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The _IIF function is a conditional operator-like feature allowing conditional evaluations with short-circuiting behavior.
- result = _IIF(expression, truePart, falsePart)
- expression is a condition that evaluates to a logical value (true or false).
- truePart is the value or expression returned when expression evaluates to true.
- falsePart is the value or expression returned when expression evaluates to false.
- The _IIF function provides a way to perform conditional evaluations, similar to the ternary operator in C (condition ? truePart : falsePart).
- It ensures short-circuiting, meaning only the relevant branch (truePart or falsePart) is evaluated based on the condition.
- Since only the truePart or falsePart is evaluated, it ensures optimal performance and avoids unnecessary computation, as any procedures involved in the skipped branch are not called.
- The return type is determined by the type of truePart.
- Mixing STRING with other data types in truePart and falsePart is not allowed.
- It allows inline evaluations, improving readability, and reducing the need for verbose IF...THEN...ELSE structures.
- A compiler error is thrown if expression cannot be evaluated as a boolean.
- Example 1
- Basic conditional evaluation.
DIM userInput AS INTEGER DIM result AS STRING PRINT "Enter a number:" INPUT userInput result = _IIF(userInput MOD 2 = 0, "Even", "Odd") PRINT "The number is "; result |
Enter a number: 5 The number is Odd |
- Example 2
- Using numeric expressions.
DIM x AS INTEGER, y AS INTEGER DIM max AS INTEGER PRINT "Enter the first number:" INPUT x PRINT "Enter the second number:" INPUT y max = _IIF(x > y, x, y) PRINT "The larger number is: "; max |
Enter the first number: 10 Enter the second number: 20 The larger number is: 20 |
- Example 3
- Preventing unnecessary evaluation.
DIM a AS INTEGER, b AS SINGLE PRINT "Enter a non-zero number:" INPUT a b = _IIF(a <> 0, 100 / a, 0) ' Avoids division by zero when a = 0 PRINT "Result: "; b |
Enter a non-zero number: 0 Result: 0 |
See also