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The _LIMIT statement sets the loop repeat rate of a program to so many per second, relinquishing spare CPU cycles to other applications.


_LIMIT framesPerSecond!

  • The framesPerSecond! SINGLE parameter value adjusts the loops per second of a program loop. Do not use negative values.
  • The loop code is executed before the loop is delayed. Loop cycles below once per second may delay program _EXITs.
  • _LIMIT measures its interval from the previous time that it was called and minor adjustments are automatically made to ensure that the number of times a loop is repeated is correct overall.
  • Loop cycle rates of 1000 or less can significantly reduce CPU usage in programs.
  • Do not use it to limit a loop to run less than once every 60 seconds (i.e. _LIMIT .0167 or _LIMIT 1/60) or an ILLEGAL FUNCTION CALL error will occur.
  • Do not use _LIMIT as a timing delay outside of loops. Use _DELAY instead.
  • Use _LIMIT to slow down old QBasic program loops that run too fast and use too much CPU.


Example: Limits loop execution to 30 frames per second and limits the program's CPU usage.

PRINT "To Quit press ESC key!"
    _LIMIT 30
    PRINT CHR$(26);
To Quit press ESC key!
Note: In the above example, _LIMIT has to be within the loop.

See also

Main Page with Articles and Tutorials
Keyword Reference - Alphabetical
Keyword Reference - By usage