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  Can images be read from a file into an array?
Posted by: PhilOfPerth - 02-17-2023, 12:34 AM - Forum: Help Me! - Replies (11)

I have a folder containing several images (.jpg) that I want to place in an array, then pick any (or all) from that array to display. I don't see any appropriate commands that allow this; are there any? (simplicity is important to me!)  Wink

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  Are These Dots Spinning?
Posted by: bplus - 02-15-2023, 08:38 PM - Forum: Programs - Replies (6)

Code: (Select All)
_Title "Do the dots in disk look like they are spinning?" ' B+ 2019-01-12
'try an optical illusion saw on Internet

Const xmax = 600
Const ymax = 600
Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
_ScreenMove 300, 60

x0 = xmax / 2: y0 = ymax / 2: a24 = _Pi(2 / 24): r = 240
While _KeyHit <> 27
    If loopcnt < 2 Then stopit = 11
    If loopcnt = 2 Then stopit = 0
    If loopcnt > 2 Then
        If stopit < 11 Then stopit = stopit + 1
    End If
    For a = 0 To _Pi(2) Step _Pi / 180
        Color _RGB32(128, 0, 0): fcirc x0, y0, 251
        For i = 0 To stopit
            If loopcnt > 1 Then
                xs = x0 + r * Cos(a24 * i)
                ys = y0 + r * Sin(a24 * i)
                xe = x0 + r * Cos(a24 * i + _Pi)
                ye = y0 + r * Sin(a24 * i + _Pi)
                Line (xs, ys)-(xe, ye), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
            End If
            x = x0 + Cos(a + _Pi(i / 12)) * r * Cos(a24 * i)
            y = y0 + Cos(a + _Pi(i / 12)) * r * Sin(a24 * i)
            Color _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
            fcirc x, y, 10
        _Limit 90
    loopcnt = loopcnt + 1

'Steve McNeil's  copied from his forum   note: Radius is too common a name
Sub fcirc (CX As Long, CY As Long, R As Long)
    Dim subRadius As Long, RadiusError As Long
    Dim X As Long, Y As Long

    subRadius = Abs(R)
    RadiusError = -subRadius
    X = subRadius
    Y = 0

    If subRadius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY): Exit Sub

    ' Draw the middle span here so we don't draw it twice in the main loop,
    ' which would be a problem with blending turned on.
    Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), , BF

    While X > Y
        RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
        If RadiusError >= 0 Then
            If X <> Y + 1 Then
                Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), , BF
                Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), , BF
            End If
            X = X - 1
            RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
        End If
        Y = Y + 1
        Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), , BF
        Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), , BF
End Sub


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  Array in an array
Posted by: NasaCow - 02-15-2023, 12:44 AM - Forum: Help Me! - Replies (79)

Happy Year of the Rabbit. Back to work and also back to programming. The holiday break was nice....

So I am trying to rack my head how to store this. Let me show what I have and then maybe someone can call me an idiot and point out an eaiser way of making everything work  Big Grin

The gradebook:

[Image: image.png]

As we can see I am going for something a little more complicated than just enter numbers and call it a day. I want it to be flexiable. Able to add and drop students. Being pulled from the report side of the program

The student data:

Code: (Select All)
TYPE NameListType 'Used for the student name database
    PinYinName AS STRING * 20
    FirstName AS STRING * 20
    MiddleName AS STRING * 20
    LastName AS STRING * 20
    Month AS INTEGER
    HouseColor AS STRING * 8
    MomName AS STRING * 30
    MomPhone AS STRING * 20 'Saved as string to support symbols and international prefixes
    MomEmail AS STRING * 38
    DadName AS STRING * 30
    DadPhone AS STRING * 20
    DadEmail AS STRING * 38

The key I believe is to have a unique id number for each student (UID), positive values will be current students and deleted students will have the value made negative. So we can keep grades with names by having the grade database match this one.

Ok so far....

This is where I run into trouble, one assignment, has details and many students with multiple details. How to combine?

Assignment file (Master):
Code: (Select All)
TYPE MasterAssignmentType 'Each entry needs to be defined before use with slave
    ARName AS STRING * 20 'Assignment report name
    ADName AS STRING * 10 'Assignment display name (short name)
    AType AS UNSIGNED BYTE 'Assignment Type (Completeion, formative, summative, etc.)
    ACat AS STRING * 20 'Assignment Category (subject, unit, etc)
    AColor AS UNSIGNED BYTE 'Color coding assignment headers and for grouping for reports
    ACode AS UNSIGNED BYTE 'Reserved
    APts AS UNSIGNED INTEGER 'Total points allowed

Slave file (for student details):
Code: (Select All)
TYPE SlaveAssignmentType 'Each student would require one with use with master
    UID AS INTEGER 'UID will match the stuedent name list to match results, negative UID means deleted and we will ignore it on display and reports
    MPts AS UNSIGNED INTEGER 'Points earned for each particular students
    Flags AS UNSIGNED BYTE 'See below for codes
    Flags2 AS UNSIGNED BYTE ' Reserved
    Notes AS STRING * 512 'Comments for a student's work

'====================Flag codes====================
'1   - Late (Turned in late)                      |
'2   - Absent on due date (ignore due date)       |
'4   - Incomplete (turned in but not done)        |
'8   - Missing (Not turned in)                    |
'16  - Excused/Exempt                             |
'32  - Ignore score internally for avg, etc.      |
'64  - Remove from reports (ignore externally)    |
'128 - Reserved                                   |

Now this is where I am in trouble.

Now I could make a file for each student with the slave but that seems.... excesive. I tried to combine both with an array but, as far as I know, it doesn't work. I want to do something like SlaveFile (UIDs(40), 500) with 40 being for UIDs and 500 for the UDT SlaveFile (something like an array in an array or jagged array). I just don't know the context for this or the workaround to get what I want....

Tried it out in a smiple way and it doesn't work the way I thought it would

Code: (Select All)



DIM AS Test xyz(1 TO 10, abc())

abc(3) = 2
xyz(1, abc(1)).X = 5
xyz(1, abc(2)).y = 3

PRINT xyz(1, abc(1)).X
PRINT xyz(1, abc(2)).y
PRINT abc(3)
PRINT xyz(1, abc(4)).X

Like I said, there is likely a much easier way (I can be a stubborn Polock after all and make things more complicated than I need to!) 

You guys are amazing and I look forward to your wisdom and advide!  Big Grin

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  IDE for Windows like the official one?
Posted by: Ikerkaz - 02-14-2023, 02:36 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (25)

Hello to everyone.

It's just an idea. Would it be possible to build an IDE with auto tabbing and syntax checking, just like the official IDE but for Windows? 
I'm not quite convinced by the current text-mode IDE, and Notepad++ doesn't have error checking and auto tabbing. Thanks and sorry for the question, I understand that the current IDE already has a lot of work done. I would not want to belittle the work of the creators.

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  Recursion: 4 ways to get it working
Posted by: TempodiBasic - 02-14-2023, 01:27 PM - Forum: Help Me! - Replies (16)

I think that this demo is clear enough to be used as example about recursion in QB64pe.

I must remark that the STATIC way has is goal in preserving the previouse values of variable of the SUB/FUNCTION.
So if we need to preserve  few variables we can use STATIC into the SUB to declare the variable to preserve,
instead if we need to preserve all variable or the more part  of local variables we use STATIC in SUB/FUNCTION declaration.

Code: (Select All)
Rem Demonstration of variables into recursive calling
Screen 0
Dim counter As Single
Dim Shared counter2 As Single
Dim Choice As String

Choice = " "
    If Choice <> "" Then
        Print "we are testing recursive calling"
        Print String$(60, "#")
        Print "please make your choice: "
        Print " press 1 for recursion without parameter or shared variable"
        Print " press 2 for recursion with parameter and no shared variable"
        Print " press 3 for recursion with shared variable and no parameter"
        Print " press 4 for STATIC recursion without parameter or shared variable"
        Print " press 0 to exit from demonstration"
        Print String$(60, "#")
    End If
    Choice = InKey$
    If Choice = "0" GoTo Ending
    If Choice = "1" Then GoSub NoParameters
    If Choice = "2" Then GoSub YesParameters
    If Choice = "3" Then GoSub SharedVariable
    If Choice = "4" Then GoSub StaticNoParameters

counter = 0
Print " No parameter and no shared variable demo"
Print "-----------------------------------------"
Print counter; " value of flag in the main"

counter = 0
Print " Yes parameter and no shared variable demo"
Print "------------------------------------------"
Print counter; " value of flag in the main"
RecursiveYesParameters counter

counter2 = 0
Print " No parameter and Yes shared variable demo"
Print "------------------------------------------"
Print counter2; " value of flag in the main"

counter = 0
Print " STATIC and no parameter and no shared variable demo"
Print "-----------------------------------------"
Print counter; " value of flag in the main"

Rem here the flow of code ends

Sub RecursiveNoParameters
    counter = counter + 1
    DoJob counter
    If InKey$ <> "" Then Exit Sub ' emergency exit
    If counter < 10 Then RecursiveNoParameters
End Sub

Sub RecursiveYesParameters (c As Single)
    c = c + 1
    DoJob c
    If InKey$ <> "" Then Exit Sub ' emergency exit
    If c < 10 Then RecursiveYesParameters c
End Sub

Sub SharedVariables
    counter2 = counter2 + 1
    DoJob counter2
    If InKey$ <> "" Then Exit Sub ' emergency exit
    If counter2 < 10 Then SharedVariables
End Sub

Sub StaticNoParameter
    Static counter ' you need to have STATIC only the flag of recursion, at least
    counter = counter + 1
    DoJob counter
    If InKey$ <> "" Then Exit Sub ' emergency exit
    If counter < 10 Then StaticNoParameter
End Sub

Sub DoJob (c As Single)
    Print c; " press a key to stop the recursive loop"
    Sleep 1 ' we need this to avoid the crash of application
End Sub

more explanation and tips coming soon.

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  Square brackets and curly brackets in expressions?
Posted by: CharlieJV - 02-13-2023, 05:49 PM - Forum: QBJS, BAM, and Other BASICs - Replies (12)

I'm thinking of adding the ability to use curly brackets and square brackets in expressions, along with parentheses, to make complex expressions easier to read.

But not if square brackets (i.e. [ and ] ) and curly brackets (i.e. { and } ) are used in any way as special characters in QB64pe.

Are square brackets and/or curly brackets used for any purpose in QB64pe?  (I haven't noticed any.)

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  Smarter than a fb Worm
Posted by: bplus - 02-13-2023, 05:44 PM - Forum: Programs - Replies (4)

This snake never goes hungry:

Code: (Select All)
_Title "Snake AI-1.1" 'b+ 2020-03-16
'2020-03-14 Snake AI-1 first post
'2020-03-16  Snake AI-1.1 there must be overlap of the snake somewhere!

Const sq = 20, sqs = 20, xmax = 400, ymax = 400
Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
_Delay .25
_ScreenMove _Middle
Randomize Timer
Dim X(xmax + 100), Y(ymax + 100), overlap(19, 19) As Integer
hx = 10: hy = 10: ax = 15: ay = 15: top = 0: X(top) = hx: Y(top) = hy 'initialize
    _Title Str$(top + 1)
    Line (0, 0)-(xmax, ymax), &HFF006600, BF 'clear garden

    '>>>>>>>>>>>       SNAKE BRAIN    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    If hx = 0 And hy = 19 Then
        hy = hy - 1
    ElseIf hx Mod 2 = 0 And hy <> 0 And hy <> 19 Then
        hy = hy - 1
    ElseIf hx Mod 2 = 0 And hy = 0 And hy <> 19 Then
        hx = hx + 1
    ElseIf hx Mod 2 = 1 And hx <> 19 And hy < 18 Then
        hy = hy + 1
    ElseIf hx Mod 2 = 1 And hx <> 19 And hy = 18 Then
        hx = hx + 1
    ElseIf hx = 19 And hy = 19 Then
        hx = hx - 1
    ElseIf hy = 19 And hx <> 0 Then
        hx = hx - 1
    ElseIf hx Mod 2 = 1 And hy = 0 And hy <> 19 Then
        hy = hy + 1
    ElseIf hx = 19 And hy < 19 Then
        hy = hy + 1
    End If
    For i = 0 To top - 1
        X(i) = X(i + 1): Y(i) = Y(i + 1)
    X(top) = hx: Y(top) = hy

    If (ax = hx And ay = hy) Then 'snake eats apple, get new apple watch it's not where snake is
        top = top + 1
        X(top) = hx: Y(top) = hy
        Do 'check new apple
            ax = Int(Rnd * sqs): ay = Int(Rnd * sqs): good = -1
            For i = 0 To top - 1
                If ax = X(i) And ay = Y(i) Then good = 0: Exit For
        Loop Until good
    End If
    Line (ax * sq, ay * sq)-Step(sq - 2, sq - 2), _RGB32(255, 100, 255), BF

    Erase overlap
    For i = 0 To top
        If i = top Then
            c~& = &HFF000000
            Select Case (top - i) Mod 4
                Case 0: c~& = &HFF000088
                Case 1: c~& = &HFF880000
                Case 2: c~& = &HFFBB8800
                Case 3: c~& = &HFF008888
            End Select
        End If
        overlap(X(i), Y(i)) = overlap(X(i), Y(i)) + 1
        Line (X(i) * sq, Y(i) * sq)-Step(sq - 2, sq - 2), c~&, BF
        If overlap(X(i), Y(i)) > 1 Then Line (X(i) * sq + .25 * sq, Y(i) * sq + .25 * sq)-Step(.5 * sq - 2, .5 * sq - 2), &HFFFFFFFF, BF
    If top < 10 Then
        _Limit 10 + top
    ElseIf top < 300 Then
        _Limit 100
        _Limit 10
    End If

And it's the dumbest snake I have!

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  String to Array
Posted by: AtomicSlaughter - 02-13-2023, 10:31 AM - Forum: Utilities - Replies (1)

A Handy piece of code that will split a string into an array.

Code: (Select All)
Sub StringSplitter (ST As String, AR() As String, DL As String)
    Dim Delim(Len(DL)) As String
    For i = 1 To Len(DL)
        Delim(i) = Mid$(DL, i, 1)
    c = 1
        For i = 1 To UBound(Delim)
            If Mid$(ST, c, 1) = Delim(i) Then
                ReDim _Preserve AR(UBound(AR) + 1)
                c = c + 1
                Exit For
            End If
        Next i
        AR(UBound(AR)) = AR(UBound(AR)) + Mid$(ST, c, 1)
        c = c + 1
    Loop Until c > Len(ST)
End Sub

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Bug FBCWIN - Wormer
Posted by: mnrvovrfc - 02-13-2023, 01:41 AM - Forum: QBJS, BAM, and Other BASICs - No Replies

Have at it. It's "Wormer", a clone of "Nibbles" or "Snake" or something else. IT'S IN FREEBASIC. Sorry I don't have the motivation to port it to QB64 but it should be easy enough for someone else. Smile

Code: (Select All)
'by mnrvovrfc May-2014
#Include "fbmessage.bi"
#Include "util.bi"
#Include "truecolr256.bi"
#Include "file.bi"

Enum namesprites
wormhead = 1
wormbody = 5
wormvanish = 7
wallsolid = 9
wormfood = 13
wormnumeral = 17
wormletters = 27
wormportal = 49
wormheart = 54
lastsprite = 55
End Enum

Enum nameicon
noicon = 0
End Enum

Type charpgtype
    As Integer x, y, xi, yi, s, c
End Type

Const thewallcolor = RGB(255, 255, 255), theshrinkcolor = RGB(255, 0, 0), theportalcolor = RGB(0, 255, 0)
Const thewormcolor = RGB(0, 0, 255)

Declare Sub PrintFancyMessage(which As Integer)
Declare Sub DrawWalls()
Declare Sub Drawcharpg()
Declare Function CheckIcon(x As Integer, y As Integer, actual As Integer = 0) As nameicon
Declare Sub SetIcon(x As Integer, y As Integer, valu As nameicon)
Declare Sub Centertext(ro As Integer, tx As string)

Dim Shared As nameicon icon(1 To 53, 1 To 40)
Dim Shared As Any Ptr spr(1 To lastsprite)
Dim Shared As charpgtype cw(1 To 100), cj(1 To 10), mv(1 To 16)
Dim As Any Ptr s1, s2
Dim As String curp, bmpfile, nameprog
Dim As Integer i, j, u, x, y, z, resu

nameprog = "Wormer (Nibbles)"
curp = ExePath() + "\"
bmpfile = curp + "wormer.bmp"
If FileExists(bmpfile) = 0 Then
    fb_message(nameprog, "File not found:" + Chr(13) + bmpfile, MB_ICONERROR)
    End 1

ScreenRes 640, 480, 32
WindowTitle nameprog
s1 = ImageCreate(96, 96)
s2 = ImageCreate(53, 40)
resu = BLoad(bmpfile, s1)
z = 1
For j = 0 To 7
    For i = 0 To 7
        spr(z) = ImageCreate(12, 12)
        Get s1, (i * 12, j * 12)-Step(11, 11), spr(z)
        z += 1

Dim Shared As Integer thiswall, lengthworm
Dim As Integer died, done, wormspeed, score, bonus, lvl, numworm, hits
Dim As Integer whead, refreshwall, numfood, startother, portalrestore, maxmove, fl
Dim As Integer onfreelife
Dim As String ke, lvlbmpfile

Color smalt, khaki
lvl = 1: fl = 0
Centertext(12, "Wormer -- A Crude Version of Nibbles")
Centertext(15, "Press [ESC] at any time to quit.")
Centertext(18, "Some levels have portals.")
Centertext(21, "Others have patrolling robots.")
Centertext(24, "The worm dies if it strikes a part of itself,")
Centertext(25, "a wall or one of the robots.")
Centertext(28, "Use your arrow keys for movement.")
Centertext(31, "If your score is at least 4,")
Centertext(32, "Press [ENTER] during game play to view it briefly.")
Centertext(38, "Use [UP] and [DOWN] arrow keys to change level, [ENTER] to select.")
Centertext(40, "What level do you want to begin play?")
Centertext(42, "Level = 1")
    ke = InKey()
    If Len(ke) > 1 Then
        ke = Right(ke, 1)
        Select Case ke
            Case "H"
                If lvl < 36 Then lvl += 1: fl = 1
            Case "P"
                If lvl > 1 Then lvl -= 1: fl = 1
        End Select
    If fl = 1 Then
        fl = 0
        Centertext(42, "  Level = " + Str(lvl) + "  ")
    Sleep(100, 1)
Loop Until (ke = Chr(13)) Or (ke = Chr(27))
If ke = Chr(27) Then GoTo pend

Centertext(47, "At what speed to you want to play?")
Centertext(49, "(1) = slow, (2) = fast, (3) = quick")
Do: ke = InKey(): Loop Until ke = ""
    ke = InKey()
    If (ke = "1") Or (ke = "2") Or (ke = "3") Then Exit Do
    Sleep(100, 1)
Loop Until (ke = Chr(13)) Or (ke = Chr(27))
If ke = Chr(27) Then GoTo pend
If ke = Chr(13) Then ke = "1"
wormspeed = (52 - Asc(ke)) * 50

done = 0
numworm = 6
score = 0: bonus = 0
thiswall = Rand(wallsolid, wormfood - 1)
hits = 0
If lvl > 15 Then onfreelife = 1 Else onfreelife = 0

Do          ''until done, main program loop
Color , 0
refreshwall = 1
lengthworm = 4
died = 0
portalrestore = 0

Erase cw, cj

lvlbmpfile = curp + "wormer" + PadZero(lvl, 2) + ".BMP"
If FileExists(lvlbmpfile) = 0 Then
    fb_message(nameprog, "BMP file not found for level " + Str(lvl) + "!", MB_ICONERROR)
    End 4
resu = BLoad(lvlbmpfile, s2)
u = 0
For i = 1 To 53
    For j = 1 To 40
        If u > 0 Then u += 1
        z = Point(i - 1, j - 1, s2)
        Select Case z
            Case thewallcolor
                icon(i, j) = iconwall
            Case theshrinkcolor
                icon(i, j) = iconshrink
            Case theportalcolor
                icon(i, j) = iconportal
            Case thewormcolor
                If u = 0 Then
                    u = 1
                    cw(1).x = i * 12 - 12: cw(1).y = j * 12 - 12
                ElseIf u = 2 Then
                    cw(1).xi = 0: cw(1).yi = 12
                    whead = wormhead + 3
                    cw(1).xi = 12: cw(1).yi = 0
                    whead = wormhead
                icon(i, j) = noicon
            Case Else
                icon(i, j) = noicon
        End Select
With cw(1)
    .s = whead
    x = .x
    y = .y
End With
Select Case lvl
    Case 1, 2, 3, 4
        numfood = 2
        startother = 0
    Case 5, 6, 7, 9, 11 To 14, 16  
        numfood = 3
        startother = 0
    Case 8, 10
        numfood = 3
        startother = 9
    Case 15
        numfood = 3
        startother = 8
    Case 17
        numfood = 4
        startother = 7
    Case 18 To 22
        numfood = 4
        startother = 0
    Case 23, 24
        numfood = 5
        startother = 0
    Case 25
        numfood = 5
        startother = 7
    Case 26
        numfood = 5
        startother = 9
    Case 27 To 29
        numfood = 6
        startother = 0
    Case 30, 33
        numfood = 4
        startother = 10
    Case 31, 32, 34
        numfood = 3
        startother = 9
    Case 35, 36
        numfood = 2
        startother = 0
End Select

#Include "wormer.bi"

For j = 2 To lengthworm
    cw(j).x = x
    cw(j).y = y
    cw(j).s = whead
    x -= cw(1).xi
    y -= cw(1).yi
z = 0
For i = 1 To numfood
    With cj(i)
        .x = 0: .y = 0: .s = 0      ''position (x, y) and food type
        .xi = 0     ''number of steps to remain on screen (.c greater than zero)
        .yi = 0     ''not used
        .c = z      ''total number of steps (if negative, food not activated yet)
    End With
    If i > 1 Then z -= Random1(20) * 10
cj(1).c = z
If (lvl >= 8) And (startother > 0) Then
    z = startother
    For j = 1 To 40
        For i = 1 To 53
            If icon(i, j) = iconportal Then
                With cj(z)
                    .x = i * 12 - 12
                    .y = j * 12 - 12
                    If lvl < 30 Then
                        .s = wormportal
                        icon(i, j) = noicon
                        .s = wormevil   ''sprite indicate it's a bad guy
                        .c = 0          ''pointer into mv()
                        .xi = 100       ''current step to take
                        .yi = 0         ''animation flag
                End With
                z += 1
    If lvl = 32 Then
        Swap cj(9), cj(10)

    ke = InKey()
Loop Until (ke = "") Or (ke = Chr(27))
If ke = Chr(27) Then done = 1: Exit Do

    ke = InKey()
    If Len(ke) = 2 Then
        ke = Right(ke, 1)
        Select Case ke
            Case "k"
                done = 1
                Exit Do
            Case "H"
                If cw(1).yi = 0 Then cw(1).xi = 0: cw(1).yi = -12: whead = 2
            Case "K"
                If cw(1).xi = 0 Then cw(1).yi = 0: cw(1).xi = -12: whead = 3
            Case "M"
                If cw(1).xi = 0 Then cw(1).yi = 0: cw(1).xi = 12: whead = 1
            Case "P"
                If cw(1).yi = 0 Then cw(1).xi = 0: cw(1).yi = 12: whead = 4
        End Select
        Select Case ke
            Case Chr(13)
                If score > 3 Then
                    refreshwall = 1
            Case Chr(27)
                done = 1
                Exit Do
        End Select
    With cw(lengthworm)
        Line(.x, .y)-Step(11, 11), 0, BF
        SetIcon(.x, .y, noicon)
    End With
    If (cw(1).s = 1) Or (cw(1).s = 3) Then
        cw(1).s = wormbody + 1
        cw(1).s = wormbody
    For j = lengthworm - 1 To 1 Step -1
        i = j + 1
        cw(i) = cw(j)
    With cw(1)
        .x += .xi
        .y += .yi
        If .s <> whead Then .s = whead
        If .x < 0 Then .x = 624
        If .x > 624 Then .x = 0
        If .y < 0 Then .y = 468
        If .y > 468 Then .y = 0
        z = CheckIcon(.x, .y)
        If (z = iconwall) Or (z = iconworm) Then died = 1
        If z = iconportal Then
            For j = startother To 10
                If (cj(j).x = .x) And (cj(j).y = .y) Then Exit For
            If j <= 10 Then
                If startother = 9 Then
                    If j = 9 Then i = 10 Else i = 9
                        i = Rand(startother, 10)
                    Loop While i = j
                .x = cj(i).x
                .y = cj(i).y
                portalrestore = lengthworm + 2
        ElseIf z = iconshrink Then
            If lengthworm > 4 Then
                bonus = bonus \ 2
                u = Random1(2) * 4
                Do While (u > 0) And (lengthworm > 4)
                    With cw(lengthworm)
                        SetIcon(.x, .y, noicon)
                        Line(.x, .y)-Step(11, 11), 0, BF
                        lengthworm -= 1
                        u -= 1
                    End With
            SetIcon(.x, .y, iconworm)
    End With
    For i = 1 To numfood
        If cj(i).s > 0 Then
            With cj(i)
                .c += 1
                If .c > .xi Then
                    .c = Random1(20) * -10
                    .s = 0
                    SetIcon(.x, .y, noicon)
                    Line(.x, .y)-Step(11, 11), 0, BF
                ElseIf (.x = cw(1).x) And (.y = cw(1).y) Then
                    If .s = wormheart Then
                        numworm += 1
                        bonus += 1
                        x = .s - wormfood + 1
                        If bonus = 0 Then bonus = 1 Else bonus += (x \ 4)
                        score += bonus
                        hits += 1
                        If lengthworm <= 100 Then
                            x *= 4
                            Do While x > 0
                                If portalrestore > 0 Then portalrestore += 1
                                lengthworm += 1
                                x -= 1
                                cw(lengthworm) = cw(lengthworm - 1)
                    .c = Random1(20) * -10
                    .s = 0
                    SetIcon(.x, .y, noicon)
            End With
            With cj(i)
                .c += 1
                If .c > 0 Then
                    If (i = 1) And (onfreelife > 0) Then
                        onfreelife = 0
                        .s = wormheart
                        .xi = 100
                        y = Random1(20)
                        .s = wormfood
                        .xi = 200
                        Select Case y
                            Case 1
                                .s += 3
                                .xi = 100
                            Case 2, 3
                                .s += 2
                                .xi = 100
                            Case 4, 5, 6
                                .s += 1
                                .xi = 100
                        End Select
                        .x = Random1(51) + 1
                        .y = Random1(38) + 1
                    Loop Until CheckIcon(.x, .y, 1) = noicon
                    icon(.x, .y) = iconfood
                    .x = .x * 12 - 12
                    .y = .y * 12 - 12
            End With
    If (lvl >= 30) And (lvl < 35) Then
        For i = startother To 10
            With cj(i)
                If .c = 0 Then u = 100 Else u = mv(.c).c
                .xi += 1
                If .xi > u Then
                    .xi = 0
                        .c += 1
                        If .c > maxmove Then .c = 1
                    Loop Until mv(.c).s = i
                Line(.x, .y)-Step(11, 11), 0, BF
                .x = .x + mv(.c).xi
                .y = .y + mv(.c).yi
                If .y < 0 Then .y = 468
                If .y > 468 Then .y = 0
                If .x < 0 Then .x = 624
                If .x > 624 Then .x = 0
                .yi = Not .yi
                If CheckIcon(.x, .y) = iconworm Then died = 1
            End With
    ElseIf portalrestore > 0 Then    
        portalrestore -= 1
        If portalrestore < 1 Then
            For j = startother To 10
                With cj(j)
                    SetIcon(.x, .y, iconportal)
                End With
    If refreshwall > 0 Then
        refreshwall = 0
    Sleep(wormspeed, 1)
Loop Until (died > 0) Or (hits > 10) Or (done > 0)

If done > 0 Then
    ''[ESC] was pressed, quit main program loop
ElseIf died > 0 Then
    For j = wormvanish To wallsolid
        With cw(1)
            Line(.x, .y)-Step(11, 11), 0, BF
            If j < wallsolid Then Put(.x, .y), spr(j), Trans
        End With
        Sleep(100, 1)
    numworm -= 1
    If numworm < 1 Then
            ke = InKey()
            If ke = Chr(27) Then done = 1: Exit Do
            ke = InKey()
            If ke = Chr(27) Then done = 1
        Loop Until done > 0
        Color RGB(128, 255, 192)
        Locate 28, 28: Print "Please press any key...";
        Do: ke = InKey(): Loop Until ke = ""    
        If bonus > 1 Then bonus -= 1
ElseIf hits > 10 Then
    lvl += 1
    If lvl > 36 Then
        Color smalt, khaki
        Centertext(12, "There are no more levels.")
        Centertext(18, "You won the game, congratulations!")
        Centertext(24, "Score: " + Str(score))
        Centertext(32, "Press [ESC] to quit the program.")
        Do: ke = InKey(): Loop Until ke = Chr(27)
        done = 1
    thiswall = Rand(wallsolid, wormfood - 1)
    hits = 0
    If lvl > 15 Then onfreelife = 1 Else onfreelife = 0

Loop Until done > 0     ''end of main program loop

For z = 1 To lastsprite

Sub PrintFancyMessage(which As Integer)
    Dim As UByte Ptr ndx
    Dim As String * 10 mesg
    Dim As String ke
    Dim As Integer j, c, x = 264
    Select Case which
        Case 1: mesg = Chr(33, 34, 35, 36, 48, 37, 38, 36, 39, 32)      ''Game Over!
        Case 2: mesg = Chr(33, 36, 27, 48, 28, 36, 34, 29, 40, 32)      ''Get Ready!
        Case 3: mesg = Chr(41, 42, 30, 48, 43, 44, 36, 29, 32, 48)      ''You Died!
        Case Else                                                       ''Score:0000
            mesg = Chr(45, 46, 42, 39, 36, 47)
            ke = Str(which)
            If which < 1000 Then mesg &= "0"
            If which < 100 Then mesg &= "0"
            If which < 10 Then mesg &= "0"
            For j = 1 To Len(ke)
                c = Asc(ke, j) - 32
                If c < 17 Then c += 10
                mesg &= Chr(c)
    End Select
    Line(264, 216)-Step(120, 11), 0, BF
    ndx = StrPtr(mesg)
    For j = 0 To 9
        Put(x, 216), spr(ndx[j]), Trans
        x += 12
    Sleep(3000, 1)
    Line(264, 216)-Step(120, 11), 0, BF
End Sub

Sub DrawWalls()
    Dim As Integer i, j
    For i = 1 To 53
        For j = 1 To 40
            Select Case icon(i, j)
                Case iconwall
                    Put(i * 12 - 12, j * 12 - 12), spr(thiswall), Trans
            End Select
End Sub

Sub Drawcharpg()
    Dim As Integer j, u
    For j = 1 To 10
        If cj(j).s > 0 Then
            With cj(j)
                If (.s >= wormevil) And (.s < wormheart) Then
                    If (.xi < 0) Or (.yi < 0) Then u = .s + (2 - .yi) Else u = .s + (-1 * .yi)
                    Put(.x, .y), spr(u), Trans
                    Put(.x, .y), spr(.s), Trans
            End With
    For j = lengthworm To 1 Step -1
        With cw(j)
            If .s > 0 Then
                Put(.x, .y), spr(.s), Trans
        End With
End Sub

Function CheckIcon(x As Integer, y As Integer, actual As Integer = 0) As nameicon
    Dim As Integer px, py
    If actual > 0 Then
        px = x: py = y
        px = x \ 12 + 1: py = y \ 12 + 1
    Return icon(px, py)
End Function

Sub SetIcon(x As Integer, y As Integer, valu As nameicon)
    Dim As Integer px, py
    px = x \ 12 + 1: py = y \ 12 + 1
    icon(px, py) = valu
End Sub

Sub Centertext(ro As Integer, tx As string)
    Dim As Integer lx
    lx = Len(tx)
    If lx > 0 Then
        lx = 40 - (lx \ 2)
        Locate ro, lx
        Print tx;
End Sub

Boards could be created but have to follow specific dimensions and pixel colors. Each pixel is a "big" position on the screen, ie. the snake's body part, food, wall etc. The snake could wrap around from one side of the screen to another unless the wall stops it. There are many other things to discover that I'm not going to reveal. Oh well the instructions near the top of the source code give away a lot already but not playing the game would miss it.

This program should compile without problems with Freebasic as GUI program for Windows. It has no sound. For Linux the "fb_message()" would have to be removed, call "exec()" instead to bring about a dialog box from "yad", "zenity" or other such utility.

All BMP files are required except "wormer-empty.bmp", that one exists to help the user create a new one out of it for the game.

.zip   mnrvovrfc-wormer.zip (Size: 18.57 KB / Downloads: 88)

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Lightbulb Allow source code to run, but not show it
Posted by: mnrvovrfc - 02-11-2023, 11:43 PM - Forum: QBJS, BAM, and Other BASICs - Replies (6)


This thread has me asking entirely out of ignorance: is there a way in "BAM" or "QBJS" to provide source code and run it, without allowing a different user to see the source code, or allowing that user to see a small portion of it?

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