Well, I decided to fill in the circles in this animation because I came at a crossroads in trying to use the CIRCLE command with a black fill. The problem was that I could make the top 2 and the bottom 2 overlap in the right places, but not the 2nd and the 3rd. I have a Star Trek screen saver that shows something like this with a black fill (or no fill) and they overlap perfectly. I think I would have to try to use SIN and COS to make the circles instead of using the CIRCLE command and with that and possibly using POINT or another way to detect the math coordinates.
So anyway lol, here is my DNA animation with blue filled circles. I've never made this before because I'm still brand new with 3D stuff, but I thought I would have some fun with it.
Code: (Select All)
_Title "DNA Animation by SierraKen"
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
Dim c As Long
t = 180
tt = 45
c = _RGB32(0, 127, 255)
_Limit 50
x = (Sin(t) * 180) + 400
y = (Cos(t) * 180) / _Pi / 10 + 100
r = (Cos(t) * 180) / _Pi / 10 + 40
'from Steve Gold standard
Sub fillCircle (CX As Integer, CY As Integer, R As Integer, C As _Unsigned Long)
Dim Radius As Integer, RadiusError As Integer
Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer
Radius = Abs(R): RadiusError = -Radius: X = Radius: Y = 0
If Radius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY), C: Exit Sub
Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), C, BF
While X > Y
RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
If RadiusError >= 0 Then
If X <> Y + 1 Then
Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), C, BF
Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), C, BF
End If
X = X - 1
RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
End If
Y = Y + 1
Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), C, BF
Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), C, BF
End Sub
So here's one that has me scratching my head, that maybe you guys can take a look at with a fresh set of eyes and sort out:
Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(1280, 720, 32)
f = _LoadFont("courbd.ttf", 128, "monospace")
_Font f
Color Red, Transparent
_PrintString (284, 200), "Steve is" '284 - 644
_PrintString (284, 328), "Awesome!"
_Font 8
Explode 284, 200, 644, 456, 16, 16
Print "FINISHED!!"
Sub Explode (x1, y1, x2, y2, pw, ph)
tempScreen = _NewImage(_Width, _Height, 32)
_PutImage , 0, tempScreen
w = x2 - x1 + 1: h = y2 - y1 + 1
ax = 2 * w \ pw + 1: ay = 2 * h \ ph + 1
cx = x1 + w \ 2: cy = y1 + h \ 2
Type box
x As Single
y As Single
handle As Long
rotation As Single
changex As Single
changey As Single
End Type
Dim Array(0 To ax, 0 To ay) As box
For x = 0 To ax
For y = 0 To ay
Array(x, y).handle = _NewImage(pw, ph, 32)
Array(x, y).x = x1 + pw * x
Array(x, y).y = y1 + ph * y
_PutImage , 0, Array(x, y).handle, (x1 + pw * x, y1 + ph * y)-Step(pw, ph)
Array(x, y).changex = -(cx - Array(x, y).x) / 10
Array(x, y).changey = -(cy - Array(x, y).y) / 10
Cls , 0
finished = -1
For x = 0 To ax
For y = 0 To ay
Array(x, y).x = Array(x, y).x + Array(x, y).changex
Array(x, y).y = Array(x, y).y + Array(x, y).changey
If Array(x, y).x >= 0 And Array(x, y).y >= 0 And _
Array(x, y).x <= _Width And Array(x, y).y <= _Height Then finished = 0
_PutImage (Array(x, y).x, Array(x, y).y)-Step(pw, ph), Array(x, y).handle, 0, (0, 0)-(pw, ph)
_Limit 60
Loop Until finished
End Sub
This is supposed to be just a simple little routine which explodes a portion of the screen off the screen. It works as intended, except for the simple fact that it doesn't know when to stop working, resulting in an endless loop!
Our main logic here comes from this little snippet of code:
Do Cls , 0 finished = -1 For x = 0 To ax For y = 0 To ay Array(x, y).x = Array(x, y).x + Array(x, y).changex Array(x, y).y = Array(x, y).y + Array(x, y).changey If Array(x, y).x >= 0 And Array(x, y).y >= 0 And _ Array(x, y).x <= _Width And Array(x, y).y <= _Height Then finished = 0 _PutImage (Array(x, y).x, Array(x, y).y)-Step(pw, ph), Array(x, y).handle, 0, (0, 0)-(pw, ph) Next Next _Display _Limit 60
Loop Until finished
Our DO loop. We clear the screen Set a flag for being finished The FOR loops change the X/Y coordinates IF we still have an X/Y coordinate on the screen, then we're not finished Draw the image in its new positon NEXT Display LOOP until finished
So the question becomes, "Why isn't this simple logic working?" We set the flag by default every time, and only if we draw on screen do we clear that flag... Why is this running as a non-terminating loop? Enquiring, tired old eyes are going to bed, and hoping that maybe someone here will figure out what the heck is going wrong with such a simple process.
The interface now uses InKey$ instead of Input, woohoo!
Code: (Select All)
' Opens google qb64.rip links in mirror site.
' http://qb64phoenix.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=429
' 2022-05-18 Pete Created QB64.org URL redirector.
' 2022-07-22 madscijr Added options menu and support for wiki.
' 2022-07-29 madscijr Changed input from Input to Inkey$.
Dim in$
Dim iCount%: iCount% = 0
Dim oldURL$
Dim parse$
Dim newURL$
Dim bUpdateClipboard%
Dim sOpenBrowser$
Dim sValue$
Dim sMessage$
Dim iPos%
Dim sKey$
Dim bChrome%
Dim bFirefox%
Dim bDontNavigate%
Dim bScreenUpdate%
bScreenUpdate% = TRUE
bUpdateClipboard% = TRUE
sOpenBrowser$ = "c"
sMessage$ = ""
bChrome% = (sOpenBrowser$ = "g")
bFirefox% = (sOpenBrowser$ = "f")
bDontNavigate% = ((bChrome% = FALSE) And (bFirefox% = FALSE))
If (bScreenUpdate% = TRUE) Then
Print "QB64.org link updater by Pete, modified by madscijr"
Print "1. Copy old link to clipboard first"
Print "2. Select options (see below)"
Print "3. Press ENTER to convert link and do something."
Print "ESC = quit"
Print "---------------------------------------------------"
Print "Clipboard options:"
Print "C = Enable update clipboard.........." + IIFSTR$(bUpdateClipboard%, "<---", " ")
Print "D = Disable update clipboard.........." + IIFSTR$(bUpdateClipboard%, " ", "<---")
Print "Navigation options:"
Print "G = Navigates to new link in Chrome..." + IIFSTR$(bChrome%, "<---", " ")
Print "F = Navigates to new link in Firefox.." + IIFSTR$(bFirefox%, "<---", " ")
Print "N = Don't navigate to new link........" + IIFSTR$(bDontNavigate%, "<---", " ")
Print "---------------------------------------------------"
Print sMessage$: If Len(sMessage$) > 0 Then sMessage$ = ""
bScreenUpdate% = FALSE
End If
sKey$ = InKey$
If UCase$(sKey$) = "C" Then
If bUpdateClipboard% = FALSE Then
bUpdateClipboard% = TRUE
bScreenUpdate% = TRUE
End If
ElseIf UCase$(sKey$) = "D" Then
If bUpdateClipboard% = TRUE Then
bUpdateClipboard% = FALSE
bScreenUpdate% = TRUE
End If
ElseIf UCase$(sKey$) = "G" Then
If sOpenBrowser$ <> "g" Then
sOpenBrowser$ = "g"
bScreenUpdate% = TRUE
End If
ElseIf UCase$(sKey$) = "F" Then
If sOpenBrowser$ <> "f" Then
sOpenBrowser$ = "f"
bScreenUpdate% = TRUE
End If
ElseIf UCase$(sKey$) = "N" Then
If sOpenBrowser$ <> "n" Then
sOpenBrowser$ = "n"
bScreenUpdate% = TRUE
End If
ElseIf sKey$ = Chr$(27) Then
Exit Do
ElseIf sKey$ = Chr$(13) Then
If Len(_Clipboard$) Then
oldURL$ = LCase$(_Clipboard$)
If InStr(oldURL$, "/www.qb64.org/forum/index.php") > 0 Then
If InStr(oldURL$, "?topic=") > 0 Then
sMessage$ = sMessage$ + "Detected forum link." + Chr$(13)
parse$ = Mid$(oldURL$, InStr(oldURL$, "index"))
newURL$ = "https://qb64forum.alephc.xyz/" + parse$
sMessage$ = sMessage$ + "Detected forum link, no topic." + Chr$(13)
newURL$ = "https://qb64forum.alephc.xyz/index.php"
End If
iCount% = iCount% + 1
ElseIf InStr(oldURL$, "/www.qb64.org/wiki") > 0 Then
If InStr(oldURL$, "/www.qb64.org/wiki/") > 0 Then
sMessage$ = sMessage$ + "Detected wiki link." + Chr$(13)
iPos% = _InStrRev(oldURL$, "/wiki/")
If iPos% > 0 Then
parse$ = Right$(oldURL$, Len(oldURL$) - (iPos% + 5))
End If
newURL$ = "https://qb64phoenix.com/qb64wiki/index.php/" + parse$
sMessage$ = sMessage$ + "Detected wiki link, no topic." + Chr$(13)
newURL$ = "https://qb64phoenix.com/qb64wiki/index.php"
End If
iCount% = iCount% + 1
sMessage$ = sMessage$ + "Link not recognized." + Chr$(13)
newURL$ = ""
End If
If Len(newURL$) > 0 Then
sMessage$ = sMessage$ + "Converted, new URL is:" + Chr$(13) + newURL$ + Chr$(13)
If sOpenBrowser$ = "g" Then
sMessage$ = sMessage$ + "Opening new link in Chrome." + Chr$(13)
Shell _DontWait "chrome " + newURL$
ElseIf sOpenBrowser$ = "f" Then
sMessage$ = sMessage$ + "Opening new link in Firefox." + Chr$(13)
Shell _DontWait "firefox " + newURL$
End If
If bUpdateClipboard% = TRUE Then
sMessage$ = sMessage$ + "Copying new link to clipboard." + Chr$(13)
_Clipboard$ = newURL$
End If
End If
sMessage$ = sMessage$ + "Clipboard is empty!" + Chr$(13)
End If
bScreenUpdate% = TRUE
End If
If bScreenUpdate% = TRUE Then
While InKey$ <> "": Wend ' Clear the keyboard buffer
End If
_Limit 60
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' IIF function for QB for strings
Function IIFSTR$ (Condition, IfTrue$, IfFalse$)
If Condition Then IIFSTR$ = IfTrue$ Else IIFSTR$ = IfFalse$
End Function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Redirect old-forum and wiki search results to Pheonix as appropriate.
' http://qb64phoenix.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=429
' mpgcan
' 05-18-2022, 10:37 AM
' You know how it goes. Searching for a QB64 solution, search engines return
' results to the old-forum or old-wiki. Clicking the link only to be informed the
' server is not found.
' With the link returned, you can use part of it to search in either the new-wiki
' or old-backup forum. This has become very tedious. I thought there must be a
' better way.
' A simple solution is to use Einar Egilsson's Redirector for this. It is a
' browser add-on for Firefox, Chrome, Edge and Opera. The Redirector allows you
' to search for a specific URL, substitute it for another URL and force the
' browser to redirect to this new URL.
' How to install redirector on Firefox:
' 1) Use the following link to get the add-on
' https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/redirector/
' 2) Note: This add-on is not actively monitored for security by Mozilla.
' Check out the "Learn more" link. After reading your choice
' if you wish to continue.
' 3) Click the Add to Firefox button.
' 4) Add Redirector? This extension will have permission to:
' Click Add button
' 5) Redirector was added.
' Click the check box. Allow this extension to run in Private Windows
' Click Okay button.
' 6) A redirector symbol is displayed at the top right of the browser
' confirming it is successfully installed.
' Configuring redirector:
' Redirect from the old QB64 forum to Phoenix's old-archived read only
' working forum.
' 1) Click on the redirector symbol in the drop down click
' "Edit Redirects" button.
' 2) On the new browser page that opens, click "Create New Redirect"
' 3) Fill in the form with the following information:
' Configuration information:
' Description........: QB64_forum_old_to_archive
' Example URL........: https://forum.qb64.org/
' Include pattern....: https://forum.qb64.org/*
' Redirect to........: https://qb64forum.alephc.xyz/$1
' Pattern type.......: Wildcard click radio buttom
' Pattern Description: Leave blank
' Example result: https://qb64forum.alephc.xyz/
' To complete it, click the "Save" button.
' 4) Click "Create New Redirect"
' 5) Fill in the form with the following information:
' Configuration information:
' Redirect from the old QB64 Wiki to Pheonix's new QB64 Wiki.
' Description : QB64_Wiki_old_to_new
' Example URL : https://wiki.qb64.org/wiki/
' Include pattern : https://wiki.qb64.org/wiki/*
' Redirect to : https://qb64phoenix.com/qb64wiki/index.php/$1
' Pattern type : Wildcard click radio buttom
' Pattern Description: Leave blank
' Example result: https://qb64phoenix.com/qb64wiki/index.php/
' To complete it, click the "Save" button.
' 6) Finally disable the first configuration
' "Example redirect, try going to http://example.com/anywordhere"
' By clicking the "Disable" button.
' Test:
' Try the following two links in your browser:
' https://forum.qb64.org/index.php?topic=456.0
' https://wiki.qb64.org/wiki/$IF
' All the best
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' madscijr
' 05-19-2022, 11:39 AM
' (05-18-2022, 10:37 AM) mpgcan Wrote:
' >A simple solution is to use Einar Egilsson's Redirector for this.
' >It is a browser add-on for Firefox, Chrome, Edge and Opera.
' >The Redirector allows you to search for a specific URL,
' >substitute it for another URL and force the browser to redirect
' >to this new URL.
' Thanks for sharing this and explaining how to use it.
' This can come in handy for any number of things...
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Pete, Administrator
' 05-19-2022, 01:21 AM
' Looks like a useful plugin.
' I made my own in QB64...
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' madscijr
' 05-19-2022, 11:38 AM
' (05-19-2022, 01:21 AM) Pete Wrote:
' >Looks like a useful plugin.
' >I made my own in QB64...
' Very cool!
' Not only does it work and is useful, but I never knew QB64 could do that,
' and learned something knew.
' Thanks Pete
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Here's a menu system I developed for use in various programs.
It works, but I put it in WIP because there are some things I want to tweak, make easier to customize, etc.
Code: (Select All)
_Title "SimpleMenu"
' Just a simple menu that displays choices in text, along with description,
' and lets the user navigate them with the cursor and page up/down keys.
' 1. Add your menu choices to the section:
' 2. Add your code to the section:
' Date Who What
' 01/26/2022 madscijr added friendlier menu system to "qb64_sound_examples_2-00.bas"
' 07/28/2022 madscijr stripped out the menu code into its own library (this)
' ################################################################################################################################################################
' ################################################################################################################################################################
Type MenuType
Choice As String
Info As String
End Type ' MenuType
' ################################################################################################################################################################
Dim Shared m_bTesting As Integer: m_bTesting = TRUE
Dim Shared m_ProgramPath$: m_ProgramPath$ = Left$(Command$(0), _InStrRev(Command$(0), "\"))
Dim Shared m_ProgramName$: m_ProgramName$ = Mid$(Command$(0), _InStrRev(Command$(0), "\") + 1)
Dim Shared m_VersionInfo$: m_VersionInfo$ = "1.00"
ReDim Shared m_arrMenu(-1) As MenuType
' =============================================================================
Dim in$
' ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
If m_bTesting = TRUE Then
_Delay 4
_Console On
_Echo "Started " + m_ProgramName$
_Echo "Debugging on..."
End If
' ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
' =============================================================================
' ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
If m_bTesting = TRUE Then
_Console Off
End If
' ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
System ' return control to the operating system
' ################################################################################################################################################################
' ################################################################################################################################################################
Sub InitializeGlobal
' *****************************************************************************
' *** BEGIN ADD YOUR MENU CHOICES HERE ****************************************
AddNextMenuItem "Choice A", "Option A uses code 65 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice B", "Option B uses code 66 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice C", "Option C uses code 67 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice D", "Option D uses code 68 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice E", "Option E uses code 69 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice F", "Option F uses code 70 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice G", "Option G uses code 71 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice H", "Option H uses code 72 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice I", "Option I uses code 73 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice J", "Option J uses code 74 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice K", "Option K uses code 75 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice L", "Option L uses code 76 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice M", "Option M uses code 77 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice N", "Option N uses code 78 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice O", "Option O uses code 79 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice P", "Option P uses code 80 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice Q", "Option Q uses code 81 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice R", "Option R uses code 82 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice S", "Option S uses code 83 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice T", "Option T uses code 84 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice U", "Option U uses code 85 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice V", "Option V uses code 86 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice W", "Option W uses code 87 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice X", "Option X uses code 88 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice Y", "Option Y uses code 89 to do its thing."
AddNextMenuItem "Choice Z", "Option Z uses code 90 to do its thing."
' *** END ADD YOUR MENU CHOICES HERE ******************************************
' *****************************************************************************
End Sub ' InitializeGlobal
Sub DoMenuItem (iMenuPos As Integer)
Dim in$
ClearKeyboard 3
in$ = m_arrMenu(iMenuPos).Choice
If in$ = "" Then ' (DO NOTHING)
' *****************************************************************************
ElseIf in$ = "Choice A" Then TestRoutineChoiceA: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice B" Then TestRoutineChoiceB: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice C" Then TestRoutineChoiceC: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice D" Then TestRoutineChoiceD: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice E" Then TestRoutineChoiceE: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice F" Then TestRoutineChoiceF: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice G" Then TestRoutineChoiceG: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice H" Then TestRoutineChoiceH: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice I" Then TestRoutineChoiceI: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice J" Then TestRoutineChoiceJ: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice K" Then TestRoutineChoiceK: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice L" Then TestRoutineChoiceL: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice M" Then TestRoutineChoiceM: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice N" Then TestRoutineChoiceN: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice O" Then TestRoutineChoiceO: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice P" Then TestRoutineChoiceP: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice Q" Then TestRoutineChoiceQ: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice R" Then TestRoutineChoiceR: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice S" Then TestRoutineChoiceS: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice T" Then TestRoutineChoiceT: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice U" Then TestRoutineChoiceU: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice V" Then TestRoutineChoiceV: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice W" Then TestRoutineChoiceW: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice X" Then TestRoutineChoiceX: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice Y" Then TestRoutineChoiceY: ClearKeyboard 3
ElseIf in$ = "Choice Z" Then TestRoutineChoiceZ: ClearKeyboard 3
' *****************************************************************************
End If
End Sub ' DoMenuItem
' ################################################################################################################################################################
' ################################################################################################################################################################
' ################################################################################################################################################################
' ################################################################################################################################################################
Sub TestRoutineChoiceA
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceA"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceA
Sub TestRoutineChoiceB
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceB"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceB
Sub TestRoutineChoiceC
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceC"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceC
Sub TestRoutineChoiceD
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceD"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceD
Sub TestRoutineChoiceE
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceE"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceE
Sub TestRoutineChoiceF
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceF"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceF
Sub TestRoutineChoiceG
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceG"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceG
Sub TestRoutineChoiceH
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceH"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceH
Sub TestRoutineChoiceI
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceI"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceI
Sub TestRoutineChoiceJ
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceJ"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceJ
Sub TestRoutineChoiceK
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceK"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceK
Sub TestRoutineChoiceL
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceL"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceL
Sub TestRoutineChoiceM
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceM"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceM
Sub TestRoutineChoiceN
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceN"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceN
Sub TestRoutineChoiceO
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceO"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceO
Sub TestRoutineChoiceP
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceP"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceP
Sub TestRoutineChoiceQ
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceQ"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceQ
Sub TestRoutineChoiceR
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceR"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceR
Sub TestRoutineChoiceS
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceS"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceS
Sub TestRoutineChoiceT
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceT"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceT
Sub TestRoutineChoiceU
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceU"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceU
Sub TestRoutineChoiceV
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceV"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceV
Sub TestRoutineChoiceW
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceW"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceW
Sub TestRoutineChoiceX
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceX"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceX
Sub TestRoutineChoiceY
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceY"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceY
Sub TestRoutineChoiceZ
Dim in$
Print "This is TestRoutineChoiceZ"
End Sub ' TestRoutineChoiceZ
' ################################################################################################################################################################
' ################################################################################################################################################################
' ################################################################################################################################################################
' ################################################################################################################################################################
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' TODO: remove unused variables
' TODO: use _Height(0) to automatically set height iMenuSize and iInfoSize
' TODO: use variables to make it easy to change placement and layout of title/instructions/description
' DONE: use _Width(0) to automatically limit # of text columns
Sub main
Dim RoutineName As String: RoutineName = "main"
Dim sResult As String
Dim sFileName As String
Dim vbCrLf As String: vbCrLf = Chr$(10) + Chr$(13)
Dim vbCr As String: vbCr = Chr$(13)
Dim vbLf As String: vbLf = Chr$(10)
Dim vbTab As String: vbTab = Chr$(9)
Dim quot As String: quot = Chr$(34)
Dim sTemp As String
Dim sTempHR As String: sTempHR = "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
Dim sOut As String
Dim sComment As String
Dim sError As String
Dim bFinished As Integer
Dim bAppend As Integer
Dim iMenuSize As Integer ' how many items to display on screen
Dim iMenuPos As Integer ' where in the list we are
Dim iMenuStart As Integer ' first item to display on the list
Dim iMenuEnd As Integer ' last item to display on the list
Dim iMenuLoop As Integer
Dim iStartRow As Integer
Dim iRow As Integer
Dim iCol As Integer
Dim iColCount As Integer
Dim iRowCount As Integer
Dim iLastKey As Integer
Dim iPageSize As Integer
Dim iNudgeSize As Integer ' when cursor reaches bottom or top, how many lines to scroll
Dim bMoved As Integer
Dim bInitPage As Integer
Dim bInitInfo As Integer
Dim in$
ReDim arrInfo(-1) As String
Dim sInfoDelim As String: sInfoDelim = "\n"
Dim iInfoRow As Integer
Dim iInfoSize As Integer
Dim iNextRow As Integer
'Dim iLastInfoRow As Integer
Dim iBackColor~&: iBackColor~& = cBlack
Dim iTitleFgColor~&: iTitleFgColor~& = cBlack
Dim iTitleBgColor~&: iTitleBgColor~& = cDodgerBlue
Dim iInstructColor~&: iInstructColor~& = cCyan
Dim iMenuColor~&: iMenuColor~& = cWhite
Dim iRunColor~&: iRunColor~& = cYellow
Dim iInfoColor~&: iInfoColor~& = cSilver
Dim iMaxColumns As Integer
Dim iIndex As Integer
' MAKE SCREEN BIG TO FIT A LOT OF TEXT: 1024x768=128cols,48rows and 1280x1024=160cols,64rows
Screen _NewImage(1024, 768, 32): _ScreenMove 0, 0
bInitPage = TRUE
bInitInfo = TRUE
iLastKey = 0
bMoved = TRUE
bFinished = FALSE
If bInitPage = TRUE Then
Cls , iBackColor~& ' makes the background opaque black
Color iTitleFgColor~&, iTitleBgColor~&
PrintString 0, 0, "SimpleMenu"
Color iInstructColor~&, iBackColor~&
PrintString 2, 0, "KEY(S) ACTION"
PrintString 3, 0, "----------------------------------- --------------------------------"
PrintString 4, 0, "Crsr Up/Down, PgUp/PgDown, Home/End Navigate/select item"
'PrintString 5, 0, "Crsr Left See description of current item"
PrintString 6, 0, "Crsr Right Run current item"
ClearKeyboard 1
bInitPage = FALSE
End If
If bInitInfo = TRUE Or bMoved = TRUE Then
' Clear old description
For iNextRow = iInfoRow To (iInfoRow + iInfoSize)
Locate iNextRow, 1
Color iBackColor~&, iBackColor~&
Print String$(iMaxColumns, " ");
Next iNextRow
' Show current item's description
If Len(m_arrMenu(iMenuPos).Choice) > 0 Then
If Len(m_arrMenu(iMenuPos).Info) > 0 Then
split m_arrMenu(iMenuPos).Info, sInfoDelim, arrInfo()
iRowCount = 0
iNextRow = iInfoRow
For iIndex = 0 To UBound(arrInfo)
iRowCount = iRowCount + 1
If iRowCount > iInfoSize Then Exit For
Locate iNextRow, 1
Color iInfoColor~&, iBackColor~&
Print Left$(arrInfo(iIndex), iMaxColumns);
iNextRow = iNextRow + 1
Next iIndex
End If
End If ' If Len(m_arrMenu(iMenuPos).Choice) > 0 Then
bInitInfo = FALSE
End If
If bMoved = TRUE Then
iRow = iStartRow
iCol = 0
If iMenuStart < LBound(m_arrMenu) Then
iMenuStart = LBound(m_arrMenu)
End If
iMenuEnd = (iMenuStart + iMenuSize) - 1
If iMenuEnd > UBound(m_arrMenu) Then
If iMenuSize >= UBound(m_arrMenu) Then
iMenuStart = UBound(m_arrMenu) - (iMenuSize - 1)
iMenuStart = LBound(m_arrMenu)
iMenuEnd = UBound(m_arrMenu)
End If
End If
For iMenuLoop = iMenuStart To iMenuEnd
iRow = iRow + 1
If iMenuLoop = iMenuPos Then
Color iBackColor~&, iMenuColor~&
Color iMenuColor~&, iBackColor~&
End If
PrintString iRow, iCol, right$(" " + cstr$(iMenuLoop), 3) + ". " + _
left$(m_arrMenu(iMenuLoop).Choice + string$(iColCount, " "), iColCount)
Next iMenuLoop
bMoved = FALSE
End If
While _DeviceInput(1): Wend ' Clear and update the keyboard buffer
If iLastKey <> 0 Then
If _Button(iLastKey) = FALSE Then
iLastKey = 0
End If
End If
If iLastKey = 0 Or bInitInfo = TRUE Then
If _Button(KeyCode_Home%) Then
in$ = "home"
iLastKey = KeyCode_Home%
ElseIf _Button(KeyCode_End%) Then
in$ = "end"
iLastKey = KeyCode_End%
ElseIf _Button(KeyCode_PgUp%) Then
in$ = "pgup"
iLastKey = KeyCode_PgUp%
ElseIf _Button(KeyCode_PgDn%) Then
in$ = "pgdn"
iLastKey = KeyCode_PgDn%
ElseIf _Button(KeyCode_Up%) Then
in$ = "up"
iLastKey = KeyCode_Up%
ElseIf _Button(KeyCode_Down%) Then
in$ = "down"
iLastKey = KeyCode_Down%
'ElseIf _Button(KeyCode_Left%) Then
' in$ = "info"
' iLastKey = KeyCode_Left%
ElseIf _Button(KeyCode_Right%) Then
in$ = "run"
iLastKey = KeyCode_Right%
'ElseIf _Button(KeyCode_Enter%) Then '<-- for some reason clearing the keyboard buffer doesn't stop the Enter key from being detected later, oh well
' in$ = "run"
' iLastKey = KeyCode_Enter%
ElseIf _Button(KeyCode_Escape%) Then
in$ = "esc"
iLastKey = KeyCode_Escape%
in$ = ""
End If
If iLastKey <> 0 Or bInitInfo = TRUE Then
ClearKeyboard 0
If in$ = "" Then
ElseIf in$ = "home" Then
iMenuPos = LBound(m_arrMenu)
bMoved = TRUE
ElseIf in$ = "end" Then
iMenuPos = UBound(m_arrMenu)
bMoved = TRUE
ElseIf in$ = "pgup" Then
iMenuPos = iMenuPos - iPageSize
bMoved = TRUE
ElseIf in$ = "pgdn" Then
iMenuPos = iMenuPos + iPageSize
bMoved = TRUE
ElseIf in$ = "up" Then
iMenuPos = iMenuPos - 1
bMoved = TRUE
ElseIf in$ = "down" Then
iMenuPos = iMenuPos + 1
bMoved = TRUE
ElseIf in$ = "run" Then
'iRow = iStartRow
'For iMenuLoop = iMenuStart To iMenuEnd
' iRow = iRow + 1
' If iMenuLoop = iMenuPos Then
' Color iBackColor~&, iRunColor~&
' PrintString iRow, iCol, right$(" " + cstr$(iMenuLoop), 3) + ". " + _
' left$(m_arrMenu(iMenuLoop).Choice + string$(iColCount, " "), iColCount)
' Exit For
' End If
'Next iMenuLoop
DoMenuItem iMenuPos
bMoved = TRUE
bInitPage = TRUE
bInitInfo = TRUE
ElseIf in$ = "esc" Then
bFinished = TRUE
Exit Do
End If
If bMoved = TRUE Then
If iMenuPos < LBound(m_arrMenu) Then
iMenuPos = LBound(m_arrMenu)
ElseIf iMenuPos > UBound(m_arrMenu) Then
iMenuPos = UBound(m_arrMenu)
End If
If iMenuPos < iMenuStart Then
iMenuStart = iMenuPos - iNudgeSize
If iMenuStart < LBound(m_arrMenu) Then
iMenuStart = LBound(m_arrMenu)
End If
iMenuEnd = iMenuStart + (iMenuSize - 1)
If iMenuEnd > UBound(m_arrMenu) Then
iMenuEnd = UBound(m_arrMenu)
End If
ElseIf iMenuPos > iMenuEnd Then
iMenuEnd = iMenuPos + iNudgeSize
If iMenuEnd > UBound(m_arrMenu) Then
iMenuEnd = UBound(m_arrMenu)
End If
iMenuStart = iMenuEnd - (iMenuSize - 1)
If iMenuStart < LBound(m_arrMenu) Then
iMenuStart = LBound(m_arrMenu)
End If
End If
End If ' iLastKey <> 0
End If ' IF iLastKey = 0
Loop Until bFinished = TRUE
While _DeviceInput(1): Wend ' Clear and update the keyboard buffer
ClearKeyboard 3
Sub AddNextMenuItem (sName As String, sInfo As String)
ReDim _Preserve m_arrMenu(1 To UBound(m_arrMenu) + 1) As MenuType
m_arrMenu(UBound(m_arrMenu)).Choice = sName
m_arrMenu(UBound(m_arrMenu)).Info = sInfo
End Sub ' AddNextMenuItem
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Tries to clear the keyboard buffer.
' In some places _KeyClear seems to work
' but in other situations While_DeviceInput(1):Wend works
' And in other situations k = _KeyHit works.
' So this handy dandy sub does it all:
' iDelay% VALUE FOR
' ------------- ---
' (any) _KeyClear
' 1 _Delay 1
' 2 While _DeviceInput(1): Wend
' 3 k = _KeyHit and the above methods
Sub ClearKeyboard (iDelay%)
Dim k As Integer
If iDelay% = 1 Then
_Delay iDelay%
End If
If iDelay% > 1 Then
While _DeviceInput(1): Wend ' Clear and update the keyboard buffer
End If
If iDelay% > 2 Then
k = _KeyHit
End If
End Sub ' ClearKeyboard
' ################################################################################################################################################################
' ################################################################################################################################################################
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Sub DebugPrint (s$)
If m_bTesting = TRUE Then
_Echo s$
'ReDim arrLines$(0)
'dim delim$ : delim$ = Chr$(13)
'split MyString, delim$, arrLines$()
End If
End Sub ' DebugPrint
'' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'Sub DebugPause (sPrompt As String, iRow As Integer, iColumn As Integer, fgColor As _Unsigned Long, bgColor As _Unsigned Long)
' Color fgColor, bgColor
' PrintString iRow, iColumn, String$(128, " ")
' PrintString iRow, iColumn, sPrompt
' Sleep
' 'DO
' 'LOOP UNTIL _KEYDOWN(13) ' leave loop when ENTER key pressed
'End Sub ' DebugPause
'' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'Sub DebugOut (sPrompt As String, iRow As Integer, iColumn As Integer, fgColor As _Unsigned Long, bgColor As _Unsigned Long)
' Color fgColor, bgColor
' PrintString iRow, iColumn, String$(128, " ")
' PrintString iRow, iColumn, sPrompt
'End Sub ' DebugOut
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Function AppendString$ (MyString As String, NewString As String, MyDelimiter As String)
Dim sResult As String: sResult = MyString
If Len(MyString) > 0 Then
sResult = sResult + MyDelimiter
End If
sResult = sResult + NewString
AppendString$ = sResult
End Function ' AppendString$
Sub AppendToStringArray (MyStringArray$(), MyString$)
ReDim _Preserve MyStringArray$(LBound(MyStringArray$) To UBound(MyStringArray$) + 1)
MyStringArray$(UBound(MyStringArray$)) = MyString$
End Sub ' AppendToStringArray
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' See also StringTo2dArray
Function Array2dToString$ (MyArray() As String)
Dim MyString As String
Dim iY As Integer
Dim iX As Integer
Dim sLine As String
MyString = ""
For iY = LBound(MyArray, 1) To UBound(MyArray, 1)
sLine = ""
For iX = LBound(MyArray, 2) To UBound(MyArray, 2)
sLine = sLine + MyArray(iY, iX)
Next iX
MyString = MyString + sLine + Chr$(13)
Next iY
Array2dToString$ = MyString
End Function ' Array2dToString$
'Function Array2dToStringTest$ (MyArray() As String)
' Dim MyString As String
' Dim iY As Integer
' Dim iX As Integer
' Dim sLine As String
' MyString = ""
' MyString = MyString + " 11111111112222222222333" + Chr$(13)
' MyString = MyString + " 12345678901234567890123456789012" + Chr$(13)
' For iY = LBound(MyArray, 1) To UBound(MyArray, 1)
' sLine = ""
' sLine = sLine + Right$(" " + cstr$(iY), 2)
' For iX = LBound(MyArray, 2) To UBound(MyArray, 2)
' sLine = sLine + MyArray(iY, iX)
' Next iX
' sLine = sLine + Right$(" " + cstr$(iY), 2)
' MyString = MyString + sLine + Chr$(13)
' Next iY
' MyString = MyString + " 12345678901234567890123456789012" + Chr$(13)
' MyString = MyString + " 11111111112222222222333" + Chr$(13)
' Array2dToStringTest$ = MyString
'End Function ' Array2dToStringTest$
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Convert a value to string and trim it (because normal Str$ adds spaces)
Function cstr$ (myValue)
'cstr$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(STR$(myValue)))
cstr$ = _Trim$(Str$(myValue))
End Function ' cstr$
'' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' Convert a Long value to string and trim it (because normal Str$ adds spaces)
'Function cstrl$ (myValue As Long)
' cstrl$ = _Trim$(Str$(myValue))
'End Function ' cstrl$
'' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' Convert a Single value to string and trim it (because normal Str$ adds spaces)
'Function cstrs$ (myValue As Single)
' ''cstr$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(STR$(myValue)))
' cstrs$ = _Trim$(Str$(myValue))
'End Function ' cstrs$
'' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'' Convert an unsigned Long value to string and trim it (because normal Str$ adds spaces)
'Function cstrul$ (myValue As _Unsigned Long)
' cstrul$ = _Trim$(Str$(myValue))
'End Function ' cstrul$
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Simple timestamp function
Function CurrentDateTime$
CurrentDateTime$ = Mid$(Date$, 7, 4) + "-" + _
Mid$(Date$, 1, 5) + " " + _
End Function ' CurrentDateTime$
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' TODO: verify this works
' Scientific notation - QB64 Wiki
' https://www.qb64.org/wiki/Scientific_notation
' Example: A string function that displays extremely small or large exponential decimal values.
Function DblToStr$ (n#)
value$ = UCase$(LTrim$(Str$(n#)))
Xpos% = InStr(value$, "D") + InStr(value$, "E") 'only D or E can be present
If Xpos% Then
expo% = Val(Mid$(value$, Xpos% + 1))
If Val(value$) < 0 Then
sign$ = "-": valu$ = Mid$(value$, 2, Xpos% - 2)
Else valu$ = Mid$(value$, 1, Xpos% - 1)
End If
dot% = InStr(valu$, "."): L% = Len(valu$)
If expo% > 0 Then add$ = String$(expo% - (L% - dot%), "0")
If expo% < 0 Then min$ = String$(Abs(expo%) - (dot% - 1), "0"): DP$ = "."
For n = 1 To L%
If Mid$(valu$, n, 1) <> "." Then num$ = num$ + Mid$(valu$, n, 1)
Else DblToStr$ = value$: Exit Function
End If
DblToStr$ = _Trim$(sign$ + DP$ + min$ + num$ + add$)
End Function ' DblToStr$
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Receives an {sDelim} delimited list {sInput}
' returns the list with all duplicate entries removed.
Function DedupeDelimList$ (sInput As String, sDelim As String)
ReDim arrLines(-1) As String
Dim sOutput As String
Dim iLoop As Integer
split sInput, sDelim, arrLines()
sOutput = sDelim
For iLoop = LBound(arrLines) To UBound(arrLines)
If InStr(1, sOutput, sDelim + arrLines(iLoop) + sDelim) = 0 Then
sOutput = sOutput + arrLines(iLoop) + sDelim
End If
Next iLoop
DedupeDelimList$ = sOutput
End Function ' DedupeDelimList$
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' SMcNeill
' More efficient version of ExtendedTimer.
' This stores our day values and only updates them when necessary.
' We really don't need to figure out how many seconds are in today over and over endlessly
' -- just count them once, and when the clock swaps back to 0:0:0, add 24*60*60 seconds to the count.
' Re: how to time something (ie do loop for n seconds)
' https://forum.qb64.org/index.php?topic=4682.0
Function ExtendedTimer##
'modified extendedtimer to store the old day's count, and not have to recalculate it every time the routine is called.
Static olds As _Float, old_day As _Float
Dim m As Integer, d As Integer, y As Integer
Dim s As _Float, day As String
If olds = 0 Then 'calculate the day the first time the extended timer runs
day = Date$
m = Val(Left$(day, 2))
d = Val(Mid$(day, 4, 2))
y = Val(Right$(day, 4)) - 1970
Select Case m 'Add the number of days for each previous month passed
Case 2: d = d + 31
Case 3: d = d + 59
Case 4: d = d + 90
Case 5: d = d + 120
Case 6: d = d + 151
Case 7: d = d + 181
Case 8: d = d + 212
Case 9: d = d + 243
Case 10: d = d + 273
Case 11: d = d + 304
Case 12: d = d + 334
End Select
If (y Mod 4) = 2 And m > 2 Then d = d + 1 'add a day if this is leap year and we're past february
d = (d - 1) + 365 * y 'current month days passed + 365 days per each standard year
d = d + (y + 2) \ 4 'add in days for leap years passed
s = d * 24 * 60 * 60 'Seconds are days * 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds
old_day = s
End If
If Timer < oldt Then 'we went from 23:59:59 (a second before midnight) to 0:0:0 (midnight)
old_day = s + 83400 'add another worth of seconds to our counter
End If
oldt = Timer
olds = old_day + oldt
ExtendedTimer## = olds
End Function ' ExtendedTimer##
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' TODO: find the newer formatting function?
Function FormatNumber$ (myValue, iDigits As Integer)
Dim strValue As String
strValue = DblToStr$(myValue) + String$(iDigits, " ")
If myValue < 1 Then
If myValue < 0 Then
strValue = Replace$(strValue, "-.", "-0.")
ElseIf myValue > 0 Then
strValue = "0" + strValue
End If
End If
FormatNumber$ = Left$(strValue, iDigits)
End Function ' FormatNumber$
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' From: Bitwise Manipulations By Steven Roman
' http://www.romanpress.com/Articles/Bitwise_R/Bitwise.htm
' Returns the 8-bit binary representation
' of an integer iInput where 0 <= iInput <= 255
Function GetBinary$ (iInput1 As Integer)
Dim sResult As String
Dim iLoop As Integer
Dim iInput As Integer: iInput = iInput1
sResult = ""
If iInput >= 0 And iInput <= 255 Then
For iLoop = 1 To 8
sResult = LTrim$(RTrim$(Str$(iInput Mod 2))) + sResult
iInput = iInput \ 2
'If iLoop = 4 Then sResult = " " + sResult
Next iLoop
End If
GetBinary$ = sResult
End Function ' GetBinary$
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' wonderfully inefficient way to read if a bit is set
' ival = GetBit256%(int we are comparing, int containing the bits we want to read)
' See also: GetBit256%, SetBit256%
Function GetBit256% (iNum1 As Integer, iBit1 As Integer)
Dim iResult As Integer
Dim sNum As String
Dim sBit As String
Dim iLoop As Integer
Dim bContinue As Integer
Dim iNum As Integer: iNum = iNum1
Dim iBit As Integer: iBit = iBit1
iResult = FALSE
bContinue = TRUE
If iNum < 256 And iBit <= 128 Then
sNum = GetBinary$(iNum)
sBit = GetBinary$(iBit)
For iLoop = 1 To 8
If Mid$(sBit, iLoop, 1) = "1" Then
'if any of the bits in iBit are false, return false
If Mid$(sNum, iLoop, 1) = "0" Then
iResult = FALSE
bContinue = FALSE
Exit For
End If
End If
Next iLoop
If bContinue = TRUE Then
iResult = TRUE
End If
End If
GetBit256% = iResult
End Function ' GetBit256%
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Returns the text character at positon x%, y%
' Does the same as:
' Locate y%, x%
' GetCharXY% = Screen(CsrLin, Pos(0))
' See also: GetColorXY&
Function GetCharXY% (x%, y%)
GetCharXY% = Screen(y%, x%, 0) ' when 3rd parameter = 0 returns character code
End Function ' GetCharXY%
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Returns the text color at positon x%, y%
' See also: GetCharXY%
Function GetColorXY& (x%, y%)
GetColorXY& = Screen(y%, x%, 1) ' when 3rd parameter = 1 returns character color
End Function ' GetColorXY
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Simple timestamp function
' Format: {YYYY}-{MM}-{DD} {hh}:[mm}:{ss}
' Uses:
' The TIME$ Function returns a STRING representation
' of the current computer time in a 24 hour format.
' https://qb64phoenix.com/qb64wiki/index.php/TIME$
' The DATE$ function returns the current computer date
' as a string in the format "mm-dd-yyyy".
' https://qb64phoenix.com/qb64wiki/index.php/DATE$
' TODO: support template where
' {yyyy} = 4 digit year
' {mm} = 2 digit month
' {dd} = 2 digit day
' {hh} = 2 digit hour (12-hour)
' {rr} = 2 digit hour (24-hour)
' {nn} = 2 digit minute
' {ss} = 2 digit second
' {ampm} = AM/PM
' We got the nn for minute from Microsoft > Office VBA Reference > DateDiff function
' https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/datediff-function
Function GetCurrentDateTime$ (sTemplate$)
Dim sDate$: sDate$ = Date$
Dim sTime$: sTime$ = Time$
Dim sYYYY$: sYYYY$ = Mid$(sDate$, 7, 4)
Dim sMM$: sMM$ = Mid$(sDate$, 1, 2)
Dim sDD$: sDD$ = Mid$(sDate$, 4, 2)
Dim sHH24$: sHH24$ = Mid$(sTime$, 1, 2)
Dim sHH$: sHH$ = ""
Dim sMI$: sMI$ = Mid$(sTime$, 4, 2)
Dim sSS$: sSS$ = Mid$(sTime$, 7, 2)
Dim iHour%: iHour% = Val(sHH24$)
Dim sAMPM$: sAMPM$ = ""
Dim result$: result$ = ""
If InStr(sTemplate$, "{ampm}") > 0 Then
If iHour% = 0 Then
sAMPM$ = "AM"
iHour% = 12
ElseIf iHour% > 0 And iHour% < 12 Then
sAMPM$ = "AM"
ElseIf iHour% = 12 Then
sAMPM$ = "PM"
sAMPM$ = "PM"
iHour% = iHour% - 12
End If
sHH$ = Right$("00" + _Trim$(Str$(iHour%)), 2)
End If
GetCurrentDateTime$ = result$
End Function ' GetCurrentDateTime$
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' From: Bitwise Manipulations By Steven Roman
' http://www.romanpress.com/Articles/Bitwise_R/Bitwise.htm
' Returns the integer that corresponds to a binary string of length 8
Function GetIntegerFromBinary% (sBinary1 As String)
Dim iResult As Integer
Dim iLoop As Integer
Dim strBinary As String
Dim sBinary As String: sBinary = sBinary1
iResult = 0
strBinary = Replace$(sBinary, " ", "") ' Remove any spaces
For iLoop = 0 To Len(strBinary) - 1
iResult = iResult + 2 ^ iLoop * Val(Mid$(strBinary, Len(strBinary) - iLoop, 1))
Next iLoop
GetIntegerFromBinary% = iResult
End Function ' GetIntegerFromBinary%
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Receives a {sDelimeter} delimited list of numbers {MyString}
' and splits it up into an integer array arrInteger()
' beginning at index {iMinIndex}.
Sub GetIntegerArrayFromDelimList (MyString As String, sDelimiter As String, iMinIndex As Integer, arrInteger() As Integer)
ReDim arrString(-1) As String
Dim CleanString As String
Dim iLoop As Integer
Dim iCount As Integer: iCount = iMinIndex - 1
If Len(sDelimiter) > 0 Then
CleanString = MyString
If sDelimiter <> " " Then
CleanString = Replace$(CleanString, " ", "")
End If
split CleanString, sDelimiter, arrString()
iCount = iMinIndex - 1
For iLoop = LBound(arrString) To UBound(arrString)
If IsNum%(arrString(iLoop)) = TRUE Then
iCount = iCount + 1
ReDim _Preserve arrInteger(iMinIndex To iCount) As Integer
arrInteger(iCount) = Val(arrString(iLoop))
'DebugPrint "5633 arrInteger(" + cstr$(iCount) + ") = VAL(arrString(" + cstr$(iLoop) + ")) = " + cstr$(arrInteger(iCount))
End If
Next iLoop
If IsNum%(MyString) = TRUE Then
ReDim _Preserve arrInteger(iMinIndex To iMinIndex) As Integer
arrInteger(iMinIndex) = Val(MyString)
End If
End If
'for iLoop=lbound(arrInteger) to ubound(arrInteger)
'CleanString = CleanString + iifstr$(iLoop=lbound(arrInteger), "", ",") + cstr$(arrInteger(iLoop))
'next iLoop
'DebugPrint "arrInteger=(" + CleanString + ")"
End Sub ' GetIntegerArrayFromDelimList
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' IIF function for QB for integers
Function IIF (Condition, IfTrue, IfFalse)
If Condition Then IIF = IfTrue Else IIF = IfFalse
End Function
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' IIF function for QB for strings
Function IIFSTR$ (Condition, IfTrue$, IfFalse$)
If Condition Then IIFSTR$ = IfTrue$ Else IIFSTR$ = IfFalse$
End Function
Function IntPadLeft$ (iValue As Integer, iWidth As Integer)
IntPadLeft$ = Right$(String$(iWidth, " ") + _Trim$(Str$(iValue)), iWidth)
End Function ' IntPadLeft$
Function IntPadRight$ (iValue As Integer, iWidth As Integer)
IntPadRight$ = Left$(_Trim$(Str$(iValue)) + String$(iWidth, " "), iWidth)
End Function ' IntPadRight$
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Returns TRUE if number n is even
' https://slaystudy.com/qbasic-program-to-check-if-number-is-even-or-odd/
Function IsEven% (n)
If n Mod 2 = 0 Then
IsEven% = TRUE
IsEven% = FALSE
End If
End Function ' IsEven%
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Returns TRUE if number n is odd
' https://slaystudy.com/qbasic-program-to-check-if-number-is-even-or-odd/
Function IsOdd% (n)
If n Mod 2 = 1 Then
IsOdd% = TRUE
IsOdd% = FALSE
End If
End Function ' IsOdd%
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Returns TRUE if value text$ is numeric.
Function IsNum% (text$)
IsNum% = IsNumber%(text$)
End Function ' IsNum%
'Function IsNum% (text$)
' Dim a$
' Dim b$
' a$ = _Trim$(text$)
' b$ = _Trim$(Str$(Val(text$)))
' If a$ = b$ Then
' IsNum% = TRUE
' Else
' IsNum% = FALSE
' End If
'End Function ' IsNum%
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Returns TRUE if value OriginalString$ is numeric.
' Re: Does a Is Number function exist in QB64?
' https://www.qb64.org/forum/index.php?topic=896.15
' Version 2 by madscijr
' Returns TRUE (-1) if string is an integer, FALSE (0) if not
' Version 1 by MWheatley
' Reply #18 on: January 01, 2019, 11:24:30 AM
' returns 1 if string is an integer, 0 if not
Function IsNumber% (OriginalString$)
Dim bResult%: bResult% = FALSE
Dim iLoop%
Dim TestString$
'Dim bNegative%
Dim iDecimalCount%
Dim sNextChar$
'TestString$ = _TRIM$(OriginalString$)
If Len(OriginalString$) > 0 Then
TestString$ = ""
If Left$(OriginalString$, 1) = "+" Then
TestString$ = Right$(OriginalString$, Len(OriginalString$) - 1)
'bNegative% = FALSE
ElseIf Left$(OriginalString$, 1) = "-" Then
TestString$ = Right$(OriginalString$, Len(OriginalString$) - 1)
'bNegative% = TRUE
TestString$ = OriginalString$
'bNegative% = FALSE
End If
If Len(TestString$) > 0 Then
bResult% = TRUE
iDecimalCount% = 0
For iLoop% = 1 To Len(TestString$)
sNextChar$ = Mid$(TestString$, iLoop%, 1)
If sNextChar$ = "." Then
iDecimalCount% = iDecimalCount% + 1
If iDecimalCount% > 1 Then
bResult% = FALSE
Exit For
End If
ElseIf Asc(sNextChar$) < 48 Or Asc(sNextChar$) > 57 Then
bResult% = FALSE
Exit For
End If
Next iLoop%
End If
End If
IsNumber% = bResult%
End Function ' IsNumber%
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Split and join strings
' https://www.qb64.org/forum/index.php?topic=1073.0
'Combine all elements of in$() into a single string with delimiter$ separating the elements.
Function join$ (in$(), delimiter$)
Dim result$
Dim i As Long
result$ = in$(LBound(in$))
For i = LBound(in$) + 1 To UBound(in$)
result$ = result$ + delimiter$ + in$(i)
Next i
join$ = result$
End Function ' join$
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' ABS was returning strange values with type LONG
' so I created this which does not.
Function LongABS& (lngValue As Long)
If Sgn(lngValue) = -1 Then
LongABS& = 0 - lngValue
LongABS& = lngValue
End If
End Function ' LongABS&
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' remove scientific Notation to String (~40 LOC)
' SMcNeill Jan 7, 2020
' https://www.qb64.org/forum/index.php?topic=1555.msg112989#msg112989
' Last Function in code marked Best Answer (removed debug comments and
' blank lines added these 2 lines.)
Function N2S$ (EXP$)
ReDim t$, sign$, l$, r$, r&&
ReDim dp As Long, dm As Long, ep As Long, em As Long, check1 As Long, l As Long, i As Long
t$ = LTrim$(RTrim$(EXP$))
If Left$(t$, 1) = "-" Or Left$(t$, 1) = "N" Then sign$ = "-": t$ = Mid$(t$, 2)
dp = InStr(t$, "D+"): dm = InStr(t$, "D-")
ep = InStr(t$, "E+"): em = InStr(t$, "E-")
check1 = Sgn(dp) + Sgn(dm) + Sgn(ep) + Sgn(em)
If check1 < 1 Or check1 > 1 Then N2S = _Trim$(EXP$): Exit Function ' If no scientic notation is found, or if we find more than 1 type, it's not SN!
Select Case l ' l now tells us where the SN starts at.
Case Is < dp: l = dp
Case Is < dm: l = dm
Case Is < ep: l = ep
Case Is < em: l = em
End Select
l$ = Left$(t$, l - 1) ' The left of the SN
r$ = Mid$(t$, l + 1): r&& = Val(r$) ' The right of the SN, turned into a workable long
If InStr(l$, ".") Then ' Location of the decimal, if any
If r&& > 0 Then
r&& = r&& - Len(l$) + 2
r&& = r&& + 1
End If
l$ = Left$(l$, 1) + Mid$(l$, 3)
End If
Select Case r&&
Case 0 ' what the heck? We solved it already?
' l$ = l$
Case Is < 0
For i = 1 To -r&&
l$ = "0" + l$
l$ = "." + l$
Case Else
For i = 1 To r&&
l$ = l$ + "0"
l$ = l$
End Select
N2S$ = sign$ + l$
End Function ' N2S$
Sub PauseDecisecond (iDS As Integer)
Dim iCount As Integer
iCount = 0
iCount = iCount + 1
_Limit 10 ' run 10x every second
Loop Until iCount = iDS
End Sub ' PauseDecisecond
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Returns TRUE if point (x1%, y1%) is adjacent to point (x2%, y2%)
Function PointsAreAdjacent% (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%)
Dim bResult%: bResult% = FALSE
' x or y can be the same, but not both
If (x1% <> x2%) Or (y1% <> y2%) Then
If (x1% = x2%) Or ((x1% = (x2% + 1)) Or (x2% = (x1% + 1))) Then
If (y1% = y2%) Or ((y1% = (y2% + 1)) Or (y2% = (y1% + 1))) Then
bResult% = TRUE
End If
End If
End If
PointsAreAdjacent% = bResult%
End Function ' PointsAreAdjacent%
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Writes sText to file sFileName.
' If bAppend=TRUE appends to file, else overwrites it.
' Returns blank if successful else returns error message.
Function PrintFile$ (sFileName As String, sText As String, bAppend As Integer)
Dim sError As String: sError = ""
If Len(sError) = 0 Then
If (bAppend = TRUE) Then
If _FileExists(sFileName) Then
Open sFileName For Append As #1 ' opens an existing file for appending
sError = "Error in PrintFile$ : File not found. Cannot append."
End If
Open sFileName For Output As #1 ' opens and clears an existing file or creates new empty file
End If
End If
If Len(sError) = 0 Then
' NOTE: WRITE places text in quotes in the file
'WRITE #1, x, y, z$
'WRITE #1, sText
' PRINT does not put text inside quotes
Print #1, sText
Close #1
End If
PrintFile$ = sError
End Function ' PrintFile$
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Does a _PrintString at the specified row+column.
' iRow and iCol are 0-based.
' See also: PrintString1
Sub PrintString (iRow As Integer, iCol As Integer, MyString As String)
Dim iX As Integer
Dim iY As Integer
iX = _FontWidth * iCol
iY = _FontHeight * iRow ' (iRow + 1)
_PrintString (iX, iY), MyString
End Sub ' PrintString
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Does a _PrintString at the specified row+column.
' iRow and iCol are 1-based.
' See also: PrintString
Sub PrintString1 (iRow As Integer, iCol As Integer, MyString As String)
Dim iX As Integer
Dim iY As Integer
iX = _FontWidth * (iCol - 1)
iY = _FontHeight * (iRow - 1)
_PrintString (iX, iY), MyString
End Sub ' PrintString1
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Prints text character char$ at positoin x%,y% in color myColor&.
Sub PutCharXY (x%, y%, char$, myColor&)
Color myColor&
Locate y%, x%
Print char$;
End Sub ' PutCharXY
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Generate random value between Min and Max inclusive.
Function RandomNumber% (Min%, Max%)
Dim NumSpread%
'Randomize ' Initialize random-number generator.
Randomize Timer
' GET RANDOM # Min%-Max%
'RandomNumber = Int((Max * Rnd) + Min) ' generate number
NumSpread% = (Max% - Min%) + 1
RandomNumber% = Int(Rnd * NumSpread%) + Min% ' GET RANDOM # BETWEEN Max% AND Min%
End Function ' RandomNumber%
'' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'Sub RandomNumberTest
' Dim iCols As Integer: iCols = 10
' Dim iRows As Integer: iRows = 20
' Dim iLoop As Integer
' Dim iX As Integer
' Dim iY As Integer
' Dim sError As String
' Dim sFileName As String
' Dim sText As String
' Dim bAppend As Integer
' Dim iMin As Integer
' Dim iMax As Integer
' Dim iNum As Integer
' Dim iErrorCount As Integer
' Dim sInput$
' sFileName = "c:\temp\maze_test_1.txt"
' sText = "Count" + Chr$(9) + "Min" + Chr$(9) + "Max" + Chr$(9) + "Random"
' bAppend = FALSE
' sError = PrintFile$(sFileName, sText, bAppend)
' If Len(sError) = 0 Then
' bAppend = TRUE
' iErrorCount = 0
' iMin = 0
' iMax = iCols - 1
' For iLoop = 1 To 100
' iNum = RandomNumber%(iMin, iMax)
' sText = Str$(iLoop) + Chr$(9) + Str$(iMin) + Chr$(9) + Str$(iMax) + Chr$(9) + Str$(iNum)
' sError = PrintFile$(sFileName, sText, bAppend)
' If Len(sError) > 0 Then
' iErrorCount = iErrorCount + 1
' Print Str$(iLoop) + ". ERROR"
' Print " " + "iMin=" + Str$(iMin)
' Print " " + "iMax=" + Str$(iMax)
' Print " " + "iNum=" + Str$(iNum)
' Print " " + "Could not write to file " + Chr$(34) + sFileName + Chr$(34) + "."
' Print " " + sError
' End If
' Next iLoop
' iMin = 0
' iMax = iRows - 1
' For iLoop = 1 To 100
' iNum = RandomNumber%(iMin, iMax)
' sText = Str$(iLoop) + Chr$(9) + Str$(iMin) + Chr$(9) + Str$(iMax) + Chr$(9) + Str$(iNum)
' sError = PrintFile$(sFileName, sText, bAppend)
' If Len(sError) > 0 Then
' iErrorCount = iErrorCount + 1
' Print Str$(iLoop) + ". ERROR"
' Print " " + "iMin=" + Str$(iMin)
' Print " " + "iMax=" + Str$(iMax)
' Print " " + "iNum=" + Str$(iNum)
' Print " " + "Could not write to file " + Chr$(34) + sFileName + Chr$(34) + "."
' Print " " + sError
' End If
' Next iLoop
' Print "Finished generating numbers. Errors: " + Str$(iErrorCount)
' Else
' Print "Error creating file " + Chr$(34) + sFileName + Chr$(34) + "."
' Print sError
' End If
' Input "Press <ENTER> to continue", sInput$
'End Sub ' RandomNumberTest
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' FROM: String Manipulation
' found at abandoned, outdated and now likely malicious qb64 dot net website
' http://www.qb64.[net]/forum/index_topic_5964-0/
' Purpose: A library of custom functions that transform strings.
' Author: Dustinian Camburides (dustinian@gmail.com)
' Platform: QB64 (www.qb64.org)
' Revision: 1.6
' Updated: 5/28/2012
'[Replace$] replaces all instances of the [Find] sub-string with the [Add] sub-string within the [Text] string.
'Text: The input string; the text that's being manipulated.
'Find: The specified sub-string; the string sought within the [Text] string.
'Add: The sub-string that's being added to the [Text] string.
Function Replace$ (Text1 As String, Find1 As String, Add1 As String)
Dim Text2 As String
Dim Find2 As String
Dim Add2 As String
Dim lngLocation As Long ' The address of the [Find] substring within the [Text] string.
Dim strBefore As String ' The characters before the string to be replaced.
Dim strAfter As String ' The characters after the string to be replaced.
Text2 = Text1
Find2 = Find1
Add2 = Add1
lngLocation = InStr(1, Text2, Find2)
' While [Find2] appears in [Text2]...
While lngLocation
' Extract all Text2 before the [Find2] substring:
strBefore = Left$(Text2, lngLocation - 1)
' Extract all text after the [Find2] substring:
strAfter = Right$(Text2, ((Len(Text2) - (lngLocation + Len(Find2) - 1))))
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' https://qb64phoenix.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=644
' From: bplus
' Date: 07-18-2022, 03:16 PM
' Here is a Round$ that acts the way you'd expect in under 100 LOC
' b = b + ...
Function Round$ (anyNumber, dp As Long)
' 5 and up at decimal place dp+1 > +1 at decimal place 4 and down > +0 at dp
' 2 1 0.-1 -2 -3 -4 ... pick dp like this for this Round$ Function
sn$ = N2S$(Str$(anyNumber + .5 * 10 ^ dp)) ' get rid of sci notation, steve trims it so next find dot
dot = InStr(sn$, ".")
If dot Then
predot = dot - 1
postdot = Len(sn$) - (dot + 1)
predot = Len(sn$)
postdot = 0
End If
' xxx.yyyyyy dp = -2
' ^ dp
If dp >= 0 Then
Rtn$ = Mid$(sn$, 1, predot - dp) + String$(dp, "0")
Rtn$ = Mid$(sn$, 1, predot) + "." + Mid$(sn$, dot + 1, -dp)
End If
If Rtn$ = "" Then
Round$ = "0"
Round$ = Rtn$
End If
End Function ' Round$
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' TODO: verify these work (function Round$ works)
' https://www.qb64.org/forum/index.php?topic=3605.0
' Quote from: SMcNeill on Today at 03:53:48 PM
' Sometimes, you guys make things entirely too complicated.
' There ya go! Three functions to either round naturally,
' always round down, or always round up, to whatever number of digits you desire.
' EDIT: Modified to add another option to round scientific,
' since you had it's description included in your example.
Function RoundNatural## (num##, digits%)
RoundNatural## = Int(num## * 10 ^ digits% + .5) / 10 ^ digits%
End Function
Function RoundUp## (num##, digits%)
RoundUp## = _Ceil(num## * 10 ^ digits%) / 10 ^ digits%
End Function
Function RoundDown## (num##, digits%)
RoundDown## = Int(num## * 10 ^ digits%) / 10 ^ digits%
End Function
Function Round_Scientific## (num##, digits%)
Round_Scientific## = _Round(num## * 10 ^ digits%) / 10 ^ digits%
End Function
Function RoundUpDouble# (num#, digits%)
RoundUpDouble# = _Ceil(num# * 10 ^ digits%) / 10 ^ digits%
End Function
Function RoundUpSingle! (num!, digits%)
RoundUpSingle! = _Ceil(num! * 10 ^ digits%) / 10 ^ digits%
End Function
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' fantastically inefficient way to set a bit
' example use: arrMaze(iX, iY) = SetBit256%(arrMaze(iX, iY), cS, FALSE)
' See also: GetBit256%, SetBit256%
' newint=SetBit256%(oldint, int containing the bits we want to set, value to set them to)
Function SetBit256% (iNum1 As Integer, iBit1 As Integer, bVal1 As Integer)
Dim sNum As String
Dim sBit As String
Dim sVal As String
Dim iLoop As Integer
Dim strResult As String
Dim iResult As Integer
Dim iNum As Integer: iNum = iNum1
Dim iBit As Integer: iBit = iBit1
Dim bVal As Integer: bVal = bVal1
If iNum < 256 And iBit <= 128 Then
sNum = GetBinary$(iNum)
sBit = GetBinary$(iBit)
If bVal = TRUE Then
sVal = "1"
sVal = "0"
End If
strResult = ""
For iLoop = 1 To 8
If Mid$(sBit, iLoop, 1) = "1" Then
strResult = strResult + sVal
strResult = strResult + Mid$(sNum, iLoop, 1)
End If
Next iLoop
iResult = GetIntegerFromBinary%(strResult)
iResult = iNum
End If
SetBit256% = iResult
End Function ' SetBit256%
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' TODO: verify this works
' Scientific notation - QB64 Wiki
' https://www.qb64.org/wiki/Scientific_notation
' Example: A string function that displays extremely small or large exponential decimal values.
Function SngToStr$ (n!)
value$ = UCase$(LTrim$(Str$(n!)))
Xpos% = InStr(value$, "D") + InStr(value$, "E") 'only D or E can be present
If Xpos% Then
expo% = Val(Mid$(value$, Xpos% + 1))
If Val(value$) < 0 Then
sign$ = "-": valu$ = Mid$(value$, 2, Xpos% - 2)
Else valu$ = Mid$(value$, 1, Xpos% - 1)
End If
dot% = InStr(valu$, "."): L% = Len(valu$)
If expo% > 0 Then add$ = String$(expo% - (L% - dot%), "0")
If expo% < 0 Then min$ = String$(Abs(expo%) - (dot% - 1), "0"): DP$ = "."
For n = 1 To L%
If Mid$(valu$, n, 1) <> "." Then num$ = num$ + Mid$(valu$, n, 1)
Else SngToStr$ = value$: Exit Function
End If
SngToStr$ = _Trim$(sign$ + DP$ + min$ + num$ + add$)
End Function ' SngToStr$
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Split and join strings
' https://www.qb64.org/forum/index.php?topic=1073.0
' FROM luke, QB64 Developer
' Date: February 15, 2019, 04:11:07 AM
' Given a string of words separated by spaces (or any other character),
' splits it into an array of the words. I've no doubt many people have
' written a version of this over the years and no doubt there's a million
' ways to do it, but I thought I'd put mine here so we have at least one
' version. There's also a join function that does the opposite
' array -> single string.
' Code is hopefully reasonably self explanatory with comments and a little demo.
' Note, this is akin to Python/JavaScript split/join, PHP explode/implode.
'Split in$ into pieces, chopping at every occurrence of delimiter$. Multiple consecutive occurrences
'of delimiter$ are treated as a single instance. The chopped pieces are stored in result$().
'delimiter$ must be one character long.
'result$() must have been REDIMmed previously.
' Modified to handle multi-character delimiters
Sub split (in$, delimiter$, result$())
Dim start As Integer
Dim finish As Integer
Dim iDelimLen As Integer
ReDim result$(-1)
iDelimLen = Len(delimiter$)
start = 1
'While Mid$(in$, start, 1) = delimiter$
While Mid$(in$, start, iDelimLen) = delimiter$
'start = start + 1
start = start + iDelimLen
If start > Len(in$) Then
Exit Sub
End If
finish = InStr(start, in$, delimiter$)
If finish = 0 Then
finish = Len(in$) + 1
End If
ReDim _Preserve result$(0 To UBound(result$) + 1)
result$(UBound(result$)) = Mid$(in$, start, finish - start)
start = finish + 1
Loop While start <= Len(in$)
End Sub ' split
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Converts a chr$(13) delimited string
' into a 2-dimensional array.
' Usage:
' Dim StringArray(1 To 48, 1 To 128) As String
' StringTo2dArray StringArray(), GetMap$
' Version 2 with indexed array(row, columm)
' Renamed StringToArray to StringTo2dArray.
' See also: Array2dToString$
Sub StringTo2dArray (MyArray() As String, MyString As String)
Dim sDelim As String
ReDim arrLines(0) As String
Dim iRow As Integer
Dim iCol As Integer
Dim sChar As String
Dim iDim1 As Integer
Dim iDim2 As Integer
Dim iIndex1 As Integer
Dim iIndex2 As Integer
iDim1 = LBound(MyArray, 1)
iDim2 = LBound(MyArray, 2)
sDelim = Chr$(13)
split MyString, sDelim, arrLines()
For iRow = LBound(arrLines) To UBound(arrLines)
If iRow <= UBound(MyArray, 1) Then
For iCol = 1 To Len(arrLines(iRow))
If iCol <= UBound(MyArray, 2) Then
sChar = Mid$(arrLines(iRow), iCol, 1)
If Len(sChar) > 1 Then
sChar = Left$(sChar, 1)
If Len(sChar) = 0 Then
sChar = "."
End If
End If
iIndex1 = iRow + iDim1
iIndex2 = (iCol - 1) + iDim2
MyArray(iIndex1, iIndex2) = sChar
'DebugPrint "MyArray(" + cstr$(iIndex1) + ", " + cstr$(iIndex2) + " = " + chr$(34) + sChar + chr$(34)
' Exit if out of bounds
Exit For
End If
Next iCol
' Exit if out of bounds
Exit For
End If
Next iRow
End Sub ' StringTo2dArray
Function StrJustifyRight$ (sValue As String, iWidth As Integer)
StrJustifyRight$ = Right$(String$(iWidth, " ") + sValue, iWidth)
End Function ' StrJustifyRight$
Function StrJustifyLeft$ (sValue As String, iWidth As Integer)
StrJustifyLeft$ = Left$(sValue + String$(iWidth, " "), iWidth)
End Function ' StrJustifyLeft$
Function StrJustifyCenter$ (sValue As String, iWidth As Integer)
Dim iLen0 As Integer
Dim iLen1 As Integer
Dim iLen2 As Integer
Dim iExtra As Integer
iLen0 = Len(sValue)
If iWidth = iLen0 Then
' no extra space: return unchanged
StrJustifyCenter$ = sValue
ElseIf iWidth > iLen0 Then
If IsOdd%(iWidth) Then
iWidth = iWidth - 1
End If
' center
iExtra = iWidth - iLen0
iLen1 = iExtra \ 2
iLen2 = iLen1 + (iExtra Mod 2)
StrJustifyCenter$ = String$(iLen1, " ") + sValue + String$(iLen2, " ")
' string is too long: truncate
StrJustifyCenter$ = Left$(sValue, iWidth)
End If
End Function ' StrJustifyCenter$
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Use to pretty print TRUE and FALSE values.
Function TrueFalse$ (myValue)
If myValue = TRUE Then
TrueFalse$ = "TRUE"
TrueFalse$ = "FALSE"
End If
End Function ' TrueFalse$
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
' cF10 (_KEYDOWN)
' cAltLeft (_KEYHIT)
' cAltRight (_KEYHIT)
' cPrintScreen (_KEYHIT) <- may slow down pc?
' cPauseBreak (_KEYHIT) <- may not work?
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Function KeyCode_Escape% ()
KeyCode_Escape% = 2
End Function
Function KeyCode_F1% ()
KeyCode_F1% = 60
End Function
Function KeyCode_F2% ()
KeyCode_F2% = 61
End Function
Function KeyCode_F3% ()
KeyCode_F3% = 62
End Function
Function KeyCode_F4% ()
KeyCode_F4% = 63
End Function
Function KeyCode_F5% ()
KeyCode_F5% = 64
End Function
Function KeyCode_F6% ()
KeyCode_F6% = 65
End Function
Function KeyCode_F7% ()
KeyCode_F7% = 66
End Function
Function KeyCode_F8% ()
KeyCode_F8% = 67
End Function
Function KeyCode_F9% ()
KeyCode_F9% = 68
End Function
Function KeyCode_F10% ()
KeyCode_F10% = 17408
End Function
Function KeyCode_F11% ()
KeyCode_F11% = 88
End Function
Function KeyCode_F12% ()
KeyCode_F12% = 89
End Function
Function KeyCode_PrintScreen% ()
KeyCode_PrintScreen% = -44
End Function
Function KeyCode_ScrollLock% ()
KeyCode_ScrollLock% = 71
End Function
Function KeyCode_PauseBreak% ()
KeyCode_PauseBreak% = 31053
End Function
Function KeyCode_Tilde% ()
KeyCode_Tilde% = 42
End Function
Function KeyCode_1% ()
KeyCode_1% = 3
End Function
Function KeyCode_2% ()
KeyCode_2% = 4
End Function
Function KeyCode_3% ()
KeyCode_3% = 5
End Function
Function KeyCode_4% ()
KeyCode_4% = 6
End Function
Function KeyCode_5% ()
KeyCode_5% = 7
End Function
Function KeyCode_6% ()
KeyCode_6% = 8
End Function
Function KeyCode_7% ()
KeyCode_7% = 9
End Function
Function KeyCode_8% ()
KeyCode_8% = 10
End Function
Function KeyCode_9% ()
KeyCode_9% = 11
End Function
Function KeyCode_0% ()
KeyCode_0% = 12
End Function
Function KeyCode_Minus% ()
KeyCode_Minus% = 13
End Function
Function KeyCode_Equal% ()
KeyCode_Equal% = 14
End Function
Function KeyCode_BkSp% ()
KeyCode_BkSp% = 15
End Function
Function KeyCode_Ins% ()
KeyCode_Ins% = 339
End Function
Function KeyCode_Home% ()
KeyCode_Home% = 328
End Function
Function KeyCode_PgUp% ()
KeyCode_PgUp% = 330
End Function
Function KeyCode_Del% ()
KeyCode_Del% = 340
End Function
Function KeyCode_End% ()
KeyCode_End% = 336
End Function
Function KeyCode_PgDn% ()
KeyCode_PgDn% = 338
End Function
Function KeyCode_NumLock% ()
KeyCode_NumLock% = 326
End Function
Function KeyCode_KeypadSlash% ()
KeyCode_KeypadSlash% = 310
End Function
Function KeyCode_KeypadMultiply% ()
KeyCode_KeypadMultiply% = 56
End Function
Function KeyCode_KeypadMinus% ()
KeyCode_KeypadMinus% = 75
End Function
Function KeyCode_Keypad7Home% ()
KeyCode_Keypad7Home% = 72
End Function
Function KeyCode_Keypad8Up% ()
KeyCode_Keypad8Up% = 73
End Function
Function KeyCode_Keypad9PgUp% ()
KeyCode_Keypad9PgUp% = 74
End Function
Function KeyCode_KeypadPlus% ()
KeyCode_KeypadPlus% = 79
End Function
Function KeyCode_Keypad4Left% ()
KeyCode_Keypad4Left% = 76
End Function
Function KeyCode_Keypad5% ()
KeyCode_Keypad5% = 77
End Function
Function KeyCode_Keypad6Right% ()
KeyCode_Keypad6Right% = 78
End Function
Function KeyCode_Keypad1End% ()
KeyCode_Keypad1End% = 80
End Function
Function KeyCode_Keypad2Down% ()
KeyCode_Keypad2Down% = 81
End Function
Function KeyCode_Keypad3PgDn% ()
KeyCode_Keypad3PgDn% = 82
End Function
Function KeyCode_KeypadEnter% ()
KeyCode_KeypadEnter% = 285
End Function
Function KeyCode_Keypad0Ins% ()
KeyCode_Keypad0Ins% = 83
End Function
Function KeyCode_KeypadPeriodDel% ()
KeyCode_KeypadPeriodDel% = 84
End Function
Function KeyCode_Tab% ()
KeyCode_Tab% = 16
End Function
Function KeyCode_Q% ()
KeyCode_Q% = 17
End Function
Function KeyCode_W% ()
KeyCode_W% = 18
End Function
Function KeyCode_E% ()
KeyCode_E% = 19
End Function
Function KeyCode_R% ()
KeyCode_R% = 20
End Function
Function KeyCode_T% ()
KeyCode_T% = 21
End Function
Function KeyCode_Y% ()
KeyCode_Y% = 22
End Function
Function KeyCode_U% ()
KeyCode_U% = 23
End Function
Function KeyCode_I% ()
KeyCode_I% = 24
End Function
Function KeyCode_O% ()
KeyCode_O% = 25
End Function
Function KeyCode_P% ()
KeyCode_P% = 26
End Function
Function KeyCode_BracketLeft% ()
KeyCode_BracketLeft% = 27
End Function
Function KeyCode_BracketRight% ()
KeyCode_BracketRight% = 28
End Function
Function KeyCode_Backslash% ()
KeyCode_Backslash% = 44
End Function
Function KeyCode_CapsLock% ()
KeyCode_CapsLock% = 59
End Function
Function KeyCode_A% ()
KeyCode_A% = 31
End Function
Function KeyCode_S% ()
KeyCode_S% = 32
End Function
Function KeyCode_D% ()
KeyCode_D% = 33
End Function
Function KeyCode_F% ()
KeyCode_F% = 34
End Function
Function KeyCode_G% ()
KeyCode_G% = 35
End Function
Function KeyCode_H% ()
KeyCode_H% = 36
End Function
Function KeyCode_J% ()
KeyCode_J% = 37
End Function
Function KeyCode_K% ()
KeyCode_K% = 38
End Function
Function KeyCode_L% ()
KeyCode_L% = 39
End Function
Function KeyCode_Semicolon% ()
KeyCode_Semicolon% = 40
End Function
Function KeyCode_Apostrophe% ()
KeyCode_Apostrophe% = 41
End Function
Function KeyCode_Enter% ()
KeyCode_Enter% = 29
End Function
Function KeyCode_ShiftLeft% ()
KeyCode_ShiftLeft% = 43
End Function
Function KeyCode_Z% ()
KeyCode_Z% = 45
End Function
Function KeyCode_X% ()
KeyCode_X% = 46
End Function
Function KeyCode_C% ()
KeyCode_C% = 47
End Function
Function KeyCode_V% ()
KeyCode_V% = 48
End Function
Function KeyCode_B% ()
KeyCode_B% = 49
End Function
Function KeyCode_N% ()
KeyCode_N% = 50
End Function
Function KeyCode_M% ()
KeyCode_M% = 51
End Function
Function KeyCode_Comma% ()
KeyCode_Comma% = 52
End Function
Function KeyCode_Period% ()
KeyCode_Period% = 53
End Function
Function KeyCode_Slash% ()
KeyCode_Slash% = 54
End Function
Function KeyCode_ShiftRight% ()
KeyCode_ShiftRight% = 55
End Function
Function KeyCode_Up% ()
KeyCode_Up% = 329
End Function
Function KeyCode_Left% ()
KeyCode_Left% = 332
End Function
Function KeyCode_Down% ()
KeyCode_Down% = 337
End Function
Function KeyCode_Right% ()
KeyCode_Right% = 334
End Function
Function KeyCode_CtrlLeft% ()
KeyCode_CtrlLeft% = 30
End Function
Function KeyCode_WinLeft% ()
KeyCode_WinLeft% = 348
End Function
Function KeyCode_AltLeft% ()
KeyCode_AltLeft% = -30764
End Function
Function KeyCode_Spacebar% ()
KeyCode_Spacebar% = 58
End Function
Function KeyCode_AltRight% ()
KeyCode_AltRight% = -30765
End Function
Function KeyCode_WinRight% ()
KeyCode_WinRight% = 349
End Function
Function KeyCode_Menu% ()
KeyCode_Menu% = 350
End Function
Function KeyCode_CtrlRight% ()
KeyCode_CtrlRight% = 286
End Function
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
' NOTE: these are mostly negative numbers
' and have to be forced to positive
' when stored in the dictionary
' (only cEmpty should be negative)
Function cRed~& ()
cRed = _RGB32(255, 0, 0)
End Function
Function cOrangeRed~& ()
cOrangeRed = _RGB32(255, 69, 0)
End Function ' cOrangeRed~&
Function cDarkOrange~& ()
cDarkOrange = _RGB32(255, 140, 0)
End Function ' cDarkOrange~&
Function cOrange~& ()
cOrange = _RGB32(255, 165, 0)
End Function ' cOrange~&
Function cGold~& ()
cGold = _RGB32(255, 215, 0)
End Function ' cGold~&
Function cYellow~& ()
cYellow = _RGB32(255, 255, 0)
End Function ' cYellow~&
Function cChartreuse~& ()
cChartreuse = _RGB32(127, 255, 0)
End Function ' cChartreuse~&
Function cOliveDrab1~& ()
cOliveDrab1 = _RGB32(192, 255, 62)
End Function ' cOliveDrab1~&
Function cLime~& ()
cLime = _RGB32(0, 255, 0)
End Function ' cLime~&
Function cMediumSpringGreen~& ()
cMediumSpringGreen = _RGB32(0, 250, 154)
End Function ' cMediumSpringGreen~&
Function cCyan~& ()
cCyan = _RGB32(0, 255, 255)
End Function ' cCyan~&
Function cDeepSkyBlue~& ()
cDeepSkyBlue = _RGB32(0, 191, 255)
End Function ' cDeepSkyBlue~&
Function cDodgerBlue~& ()
cDodgerBlue = _RGB32(30, 144, 255)
End Function ' cDodgerBlue~&
Function cSeaBlue~& ()
cSeaBlue = _RGB32(0, 64, 255)
End Function ' cSeaBlue~&
Function cBlue~& ()
cBlue = _RGB32(0, 0, 255)
End Function ' cBlue~&
Function cBluePurple~& ()
cBluePurple = _RGB32(64, 0, 255)
End Function ' cBluePurple~&
Function cDeepPurple~& ()
cDeepPurple = _RGB32(96, 0, 255)
End Function ' cDeepPurple~&
Function cPurple~& ()
cPurple = _RGB32(128, 0, 255)
End Function ' cPurple~&
Function cPurpleRed~& ()
cPurpleRed = _RGB32(128, 0, 192)
End Function ' cPurpleRed~&
Function cDarkRed~& ()
cDarkRed = _RGB32(160, 0, 64)
End Function ' cDarkRed~&
Function cBrickRed~& ()
cBrickRed = _RGB32(192, 0, 32)
End Function ' cBrickRed~&
Function cDarkGreen~& ()
cDarkGreen = _RGB32(0, 100, 0)
End Function ' cDarkGreen~&
Function cGreen~& ()
cGreen = _RGB32(0, 128, 0)
End Function ' cGreen~&
Function cOliveDrab~& ()
cOliveDrab = _RGB32(107, 142, 35)
End Function ' cOliveDrab~&
Function cLightPink~& ()
cLightPink = _RGB32(255, 182, 193)
End Function ' cLightPink~&
Function cHotPink~& ()
cHotPink = _RGB32(255, 105, 180)
End Function ' cHotPink~&
Function cDeepPink~& ()
cDeepPink = _RGB32(255, 20, 147)
End Function ' cDeepPink~&
Function cMagenta~& ()
cMagenta = _RGB32(255, 0, 255)
End Function ' cMagenta~&
Function cBlack~& ()
cBlack = _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
End Function ' cBlack~&
Function cDimGray~& ()
cDimGray = _RGB32(105, 105, 105)
End Function ' cDimGray~&
Function cGray~& ()
cGray = _RGB32(128, 128, 128)
End Function ' cGray~&
Function cDarkGray~& ()
cDarkGray = _RGB32(169, 169, 169)
End Function ' cDarkGray~&
Function cSilver~& ()
cSilver = _RGB32(192, 192, 192)
End Function ' cSilver~&
Function cLightGray~& ()
cLightGray = _RGB32(211, 211, 211)
End Function ' cLightGray~&
Function cGainsboro~& ()
cGainsboro = _RGB32(220, 220, 220)
End Function ' cGainsboro~&
Function cWhiteSmoke~& ()
cWhiteSmoke = _RGB32(245, 245, 245)
End Function ' cWhiteSmoke~&
Function cWhite~& ()
cWhite = _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
'cWhite = _RGB32(254, 254, 254)
End Function ' cWhite~&
Function cDarkBrown~& ()
cDarkBrown = _RGB32(128, 64, 0)
End Function ' cDarkBrown~&
Function cLightBrown~& ()
cLightBrown = _RGB32(196, 96, 0)
End Function ' cLightBrown~&
Function cKhaki~& ()
cKhaki = _RGB32(240, 230, 140)
End Function ' cKhaki~&
Function cEmpty~& ()
'cEmpty~& = -1
cEmpty = _RGB32(0, 0, 0, 0)
End Function ' cEmpty~&
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I have always had an issue remembering what trig function does what. I'm doing a graphic visualization aid so I can finally get my gourd wrapped around it all. I find it easier to absorb this sort of thing if I have a visual aid. It has some math issues to be ironed out, some rather clumsy code and I have more things I'm thinking of adding, but generally is doing what I wanted. I zipped the whole thing since it's relying on a library, but here's the base code.
EDIT: 7-29-2022 Upload changes
8-13-2022 added bolt circle calculator feature
Code: (Select All)
'Unit Circle.bas
_TITLE "Unit Circle Visualizer"
'Type declarations
TYPE object
'Global variables
DIM SHARED ang(24) AS object
DATA 0,0,"pi/12"
DATA 0,0,"pi/6",0,0,"pi/4"
DATA 0,0,"pi/3",0,0,"5(pi)/12"
DATA -16,0,"pi/2",0,0,"7(pi)/12"
DATA 0,0,"2(pi)/3",0,0,"3(pi)/4"
DATA 0,0,"5(pi)/6",0,0,"11(pi)/12"
DATA 0,8,"(180) pi",0,0,"13(pi)/12"
DATA 0,0,"7(pi)/6",0,0,"5(pi)/4"
DATA 0,0,"4(pi)/3",0,0,"17(pi)/12"
DATA 24,0,"3(pi)/2",0,0,"19(pi)/12"
DATA 0,0,"5(pi)/3",0,0,"7(pi)/4"
DATA 0,0,"11(pi)/6",0,0,"23(pi)/12"
DATA 0,8,"2(pi) (0)"
SUB Bolt_Circ
Dialog_Box "Bolt Circle", 512, 512, 0, &HFF00FF00, &HFFFFFFFF, "c"
LOCATE 4, _SHR(_WIDTH(0), 4) - 6
INPUT "# of holes: ", h%
LOCATE 5, _SHR(_WIDTH(0), 4) - 6
INPUT "radius: ", r!
_PRINTSTRING (_SHR(_WIDTH(0), 1) - 112, 140), "Hole coordinates relative to..."
DIM lb$(6)
lb$(1) = "Center": lb$(2) = "Quad 1": lb$(3) = "Quad 2"
lb$(4) = "Quad 3": lb$(5) = "Quad 4": lb$(6) = "From 1"
ref% = Chs_Key_Button%("c1234f", "h", 160, 6, 70, 32, 10, _SHR(_WIDTH(0), 1), lb$())
WINDOW (-512, 256)-(512, -256)
Clear_MB 1
IF ref% = -1 THEN EXIT SUB
_PUTIMAGE , baselayer
LINE (295, 205)-(500, 168 - (h% * 16) - 48), &HFF7F7FFF, BF
COLOR &HFF010101
_PRINTSTRING (PMAP(300, 0), PMAP(200, 1)), "Bolt Circle Coordinates"
_PRINTSTRING (PMAP(300, 0), PMAP(184, 1)), " X Y"
DIM bolt(h% - 1) AS object
DIM drill(h% - 1) AS U2
maxx! = 0: maxy! = 0
FOR x% = 0 TO UBOUND(bolt)
angle! = ((TwoPI) / h%) * x%
bolt(x%).r = angle!
bolt(x%).x = COS(angle!) * 200
bolt(x%).y = SIN(angle!) * 200
drill(x%).x = CINT(COS(angle!) * (r! * 1000)) / 1000
drill(x%).y = CINT(SIN(angle!) * (r! * 1000)) / 1000
IF x% > 0 THEN
maxx! = maxx! + (-(ABS(drill(x%).x) - maxx!) * (ABS(drill(x%).x) > maxx!))
maxy! = maxy! + (-(ABS(drill(x%).y) - maxy!) * (ABS(drill(x%).y) > maxy!))
'find limits for ref%, modify maxx! & maxy! for quad or hole #1
CASE IS = 1: maxx! = 0: maxy! = 0 ' no change
CASE IS = 2: maxx! = drill(0).x ' quad 1
CASE IS = 3: maxx! = -maxx! ' quad 2
CASE IS = 4: maxx! = -maxx!: maxy! = -maxy! ' quad 3
CASE IS = 5: maxx! = drill(0).x: maxy! = -maxy! ' quad 4
CASE IS = 6: maxx! = drill(0).x: maxy! = drill(0).y ' subtract hole 1 position
'reference crosshairs
LINE (-512, maxy! / r! * 200)-(1023, maxy! / r! * 200), &HFFFF0000, , 15 'horizontal
LINE (maxx! / r! * 200, 256)-(maxx! / r! * 200, -255), &HFFFF0000, , 15 'vertical
SUB Main_Loop
DIM AS V2 m, inpnt
DIM inang AS object
_PUTIMAGE , baselayer
k$ = INKEY$ ' get keypresses- set in% when valid
IF k$ <> "" THEN
IF k$ = CHR$(27) THEN SYSTEM ' exit program
ms% = MBS ' get mouse clicks
m.x = PMAP(_MOUSEX, 2)
m.y = PMAP(_MOUSEY, 3)
Tracer m
IF ms% AND 1 THEN ' if left click
Clear_MB 1
FOR g% = 1 TO 24
IF _HYPOT(ang(g%).x - m.x, ang(g%).y - m.y) < 5 THEN
m.x = ang(g%).x: m.y = ang(g%).y
_PUTIMAGE , baselayer
Tracer m
Details ang(g%), 0
IF ABS(_MOUSEX - 50) < 50 THEN
IF ABS(_MOUSEY - 136) < 16 THEN ' Enter angle code
LOCATE 9, 15
INPUT ": ", a!
_PUTIMAGE , baselayer
inang.r = _D2R(a!)
inpnt.x = 200 * COS(inang.r)
inpnt.y = 200 * SIN(inang.r)
Tracer inpnt
Details inang, -1
IF ABS(_MOUSEY - 184) < 16 THEN ' Enter SIN code
LOCATE 12, 15
INPUT ": ", s!
c! = SQR(1 - s! ^ 2) ' get COS
_PUTIMAGE , baselayer
LOCATE 12, 15
LOCATE 15, 15
inpnt.x = 200 * c!
inpnt.y = 200 * s!
Tracer inpnt
LOCATE 9, 15
PRINT _R2D(_ATAN2(inpnt.y, inpnt.x))
IF ABS(_MOUSEY - 232) < 16 THEN ' Enter COS code
LOCATE 15, 15
INPUT ": ", c!
s! = SQR(1 - c! ^ 2) ' get SIN
_PUTIMAGE , baselayer
LOCATE 15, 15
LOCATE 12, 15
inpnt.x = 200 * c!
inpnt.y = 200 * s!
Tracer inpnt
LOCATE 9, 15
PRINT _R2D(_ATAN2(inpnt.y, inpnt.x))
ELSEIF ABS(_MOUSEX - 999) < 50 THEN ' right side buttons
IF ABS(_MOUSEY - 136) < 16 THEN
in% = -1
'IF ms% AND 2 THEN ' if right click
' Clear_MB 2
' 'right click code here
' in% = -1
'refresh main program displays
END SUB 'Main_Loop
SUB Tracer (p AS V2)
DIM AS V2 ci, tn
LINE (0, 0)-(p.x, p.y), &H7F7F7F7F ' mouse leader line
ci = p: Vec_Norm ci, 200 ' circle intersection point
LINE (ci.x, 0)-(ci.x, ci.y), &HFFFF0000 ' red sine? line
IF ABS(ci.x) > 15 AND ABS(ci.y) > 15 THEN ' if room draw ortho box
LINE (ci.x - 10 * SGN(ci.x), 0)-(ci.x - 10 * SGN(ci.x), 10 * SGN(ci.y)), &HFFFF0000
LINE (ci.x - 10 * SGN(ci.x), 10 * SGN(ci.y))-(ci.x, 10 * SGN(ci.y)), &HFFFF0000
LINE (0, ci.y)-(ci.x, ci.y), &HFF0000FF, , 63 ' blue cosine? line
tn = ci: Vec_Orth tn: Vec_Norm tn, 550 ' compute tangent line
LINE (ci.x + tn.x, ci.y + tn.y)-(ci.x - tn.x, ci.y - tn.y), &HFFFF00FF 'purple tangent line
LINE (0, 0)-(ci.x, ci.y), &HFF00FF00 ' green radius line
_PRINTSTRING (0, 32), "SIN= " + Fix_Float$((ci.y / _HYPOT(ci.x, ci.y)), 6)
_PRINTSTRING (0, 48), "COS= " + Fix_Float$((ci.x / _HYPOT(ci.x, ci.y)), 6)
IF ci.x = 0 THEN
_PRINTSTRING (0, 64), "TAN= undefined"
_PRINTSTRING (0, 64), "TAN= " + Fix_Float((ci.y / ci.x), 6)
IF ci.y < 0 THEN
rad = TwoPI - ABS(_ATAN2(ci.y, ci.x))
rad = _ATAN2(ci.y, ci.x)
_PRINTSTRING (0, 80), "Radians= " + Fix_Float$(rad, 10)
_PRINTSTRING (0, 96), "Degrees= " + Fix_Float$(_R2D(rad), 10)
END SUB 'Tracer
SUB Vec_Norm (var AS V2, scalar AS INTEGER) 'normalize and scale a 2D vector
mag! = _HYPOT(var.x, var.y)
IF mag! = 0 THEN
var.x = 0: var.y = 0
var.x = (var.x / mag!) * scalar
var.y = (var.y / mag!) * scalar
END SUB 'Vec_Norm
SUB Vec_Orth (var AS V2) 'return 2D vector (var) as an orthogonal vector
x% = var.x: y% = var.y
var.x = -y%
var.y = x%
END SUB 'Vec_Orth
FUNCTION Fix_Float$ (x##, dec AS INTEGER)
'fix_float is appropriately named as it needs fixing...
bs$ = STR$(x##) ' string of input number x##
ex = INSTR(bs$, "D") + INSTR(bs$, "E")
IF ex <> 0 THEN ' an exponential has been thrown
pwr = VAL(MID$(bs$, ex + 3))
'use pwr to loop pwr-1 0's after a "." then use left$(bs,1)
n$ = " ."
FOR z% = 1 TO pwr - 1
n$ = n$ + "0"
Fix_Float$ = n$ + LEFT$(_TRIM$(bs$), 1)
ELSE ' a decimal number has been thrown
pnt = INSTR(bs$, ".")
IF pnt = 0 THEN
Fix_Float$ = bs$
Fix_Float$ = LEFT$(bs$, pnt + dec)
My middleschool-aged child is currently writing a desktop suite in Scratch. So far it's got a notepad program, a pong game, a bitmap icon maker as a paint program. He figured out how to be able to save larger files by having the app talk to another app which writes the actual files because Scratch seemingly only lets you save 10 variables in a browser cache otherwise as stored data. He is going to be adding an email or messenger applet to it as well and liked my suggestion of a calculator. He wrote his first computer game using gamemaker ( but using the GML scripting) when he was 6, I had to explain how variables worked in algebra and grid coordinates worked... once.
The kid actually surprised me by explaining his workaround so he could write multiple and larger data files with Scratch. I just have to get him started with basic and C/C++ so he can start writing programs for me.
My wife and I will catch him staying up late or awake early watching videos on science, coding, and math.
Other parents ask what he's into and I say computers and they think I mean "computer games", which he certainly enjoys but when I explain what he actually does they are surprised.
At the same age I had played with my cousin's altair briefly and had only used a computer at the museum otherwise. It really is amazing how much children have access to today compared to when I was kid.
His birthday is coming up and I'm just a proud papa sharing this stuff.
I'm interested in creating a simple MIDI sequencer
and/or a 2 (or 3 or 4) track digital audio recorder
that lets you record while listening to the other track(s) play back.
Has anyone made (or seen) any simple QB64 programs that do either of these things?
(Simple being the operative word, here! )
Much appreciated...
Until recently, when someone posted a piece of code in the Forum, with a "Select All" button to allow users to copy/paste to try it out, it worked perfectly. But for 2 days now I have not been able to select the code, except by swiping. Has the function been de-activated?
'Sep-Dec 1996 by Marc Kummel aka Treebeard.
'Contact mkummel@rain.org, http://www.rain.org/~mkummel/
' ** site no longer available, use the link below
' https://web.archive.org/web/20200220020034/http://www.rain.org/~mkummel/tbvault.html
' Conditions:
'This program and source code are yours to use and modify as you will, but
'they are offered as freeware with no warranty whatsoever. Give me credit,
'but do not distribute any changes under my name, or attribute such changes
'to me in any way. You're on your own!
'useful shared stuff, initialize these in bInit()
Dim Shared errormsg$, abortmsg$, Error$, bmem$(maxmem), out$
Dim Shared zmem$(maxstack), cname$(maxconst)
Dim Shared bncpath$, prmcntfile$
Dim Shared digits%, zstack%
'Prime count table data
Dim maxprmcnt%
Dim prmcnt&
Dim n As String
Dim m As String
Dim c As String
digits% = 35
n = "7." + String$(digits% - 1, "7")
m = "9." + String$(digits% - 1, "9")
c = ""
bAdd (n), (m), c
Print "n + m = "; c
bSub (n), (m), c
Print "n - m = "; c
bMul (n), (m), c
Print "n * m = "; c
bDiv (n), (m), c
Print "n / m = "; c
bSqr "2", c
Print "Sqr(2) = "; c
bLn "2", c
Print "Ln(2) = "; c
bLog "2", "10", c
Print "Log10(2) = "; c
bSin "1", c
Print "Sin(1) = "; c
bCos "1", c
Print "Cos(1) = "; c
bTan "1", c
Print "Tan(1) = "; c
' BNC math module
' 1997 by Marc Kummel aka Treebeard.
' Contact mkummel@rain.org, http://www.rain.org/~mkummel/
's = |s|
Sub bAbs (s$)
If Left$(s$, 1) = neg$ Then s$ = Mid$(s$, 2)
End Sub
'out = s1 + s2
Sub bAdd (s1$, s2$, out$)
Dim last1%, dp1%, sign1%, last2%, dp2%, sign2%
Dim last%, d1%, d2%, dpt%, carry%
Dim i%, n%
'treat different signs as subtraction and exit
If sign1% = negative And sign2% = positive Then
bSub s2$, s1$, out$
bNeg s1$
Exit Sub
ElseIf sign1% = positive And sign2% = negative Then
bSub s1$, s2$, out$
bNeg s2$
Exit Sub
End If
'do the addition right to left
For i% = last% To 1 Step -1
If i% <> dpt% Then
n% = carry%
If d1% > 0 Then n% = n% + Val(Mid$(s1$, d1%, 1))
If d2% > 0 Then n% = n% + Val(Mid$(s2$, d2%, 1))
carry% = n% \ 10
Mid$(out$, i%, 1) = Chr$(asc0 + (n% Mod 10))
Mid$(out$, i%, 1) = dp$
End If
d1% = d1% - 1
d2% = d2% - 1
Next i%
If carry% Then out$ = one$ + out$
'clean up
If sign1% = negative Then s1$ = neg$ + s1$: s2$ = neg$ + s2$: out$ = neg$ + out$
bClean s1$
bClean s2$
bClean out$
End Sub
'out = arccos(s)
Sub bArcCos (s$, out$)
Dim t$, t2$
'out = arctanh(s)
Sub bArcTanh (s$, out$)
'atanh(x) = Log((1 + x) / (1 - x)) / 2
out$ = zero$
End Sub
'Convert s$ FROM base base1% TO base base2%, including decimals to digits% places.
's$ is modified in place. No errors for illegal digits, eg 161 base 2 is
'treated as (1*2^2)+(6*2^1)+(1*2^0) even though the "6" is wrong. Bases
'to 16 are formed with 1..F, but larger bases are formed with digit groups
'separated by commas, eg 6,6,@100=(6*100^1+6*100^0)=606. Bases ok to 32K!
'Appends "@n" to end of string if base2%<>10, which GetArg() will recognize.
'Slow because of divisions, but the decimals are fun.
Sub bBase (s$, base1%, base2%)
Dim b1$, b2$, whole$, dec$, n$, r$, t$, tn$, dig$, z$
Dim negflag%, digmask%, groupflag%, dpt%
Dim i%, j%, last%, nn%
If base1% < 2 Or base2% < 2 Then s$ = Error$: Exit Sub
If base1% = base2% Then Exit Sub
If Left$(s$, 1) = neg$ Then s$ = Mid$(s$, 2): negflag% = True
b1$ = LTrim$(Str$(base1%))
b2$ = LTrim$(Str$(base2%))
digmask% = Len(LTrim$(Str$(base2% - 1)))
'convert FROM base base1%
dpt% = InStr(s$, dp$)
If dpt% = 0 Then dpt% = Len(s$) + 1
'if base 10, then we're done
If base1% = 10 Then
whole$ = Left$(s$, dpt% - 1)
dec$ = Mid$(s$, dpt%)
'figure decimal part
n$ = Mid$(s$, dpt% + 1)
If Len(n$) Then
GoSub bbConvertString
bPowerInt b1$, LTrim$(Str$(last%)), t$
bDiv n$, t$, dec$
End If
End If
'convert TO base base2%
'if base 10, then we're done
If base2% = 10 Then
bAdd whole$, dec$, s$
s$ = ""
'figure whole part
z$ = whole$
bDivIntMod z$, b2$, whole$, n$
nn% = Val(n$)
GoSub bbGetDigit
s$ = dig$ + s$
Loop Until whole$ = zero$
'figure decimal part
If Len(dec$) Then
s$ = s$ + dp$
r$ = one$
z$ = r$
bMul z$, b2$, r$
bMul dec$, r$, n$
bInt n$
nn% = Val(n$)
GoSub bbGetDigit
s$ = s$ + dig$
z$ = n$
bDiv z$, r$, n$
z$ = n$
bSub dec$, z$, n$
dec$ = n$
Loop Until dec$ = zero$ Or Len(s$) > digits%
End If
End If
If Len(s$) = 0 Then s$ = zero$
If s$ <> zero$ Then
If base2% <> 10 Then s$ = s$ + " " + basechr$ + b2$
If negflag% Then s$ = neg$ + s$
End If
Exit Sub
'receive whole number n$ in base base1% and return it in base 10
tn$ = zero$
last% = Len(n$)
groupflag% = (base1% > 16) Or (InStr(n$, basesep$) > 0)
i% = 1
If i% > last% Then Exit Do
If groupflag% Then
'digits in groups, eg 6,6,b100 = 6*10^1 + 6*10^0
j% = InStr(i%, n$, basesep$)
If j% = 0 Then j% = last%
nn% = Val(Mid$(n$, i%, j%))
i% = j% + 1
'digits 1 by 1, eg 123 or ABC
nn% = Asc(Mid$(n$, i%, 1))
i% = i% + 1
Select Case nn%
Case 48 To 57: nn% = nn% - 48
Case 65 To 90: nn% = nn% - 55
Case Else: nn% = 0
End Select
End If
'return base base2% digit or group for nn%
If base2% > 16 Then
dig$ = LTrim$(Str$(nn%))
dig$ = String$(digmask% - Len(dig$), zero$) + dig$ + basesep$
ElseIf nn% < 10 Then
dig$ = Chr$(nn% + asc0)
dig$ = Chr$(nn% + 55)
End If
End Sub
'check if s$ is in some other number base and convert it to base 10.
Sub bBase10 (s$)
Dim numbase%
bBaseCheck s$, numbase%
If numbase% Then bBase s$, numbase%, 10
End Sub
'return number and base from a string, or 0 if no base (=base 10).
'eg 100b2 returns s$="100" and numbase%=2
Sub bBaseCheck (s$, numbase%)
Dim i%, n%
If bIsBase%(s$) Then
'deal with 6bb16 (=6B hex)
For i% = Len(s$) To 1 Step -1
If UCase$(Mid$(s$, i%, 1)) = basechr$ Then n% = i%: Exit For
Next i%
numbase% = Val(Mid$(s$, n% + 1))
s$ = Left$(s$, n% - 1)
numbase% = False
End If
End Sub
'Strip a number to "standard form" with no leading or trailing 0s and no
'final "." All routines should return all arguments in this form.
Sub bClean (s$)
Dim sign%
If Left$(s$, 1) = neg$ Then s$ = Mid$(s$, 2): sign% = True
bStripZero s$
If InStr(s$, dp$) Then bStripTail s$
If sign% And s$ <> zero$ Then s$ = neg$ + s$
End Sub
'clean up a number for display so .6 -> 0.6
Sub bCleanShow (s$)
bClean s$
If Left$(s$, 2) = "-." Then
s$ = "-0." + Mid$(s$, 3)
ElseIf Left$(s$, 1) = dp$ Then
s$ = zero$ + s$
End If
End Sub
'Compare two numbers using fast string compares. This can screw up since it
'uses string length, eg it reports "8"<"8." so watch out. The practice in
'these routines is no leading or trailing 0s and no final "." See bClean().
'Return 1 if s1 > s2
' 0 if s1 = s2
' -1 if s1 < s2
Function bComp% (s1$, s2$)
Dim s1flag%, s2flag%, sign1%, sign2%
Dim dp1%, dp2%, arg%
'kludge to fix 0<.1
If Left$(s1$, 1) = dp$ Then s1$ = zero$ + s1$: s1flag% = True
If Left$(s2$, 1) = dp$ Then s2$ = zero$ + s2$: s2flag% = True
sign1% = (Left$(s1$, 1) = neg$)
sign2% = (Left$(s2$, 1) = neg$)
dp1% = InStr(s1$, dp$): If dp1% = 0 Then dp1% = Len(s1$) + 1
dp2% = InStr(s2$, dp$): If dp2% = 0 Then dp2% = Len(s2$) + 1
If sign1% <> sign2% Then
If sign1% Then arg% = -1 Else arg% = 1
ElseIf s1$ = s2$ Then
arg% = 0
ElseIf (dp1% < dp2%) Or ((dp1% = dp2%) And (s1$ < s2$)) Then
arg% = -1
arg% = 1
End If
If sign1% And sign2% Then arg% = -arg%
If s1flag% Then s1$ = Mid$(s1$, 2)
If s2flag% Then s2$ = Mid$(s2$, 2)
bComp% = arg%
End Function
'out = cos(x)
Sub bCos (s$, out$)
Dim t$, tfac$, fac$, z$
Dim nfac&
Dim olddigits%, flag%
'do powers of 10 with shifts
ElseIf t$ = one$ Then
out$ = s1$
sign1% = bSign%(out$)
If sign1% = negative Then bAbs out$
bShift out$, -slog2%
If sign1% <> sign2% Then bNeg out$
'the hard way
'strip all
s2$ = t$: t$ = ""
bLogGet s1$, slog1%, sign1%, True
'figure decimal point and sign of answer
outlog% = slog1% + bLogDp%(s2$, slog2%)
If sign1% <> sign2% Then outsign% = negative Else outsign% = positive
'bump digits past leading zeros and always show whole quotient
olddigits% = digits%
digits% = digits% + Len(s2$)
If digits% < outlog% + 1 Then digits% = outlog% + 1
'do it, ignore remainder
If Len(s2$) <= maxlongdig Then bDivLong s1$, s2$, out$, t$ Else bDivChar s1$, s2$, out$, t$
'clean up
bLogPut out$, outlog%, outsign%
bLogPut s1$, slog1%, sign1%
bLogPut s2$, slog2%, sign2%
digits% = olddigits%
End If
End Sub
'out = s1 / s2 using character algorithm, digit by digit, slow but honest.
's1$ and s2$ must be stripped first, no decimals.
Sub bDivChar (s1$, s2$, quotient$, remainder$)
Dim last1%, last2%, ldvd%, lrem%, dig%, borrow%
Dim i%, j%, n%
Dim dvd$
last1% = Len(s1$) 'length of the dividend
last2% = Len(s2$) 'length of the divisor
quotient$ = ""
remainder$ = ""
For i% = 1 To digits%
'get next digit of dividend or zero$ if past end
If i% <= last1% Then
dvd$ = remainder$ + Mid$(s1$, i%, 1)
dvd$ = remainder$ + zero$
End If
'if dividend < divisor then digit%=0 else have to calculate it.
'do fast compare using string operations. see bComp%()
bStripZero dvd$
ldvd% = Len(dvd$)
If (ldvd% < last2%) Or ((ldvd% = last2%) And (dvd$ < s2$)) Then
'divisor is bigger, so digit is 0, easy!
dig% = 0
remainder$ = dvd$
'dividend is bigger, but no more than 9 times bigger.
'subtract divisor until we get remainder less than divisor.
'time hog, average is 5 tries through j% loop. There's a better way.
For dig% = 1 To 9
remainder$ = ""
borrow% = 0
For j% = 0 To ldvd% - 1
n% = last2% - j%
If n% < 1 Then n% = 0 Else n% = Val(Mid$(s2$, n%, 1))
n% = Val(Mid$(dvd$, ldvd% - j%, 1)) - n% - borrow%
If n% >= 0 Then borrow% = 0 Else borrow% = 1: n% = n% + 10
remainder$ = Chr$(asc0 + n%) + remainder$
Next j%
'if remainder < divisor then exit
bStripZero remainder$
lrem% = Len(remainder$)
If (lrem% < last2%) Or ((lrem% = last2%) And (remainder$ < s2$)) Then Exit For
dvd$ = remainder$
ldvd% = Len(dvd$)
Next dig%
End If
quotient$ = quotient$ + Chr$(asc0 + dig%)
Next i%
End Sub
'out = integer part of s1 / s2
Sub bDivInt (s1$, s2$, out$)
Dim t$
bDivIntMod s1$, s2$, out$, t$
End Sub
's1 / s2 = integer and remainder (s1 = s2 * q + r)
'bDivInt() and bDivMod() call this.
Sub bDivIntMod (s1$, s2$, quotient$, remainder$)
Dim slog1%, sign1%, slog2%, sign2%
Dim olddigits%, outlog%, outsign%
olddigits% = digits%
'strip the numbers, set flag false to NOT trim zeros, slower but needed
bLogGet s2$, slog2%, sign2%, False
If s2$ = zero$ Then quotient$ = Error$: remainder$ = Error$: Exit Sub
bLogGet s1$, slog1%, sign1%, False
'figure decimal point and sign of answer
outlog% = slog1% + bLogDp%(s2$, slog2%)
If sign1% <> sign2% Then outsign% = negative Else outsign% = positive
'a trick: figure the decimal and only find that many digits
digits% = outlog% + 1
'send the work out
If Len(s2$) <= maxlongdig Then bDivLong s1$, s2$, quotient$, remainder$ Else bDivChar s1$, s2$, quotient$, remainder$
'clean up
bLogPut s1$, slog1%, sign1%
bLogPut s2$, slog2%, sign2%
bClean quotient$
bClean remainder$
If sign1% <> sign2% Then bNeg quotient$
digits% = olddigits%
End Sub
'out = s1 / s2 using fast long-integer algorithm. s2$ must be <= 8 digits.
's1$ and s2$ must be stripped first, no decimals.
Sub bDivLong (s1$, s2$, quotient$, remainder$)
Dim rmdr&, dividend&, divisor&
Dim dig%, i%
If Len(quotient$) = 0 Then quotient$ = zero$
remainder$ = LTrim$(Str$(rmdr&))
End Sub
'Return an ellipsis... repeat just the decimal or whole string if no decimal.
'Stop at digits% length. Handy for big test numbers.
Sub bDot (s$, out$)
Dim t$
Dim n%
n% = InStr(s$, dp$)
If n% Then t$ = Mid$(s$, n% + 1) Else t$ = s$
out$ = s$
out$ = out$ + t$
Loop Until Len(out$) >= digits%
out$ = Left$(out$, digits%)
End Sub
'out = e^s
Sub bExp (s$, out$)
Dim t$, fac$, z$
Dim olddigits%, eflag%
olddigits% = digits%
'if e^1, see if we already have it.
If bIsEqual%(s$, one$) Then
bMemory t$, emem, memget
If digits% <= Len(t$) - 1 Then out$ = t$: bTrimDig out$: Exit Sub
eflag% = True
End If
digits% = digits% + 5
'e^x = 1 + x + x^2/2! + x^3/3! + ...
out$ = one$
t$ = one$
fac$ = one$
z$ = t$
bMul z$, s$, t$
bTrimDig t$
z$ = t$
bDiv z$, fac$, t$
bTrimDig t$
If bIsZero%(t$) Then Exit Do
z$ = out$
bAdd z$, t$, out$
bInc fac$, 1
digits% = olddigits%
bTrimDig out$
If eflag% Then bMemory out$, emem, memput
End Sub
'out = s!
Sub bFactorial (s$, out$)
Dim t$, mul$, z$
Dim num&, product&
Dim last%, i%
bInt s$
bAbs s$
If bIsZero%(s$) Then out$ = one$: Exit Sub '0!=1 really!
If Len(s$) <= maxlongdig Then GoSub bfLong Else GoSub bfChar
Exit Sub
'start the easy way to 99999999! then finish. This could take weeks!
t$ = s$
s$ = String$(maxlongdig, "9")
GoSub bfLong
bSwapString s$, t$
If out$ = abortmsg$ Then Return
Do Until t$ = s$
bInc t$, 1
z$ = out$
bMul z$, t$, out$
'this is the long-integer multiply slightly customized
out$ = one$
For num& = 2& To CLng(Val(s$))
mul$ = out$
last% = Len(mul$)
out$ = Space$(last%)
product& = 0
For i% = last% To 1 Step -1
product& = product& + Val(Mid$(mul$, i%, 1)) * num&
Mid$(out$, i%, 1) = Chr$(asc0 + CInt(product& Mod 10&))
product& = product& \ 10&
Next i%
If product& Then out$ = LTrim$(Str$(product&)) + out$
Next num&
End Sub
'out = GCD(s1,s2)
'figure Greatest Common Divisor using Euclid's Algorithm
'Byte, Jan 86, p. 397
Sub bGCD (s1$, s2$, out$)
Dim div$, dvd$, t$
'work with copies
div$ = s1$
dvd$ = s2$
If bIsMore%(div$, dvd$) Then bSwapString div$, dvd$
Do Until bIsZero%(div$)
bMod dvd$, div$, t$
dvd$ = div$
div$ = t$
out$ = dvd$
End Sub
's += num%
'Fast increment s$ by num% for internal use, but not quite primetime.
's$ must be positive (but decimals are ok). It's ok to use negative num%
'for decrements but if result goes negative it returns "0" with no warning.
'num% must be an integer +-32k.
Sub bInc (s$, num%)
Dim dig%, n%, borrow%
If num% = 0 Then Exit Sub
dig% = InStr(s$, dp$)
If dig% Then dig% = dig% - 1 Else dig% = Len(s$)
n% = num%
If n% > 0 Then 'increment (n>0)
Do While n%
If dig% < 1 Then
s$ = LTrim$(Str$(n%)) + s$
n% = 0
n% = n% + Val(Mid$(s$, dig%, 1))
Mid$(s$, dig%, 1) = Chr$(asc0 + (n% Mod 10))
n% = n% \ 10
dig% = dig% - 1
End If
Else 'decrement (n<0)
n% = -n%
Do While n%
If dig% < 1 Then s$ = zero$: Exit Do
borrow% = 0
n% = Val(Mid$(s$, dig%, 1)) - n%
Do While n% < 0
n% = n% + 10: borrow% = borrow% + 1
Mid$(s$, dig%, 1) = Chr$(asc0 + n%)
n% = borrow%
dig% = dig% - 1
End If
bStripZero s$
End Sub
'Initialize b_routines, set globals, etc
Sub bInit ()
Dim i%
'a few defaults
'digits% = defaultdigits
errormsg$ = "error"
abortmsg$ = "abort"
'clear memory
zstack% = 0
For i% = 0 To maxmem
bmem$(i%) = zero$
Next i%
For i% = 1 To maxstack
zmem$(i%) = zero$
Next i%
bncpath$ = "" 'path for files (or current dir if null)
prmcntfile$ = "BNPRMCNT.DAT" 'prime count table
' LoadPrimeTable
End Sub
's = int(s)
'truncate towards 0 like Basic FIX: bInt(-3.3) returns -3.
Sub bInt (s$)
Dim n%
n% = InStr(s$, dp$)
If n% Then
If n% = 1 Then s$ = zero$ Else s$ = Left$(s$, n% - 1)
If s$ = neg$ Or Left$(s$, 2) = "-." Then s$ = zero$
End If
End Sub
'return s1\s2 if s2 is divisor of s1, else return 0.
Sub bIntDiv (s1$, s2$, out$)
Dim t$
bDivIntMod s1$, s2$, out$, t$
If t$ <> zero$ Then out$ = zero$
End Sub
's = 1/s
Sub bInv (s$)
Dim z$
z$ = s$
bDiv one$, z$, s$
End Sub
'return false or the position of the "B" if s$ is in another number base,
'eg 123b5 and abcb16 return 4.
Function bIsBase% (s$)
bIsBase% = InStr(UCase$(s$), basechr$)
End Function
'return true if s1 divides s2
Function bIsDiv% (s1$, s2$)
Dim t$
bMod s2$, s1$, t$
bIsDiv% = (t$ = zero$)
End Function
'return true if s1 = s2
Function bIsEqual% (s1$, s2$)
bIsEqual% = (s1$ = s2$)
End Function
'return true if s$ is even, no decimals!
Function bIsEven% (s$)
bIsEven% = (Val(Right$(s$, 1)) Mod 2 = 0)
End Function
'return true if s in an integer (no decimal point).
Function bIsInteger% (s$)
bIsInteger% = (InStr(s$, dp$) = 0)
End Function
'return true if s1 < s2
Function bIsLess% (s1$, s2$)
bIsLess% = (bComp%(s1$, s2$) = -1)
End Function
'return true if s1 > s2
Function bIsMore% (s1$, s2$)
bIsMore% = (bComp%(s1$, s2$) = 1)
End Function
'return true if s is negative
Function bIsNeg% (s$)
bIsNeg% = (Left$(s$, 1) = neg$)
End Function
Function bIsNotZero% (s$)
Dim flag%, i%
flag% = False
For i% = 1 To Len(s$)
If InStr("0-. ", Mid$(s$, i%, 1)) = False Then flag% = True: Exit For
Next i%
bIsNotZero% = flag%
End Function
'return true if odd
Function bIsOdd% (s$)
bIsOdd% = (Val(Right$(s$, 1)) Mod 2 <> 0)
End Function
'return true if s is prime
Function bIsPrime% (s$)
bIsPrime% = (bPrmDiv$(s$, False) = s$)
End Function
's is pseudoprime to base b if (b,s)=1 and b^(s-1)=1 (mod s). Integers only!
Function bIsPseudoPrime% (s$, bas$)
Dim t$, smin$
Dim flag%
flag% = False
If bIsRelPrime%(s$, bas$) Then
smin$ = s$: bInc smin$, -1
bModPower bas$, smin$, s$, t$
flag% = (t$ = one$)
End If
bIsPseudoPrime% = flag%
End Function
'return true if s1 and s2 are relatively prime, ie share no factor
Function bIsRelPrime% (s1$, s2$)
Dim gcd$
bGCD s1$, s2$, gcd$
bIsRelPrime% = bIsEqual%(gcd$, one$)
End Function
'Return true if s$ is zero$ or null, s$ needn't be clean.
Function bIsZero% (s$)
Dim flag%, i%
flag% = True
For i% = 1 To Len(s$)
If InStr("0-. ", Mid$(s$, i%, 1)) = False Then flag% = False: Exit For
Next i%
bIsZero% = flag%
End Function
'out = LCM(s1,s2)
'figure Least Common Multiple using Euclid's Algorithm for GCD.
'LCM (a,b) = (a*b) / GCD(a,b)
'Byte, Jan 86, p. 397
Sub bLcm (s1$, s2$, out$)
Dim product$, gcd$
'out = ln(s), natural logarithm
Sub bLn (s$, out$)
Dim t$, d$, tfac$, fac$, z$, w$
Dim ln10flag%, ln2flag%, olddigits%, flag%
If Not bIsMore%(s$, zero$) Then out$ = Error$: Exit Sub
If bIsEqual%(s$, "10") Then
bMemory t$, ln10mem, memget
If digits% <= Len(t$) - 1 Then out$ = t$: bTrimDig out$: Exit Sub
ln10flag% = True
ElseIf bIsEqual%(s$, "2") Then
bMemory t$, ln2mem, memget
If digits% <= Len(t$) - 1 Then out$ = t$: bTrimDig out$: Exit Sub
ln2flag% = True
End If
olddigits% = digits%
digits% = digits% + 5
If bIsLess%(s$, "1.6") Then GoSub LnSeries2 Else GoSub LnSeries1
digits% = olddigits%
bTrimDig out$
If ln10flag% Then
bMemory out$, ln10mem, memput
ElseIf ln2flag% Then
bMemory out$, ln2mem, memput
End If
Exit Sub
z$ = t$
bMul z$, tfac$, t$
bTrimDig t$
bDiv t$, fac$, d$
bTrimDig d$
If bIsZero%(d$) Then Exit Do
If flag% Then
z$ = out$
bAdd z$, d$, out$
z$ = out$
bSub z$, d$, out$
End If
flag% = Not flag%
bInc fac$, 1
End Sub
'out = log(s1) base s2, or ln(s1) if s2=0
Sub bLog (s1$, s2$, out$)
Dim t$, z$
'log(s) base(n) = ln(s) / ln(n)
If bIsEqual%(s2$, "-1") Then
bExp s1$, out$
ElseIf bIsNeg%(s2$) Then
out$ = Error$
bLn s1$, out$
If Not bIsZero%(s2$) Then
bLn s2$, t$
z$ = out$
bDiv z$, t$, out$
End If
End If
End Sub
'Take whole number and log from bLogGet() and return number of decimal
'places in the expanded number; OR take string and number of decimal points
'desired and return the log. It works both ways.
Function bLogDp% (s$, logdp%)
bLogDp% = Len(s$) - 1 - logdp%
End Function
'Strip s$ to whole number and base 10 integer logarithm and sign. Decimal
'point is implied after the first digit, and slog% counts places left or
'right. bLogPut() reverses the process, and bLogDp() gives info on the
'decimals. Tricky, but it works and simplifies dividing and multipling.
Sub bLogGet (s$, slog%, sign%, zeroflag%)
Dim dpt%, n%
If Left$(s$, 1) = neg$ Then s$ = Mid$(s$, 2): sign% = negative Else sign% = positive
bStripZero s$
dpt% = InStr(s$, dp$)
Select Case dpt%
Case 0
slog% = Len(s$) - 1
Case 1
n% = dpt% + 1
Do While Mid$(s$, n%, 1) = zero$
n% = n% + 1
s$ = Mid$(s$, n%)
slog% = dpt% - n%
Case Else
s$ = Left$(s$, dpt% - 1) + Mid$(s$, dpt% + 1)
slog% = dpt% - 2
End Select
'remove trailing 0's if zeroflag%
If zeroflag% Then bStripTail s$
End Sub
'Restore a number from the integer and log figured in bLogGet(). s$ is taken
'as a number with the decimal after first digit, and decimal is moved slog%
'places left or right, adding 0s as required. Called by bDiv() and bMul().
Sub bLogPut (s$, slog%, sign%)
Dim last%
last% = Len(s$)
If Len(s$) = 0 Or s$ = zero$ Then
s$ = zero$
ElseIf slog% < 0 Then
s$ = dp$ + String$(-slog% - 1, zero$) + s$
ElseIf slog% > last% - 1 Then
s$ = s$ + String$(slog% - last% + 1, zero$) + dp$
s$ = Left$(s$, slog% + 1) + dp$ + Mid$(s$, slog% + 2)
End If
bClean s$
If sign% = negative Then s$ = neg$ + s$
End Sub
'return the largest of two integers
Function bMaxInt% (n1%, n2%)
If n1% >= n2% Then bMaxInt% = n1% Else bMaxInt% = n2%
End Function
'Put or Get a number string in a cell. Only 64k in PDS, much less in QB,
'beep for overflow.
Sub bMemory (s$, memcell%, memop%)
Dim i%
'in range?
If memcell% < 0 Or memcell% > maxmem Then Exit Sub
Select Case memop%
Case memget: s$ = bmem$(memcell%)
Case memput
'check for enough memory?
bmem$(memcell%) = s$
Case memclr: For i% = 0 To 9: bmem$(i%) = "": Next i%
End Select
End Sub
'Perform Miller test for a number and base, return true if s may be prime.
' Schneier, Applied Cryptography, p.260
' Robbins, Beginning Number Theory, p.262
Function bMillerTest% (s$, bas$)
Dim t$, z$, rmd$, w$, y$
Dim j%, flag%
Static lasts$, smin$, m$, k%
If bIsEven%(s$) Then bMillerTest% = False: Exit Function
'figure {k,m} so s = 2^k * m + 1. Save results for next call.
If s$ <> lasts$ Then
smin$ = s$
bInc smin$, -1
m$ = smin$
k% = 0
t$ = m$
bDivIntMod t$, two$, m$, rmd$
If rmd$ = zero$ Then k% = k% + 1 Else m$ = t$: Exit Do
End If
bModPower bas$, m$, s$, z$
If z$ = one$ Or z$ = smin$ Then
flag% = True
flag% = False
For j% = 1 To k% - 1
w$ = z$
y$ = z$
bMul w$, y$, z$
w$ = z$
bMod w$, s$, z$
If z$ = smin$ Then flag% = True: Exit For
Next j%
End If
bMillerTest% = flag%
End Function
'out = s1 mod s2
'remainder after division, works for non-integers, but doesn't mean much.
Sub bMod (s1$, s2$, out$)
Dim t$
bDivIntMod s1$, s2$, t$, out$
End Sub
'out = s1^-1 (mod s2)
'Find inverse mod a number with Extended Euclid Algorithm.
'Given a and n, find x such that a*x = 1 (mod n).
'Answer exists only if a and n are relatively prime, else return 0.
Sub bModInv (s1$, s2$, out$)
Dim g0$, g1$, g2$, v0$, v1$, v2$, y$, t$, z$
If Not bIsRelPrime%(s1$, s2$) Then out$ = zero$: Exit Sub
out$ = v0$
If bIsNeg%(out$) Then
z$ = out$
bAdd z$, s2$, out$
End If
End Sub
'out = (s1 ^ s2) mod s3
Sub bModPower (s1$, s2$, s3$, out$)
'Use variation of "Russian Peasant Method" to figure m=(c^d) mod n.
'Byte, Jan 83, p.206.
'test value: (71611947 ^ 63196467) mod 94815109 = 776582
' if d is odd then m=(m*c) mod n
' c=(c*c) mod n
' d=int(d/2)
'loop while d>0
'm is the answer
Dim c$, d$, z$, w$
Static n$ 'remember modulus for next call
'positive numbers only, modulus must be >1! Find mod inverse if s2=-1.
out$ = errormsg$
If Len(s3$) Then n$ = s3$
If bIsNeg%(s1$) Or bIsNeg%(n$) Then Exit Sub
If bIsNeg%(s2$) Then
If bIsEqual%(s2$, "-1") Then bModInv s1$, n$, out$
Exit Sub
End If
c$ = s1$
d$ = s2$
out$ = one$
If bIsOdd%(d$) Then
z$ = out$
bMul z$, c$, out$
z$ = out$
bMod z$, n$, out$
End If
z$ = c$
w$ = c$
bMul z$, w$, c$
z$ = c$
bMod z$, n$, c$
z$ = d$
bDivInt z$, two$, d$
Loop Until bIsZero%(d$)
End Sub
'out = s1 * s2
Sub bMul (s1$, s2$, out$)
Dim t$
Dim slog1%, sign1%, slog2%, sign2%, outdp%, outsign%, outlog%, swapflag%
'do powers of 10 with shifts
ElseIf t$ = one$ Then
out$ = s1$
sign1% = bSign%(out$)
If sign1% = negative Then bAbs out$
bShift out$, slog2%
If sign1% <> sign2% Then bNeg out$
'the hard way
'strip all
s2$ = t$: t$ = ""
bLogGet s1$, slog1%, sign1%, True
'figure decimal point and sign of answer
outdp% = bLogDp%(s1$, slog1%) + bLogDp%(s2$, slog2%)
If sign1% <> sign2% Then outsign% = negative Else outsign% = positive
'always multiply by the shorter number
If Len(s2$) > Len(s1$) Then bSwapString s1$, s2$: swapflag% = True
'do it
If Len(s2$) <= maxlongdig Then bMulLong s1$, s2$, out$ Else bMulChar s1$, s2$, out$
'clean up
outlog% = bLogDp%(out$, outdp%)
bLogPut out$, outlog%, outsign%
If swapflag% Then bSwapString s1$, s2$
bLogPut s1$, slog1%, sign1%
bLogPut s2$, slog2%, sign2%
End If
End Sub
'out = s1 * s2 using character algorithm, slow but honest. Whole numbers
'only. Inner loop is optimized and hard to understand, but it works.
Sub bMulChar (s1$, s2$, out$)
Dim last1%, last2%, last%
Dim i%, j%, k%, sj%, ej%
Dim product&
last1% = Len(s1$)
last2% = Len(s2$)
last% = last1% + last2%
out$ = Space$(last%)
product& = 0
For i% = 0 To last% - 1
k% = last1% - i%
sj% = 1 - k%: If sj% < 0 Then sj% = 0
ej% = last1% - k%: If ej% > last2% - 1 Then ej% = last2% - 1
For j% = sj% To ej%
product& = product& + Val(Mid$(s1$, k% + j%, 1)) * Val(Mid$(s2$, last2% - j%, 1))
Next j%
Mid$(out$, last% - i%, 1) = Chr$(asc0 + CInt(product& Mod 10&))
product& = product& \ 10&
Next i%
If product& Then out$ = LTrim$(Str$(product&)) + out$
End Sub
'out = s1 * s2 using fast long-integer algorithm. s2$ must be <= 8 digits.
's1$ and s2$ must be stripped first, whole numbers only.
Sub bMulLong (s1$, s2$, out$)
Dim last1%, i%
Dim s2val&, product&
last1% = Len(s1$)
s2val& = Val(s2$)
out$ = Space$(last1%)
For i% = last1% To 1 Step -1
product& = product& + Val(Mid$(s1$, i%, 1)) * s2val&
Mid$(out$, i%, 1) = Chr$(asc0 + CInt(product& Mod 10&))
product& = product& \ 10&
Next i%
If product& Then out$ = LTrim$(Str$(product&)) + out$
End Sub
'out = nCr, s1 things taken s2 at a time, order doesn't matter
Sub bnCr (s1$, s2$, out$)
' n! nPr
'nCr = -------- = ---
' r!(n-r)! r!
'nCr = nCn-r, so pick the smaller
Dim r$, t$, z$
bSub s1$, s2$, r$
If bIsMore%(r$, s2$) Then r$ = s2$
bnPr s1$, r$, t$
If t$ = errormsg$ Then Exit Sub
z$ = r$
bFactorial z$, r$
bDivInt t$, r$, out$
End Sub
's = -s
Sub bNeg (s$)
If Left$(s$, 1) = neg$ Then s$ = Mid$(s$, 2) Else s$ = neg$ + s$
End Sub
'Normalize s1 to range of +-{s2}
Sub bNorm (s1$, s2$)
Dim t$
Dim dpt%
t$ = s1$
bAbs t$
If Not bIsLess%(t$, s2$) Then
bDiv s1$, s2$, t$
dpt% = InStr(t$, dp$)
If dpt% = 0 Then
s1$ = zero$
bMul s2$, Mid$(t$, dpt%), s1$
bTrimDig s1$
If bIsNeg%(t$) Then bNeg s1$
End If
End If
End Sub
'Normalize an angle in radians to +-2pi
Sub bNormRad (s$)
Dim pi2$
bPi2 pi2$
bNorm s$, pi2$
End Sub
'out = nPr, s1 things taken s2 at a time, order matters
Sub bnPr (s1$, s2$, out$)
' n!
'nPr = ------ = (n)*(n-1)*...*(n-r+1)
' (n-r)!
Dim t$, z$
bAbs s1$
bAbs s2$
If bIsMore%(s2$, s1$) Then out$ = errormsg$: Exit Sub
If bIsZero%(s2$) Then out$ = one$: Exit Sub
bSub s1$, s2$, out$
bInc out$, 1
t$ = out$
Do Until t$ = s1$
bInc t$, 1
z$ = out$
bMul t$, z$, out$
End Sub
'out = phi (Golden Ratio)
Sub bPhi (out$)
Dim t$
Dim olddigits%
olddigits% = digits%
'see if it's already in memory
bMemory t$, phimem, memget
If digits% <= Len(t$) - 1 Then
out$ = t$
bTrimDig out$
Exit Sub
End If
'else calculate it. Need to write this.
out$ = t$
End Sub
'pi with Machin's formula: pi= 16 arctan(1/5) - 4 arctan(1/239)
Sub bPi (out$)
Dim d$, k$, t$, tfac$, atan$, atan5$, atan239$, z$
Dim olddigits%, flag%
olddigits% = digits%
'see if it's already in memory
bMemory t$, pimem, memget
If digits% <= Len(t$) - 1 Then out$ = t$: bTrimDig out$: Exit Sub
'figure a bit more and truncate to get last place right
digits% = digits% + 5
z$ = t$
bDiv z$, tfac$, t$
bDiv t$, k$, d$
bTrimDig d$
If bIsZero%(d$) Then Exit Do
If flag% Then
z$ = atan$
bAdd z$, d$, atan$
z$ = atan$
bSub z$, d$, atan$
End If
flag% = Not flag%
bInc k$, 2
End Sub
'return s=2*pi, from memory if possible
Sub bPi2 (s$)
Dim z$
bMemory s$, pi2mem, memget
If digits% <= Len(s$) - 1 Then
bTrimDig s$
bPi s$
z$ = s$
bMul z$, two$, s$
bMemory s$, pi2mem, memput
End If
End Sub
'out = s1 ^ s2, for real s2
Sub bPower (s1$, s2$, out$)
Dim z$
Dim invflag%
If bIsInteger%(s2$) Then
bPowerInt s1$, s2$, out$
If bIsNeg%(s2$) Then bNeg s2$: invflag% = True
bLn s1$, out$
z$ = out$
bMul z$, s2$, out$
z$ = out$
bExp z$, out$
If invflag% Then bNeg s2$: bInv out$
End If
End Sub
'out = s1 ^ s2, for integer s2 only! (It truncates s2)
'Uses variation of "Russian Peasant Method".
Sub bPowerInt (s1$, s2$, out$)
Dim c$, d$, z$, w$
Dim invflag%
bInt s2$
If bIsZero%(s2$) Then out$ = one$: Exit Sub
If bIsNeg%(s2$) Then bNeg s2$: invflag% = True
c$ = s1$
d$ = s2$
out$ = one$
If bIsOdd%(d$) Then
z$ = out$
bMul z$, c$, out$
End If
z$ = c$
w$ = c$
bMul z$, w$, c$
z$ = d$
bDivInt z$, two$, d$
Loop Until bIsZero%(d$)
If invflag% Then
bNeg s2$
z$ = out$
bDiv one$, z$, out$
End If
End Sub
'If pflag% then count primes to s and return count else return s_th prime.
'If dspcol% then show progress on current line starting with that column.
'Will go forever if pflag% and s not prime.
Function bPrmCount$ (s$, dspcol%, pflag%)
Dim cnt$, num$
Dim n&
Dim i%, dinc%
'deal with exceptions up front
Select Case s$
Case "0": cnt$ = zero$: num$ = zero$
Case "1": cnt$ = zero$: num$ = two$
Case "2": cnt$ = one$: num$ = three$
Case "3": cnt$ = two$: num$ = five$
Case Else
'if no prime table then start from scratch else cue into table
If maxprmcnt% = 0 Then
i% = 0
'pflag% true: s$ is prime, count to it and return count
ElseIf pflag% Then
If bIsMore%(s$, LTrim$(Str$(prmcnt&(maxprmcnt%)))) Then
i% = maxprmcnt%
n& = Val(s$)
For i% = 1 To maxprmcnt%
If prmcnt&(i%) > n& Then Exit For
Next i%
i% = i% - 1
End If
'pflag% false: s$ is the count, return that prime
If bIsMore%(s$, LTrim$(Str$(maxprmcnt% * 1000&))) Then
i% = maxprmcnt%
i% = Val(s$) \ 1000
End If
End If
'get start values
If i% = 0 Then
num$ = five$: cnt$ = three$
num$ = LTrim$(Str$(prmcnt&(i%)))
cnt$ = LTrim$(Str$(i% * 1000&))
End If
If Val(num$) Mod 6 = 1 Then dinc% = 4 Else dinc% = 2
'finally to work
If bIsPrime%(num$) Then
'IF dspcol% AND (RIGHT$(cnt$, 2) = "00") THEN PRINT "."; : IF POS(0) = 75 THEN LOCATE , dspcol%: PRINT TAB(80); : LOCATE , dspcol%
If pflag% Then
If num$ = s$ Then Exit Do
If cnt$ = s$ Then Exit Do
End If
bInc cnt$, 1
End If
bInc num$, dinc%
dinc% = 6 - dinc%
End Select
If pflag% Then bPrmCount$ = cnt$ Else bPrmCount$ = num$
End Function
'Return smallest prime divisor or s$ if prime, no size limit, but slows
'down when s$>8 digits. This is strictly brute force and slow. Press <esc>
'to abort and it returns 0. If dspflag% then print (most) factors in
'lblTryNum of Factor frame, an inelegant kludge used by Factor(). A speed
'hit, but fun to watch.
Function bPrmDiv$ (s$, dspflag%)
Dim num$, sfac$, maxfac$, t$
Dim lfac&, lnum&, lmaxfac&, ldfac&
Dim i%, cnt%, flag%, dfac%
num$ = s$
bInt num$
bAbs num$
If Len(num$) <= maxlongdig Then GoSub bpdLong Else GoSub bpdChar
Exit Function
'try some classic divisibility tests for small factors.
'Cf Gardner, Unexpected Hanging, p.160.
'by 2?
' If dspflag% Then
' frmBncFactor.lblTryNum.Caption = two$
' frmBncFactor.lblTryNum.Refresh
'End If
If Val(Right$(num$, 1)) Mod 2 = 0 Then bPrmDiv$ = two$: Return
'by 3?
'IF dspflag% THEN LOCATE , dspflag%: PRINT three$;
' If dspflag% Then
' frmBncFactor.lblTryNum.Caption = three$
' frmBncFactor.lblTryNum.Refresh
'End If
lfac& = 0
For i% = 1 To Len(num$)
lfac& = lfac& + Asc(Mid$(num$, i%, 1)) - asc0
Next i%
If lfac& Mod 3 = 0 Then bPrmDiv$ = three$: Return
'by 5?
'IF dspcol% THEN LOCATE , dspcol%: PRINT five$;
' If dspflag% Then
' frmBncFactor.lblTryNum.Caption = five$
' frmBncFactor.lblTryNum.Refresh
'End If
If Val(Right$(num$, 1)) Mod 5 = 0 Then bPrmDiv$ = five$: Return
'by 7, 11, or 13?
'IF dspcol% THEN LOCATE , dspcol%: PRINT "7+";
' If dspflag% Then
' frmBncFactor.lblTryNum.Caption = "7+"
' frmBncFactor.lblTryNum.Refresh
'End If
lfac& = 0
i% = Len(num$) + 1
cnt% = 3
flag% = True
i% = i% - 3: If i% < 1 Then cnt% = i% + 2: i% = 1
If flag% Then
lfac& = lfac& + Val(Mid$(num$, i%, cnt%))
lfac& = lfac& - Val(Mid$(num$, i%, cnt%))
End If
flag% = Not flag%
Loop While i% > 1
If lfac& Mod 7 = 0 Then bPrmDiv$ = "7": Return
If lfac& Mod 11 = 0 Then bPrmDiv$ = "11": Return
If lfac& Mod 13 = 0 Then bPrmDiv$ = "13": Return
'main loop, increment factor by 2 or 4.
sfac$ = "17"
dfac% = 2
bSqrInt num$, maxfac$
'IF dspcol% THEN LOCATE , dspcol%: PRINT sfac$;
' If dspflag% Then
' frmBncFactor.lblTryNum.Caption = sfac$
' frmBncFactor.lblTryNum.Refresh
'End If
bMod num$, sfac$, t$
If bIsZero%(t$) Then Exit Do
bInc sfac$, dfac%
dfac% = 6 - dfac%
If bIsMore%(sfac$, maxfac$) Then sfac$ = num$: Exit Do
'If INKEY$ = esc$ Then sfac$ = zero$: Exit Do
bPrmDiv$ = sfac$
lnum& = Val(num$)
If lnum& <= 1 Then
lfac& = 1&
ElseIf lnum& Mod 2& = 0& Then
lfac& = 2&
ElseIf lnum& Mod 3& = 0& Then
lfac& = 3&
lmaxfac& = Int(Sqr(lnum&))
lfac& = 5&
ldfac& = 2&
'IF dspcol% THEN LOCATE , dspcol%: PRINT lfac&;
' If dspflag% Then
' frmBncFactor.lblTryNum.Caption = LTrim$(Str$(lfac&))
' frmBncFactor.lblTryNum.Refresh
'End If
If lnum& Mod lfac& = 0& Then Exit Do
lfac& = lfac& + ldfac&
ldfac& = 6& - ldfac&
If lfac& > lmaxfac& Then lfac& = lnum&: Exit Do
End If
bPrmDiv$ = LTrim$(Str$(lfac&))
End Function
'Do Rabin-Miller Prime test times% times. If true, then probability that
's is composite is < .25^times%. Of course s$ is an odd integer.
'If dspcol% then show progress on current line starting with that column.
Function bPrmTest% (s$, times%, dspflag%)
Dim n$
Dim i%, flag%
If bIsEven%(s$) Then bPrmTest% = False: Exit Function
flag% = True
For i% = 2 To times% + 1
'If dspflag% Then Print ".";
n$ = LTrim$(Str$(i%))
If bIsRelPrime%(s$, n$) Then
flag% = bMillerTest%(s$, n$)
flag% = False
End If
If Not flag% Then Exit For
Next i%
bPrmTest% = flag%
End Function
'radians to degrees, deg=rad*180/pi
Sub bRadToDeg (s$)
Dim t$, z$
'Return a random number. Expects an argument of form m.n:
' m.n returns m digits+decimal+n digits
' m returns m digits
' m. m digits with random decimal point
'<null> use last mask
Sub bRand (s$, out$)
Static randmask$
Dim t$
Dim n%
t$ = s$
If Len(t$) = 0 Then
If Len(randmask$) = 0 Then randmask$ = "5"
t$ = randmask$
End If
randmask$ = t$
n% = InStr(t$, dp$)
If n% = 0 Then
'R3 -> abc
out$ = bRnd$(Val(t$))
ElseIf n% = 1 Then
'R.3 -> .abc
out$ = dp$ + bRnd$(Val(Mid$(t$, 2)))
ElseIf n% = Len(t$) Then
'R3. -> abc with random dp
out$ = bRnd$(Val(t$) + 1)
Mid$(out$, Int(1 + Rnd * Len(out$)), 1) = dp$
'R3.2 -> abc.ef
out$ = bRnd$(Val(Mid$(t$, 1, n% - 1))) + dp$ + bRnd$(Val(Mid$(t$, n% + 1)))
End If
End Sub
'Return a random number string of places% digits.
Function bRnd$ (places%)
Dim t$
Dim i%
If places% = 0 Then
bRnd$ = zero$
t$ = Space$(places%)
Mid$(t$, 1, 1) = Chr$(asc0 + Int(Rnd * 9) + 1)
For i% = 2 To places%
Mid$(t$, i%, 1) = Chr$(asc0 + Int(Rnd * 10))
Next i%
bRnd$ = t$
End If
End Function
'Return a random number < max$, to digits places.
Sub bRndNum (max$, out$)
bMul LTrim$(Str$(Rnd)), max$, out$
End Sub
'out = s2 root of s1, (or s1 ^ 1/s2)
Sub bRoot (s1$, s2$, out$)
Dim t$, x$, root$, mroot$, r$, newx$, z$
Dim negflag%, invflag%
'easy 0 values
If bIsZero%(s2$) Then out$ = one$: Exit Sub
If bIsZero%(s1$) Then out$ = zero$: Exit Sub
'use logs for non-integer roots
If Not bIsInteger%(s2$) Then
t$ = s2$: bInv t$
bPower s1$, t$, out$
Exit Sub
End If
x$ = s1$
root$ = s2$
If bIsNeg%(x$) Then If bIsEven%(root$) Then out$ = errormsg$: Exit Sub Else bNeg x$: negflag% = True
If bIsNeg%(root$) Then bNeg root$: invflag% = True
If root$ = two$ Then bSqr x$, out$ Else GoSub brRoot
If invflag% Then bInv out$
If negflag% Then bNeg out$
Exit Sub
'Newton-Raphson method for any integer root
mroot$ = root$
bInc mroot$, -1
'a bug, these are never equal
'bTrimDig x$
'bTrimDig newx$
'IF x$ = newx$ THEN EXIT DO
If Left$(x$, digits% - 1) = Left$(newx$, digits% - 1) Then Exit Do
x$ = newx$
bTrimDig x$
out$ = newx$
End Sub
'Take a string in "scientific notation" and expand it.
'Recognize both 66.6e2 AND 66.6d2 as 6660 to accommadate QB.
' ^ ^
Sub bSci (s$)
Dim n%, xp%, sign%
s$ = UCase$(LTrim$(s$))
n% = InStr(s$, "E")
If n% = 0 Then n% = InStr(s$, "D") 'because double# use "D" not "E"
If n% Then
xp% = Val(Mid$(s$, n% + 1))
s$ = Left$(s$, n% - 1)
bLogGet s$, n%, sign%, True
bLogPut s$, n% + xp%, sign%
End If
End Sub
'out = sec(x)
Sub bSec (s$, out$)
bCos s$, out$
If bIsZero%(out$) Then
out$ = Error$
bInv out$
End If
End Sub
'out = sech(s)
Sub bSech (s$, out$)
'sech(x) = 2 / (Exp(x) + Exp(-x))
out$ = zero$
End Sub
'Set digits% to dig% (or return value if 0).
Sub bSetDigits (dig%)
If dig% = False Then dig% = digits% Else digits% = dig%
End Sub
'shift decimal n% digits (minus=left), i.e multiply/divide by 10.
Sub bShift (s$, n%)
Dim slog%, sign%
bLogGet s$, slog%, sign%, False
bLogPut s$, slog% + n%, sign%
End Sub
'return sign of number (-1 or +1)
Function bSign% (s$)
If bIsNeg%(s$) Then bSign% = negative Else bSign% = positive
End Function
'out = sin(x)
Sub bSin (s$, out$)
Dim t$, tfac$, fac$, z$
Dim nfac&
Dim olddigits%, flag%
z$ = t$
bMul z$, tfac$, t$
bTrimDig t$
z$ = t$
bDiv z$, fac$, t$
bTrimDig t$
If bIsZero%(t$) Then Exit Do
If flag% Then
z$ = out$
bAdd z$, t$, out$
z$ = out$
bSub z$, t$, out$
End If
flag% = Not flag%
fac$ = LTrim$(Str$((nfac& + 1&) * (nfac& + 2&)))
nfac& = nfac& + 2&
digits% = olddigits%
bTrimDig out$
End Sub
'out = sinh(x) hyperbolic sine
Sub bSinh (s$, out$)
'sinh(x) = (Exp(x) - Exp(-x)) / 2
out$ = zero$
End Sub
'out = SQR(s) using the old hand method
'I learned this in high school, but I still don't understand it. It's fast.
Sub bSqr (s$, out$)
Dim dvd$, div$, dig$, newdiv$, t$, z$
Dim slog%, ssign%, slen%, spt%, olddigits%, n%, m%
If bIsNeg%(s$) Then out$ = errormsg$: Exit Sub
'strip to whole number + group digits by 2 left or right of decimal
bLogGet s$, slog%, ssign%, True
slen% = Len(s$)
If slog% Mod 2 Then spt% = 2 Else spt% = 1
'Force at least enough digits to show integer of root
olddigits% = digits%
n% = 1 + slog% \ 2
If digits% < n% Then digits% = n%
'estimate divisor, and adjust if too big. Unit is next digit of root.
bDivInt dvd$, div$, dig$
bAdd div$, dig$, newdiv$
bMul newdiv$, dig$, t$
If Not bIsMore%(t$, dvd$) Then Exit Do
bInc dig$, -1
out$ = out$ + dig$
'form new divisor
z$ = dvd$
bSub z$, t$, dvd$
'clean up
bLogPut s$, slog%, ssign%
If slog% < 0 Then slog% = slog% - 1
bLogPut out$, slog% \ 2, ssign%
digits% = olddigits%
End Sub
'out = INT(SQR(s)), largest integer n such that n^2 <= s
Sub bSqrInt (s$, out$)
Dim t$
Dim olddigits%
If bIsNeg%(s$) Then out$ = errormsg$: Exit Sub
t$ = s$
bInt t$
'a trick: let bSqr() figure the decimal and only find that many digits
olddigits% = digits%
digits% = 0
bSqr t$, out$
digits% = olddigits%
End Sub
'Return a number string. str(4.31) returns 4 "31"s, i.e. 31313131.
'Handy for big test numbers.
Sub bStr (s$, out$)
Dim t$
Dim n%, i%
n% = InStr(s$, ".")
If n% Then t$ = Mid$(s$, n% + 1) Else t$ = Right$(s$, 1)
out$ = ""
For i% = 1 To Val(s$)
out$ = t$ + out$
Next i%
If Len(out$) = 0 Then out$ = zero$
End Sub
'Trim leading spaces, add decimal points, eliminate signs.
'Returns last%=length of string, dpt%=decimal place, sign%=-1 or 1.
'Called only by bAdd() and bSub() which needs a final decimal point.
Sub bStripDp (s$, last%, dpt%, sign%)
If Left$(s$, 1) = neg$ Then s$ = Mid$(s$, 2): sign% = negative Else sign% = positive
bStripZero s$
If InStr(s$, dp$) = 0 Then s$ = s$ + dp$
If s$ = dp$ Then s$ = "0."
dpt% = InStr(s$, dp$)
last% = Len(s$)
End Sub
'Strip trailing 0s to "." (but leave something)
Sub bStripTail (s$)
Dim n%
n% = Len(s$)
Do While Mid$(s$, n%, 1) = zero$
n% = n% - 1
If n% <= 1 Then Exit Do
If n% Then If Mid$(s$, n%, 1) = dp$ Then n% = n% - 1
s$ = Left$(s$, n%)
If Len(s$) = 0 Then s$ = zero$
End Sub
'Strip leading 0s and final "." (but leave something)
Sub bStripZero (s$)
Dim n%
n% = 1
Do While Mid$(s$, n%, 1) = zero$
n% = n% + 1
If n% > 1 Then s$ = Mid$(s$, n%)
If Right$(s$, 1) = dp$ Then s$ = Left$(s$, Len(s$) - 1)
If Len(s$) = 0 Then s$ = zero$
End Sub
'out = s1 - s2
Sub bSub (s1$, s2$, out$)
Dim last1%, dp1%, sign1%
Dim last2%, dp2%, sign2%
Dim last%, d1%, d2%, dpt%, borrow%, swapflag%
Dim i%, n%
'treat different signs as addition
If sign1% = negative And sign2% = positive Then
bNeg s1$
bNeg s2$
bAdd s1$, s2$, out$
bNeg s2$
Exit Sub
ElseIf sign1% = positive And sign2% = negative Then
bAdd s1$, s2$, out$
bNeg s2$
Exit Sub
End If
'always subtract smaller from bigger to avoid complements
If bIsMore%(s2$, s1$) Then
bSwapString s1$, s2$
bSwapInt d2%, d1%
swapflag% = True
End If
'do the subtraction right to left
For i% = last% To 1 Step -1
If i% <> dpt% Then
If d1% > 0 Then n% = Val(Mid$(s1$, d1%, 1)) Else n% = 0
If d2% > 0 Then n% = n% - Val(Mid$(s2$, d2%, 1))
n% = n% - borrow%
If n% >= 0 Then borrow% = 0 Else borrow% = 1: n% = n% + 10
Mid$(out$, i%, 1) = Chr$(asc0 + n%)
Mid$(out$, i%, 1) = dp$
End If
d1% = d1% - 1
d2% = d2% - 1
Next i%
'clean up
If sign1% = negative Then s1$ = neg$ + s1$: s2$ = neg$ + s2$
If swapflag% Then
bSwapString s1$, s2$
sign1% = -sign1%
End If
If sign1% = negative Then out$ = neg$ + out$
bClean s1$
bClean s2$
bClean out$
End Sub
Sub bSwapInt (s1%, s2%)
Dim t%
t% = s1%
s1% = s2%
s2% = t%
End Sub
Sub bSwapString (s1$, s2$)
Dim t$
t$ = s1$
s1$ = s2$
s2$ = t$
End Sub
'out = tan(s)
Sub bTan (s$, out$)
Dim t$, tc$, ts$
t$ = s$
bNormRad t$
bCos t$, tc$
If bIsZero%(tc$) Then
out$ = Error$
bSin t$, ts$
bDiv ts$, tc$, out$
End If
End Sub
Sub bTanh (s$, out$)
'tanh(x) = (Exp(x) - Exp(-x)) / (Exp(x) + Exp(-x))
out$ = zero$
End Sub
'Truncate s$ to digits% places
Sub bTrimDig (s$)
s$ = Left$(s$, digits% + 1)
End Sub
'Try to load table of prime counts, 66th item is the 66000th prime.
'Should be in current dircetory, but check path if not.
'Sub LoadPrimeTable ()
' Dim file$, path$, in$
' Dim i%, n%, m%, flag%, filenum%
'' if table not in current dir, then check path
' If Len(Dir$(file$)) = 0 Then
' path$ = Environ$("PATH")
' flag% = True
' n% = 1
' Do While n% < Len(path$)
' m% = InStr(n%, path$, ";")
' If m% = 0 Then m% = Len(path$) + 1
' file$ = Mid$(path$, n%, m% - n%)
' If Right$(file$, 1) <> "\" Then file$ = file$ + "\"
' file$ = file$ + prmcntfile$
' If Len(Dir$(file$)) Then
' bncpath$ = Mid$(path$, n%, m% - n%) + "\"
' flag% = False
' Exit Do
' End If
' n% = m% + 1
' Loop
' If flag% Then Exit Sub
' End If
'' found it, check for signature and load data
' Open file$ For Input As #filenum%
' Line Input #filenum%, in$
' If UCase$(Left$(in$, 7)) = "'BIGNUM" Then
' Do
' Line Input #filenum%, in$
' Loop While Left$(in$, 1) = "'"
' maxprmcnt% = Val(in$)
' ReDim prmcnt&(1 To maxprmcnt%)
' For i% = 1 To maxprmcnt%
' Input #filenum%, prmcnt&(i%)
' Next i%
' End If
' Close #filenum%
'End Sub
'PUT or GET a number from the stack, or beep
Sub WorkStack (s$, memop%)
Dim i%
Select Case memop%
Case memget
If zstack% Then
s$ = zmem$(zstack%)
zstack% = zstack% - 1
s$ = zero$ 'stack underflow
End If
Case memput
If (zstack% < maxstack) Then
zstack% = zstack% + 1
zmem$(zstack%) = s$
'stack overflow
End If
Case memclr
zstack% = False
For i% = 1 To maxstack: zmem$(i%) = zero$: Next i%
End Select
End Sub