' Content of the HTTP response is returned. The statusCode is also assigned.
Function Download$ (url As String, statusCode As Long)
h& = _OpenClient("HTTP:" + url)
statusCode = _StatusCode(h&)
While Not EOF(h&)
_Limit 60
Get #h&, , s$
content$ = content$ + s$
Close #h&
Download$ = content$
End Function
I failed to come up with a quick example for the new third parameter of _LOADIMAGE(), didn't pay attention that the string is supposed to be just like one that could be loaded from JPEG, PNG, PCX etc. graphics file format. Enjoy this, it's my first successful experiment ever with _MEMCOPY. A good improvement is to change the palette, either as greyscale or along a cool gradient.
Code: (Select All)
'by mnrvovrfc 20-Feb-2023
DIM a$, b AS STRING * 256000
DIM AS LONG ascr, ctop, cbot
DIM amem AS _MEM, bmem AS _MEM
ctop = 1
cbot = 640 * 399 + 1
a$ = SPACE$(640)
b = SPACE$(256000)
FOR j = 1 TO 200
FOR i = 1 TO 640
IF i MOD 2 = 0 THEN
MID$(a$, i, 1) = CHR$(150 + v + (i MOD 56))
MID$(a$, i, 1) = CHR$(v + (i MOD 16))
MID$(b, ctop, 640) = a$
MID$(b, cbot, 640) = a$
ctop = ctop + 640
cbot = cbot - 640
v = v + 1
IF v >= 50 THEN v = 0
#286 - Added support for opening image from memory using _LOADIMAGE() - @a740g, @mkilgore
_LOADIMAGE() has a new optional requirements$ argument, similar to the string argument to _SNDOPEN():
_LOADIMAGE(fileName$[, [mode&][, requirements$]])
Providing "memory" in the requirements will cause _LOADIMAGE() to treat the contents of the fileName$ argument as an image file itself, rather than attempting to open a file.
Bug Fixes
#287, #296 - Fixed building QB64-PE on MacOS High Sierra - @mkilgore
Posted by: Petr - 02-19-2023, 10:50 AM - Forum: Petr
- Replies (4)
Note, this source code runs in QB64 2.02 and older. Phoenix version comming soon.
What is scratching? It's an effect where the DJ slows down or speeds up the turntable while the sound is playing.
This program tries to simulate this at random times during playback.
Before run it, please write correct music file name in source code to line 13.
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Petr's scratching"
'What is scratching? It's an effect where the DJ slows down or speeds up the turntable while the sound is playing.
'This program tries to simulate this at random times during playback.
misto = 44100 * 5 '5 seconds after music start playing start effect
mistoE = misto + 88200 'effect ends 2 seconds after effect start
rychlost = 88200
Dim As _MEM L, R, L2, R2
Dim As Integer LS, RS
file$ = "al.mp3"
Print "Opening sound file "; file$
f = _SndOpen(file$)
L = _MemSound(f, 1)
R = _MemSound(f, 2)
Type SND
L As Integer
R As Integer
End Type
Dim snd(_SndRate * _SndLen(f)) As SND
Print "Creating standard array"
Do Until Done& = L.SIZE
snd(i).L = _MemGet(L, L.OFFSET + Done&, Integer)
snd(i).R = _MemGet(R, R.OFFSET + Done&, Integer)
i = i + 1
Done& = Done& + 2
i = i - 2
Dim snd2(3 * UBound(snd)) As SND 'this time i do not calculate array size - because this demo use random output lenght
zacatek = misto
konec = mistoE
psi2 = _Pi(1) / (zacatek - konec)
Dim As Long misto, mistoE
copy = 0
Print "Creating pseudo mix"
Randomize Timer
Do Until copy >= UBound(snd) - 2
If original > misto And original < mistoE Then
k2 = k2 + psi2
newi = Sin(k2) * 44100
copy = ocopy + newi
original = original + Abs(Sin(k2))
ocopy = copy
copy = copy + 1
original = Int(original + 1)
End If
If original > mistoE + 44100 Then 'pause between two mix hits (44100 = 1 sec)
misto = original + 44100 * Rnd 'effect start in samples (44100 x time)
mistoE = misto + 44100 * 2 * Rnd + 500 'effect end in samples
zacatek = misto
konec = mistoE
psi2 = _Pi(1 + Rnd) / (zacatek - konec)
If psi2 = 0 Then psi2 = .01
If misto > UBound(snd2) Or misto2 > UBound(snd2) Then misto = 0: mistoE = 0
End If
If original > UBound(snd2) Then Print "Snd2 overlow": Exit Do
If copy > UBound(snd) Then Print "Snd overlow"; copy; krok: Exit Do
'For test = 0 To original
'_SndRaw snd2(test).L / 32768, snd2(test).R / 32768
SNDSAVE = _Mem(snd2())
SAVESOUND16S SNDSAVE, "scratch.wav"
Print "Playing..."
_SndPlayFile "scratch.wav"
_Delay 1
Kill "scratch.wav"
Sub SAVESOUND16S (arr As _MEM, file As String)
Type head16
chunk As String * 4 ' 4 bytes (RIFF)
size As Long ' 4 bytes (file size)
fomat As String * 4 ' 4 bytes (WAVE)
sub1 As String * 4 ' 4 bytes (fmt )
subchunksize As Long ' 4 bytes (lo / hi), $00000010 for PCM audio
format As Integer ' 2 bytes (0001 = standard PCM, 0101 = IBM mu-law, 0102 = IBM a-law, 0103 = IBM AVC ADPCM)
channels As Integer ' 2 bytes (1 = mono, 2 = stereo)
rate As Long ' 4 bytes (sample rate, standard is 44100)
ByteRate As Long ' 4 bytes (= sample rate * number of channels * (bits per channel /8))
Block As Integer ' 2 bytes (block align = number of channels * bits per sample /8)
Bits As Integer ' 2 bytes (bits per sample. 8 = 8, 16 = 16)
subchunk2 As String * 4 ' 4 bytes ("data") contains begin audio samples
lenght As Long ' 4 bytes Data block size
End Type ' 44 bytes total
Dim H16 As head16
ch = FreeFile
If _FileExists(file$) Then Kill file$
Audio$ = Space$(ConvertOffset&&(arr.SIZE))
_MemGet arr, arr.OFFSET, Audio$
Open file$ For Binary As #ch
Put #ch, , H16
Put #ch, , Audio$
Audio$ = ""
Close ch
End Sub
Function ConvertOffset&& (value As _Offset)
Dim m As _MEM 'Define a memblock
m = _Mem(value) 'Point it to use value
$If 64BIT Then
'On 64 bit OSes, an OFFSET is 8 bytes in size. We can put it directly into an Integer64
_MEMGET m, m.OFFSET, ConvertOffset&& 'Get the contents of the memblock and put the values there directly into ConvertOffset&&
'However, on 32 bit OSes, an OFFSET is only 4 bytes. We need to put it into a LONG variable first
_MemGet m, m.OFFSET, temp& 'Like this
ConvertOffset&& = temp& 'And then assign that long value to ConvertOffset&&
$End If
_MemFree m 'Free the memblock
End Function
Posted by: Petr - 02-19-2023, 09:58 AM - Forum: Petr
- Replies (2)
NOTE! This program is created to QB64 2.02 (and older, Phoenix version comming soon!)
Compile this program in its own folder (maybe call it echo test, it doesn't matter) and then copy some music files into that folder. The program is built on an older version of QB64, so it only supports MP3, OGG and WAV formats (you can add the other formats there on line 36 in the source code, but it is not tested with it. The program will play music files in the folder with an echo effect after running. The attached direntry.h file is needed for the function.
Code: (Select All)
'Program create new WAV soundtrack + add echo
_Title "Petr's echo player"
EchoLenght = 0.12 '0.12 seconds is echo duration
OverSampling = 10 'number of echoes sample passes
Echo& = _SndRate * EchoLenght
'to create an echo effect you need to repeat a couple of sound samples - it's the same as playing the same song twice in quick succession,
'the sound samples are also mixed. This is the principle of the function of this program.
'the number of samples to be repeated indicates the length of the echo. For 25 milliseconds, that's 25 * 441 samples.
Do Until Echo& Mod 2 = 0
Echo& = Echo& + 1
Dim Left As _MEM, Right As _MEM, NewSound As _MEM, Audio As Integer, Audio2 As Integer, Audio3 As Integer, Audio4 As Integer
ReDim PlayableFiles(0) As String 'for music files list
'INPUT "Insert audio file name:"; a1$
Declare CustomType Library ".\direntry" 'need file direntry.h, available in SMcNeill's libraries
Function load_dir& (s As String)
Function has_next_entry& ()
Sub close_dir ()
Sub get_next_entry (s As String, flags As Long, file_size As Long)
End Declare
ReDim Dir(0) As String, File(0) As String
GetFileList _CWD$, Dir(), File() 'load files in current directory
For s = LBound(file) To UBound(file)
Select Case UCase$(Right$(File(s), 3))
Case "MP3", "OGG", "WAV" 'available music formats under QB64 2.02
PlayableFiles(i) = File(s)
i = i + 1
ReDim _Preserve PlayableFiles(i) As String
End Select
Print "Files to play: "; i
For playit = 0 To i - 1 'play all music files (MP3, OGG, WAV) in current directory (this file list is created using direntry.h)
a1$ = PlayableFiles(playit)
Print "Opening file "; playit + 1; "/"; i; " - "; PlayableFiles(playit)
If a Then _SndClose a
a = _SndOpen(a1$)
If a Then Print "Audio file opened" Else Print "Audio file "; a1$; " opening error.": End
LENa = _Ceil(_SndLen(a) + EchoLenght)
Print "Audio file lenght:"; LENa; "[sec]"
NewTrackTime = LENa
Print "New sound created. Saving as Tracks-mix4.wav..."
SAVESOUND16S NewSound, "Tracks-mix4.wav"
Print "Sound saved, erasing RAM..."
_MemFree Left
_MemFree Right
_MemFree NewSound
Print "Playing mixed sound"
snd = _SndOpen("tracks-mix4.wav")
_SndPlay snd
Do Until _SndPlaying(snd) = 0
Locate 12
Print "Time: "; Int(_SndGetPos(snd)); "[sec] "
_SndClose snd
Kill "tracks-mix4.wav"
Function ConvertOffset&& (value As _Offset)
Dim m As _MEM 'Define a memblock
m = _Mem(value) 'Point it to use value
$If 64BIT Then
'On 64 bit OSes, an OFFSET is 8 bytes in size. We can put it directly into an Integer64
_MEMGET m, m.OFFSET, ConvertOffset&& 'Get the contents of the memblock and put the values there directly into ConvertOffset&&
'However, on 32 bit OSes, an OFFSET is only 4 bytes. We need to put it into a LONG variable first
_MemGet m, m.OFFSET, temp& 'Like this
ConvertOffset&& = temp& 'And then assign that long value to ConvertOffset&&
$End If
_MemFree m 'Free the memblock
End Function
Sub SAVESOUND16S (arr As _MEM, file As String)
Type head16
chunk As String * 4 ' 4 bytes (RIFF)
size As Long ' 4 bytes (file size)
fomat As String * 4 ' 4 bytes (WAVE)
sub1 As String * 4 ' 4 bytes (fmt )
subchunksize As Long ' 4 bytes (lo / hi), $00000010 for PCM audio
format As Integer ' 2 bytes (0001 = standard PCM, 0101 = IBM mu-law, 0102 = IBM a-law, 0103 = IBM AVC ADPCM)
channels As Integer ' 2 bytes (1 = mono, 2 = stereo)
rate As Long ' 4 bytes (sample rate, standard is 44100)
ByteRate As Long ' 4 bytes (= sample rate * number of channels * (bits per channel /8))
Block As Integer ' 2 bytes (block align = number of channels * bits per sample /8)
Bits As Integer ' 2 bytes (bits per sample. 8 = 8, 16 = 16)
subchunk2 As String * 4 ' 4 bytes ("data") contains begin audio samples
lenght As Long ' 4 bytes Data block size
End Type ' 44 bytes total
Dim H16 As head16
ch = FreeFile
Open file$ For Binary As #ch
Put #ch, , H16
Put #ch, , Audio$
Audio$ = ""
Close ch
End Sub
Sub GetFileList (SearchDirectory As String, DirList() As String, FileList() As String)
Const IS_DIR = 1
Const IS_FILE = 2
Dim flags As Long, file_size As Long
If load_dir(SearchDirectory) Then
length = has_next_entry
If length > -1 Then
nam$ = Space$(length)
get_next_entry nam$, flags, file_size
If (flags And IS_DIR) Or _DirExists(SearchDirectory + nam$) Then
DirCount = DirCount + 1
If DirCount > UBound(DirList) Then ReDim _Preserve DirList(UBound(DirList) + 100)
DirList(DirCount) = nam$
ElseIf (flags And IS_FILE) Or _FileExists(SearchDirectory + nam$) Then
FileCount = FileCount + 1
If FileCount > UBound(filelist) Then ReDim _Preserve FileList(UBound(filelist) + 100)
FileList(FileCount) = nam$
End If
End If
Loop Until length = -1
End If
ReDim _Preserve DirList(DirCount)
ReDim _Preserve FileList(FileCount)
End Sub
Hello. I went through the forum and found some questions about saving sound and also questions about whether it is possible to create and save sound in QB64. The answer to both is yes. The attached program is from January 5, 2021, when I was actively involved. Then the forum was destroyed and I vowed not to spend time on something that would just disappear overnight. I'm here today after a long time (I'm using QB64 2.02) and I see that there might be interest in this, so I'm posting it here. My SaveSound16S will be useful, it saves your sound in stereo WAV file format and I used it for testing because SNDRAW had problems with stereo (I don't know how it is with this command now).
This program open your music file, then create WAV file from it named as TestEff3.wav (contains stereo switching) and then play it using SNDPLAYFILE statement.
Code: (Select All)
DIM left AS _MEM
DIM NewSound AS _MEM
INPUT "Insert music STEREO file name"; snd$
snd = _SNDOPEN(snd$)
IF snd > 0 THEN
left = _MEMSOUND(snd, 1)
Right = _MEMSOUND(snd, 2)
IF Right.SIZE > 0 THEN
NewSound = _MEMNEW(left.SIZE * 2)
DO UNTIL s& = left.SIZE
_MEMGET left, left.OFFSET + s&, AudioL
_MEMGET Right, Right.OFFSET + s&, AudioR
R = AudioR * ABS(COS(sinus))
_MEMPUT NewSound, NewSound.OFFSET + t&, L
_MEMPUT NewSound, NewSound.OFFSET + t& + 2, R
sinus = sinus + .00001
s& = s& + 2
t& = t& + 4
PRINT "This sound file is not stereo!"
PRINT "File exists, bud this music format is not supported."
PRINT "File "; snd$; " not found."
SAVESOUND16S NewSound, "TestEff3.wav"
_SNDPLAYFILE "TestEff3.wav"
TYPE head16
chunk AS STRING * 4 ' 4 bytes (RIFF)
size AS LONG ' 4 bytes (file size)
fomat AS STRING * 4 ' 4 bytes (WAVE)
sub1 AS STRING * 4 ' 4 bytes (fmt )
subchunksize AS LONG ' 4 bytes (lo / hi), $00000010 for PCM audio
format AS INTEGER ' 2 bytes (0001 = standard PCM, 0101 = IBM mu-law, 0102 = IBM a-law, 0103 = IBM AVC ADPCM)
channels AS INTEGER ' 2 bytes (1 = mono, 2 = stereo)
rate AS LONG ' 4 bytes (sample rate, standard is 44100)
ByteRate AS LONG ' 4 bytes (= sample rate * number of channels * (bits per channel /8))
Block AS INTEGER ' 2 bytes (block align = number of channels * bits per sample /8)
Bits AS INTEGER ' 2 bytes (bits per sample. 8 = 8, 16 = 16)
subchunk2 AS STRING * 4 ' 4 bytes ("data") contains begin audio samples
lenght AS LONG ' 4 bytes Data block size
END TYPE ' 44 bytes total
DIM H16 AS head16
H16.chunk = "RIFF"
H16.size = 44 + ConvertOffset&&(arr.SIZE) / _SNDRATE / 4 'two channels, it create 16 bit, stereo wav file, one sample use 2 bytes to one channel
H16.fomat = "WAVE"
H16.sub1 = "fmt "
H16.subchunksize = 16
H16.format = 1
H16.channels = 2
H16.rate = 44100
H16.ByteRate = 44100 * 2 * 16 / 8
H16.Block = 4
H16.Bits = 16
H16.subchunk2 = "data"
H16.lenght = ConvertOffset&&(arr.SIZE)
Audio$ = SPACE$(ConvertOffset&&(arr.SIZE))
_MEMGET arr, arr.OFFSET, Audio$
PUT #ch, , H16
PUT #ch, , Audio$
Audio$ = ""
FUNCTION ConvertOffset&& (value AS _OFFSET)
DIM m AS _MEM 'Define a memblock
m = _MEM(value) 'Point it to use value
'On 64 bit OSes, an OFFSET is 8 bytes in size. We can put it directly into an Integer64
_MEMGET m, m.OFFSET, ConvertOffset&& 'Get the contents of the memblock and put the values there directly into ConvertOffset&&
'However, on 32 bit OSes, an OFFSET is only 4 bytes. We need to put it into a LONG variable first
_MEMGET m, m.OFFSET, temp& 'Like this
ConvertOffset&& = temp& 'And then assign that long value to ConvertOffset&&
_MEMFREE m 'Free the memblock
and to querstion 2 - is possible creating and saving sound using QB64? YES:
Code: (Select All)
'this program is from SNDRAW help, create sound using QB64, modifie so, it also save this sound.
t = 0
tmp$ = "Sample = ##.##### Time = ##.#####"
Locate 1, 60: Print "Rate:"; _SndRate
'------ modification -------
Dim SNDREC(44100 * 3.1) As Integer 'sound duration is 3 seconds, use 44100 samples/sec
'------ modification -------
'queue some sound
Do While _SndRawLen < 0.1 'you may wish to adjust this
sample = Sin(t * 440 * Atn(1) * 8) '440Hz sine wave (t * 440 * 2Ď€)
sample = sample * Exp(-t * 3) 'fade out eliminates clicks after sound
_SndRaw sample
t = t + 1 / _SndRate 'sound card sample frequency determines time
'do other stuff, but it may interrupt sound
Locate 1, 1: Print Using tmp$; sample; t
Loop While t < 3.0 'play for 3 seconds
Do While _SndRawLen > 0 'Finish any left over queued sound!
Print rec
'------ modification -------
Dim L As _MEM
Dim LR As _MEM
Dim REC As Integer
L = _Mem(SNDREC())
'because created sound is MONO but we recording it as stereo, create here pseudo stereo memory array:
LR = _MemNew(L.SIZE * 2)
done = 0
Do Until done = L.SIZE
_MemGet L, L.OFFSET + done, REC
_MemPut LR, LR.OFFSET + RECINDEX + 2, REC 'right
done = done + 2 'switch by 2 bytes in L MEM array
RECINDEX = RECINDEX + 4 'switch by 4 bytes in LR MEM array
_MemFree L
Print "Saving sound as ding.wav..."
SAVESOUND16S LR, "ding.wav"
_MemFree LR
Print "Playing created file ding.wav..."
_SndPlayFile "ding.wav"
Sub SAVESOUND16S (arr As _MEM, file As String)
Type head16
chunk As String * 4 ' 4 bytes (RIFF)
size As Long ' 4 bytes (file size)
fomat As String * 4 ' 4 bytes (WAVE)
sub1 As String * 4 ' 4 bytes (fmt )
subchunksize As Long ' 4 bytes (lo / hi), $00000010 for PCM audio
format As Integer ' 2 bytes (0001 = standard PCM, 0101 = IBM mu-law, 0102 = IBM a-law, 0103 = IBM AVC ADPCM)
channels As Integer ' 2 bytes (1 = mono, 2 = stereo)
rate As Long ' 4 bytes (sample rate, standard is 44100)
ByteRate As Long ' 4 bytes (= sample rate * number of channels * (bits per channel /8))
Block As Integer ' 2 bytes (block align = number of channels * bits per sample /8)
Bits As Integer ' 2 bytes (bits per sample. 8 = 8, 16 = 16)
subchunk2 As String * 4 ' 4 bytes ("data") contains begin audio samples
lenght As Long ' 4 bytes Data block size
End Type ' 44 bytes total
Dim H16 As head16
ch = FreeFile
H16.chunk = "RIFF"
H16.size = 44 + ConvertOffset&&(arr.SIZE) / _SndRate / 4 'two channels, it create 16 bit, stereo wav file, one sample use 2 bytes to one channel
H16.fomat = "WAVE"
H16.sub1 = "fmt "
H16.subchunksize = 16
H16.format = 1
H16.channels = 2
H16.rate = 44100
H16.ByteRate = 44100 * 2 * 16 / 8
H16.Block = 4
H16.Bits = 16
H16.subchunk2 = "data"
H16.lenght = ConvertOffset&&(arr.SIZE)
If _FileExists(file$) Then Kill file$
Audio$ = Space$(ConvertOffset&&(arr.SIZE))
_MemGet arr, arr.OFFSET, Audio$
Open file$ For Binary As #ch
Put #ch, , H16
Put #ch, , Audio$
Audio$ = ""
Close ch
End Sub
Function ConvertOffset&& (value As _Offset)
Dim m As _MEM 'Define a memblock
m = _Mem(value) 'Point it to use value
$If 64BIT Then
'On 64 bit OSes, an OFFSET is 8 bytes in size. We can put it directly into an Integer64
_MEMGET m, m.OFFSET, ConvertOffset&& 'Get the contents of the memblock and put the values there directly into ConvertOffset&&
'However, on 32 bit OSes, an OFFSET is only 4 bytes. We need to put it into a LONG variable first
_MemGet m, m.OFFSET, temp& 'Like this
ConvertOffset&& = temp& 'And then assign that long value to ConvertOffset&&
$End If
_MemFree m 'Free the memblock
End Function
Program create sound (used for this is program from QB64 SNDRAW help) and then easily modified for saving this sound in WAV format.
For some time now I've been trying do something like this recursively:
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Checkered Checkers, press any for another screen..." ' b+ 2023-02-17
Screen _NewImage(641, 641, 12)
_ScreenMove 300, 60
d = 8: sq = 640 / d: sq8 = sq / d: dm1 = d - 1
Dim arr(d, d)
While _KeyDown(27) = 0
For j = 0 To dm1
For i = 0 To dm1
If Rnd < .5 Then arr(i, j) = 1 Else arr(i, j) = 0
For y = 0 To dm1
For x = 0 To dm1
If arr(x, y) Then
For yy = 0 To dm1
For xx = 0 To dm1
If arr(xx, yy) Then
Line (x * sq + xx * sq8, y * sq + yy * sq8)-(x * sq + xx * sq8 + sq8 - 1, y * sq + yy * sq8 + sq8 - 1), , BF
Line (x * sq + xx * sq8, y * sq + yy * sq8)-(x * sq + xx * sq8 + sq8 - 1, y * sq + yy * sq8 + sq8 - 1), , B
End If
End If
Line (x * sq, y * sq - 1)-(x * sq + sq, y * sq + sq - 1), , B
So it wouldn't take more code lines to do deeper levels. With recursion you could just keep going deeper as long as the side length of a checker was >=1 pixel.
An old routine which I found on my drive, which showcases how to embed text into an image and hide it from most folks prying eyes.
EmbedText.7z (Size: 1.1 MB / Downloads: 80)
<-- Grab the archive here, extract, and run with "OUTPUT EXE TO SOURCE FOLDER" enabled in the run menu.
What this does, breaks down to these steps:
1) It loads an image for us.
2) It then embeds text into the image, without disturbing the image in any way noticeable to you. It'll display it on the screen for you to stare at in awe at the sheer lack of text upon it.
3) It then decrypts that text back off from that image and puts it onto a blank canvas, to display for you to stare at in awe, just so you can see that the process here actually works.
Hidden text in images!
I use this all the time for photos and such, to embed names, dates, places, occasions, and whatnot into the image itself, so I can just draw that info out anytime I ever want in the future -- and it still won't be visible for the general public to ever notice.
I have a folder containing several images (.jpg) that I want to place in an array, then pick any (or all) from that array to display. I don't see any appropriate commands that allow this; are there any? (simplicity is important to me!)