Inspired by @grymmjack's comment about the fonts, I looked at "_LoadFont" in the wiki. The first example works, but I want that the output to return to the standard font at the end. Unfortunately, I get an error message with "_FreeFont"; I looked up what the error number says, but I don't know where the error is.
Can anyone tell me where the error is in the program? Thanks!
Code: (Select All)
'Fontuebung mit _LoadFont aus dem Wiki - 27. Juni 2024
Option _Explicit
Dim As String rootpath, fontfile, style
Dim As Long f
Okies guys, this is one of those keywords that I've kinda been dreading to get to have to cover.
Because the *concept* behind this one and what it does for us is rather complex to describe fully. I have a feeling this is going to be a long arse post, so I'll probably end up wrapping it into spoiler tags so folks can navigate it a little easier, but grab yourself a soda and a snack before delving into this topic.
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To start with, let me sidestep this whole command for a moment, and just step sideways and talk about Unicode itself. (If you've paid attention to the last several keywords, you've probably noticed that they've all be leading with _U, and have been all related to unicode printing. This command works in the same vein for us -- it's unicode related.
Now, all of you should be fairly familiar with ASCII and ANSI characters. These are the CHR$(0) to CHR$(255) characters that have been built into the language forever and ever and ever. Each value from 0 to 255 represents one single character which we can print to the screen. It's a very simple system, easy to understand, and one which nobody ever has any issues with.
CHR$(65) <--- this value represents the ASCII captial character "A".
CHR$(66) <--- this value represents the ASCII captial character "B".
Easy to use and fairly easy to understand. When looking at a string of data, each byte represents one single character which we'd print to the screen.
Yaaay ASCII!! The really is about as BASIC as one can get when needing to print to the screen!!
Unicode... Unicode, unfortunately, doesn't fit this philosophy.
Unicode wasn't created to just work with US Keyboards, in English, with more-or-less just "A"-to-"Z" represenentation.
Unicode was created so that it could work with ALL keyboard layouts, ALL languages, and all character sets that someone might want to be able to display onto their screen.
About the closest to ASCII that one can come, is one specific subset of Unicode -- UTF32. Unicode currently has something insane like about 150,000 characters to be used with it... And a single byte? That only holds values from 0 to 255. Two bytes, such as for an integer? That only holds values up to 65535...
UTF32, has to use a LONG-type to hold the value for all those possible combinations, resulting in 4-bytes per character.
ASCII uses 1-byte per character to allow you to have 0 to 255 possible characters to use and PRINT. UTF32 uses 4-byte per character, and allows you to use the whole range of unicode characters which are currently recognized as being valid for use.
So, at it's basic underlying concept, that's all unicode is -- it's just a larger character set which holds all the possible characters that have been formally recognized for use with text. All those accented characters. All the Chinese, Greek, Hebrew, Japenese characters. Even the Emoji that everyone seems to love to hate... All of those characters are in that one single dataset.
UTF-8 vs UTF-16 vs UTF-32
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And with the above intro out of the way, let's talk about some of the various FORMATS which can be used with that extended unicode character set. The three that I'll go over briefly here are:
UTF-8 format: UTF8 is a lot like ASCII in that each byte has special meaning to it. I'll go into detail about that below.
UTF-16 format: UTF16 has two-byte formatting. I'm going to more or less ignore it, to keep things from going too long here.
UTF-32 format: UTF32 is 4-byte formatting. It's actually the simplest to understand, as I explained above. Each character takes 4-bytes to represent it. Who can't understand that UnicodeChr$(12345) is the smiley face? And that UnicdoeChr$(23456) is the sunglass face 8) ? One value = one character. Even a monkey can figure this one out.
So, with that basically said, the only one I'm going to go into detail with is UTF-8 here.
UTF-8 is basically the bastard child of an insane scientist who had drunk too much coffee and was working too late into the night. They basically said, "Man, it takes a long time to send text under the new unicode format on my 2600baud router! And I don't want to have to compress it before sending it... I'm going to come up with a way to use unicode, and still only send a single-byte at a time!!
So what they came up with was this brilliant concept:
First -- The vast maority of text is simple "A" to "Z", "0" to "9", ANSI-style characters. This insane code standardization guru decided, "Hey, let's leave them alone. IF some just needs to send simple text messages like, 'Honey, I'm going to be late coming coming tonight,' then they can just send those with one byte representing one character."
Then they thought, "Now, how am I going to get my other 149,872 chracters, without screwing up those special 128 characters?"
And, after adding a few more swigs of vodka to their coffee, they came up with:
"I know! I'm going to make the ascii values greater than 127 'special page' references!!"
And so, that's what they did. LOL!
The first byte you see is basically the control-byte of an UTF-8 character.
If the ASCII value of that byte is from 0 to 127, it corresponds to the ANSI/ASCII character from 0 to 127.
If the ASCII value of that byte is from 128 to 223, then you take the value of TWO bytes to make that character.
If the ASCII value of that byte is from 224 to 239, then you take the value of THREE bytes to make that character.
If the ASCII value of that byte is from 120 to 248, then you take the value of FOUR bytes to make that character.
If the ASCII value of that byte is from 249 to 253, then you take the value of FIVE bytes to make that character.
If the ASCII value of that byte is 254 or 255... add more vodka to your coffee and cry. As far as I know, those 2 byte values aren't defined at all...
So with UTF-8, your character can be represented by 1-byte. Or 2-bytes. Or 5-bytes...
A string of text, which is 25-bytes in size, may be 25 characters. Or it may be 5 characters. Or, it may even be less than that!
And you say, "How the FLIP is that possible?? The control byte only allocates for a max of 5-bytes to a character!!"
And... I'll put that in the next spoiler.
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Now, as I mentioned above, UTF-8 has variable-length data associated with it. A character might be 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 bytes in size...
Truth is, I lied to you guys, to keep it kind of simple up to this point.
UTF-8 doesn't have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 bytes PER CHARACTER. Those are 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5-bytes PER CODEPOINT.
Now, each one of those code points is going to be something unique in our unicode dataset of characters. By themselves, as far as I know, each of these code points should make their own character.
UnicodeChr$(1234) might be the ":" colon symbol. (It's not, but I'm lazy and don't want to look up actual values. Pretend it is, for illustration's sake.
UnicodeChr$(2345) might be the "(" left-parenthesis symbol. (It's not, but read above. )
Now, the point I'm trying to make here is:
":" + "(" =
Colon plue left-parenthesis = Sad Smiley Face
These two code points combine to form one GLYPH (character), which we print to the screen.
By itself UnicodeCHR$(1234) is the colon. ":"
By itself UnicodeCHR$(2345) is the left-parenthesis. "("
One following the other gives us the sad smiley face. ""
And THAT gets us to the point where _UCharPos comes into existence for us!!
As I explained above, a string of unicode data may use 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 bytes to generate a codepoint. And then it might take multiple codepoints and merge them together to make a final glyph/character, before printing it to the screen.
So a string of 20-bytes, in UTF-8 format, might be 20 characters. Or 19 characters. Or it might be only 2. Heck, it might even be formatted wrong and not be any!!
So how the BLEEP would someone know how many characters an unicode string has?? How would you underline the word "FOO" in bight red, if you can't even know how many characters are before it, or after it??
Have no fear, _UCharPos is here!!
(to be continued in the next post below this one, as the forum has text limits and I don't want to write and write and write, just to have it cut me off or lose my work)
We can finally have multiplayer paddle games like Warlords and Video Olympics on the PC - without having to resort to using the keyboard or specialty hardware - programmed in BASIC. No 6502 assembly required. Multiplayer Pong for the common man!
In the process of putting together some examples and tutorials for upcoming updates to the GX game engine project I've been working on for a bit, I thought it might be cool to look at some procedural map generation examples. Historically, I've primarily worked with games that use "hand-drawn" maps. GX has a map maker program that can be used for this. There are a whole host of games types though that use procedural generated maps, so that for each play you have a new world to explore.
Anyway, in the process of looking into this further I began experimenting with the wave function collapse algorithm. It's a pretty neat way to generate maps from a sample one that is created manually. That map is then analyzed and used as a template or rule set for then generating new maps that have the same basic features. For a more in depth discussion of how this all works I would recommend this article.
Here is my initial attempt at implementing the algorithm in QB64/QBJS. You can run it from the embedded version below. If you want more room to see the output you can also launch it in a new tab from this link.
To try it out in QB64 just download and unzip the file that is attached to a location on your filesystem. Then compile and run the main.bas file. (This program uses relative paths, so make sure you have the "Create exe in same directory as source" option selected.)
This is definitely still a work in progress. For this to be used for generating very large maps, some additional optimization will need to be applied. I would also like to look at being able to render multiple layers, as well as potentially just generating a specific region of the map at a time which would allow you to potentially create different "biomes".
If it works out and seems useful I may add it as an optional include in future releases of GX.
I have once again found time to code! First job was to re-learn how!
So....UnseenGDK 2 is what I am currently working on and I took the decision to make it a proper "Engine" rather than a "Kit".
My main aim was to make it easy to load "Assets" (sprites, models, textures, sounds, etc...), get input, animate, move and detect collisions all automatically. Assets are defined by ID tags and are all stored in a single _MEM block.
Currently I am working on finishing the 2d library before adding GL features but it's going well.
For folks who may be interested in trying their hands at writing a Sudoku puzzle, but don't have any clue about how to make a puzzle generator, I give you -- ONE MILLION GAMES OF SUDOKU!!
TYPE Sudoku
Puzzle ASSTRING * 81'the puzzle from left to right, top to bottom
Answer ASSTRING * 81'the solution from left to right, top to bottom
temp$ = _READFILE$("sudoku.dta") 'read the compressed data file
t$ = _INFLATE$(temp$) ' inflate it
m = _MEM(Sudoku()) ' get the memblock for the data array _MEMPUT m, m.OFFSET, t$ ' and put the data in it all at once _MEMFREE m ' free the mem handle as we don't need it any longer
Above is the simplest way I could come up with to get that whole dataset and load it into an array for use.
If you don't want to use the memory to store the whole array, or you're wanting to bypass the disk read time to read it all, feel free to extract that file and _INFLATE it. The data is stored in very simple to read and use strings.
81 characters for the puzzle.
81 characters for the answer.
1 character for the End of Line (chr$(10)) character.
You can read those files AS RANDOM and read them one at a time. You can use SEEK and read them in LINE INPUT.
Once you have your games however you want them, all that's left at that point is just to make your interface with the grids, movement, and number input.
The puzzles are all here, along with their answers. What you decide to do with them is up to you.
Print them out, so you can take them on the bus, to the doctors, or wherever you want, to play with them.
Make your own game with them.
I don't care! I just thought I'd share, in case anyone might be interested in a million games of Sudoku!
I 'm new on this forum and I'm very happy there are a lot of programmers using QB64.
In the past I did a lot of programming with Basic PDS and ASM-routines of AJS (LA) (Multi-user access dbf files).
So I med a lot of manufacturing and color mixing software for paints.
Now retreated, I'm busy to make my own beer-brewing software (I want it good but not to complicated...).
I worked a little time with Freebasic, but it became quiet on their forum, so I switched to QB45