew Kilgore}}
{{Small|Code by Matthew Kilgore}}


Revision as of 17:15, 6 January 2023

GET reads the response of an HTTP request that was opened using _OPENCLIENT.

HTTP functionality is current unstable, and requires $UNSTABLE:HTTP to be able to use.


GET #Handle, , String
GET #Handle, , Fixed-Length-Variable


  • Handle is the handle returned from _OPENCLIENT when making an HTTP request.
  • String is a STRING.
  • Fixed-Length-Variable is any variable with a type that has a fixed size.


GET is used to read the HTTP response data from an HTTP request opened using _OPENCLIENT. The preferred way to use this is by passing GET a variable-length STRING variable. The STRING variable will be resized to fit all the data currently available from the HTTP connection. GET should be called multiple times to receive all the data from the HTTP request. EOF should be used to check if there is more data left to GET, when EOF returns true then the request is complete and all the data in the request response has been read via GET.

Another option is to use fixed-length variables with GET. This is not recommended as the behavior becomes more complex due to QB64-PE being unable to resize the provided variable to match the amount of data currently available from the connection. When using this version, the behavior of EOF will change to report an EOF if there is not enough data available from the connection to completely fill the variable provided to GET. You should make use of _CONNECTED to determine whether the EOF indicates the actual end of the HTTP response, as if the connection is no longer up then you can be sure no new data may be coming.


  • QB64-PE v3.5.0 and up



' This URL simply returns a fake JSON response

While Not Eof(h&)
    _LIMIT 100 ' Hitting GET too fast will simply slow down the download

    GET #h&, , s$

    ' Combine all the data we get from 'GET' into a single string containing the full response
    Content$ = Content$ + s$


' Prints out the full response from that HTTP request
PRINT Content$
Code by Matthew Kilgore
  "slideshow": {
    "author": "Yours Truly",
    "date": "date of publication",
    "slides": [
        "title": "Wake up to WonderWidgets!",
        "type": "all"
        "items": [
          "Why WonderWidgets are great",
          "Who buys WonderWidgets"
        "title": "Overview",
        "type": "all"
    "title": "Sample Slide Show"

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