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custom desktop |
Posted by: MrCreemy - 12-29-2022, 10:32 PM - Forum: Works in Progress
- Replies (3)
above link, is a tiny video, showing my "custom desktop" I was going to use to deploy my software.
was inspired to post this, after reading the "windowing" thread
I was trying, at one time, to find a "teeny tiny" linux.
it was something like "minimal linux live" or something.
I was able to run QB64 programs that did *not* use any graphics screens.
I was thinking about trying to get "X" onto it... which *should* allow me to run compiled QB64 graphics programs.
which would allow my DESKTOP to run...
this idea, combined with the other guy doing to "windowing" project? Might make a pretty cool result.
you boot into either your software, or, the desktop and your software.
absolute minimum *anything* other than just what you need to run your software... absolutely *nothing* would be able to disrupt it. software thus? would be beyond cross platform... if theres a 64 bit computer? it runs your software. period.
incorporate sound files in code |
Posted by: mdijkens - 12-29-2022, 10:50 AM - Forum: Help Me!
- Replies (6)
I always like to distribute my final program as just one single exe.
Therefore I include (small)images in DATA statements most of the time, by reading them in a Long array and _PutImage that array:
Code: (Select All) Function data2image&
Read iWidth%, iHeight%
Dim alpha As _Byte, cval As Long, imgArray(iWidth% * iHeight%) As Long: imgArray(0) = iHeight% * 2 ^ 16 + iWidth%
Read lin$: i64$ = String$(6 * iWidth% * iHeight%, 0): i64pos~& = 1
Do While lin$ <> "*"
l% = Len(lin$): Mid$(i64$, i64pos~&, l%) = lin$: i64pos~& = i64pos~& + l%: Read lin$
i$ = _Inflate$(base64decode$(Left$(i64$, i64pos~& - 1))): cn& = -3
Do While n& < iWidth% * iHeight%
cn& = cn& + 4: cval = CVL(Mid$(i$, cn&, 4)): alpha = _Alpha32(cval)
If alpha = &H10 Then
it& = cval - &H10000000: cn& = cn& + 4: cval = CVL(Mid$(i$, cn&, 4))
Do While it& > 0
n& = n& + 1: imgArray(n&) = cval: it& = it& - 1
n& = n& + 1: imgArray(n&) = cval
End If
hImg& = _NewImage(iWidth%, iHeight%, 32): _Dest hImg&: Put (0, 0), imgArray(): _Dest 0: data2image& = hImg&
End Function
Is something like that also possible for ogg/wav/mp3 files?
Storing them in code in DATA statements, reading them in the correct (_MEM) structure and provide a Long pointer to that?
using QB64 to make "end credits" to a movie |
Posted by: MrCreemy - 12-29-2022, 04:36 AM - Forum: Works in Progress
- No Replies
so... I was starting to get into video editing. Then? I got an *itch* to try to do "professional" end credits. Like you see at the end of the movie.
wrote a little program to let me do "rolling credits". I record it, and use it to insert into the video editor, then mix my music in with it.
This? Is the ending of the movie "Shooter"... except, I edited in my own "end credits", with my own music too. I don;t think my "end credits demo:" came out too bad, but, thats for the viewer to decide.
But? Thats "powered by QB64" doing the end credits...
Control Audacious, play last 30 seconds of music |
Posted by: mnrvovrfc - 12-29-2022, 01:41 AM - Forum: Utilities
- No Replies
If you're on Linux, using Audacious music player and have loads of music that you don't have time to listen to entirely, I have written a tool to make your life a bit easier.
Press escape key at any time in the run to quit the program. This program expects Audacious started with a playlist ready to go. It prints on the screen the filename of the song that it's currently on. If you don't like this then press escape to get away from this QB64 user program, then change the current track in Audacious and try again to run this program.
Each song is first played for its first five seconds, then a seek is performed to about 30 seconds before the end to play that portion. These values could be adjusted in the program. It's easier to seek from the beginning of a song, but to seek from the end, first the playback length of the media file must be acquired.
While the 30 seconds of playback go down, the user could press escape to leave the program, or spacebar or enter to advance to the next track in the playlist.
This program makes use of an utility called "audtool" that should have been installed with Audacious. At the moment it works with one instance of Audacious that was ever opened.
Code: (Select All) ''by mnrvovrfc 2022-dec-28
option _explicit
dim as integer i, j, hm, hs, ff, coln
dim afile$, aname$, ke$, b$
afile$ = "audahelp-thistrak.txt"
_TITLE "Audacious App Helper"
do : loop until _screenexists
print "*** Make sure Audacious is running and with a playlist! ***"
print "Press escape to quit."
for i = 5 to 1 step -1
print "Starting in..."; i
_delay 1
ke$ = inkey$
if ke$ = chr$(27) then system
shell _hide "audtool -1 --playback-play"
for i = 1 to 20
shell _hide "audtool -1 --current-song-length > " + afile$
shell _hide "audtool -1 --current-song-filename >> " + afile$
ff = freefile
open afile$ for input as ff
line input #ff, b$
line input #ff, aname$
close ff
coln = instr(b$, ":")
hm = val(left$(b$, coln - 1))
hs = val(mid$(b$, coln + 1))
hs = hs - 32
if hs < 0 then
hm = hm - 1
hs = hs + 60
end if
hs = hs + hm * 60
print i; "name: "; aname$
print i; "for 5 seconds..."
for j = 1 to 5
_delay 1
ke$ = inkey$
if ke$ = chr$(27) then system
shell _hide "audtool -1 --playback-seek" + str$(hs)
print i; "final 30 seconds..."
for j = 1 to 30
_delay 1
ke$ = inkey$
if ke$ = chr$(27) then system
if ke$ = chr$(13) or ke$ = " " then exit for
if i = 20 then exit for
shell _hide "audtool -1 --playlist-advance"
shell _hide "audtool -1 --playback-stop"
print "OVER"
_delay 5
Remove Spaces (or other characters) from a String |
Posted by: George McGinn - 12-29-2022, 01:28 AM - Forum: Utilities
- Replies (10)
Awhile back I needed to remove SPACES (and sometimes other characters) from a string in some of my C code.
The need to do so in QB64 reared its ugly head again today, so I resurrected my code and now have incorporated it into any QB64 program I will need it in.
You pass the function 2 parameters - The string you want to change, and the character(s) you want removed. For example, if I want spaces and periods to be removed from a sentence, I pass " ." in the second argument. You don't need to run this function multiple times to accomplish this.
Here is the C/C++ Header file:
Code: (Select All) #include <stdio.h>
/* search for character(s) */
int string_search_chr(char *tokens,char s){
if (!tokens || s=='\0')
return 0;
for (;*tokens; tokens++)
if (*tokens == s)
return 1;
return 0;
char *string_remove_chr(char *str,const char *tokens) {
char *src = str , *dst = str;
/* validate input */
if (!(str && tokens))
return NULL;
*dst++ = *src++; /* assign first, then incement */
return str;
Here is the QB64 program that tests the above:
Code: (Select All) DECLARE LIBRARY "./removeStr"
FUNCTION __REMOVESPACES$ ALIAS string_remove_chr(qString$, charValue$)
PRINT "QB64: Test #1 - Remove SPACES from 'New York Yankees"
qString$ = "New York Yankees"
retValue$ = __REMOVESPACES$(qString$+CHR$(0), " ")
PRINT "QB64: qString$ = "; qString$
PRINT "QB64: retValue$ = "; retValue$
PRINT "QB64: Used in a PRINT stmt, function returns: "; __REMOVESPACES$(qString$+CHR$(0), " ")
PRINT "QB64: Test #2 -Remove SPACES and PERIODS from 'New York Yankees."
qString$ = "New York Yankees"
retValue$ = __REMOVESPACES$(qString$+CHR$(0), " .")
PRINT "QB64: qString$ = "; qString$
PRINT "QB64: retValue$ = "; retValue$
PRINT "QB64: Used in a PRINT stmt, function returns: "; __REMOVESPACES$(qString$+CHR$(0), " ")
This is the output from running the above code:
Quote:QB64: Test #1 - Remove SPACES from 'New York Yankees
QB64: qString$ = New York Yankees
QB64: retValue$ = NewYorkYankees
QB64: Used in a PRINT stmt, function returns: NewYorkYankees
QB64: Test #2 -Remove SPACES and PERIODS from 'New York Yankees.
QB64: qString$ = New York Yankees
QB64: retValue$ = NewYorkYankees
QB64: Used in a PRINT stmt, function returns: NewYorkYankees
(program exited with code: 0)
Press return to continue
so, there's no more manual built in? |
Posted by: MrCreemy - 12-28-2022, 06:01 PM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (8)
I am assuming, there's no more of that "auto manual" popping up in the IDE?
(I liked that)
looking like workaround, is....
download giant PDF file
do command checks by hand, like old days with manual?
or... is there a workaround to "hook things back up"
Miscellaneous handy goodies |
Posted by: grymmjack - 12-28-2022, 01:44 AM - Forum: One Hit Wonders
- Replies (9)
Well, damn.
I had a very nicely formatted post all queued up and the browser crashed when I right clicked on a word to check its definition and spelling in this text area.
I will return to this to explain but mostly this is self-explanatory stuff.
Code: (Select All) ' For concatenating integers and stripping spaces
FUNCTION n$ (integ%)
n$ = _TRIM$(STR$(integ%))
' For showing friendly versions of my boolean constants
FUNCTION b$ (integ%)
IF integ% = -1 THEN
b$ = "TRUE"
ELSEIF integ% = 0 THEN
b$ = "FALSE"
' For concatenating longs and stripping spaces
FUNCTION ln$ (longval!)
ln$ = _TRIM$(STR$(longval!))
' For incrementing integers - x=inc(1) takes up 3 more chars than x=x+1 but inc is a bit easier for me to read.
FUNCTION inc% (value%)
inc% = value% + 1
' Same as above but decrement
FUNCTION dec% (value%)
dec% = value% - 1
' Inverting int
FUNCTION inv% (value%)
inv% = value% * -1
' Force int to be not less than min
FUNCTION min% (value%, minimum%)
IF value% < minimum% THEN value% = minimum%
min% = value%
' Force int to be not more than max
FUNCTION max% (value%, maximum%)
IF value% > maximum% THEN value% = maximum%
max% = value%
' Force int to be between a min and a max, when greater - clamp it between min and max
FUNCTION clamp% (value%, minimum%, maximum%)
IF value% > maximum% THEN
clamp% = maximum%
ELSEIF value% < minimum% THEN
clamp% = minimum%
clamp% = value%
' Determine if a int is in range of a min and a max
FUNCTION in_range% (value%, minimum%, maximum%)
IF value% >= minimum% AND value% <= maximum% THEN
in_range% = TRUE
in_range% = FALSE
' Randomize the sign of an int
FUNCTION rand_sign% ()
r% = -1 + INT(RND*2)
IF r% = 0 THEN r% = 1
rand_sign% = r%
' Create a random integer between min and max
FUNCTION rand_in_range% (minimum%, maximum%)
rand_in_range% = INT(RND * (maximum% - minimum% + 1)) + 1
' Randomly choose an int from an array of ints
FUNCTION rand_int_choice% (arr_choices%())
DIM AS INTEGER minimum, maximum
minimum% = LBOUND(arr_choices%) : maximum% = UBOUND(arr_choices%)
rand_int_choice% = arr_choices%(rand_in_range(minimum%, maximum%))
' Randomly choose a string from an array of strings
FUNCTION rand_str_choice$ (arr_choices$())
DIM AS INTEGER minimum, maximum
minimum% = LBOUND(arr_choices$) : maximum% = UBOUND(arr_choices$)
rand_str_choice$ = arr_choices$(rand_in_range(minimum%, maximum%))
MergeFile |
Posted by: SMcNeill - 12-27-2022, 05:26 PM - Forum: Works in Progress
- Replies (8)
Code: (Select All) $If WIN Then
Const Slash$ = "\"
const Slash$ = "/"
$End If
target$ = ".\source\qb64pe.bas"
outfile$ = ".\qb64onefile.bas"
If target$ = "" Then
Print "Give me a QB64 program to unravel => ";
Input target$
Print "Give me a name to save the new file under => ";
Input outfile$
End If
Open outfile$ For Output As #1
MergeFile target$
Sub MergeFile (whatfile$)
f = FreeFile
CurrentDir$ = _CWD$
i = _InStrRev(whatfile$, Slash$)
newdir$ = Left$(whatfile$, i)
If i > 0 Then
ChDir newdir$
whatfile$ = Mid$(whatfile$, i + 1)
End If
Open whatfile$ For Binary As #f
Line Input #f, temp$
If Left$(UCase$(_Trim$(temp$)), 11) = "'$INCLUDE:'" Then
temp$ = _Trim$(temp$)
file$ = Mid$(temp$, 12)
file$ = Left$(file$, Len(file$) - 1)
MergeFile file$
Print #1, temp$
End If
Loop Until EOF(f)
ChDir CurrentDir$
Close #f
End Sub
@grymmjack Was asking for a quick little program to merge $INCLUDE files into a single BAS file, so I sat down and wrote this one up in about 15 minutes. I haven't tested it extensively as I'm kinda distracted with my niece's kids visiting today, but it appeared to work without any issues with QB64PE.BAS and merged it all into one file easily enough.
Give it a try if you're interested in this type of thing, and if you manage to break it, post me a note on how you did so an I'll update it with a fix as soon as I get a little free time later.
Pan around a large screen |
Posted by: mnrvovrfc - 12-27-2022, 05:43 AM - Forum: Works in Progress
- Replies (3)
The latest topics created are staying firmly with zero views. Also this new annoyance of "related topics" which picks up only one word such as "bug" or "clone" LOL. I hope there's an user preference to disable that.
Ahem! Here I am sharing an incomplete program that could be used by someone else. It allows the user to press the arrow keys to move around in a simple imaginary world created with SCREEN 0. The "world" isn't very complex, just colored boxes. Feel free to add more keypresses, or "automatic movement" although it could spoil the fun.
Code: (Select All) DIM AS LONG bigscr
DIM AS INTEGER i, j, x, y, c, ii, fc, bc, xs, ys
DIM ke$, ba$, blk$
blk$ = CHR$(219)
ba$ = CHR$(177)
bigscr = _NEWIMAGE(1200, 1200, 0)
_DEST bigscr
FOR ii = 1 TO 5
FOR i = 1 TO 1000
fc = INT(RND * 16)
bc = INT(RND * 7 + 1)
LOOP WHILE fc = bc
xs = INT(RND * INT(i / 25) + 4)
ys = INT(RND * INT(i / 25) + 4)
x = INT(RND * (1200 - xs) + 1)
y = INT(RND * (1200 - ys) + 1)
COLOR fc, bc
LOCATE y, x: PRINT STRING$(xs, ba$);
LOCATE y + ys - 1, x: PRINT STRING$(xs, ba$);
FOR j = 1 TO ys - 2
LOCATE y + j, x: PRINT STRING$(xs, ba$);
COLOR 15, 0
LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT STRING$(1198, 219);
LOCATE 1200, 1: PRINT STRING$(1198, 219);
FOR j = 2 TO 1199
LOCATE j, 1: PRINT CHR$(219);
LOCATE j, 1200: PRINT CHR$(219);
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(100, 40, 0)
_SOURCE bigscr
upd = 1
x = 576
y = 1201 - _HEIGHT
FOR j = 39 TO 1 STEP -1
FOR i = 1 TO 100
c = SCREEN(y + j - 1, x + i - 1, 1)
COLOR c MOD 16, c \ 8
LOCATE j, i: PRINT CHR$(SCREEN(y + j - 1, x + i - 1));
j = 40
FOR i = 1 TO 98
c = SCREEN(y + j - 1, x + i - 1, 1)
COLOR c MOD 16, c \ 8
LOCATE j, i: PRINT CHR$(SCREEN(y + j - 1, x + i - 1));
ke$ = INKEY$
IF ke$ = CHR$(27) THEN EXIT DO
IF LEN(ke$) > 1 THEN
kk = ASC(ke$, 2)
IF y > 1 THEN y = y - 1: upd = 1
IF x > 1 THEN x = x - 1: upd = 1
IF x <= 1100 THEN x = x + 1: upd = 1
IF y <= 1160 THEN y = y + 1: upd = 1
So... I *think* I found the cheese at the end of the maze? |
Posted by: MrCreemy - 12-27-2022, 04:16 AM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (11)
Good Lord.
I work away from home, and when I am away, I dont have internet
I am apt to be away for a long time.
I came home this time? Found... everything nuked.
freaked out by some tech journal article, how QB64 "blew up"...
I wasnt here, I only know what I *read*
Honestly, the story I found?
someone called someone a "nazi"
some kind of flame war ensued, I guess...
next thing, the wiki, the site, the forum, everything goes down
Question... am I in the right place? (I think I am)
Question #2... are there, like multiple forks of this QB64 language project now?
PS - I would have been "colonel panic" on the old site