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  Permitted entries for Common Shared
Posted by: PhilOfPerth - 11-24-2023, 01:54 AM - Forum: Help Me! - Replies (9)

I've noticed that when using Common Shared in my progs, it picks up if I declare a variable twice, and disallows it.
But it lets me declare arrays more than once - eg Common Shared Names$(), Names$().
Is this just an oversight? Or if it's intended, how can it be used?
Not Earth-shattering, I'm just curious.  Undecided

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  Happy Birthday Petr!
Posted by: TerryRitchie - 11-23-2023, 05:57 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (5)

A birthday on turkey day no less. Happy turkey day and birthday!

I'm sure you don't celebrate Thanksgiving being from the Czech Republic but I'm thankful for the code you have shared over the years. Thank you.

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  Self Portrait of Programmer
Posted by: James D Jarvis - 11-23-2023, 05:42 PM - Forum: Programs - Replies (5)

A little bit of self-indulgent art and code while I wait to put the turkey in the oven:

Code: (Select All)
'self portrait of programmer
'by James D. Jarvis, November 23,2023
Screen _NewImage(540, 540, 32)
Dim As Long simg
_Title "Self Portrait of Programmer"
_ScreenMove _Middle: Randomize Timer
i$ = "<svg version='1.1' x='0px' y='0px'><rect x='0.0' y='0.0' fill='#543125' width='180' height='180'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#43392E' points='177.6,168.6 177.8,151.8 178.2,153.8 178.2,176.4 177.6,176.4'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#EAD899' points='89.4,3 80.4,11.8 78.8,16.4 77.4,30.2 77.8,35.8 77.6,36.2 76.4,36.2 75.8,32.8 75.2,31.6 75.2,23.4 75.0,22.2 75.8,15.2 77.0,9.9 85.8,3 '/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#32251B' points='47.2,10.2 52.4,3.4 53.0,2.6 54.2,3.6 49.8,12.2 50.2,10.2 '/><polygon fill='#403025' points='47.6,36.8 48.6,41.4 48.4,47.6 47.6,49 47.6,45.6 45.8,44 45.2,43 45.8,39.4'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F0E9CB' points='130.4,164 125.4,167.2 123.4,167.2 125.4,163.8 129.2,161.4'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#CCA868' points='111.6,169.6 114.4,171.4 113.2,171.8 110.9,171.4 111,169.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#CEB47D' points='116.8,170.4 115.8,168 118.6,167.0 117.4,169.0 117.2,170.2'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D6B677' points='122.8,172.4 124.2,171.4 128.6,170.8 129.2,171.8 126.4,172.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#915D2C' points='94.2,175 93.8,171.4 94.2,170.9 95.0,170.9 96.6,173.4 96.8,174.6'/><polygon fill='#F2E8A0' points='144.2,174.4 145,176 140.2,176'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#3A2A1E' points='62,161.2 58.6,160.2 53.6,159.4 49.9,157.2 47.4,153.4 49,154.0 60.2,159.4 '/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#FAE7CD' points='94.4,16.4 94.6,15.2 96.6,13.6 103,9.8 104,9.8 106.6,9.9 112.4,11.4 116.8,14.8 121,24.2 120.9,39.8 119.4,42.6 115,41.8 117.4,37.8 117.2,36.8 116,27.2 116,21.2 110,14.2 100.8,15.4 99.2,25.4 103.4,28.6 104.4,32.6 103.8,40.4 102.6,40.6 99.6,36 99.6,35.8 98.9,31.6 95.0,27.4 94.8,26.2 94.6,18.8 '/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F8F1DD' points='95.0,27.4 94.6,27.4 93.8,26.8 92.2,23.2 93.2,22.8 94.2,21.2 93.0,20 93.8,17.0 94.4,16.4 94.6,18.8 94.8,26.2 '/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#FBF5C8' points='93.8,17.0 93.0,20 91,20.8 91,18.0 92.2,17.0'/><polygon fill='#F6E8BB' points='89.4,35.6 88.6,33.4 92.8,35.6 92.6,36.2'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#554436' points='125.4,7.8 126.0,7.4 126.4,5.8 127.8,6.6 127.2,9'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#B88949' points='64.2,13.4 65.2,14.4 64.6,23.4 63.0,27.2 62.8,33 64.0,34.2 64.4,37 64.0,38 62,38 61.6,37.6 62.4,35.8 61,35.2 60.2,35.2 63,19.0 '/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#AE7751' points='68.8,37 68.2,39.2 68.8,42.4 66.6,40 65.2,37.2 66.6,36.6 66.8,36.6'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D4A380' points='72.6,43.2 71.2,36.6 72.6,36.4 73,36.6 75.2,43.2'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#56381F' points='93.2,163 91,160.6 91.4,160.4 93.8,159.9'/><polygon fill='#654324' points='93.8,159.9 91.4,160.4 91.9,158 92.4,157.4 93,158 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#6A411C' points='94.2,166.2 94.6,168.6 94.2,170.9 93.8,171.4 93.4,170.4 93.4,170'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#332519' points='57.8,138.4 65.8,141.2 66.6,142.4 61.4,142.4 60.8,142.2 60.6,142.2 60.4,141.8 '/><path fill='#5B4431' d='M15.8,55.3v-4.6V55.3z'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#C0A062' points='143.0,160.4 139.8,164.4 137.8,164 137.8,162.4 144.2,158.6'/><polygon fill='#C7A66C' points='129.9,170.4 127.4,169 132.6,166.2 132.6,168.2 130.6,168.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#CEB783' points='132.6,166.2 129.9,167.6 129.2,167.2 133,164.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D1B166' points='148.4,165 148.9,165 149.9,165.0 152.2,164 155.0,161.8 156.2,161.2 154.8,164.2 148.8,168.0 146.4,167.6 '/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#ECDE9F' points='154.8,164.2 156.2,161.2 156.8,160.6 158.8,160.2 159.9,162.6 157,163.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#EFE0A3' points='161.4,169.6 159.2,170.8 158.6,170.2 157,167.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F7EDB5' points='164.6,169.4 161.4,169.6 159.2,170.8 158.6,170.2 157,167.6 156.2,168.6 155.4,168.6 152.6,171 152.8,175 153.8,176.2 156.6,176.2 155.4,175.2 155.8,172.2 157.4,171.9 161.8,171.6 167.6,176.2 169,176 169,174.6 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#C1995E' points='160.2,159.0 161.6,158.2 169.2,164.2 171.9,165.2 170,167.2 167.8,166.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#EADDB0' points='130.4,164 129.2,161.4 132.8,158.8 135.6,158.0 136.0,157.6 140.2,155.2 141.2,158'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#988055' points='148.4,156.4 147.2,158.4 145,157.6 146,155.4 148.2,153.4 149.2,153.0'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#CFB173' points='148.2,153.4 146,155.4 144.2,156.2 143.6,153.2 148.0,153.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#EEE7C0' points='132.8,158.8 129.2,161.4 125.4,163.8 121,163.8 121.6,162.8 128,159.4 128.8,158.2 128.9,158.2 132.4,157 133,157 133,157 '/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D4B67B' points='108.6,170.2 111,169.8 110.9,171.4 109.2,172.4 107.8,172.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#C89C51' points='105.2,168.2 102.4,168.4 100.2,170 100.2,163 101.4,163.2 99.6,157.8 98.6,158.2 99.2,151.8 100.2,150.2 101.4,151.4 102.2,153 101.4,155.8 101.6,158.6 102.8,161.2 103.4,161.8 103.6,162.2 104.6,164.0 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#BB8D69' points='96.8,150.6 95.4,149.4 100.2,144.2 100.9,144.2 99.9,147.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#A07546' points='96.8,150.6 99.9,147.4 105.0,146.8 104.4,147.4 100.2,150.2 99.2,151.8 98.4,150.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#A07557' points='100.2,144.2 95.4,149.4 94.2,149.8 94.0,148.2 94.8,146.8 100.6,143.0'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#7F4E23' points='94.2,170.9 94.6,168.6 96.2,168.6 96.6,170.9'/><polygon fill='#CAAE82' points='98.6,159.4 98.6,164.2 98,164.4 97.8,160'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#A5793E' points='105.2,168.2 104.6,164.0 103.6,162.2 105.2,163.6 108.6,165.2 109,165.2 109.4,166 107.4,167.2 110,168.2 109,168.8 107.0,168.8 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#C49D5C' points='107.0,168.8 109,168.8 106.0,170.2 105,170.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D9BF88' points='162.8,151 162,153.0 159.4,156.6 159.4,155.4 157.6,156.6 156.8,155.0 157,154.4 161.4,151.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#795830' points='156.8,159.2 156.6,158 157.6,156.6 159.4,155.4 159.4,156.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#AF8E5C' points='162.8,151 161.4,151.4 159.2,150.8 160.8,148.6 160.9,146.2 162.8,147.0 164.8,147.4 166.4,147.2 166,148.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#95734D' points='166.4,147.2 164.8,147.4 162.8,147.0 162.4,144.6 160.6,142.6 166.4,144.6 167.8,144.6 167.4,146 '/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#9B8060' points='168.8,143.4 170.6,143.2 167.4,146 167.8,144.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#372A1D' points='170.8,141.2 169.8,141.2 162.8,138.4 161.2,137.8 160.8,137.6 160.9,136.6 161.4,135.8 162.6,135.8 168.2,137.0 172.2,139.6 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#6A523D' points='168.2,137.0 162.6,135.8 161.4,135.8 161.4,133 168.4,136.2'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#5B412F' points='60.4,151.6 59.6,147.8 60.4,141.8 60.6,142.2 60.6,150.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#5F4530' points='49,135.0 49.6,144 51.8,152.6 51.6,152.6 50.4,152 49.8,153.4 48.6,149 47.6,138.4'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F9E1C2' points='127.6,24.6 125.2,23.8 124.6,24 120.6,17.4 113.6,9.6 107.0,8.6 104,9.8 106.6,9.9 112.4,11.4 116.8,14.8 120.8,24.2 120.9,39.8 119.4,42.6 123.4,44.8 126.4,41.2 128.2,36.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F9DFC1' points='126.4,59.2 128,59.8 129.9,62.2 129.2,65.6 126.8,72.6 125.4,71.2 125.4,69.4 123,67.8 120.2,68.8 110.9,68.8 109,66.8 111.4,66.8 114.2,64.0 122,59.4 124.0,59.4 125.2,59.6 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F9D7C1' points='126.8,72.8 127.4,81.2 125.6,85 120.8,84.4 118.6,83.6 109.4,77.4 102.6,73.6 102.2,71.8 101.2,63.8 101.8,63.2 102,61.8 103.8,64.0 103.6,64.8 103.8,72.4 104.6,73 122,80.8 124.2,80.8 125.0,79.4 125.4,74.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F9DFCA' points='113.4,77.2 104.6,73 103.8,72.4 103.6,64.8 103.8,64.0 104.2,64.0 105.2,64.4 106.2,65.8 105.6,67.0 106.8,70.9 110.2,70.9 110.9,68.8 120.2,68.8 123,67.8 125.4,69.4 125.4,71.2 126.8,72.6 126.8,72.8 125.4,74.2 125.0,79.4 124.2,80.8 122,80.8 123.4,78.2 122.4,71.2 120.4,70 113.6,76.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F7D2B2' points='128.6,80.8 130.4,68.4 131.2,65.8 134.4,62.4 135.2,61.8 136.0,63.4 135.4,66.6 132.4,78.4 132.6,79.8 131.2,83.0 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F5D0B7' points='128.6,80.8 131.2,83.0 131.6,85.4 130,85.4 128.8,90.4 127,90.8 121.6,88.4 118.6,83.6 120.8,84.4 125.6,85 127.4,81.2'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#AA8E77' points='136.6,48.6 134.6,47.2 134.4,45 135.2,37.6 137.6,35.4 136.4,44.0'/><polygon fill='#CDB5A1' points='135.2,53.2 137.2,56.6 137.8,60 137.8,61.8 137.4,64.4 136.0,63.4 135.2,61.8 134.8,57.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#EFD0B1' points='126.4,59.2 125.2,59.6 124.0,59.4 124.4,58.2 125.4,57.0 127.4,49.6 128.2,53.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#917E6C' points='137.8,35.2 136.6,35.2 132.4,26.4 131.6,23.6 135.2,26.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#865439' points='113.0,51.4 121,55.2 122.4,58.2 120.8,58.4 117.2,57.2 118.9,57 119,56.6 117.0,55.4 110.9,53.0 112.2,51.4'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#AD8770' points='117.8,44.8 120.8,45 122.8,46.4 123.2,47.6 120.8,49.2 116.6,49.2 117.2,48.2 120.8,46.6'/><polygon fill='#6A4E41' points='113.2,44.2 114.2,44.6 115,48.6 114.4,48.6 110.9,45.0 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#8A6353' points='113.2,44.2 110.9,45.0 108.6,45.2 106.2,45.2 106.2,44.8 107.6,42.8 108.2,42.8 '/><polygon fill='#D7AA87' points='121,54.4 124.4,58.2 124.0,59.4 122,59.4 122,59.2 122.4,58.2 121,55.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#9B7865' points='117.8,44.8 120.8,46.6 117.2,48.2 116.8,44.6'/><polygon fill='#8A6958' points='116.8,44.6 117.2,48.2 116.6,49.2 116.4,49.2 116.2,49.2 115,48.6 114.2,44.6 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#B37E5C' points='115,48.6 116.2,49.2 113.0,51.4 112.2,51.4 111.4,51.2 111.9,49.6 114.2,48.6 114.4,48.6'/><polygon fill='#FAE7CD' points='109,42.4 106.0,40.6 113.8,41.6 114.4,41.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#34291F' points='140.6,25.6 138.8,25 137.8,23.6 134.6,21.8 132.2,20 132,19.8 135.0,18.8 138.4,19.4 143.0,24.8 '/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#AA8650' points='149.6,152.4 149.2,153.0 148.2,153.4 148.0,153.4 143.6,153.2 143.4,152.6 145.4,150.4 146,150.2 148.0,149.6 152.2,148.0 152.2,148.2 '/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D4C08F' points='111.8,167.6 112.6,166.2 113.8,165.0 114.8,165.8 115.2,166.2'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D4A780' points='106.2,146 105.0,146.8 99.9,147.4 100.9,144.2 103.2,143.2 '/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#ECC0A4' points='140.8,52.4 142.2,51.6 144.6,53.4 145,54.8 142.6,56.8 139.4,56.8 139.8,53.6 '/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#59493D' points='139.8,33.8 140.8,35.2 141.8,35.8 143.2,40.4 143.8,41.6 143.8,42.6 142.4,43 140.6,39.2 139,37 138.6,35.2'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#95734E' points='156.4,130.2 154,126.6 153,122 153.4,121.2 155.6,125.2 157,129.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#9F7A51' points='156.4,130.2 157,129.6 158.9,131.4 157.6,135.8 157,134.6 156.8,132.6 155.4,130.4'/><polygon fill='#C7AA74' points='159.2,150.8 161.4,151.4 157,154.4 157,152.8 157,152.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#BFA16D' points='157,152.8 157,154.4 156.8,155.0 156.4,155.2 154.6,154.4 155.6,153.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#8F6C46' points='160.6,142.6 162.4,144.6 162.8,147.0 160.9,146.2 159,144.8 157.6,144.6 156.8,145 154.8,145.4 155.2,144.6 157.6,143.0 160.4,142.6 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E7D39E' points='159.2,150.8 157,152.6 156.6,149.4 159.4,148.4 160.8,148.6'/><polygon fill='#BF9E69' points='160.8,148.6 159.4,148.4 158.8,146.2 159,144.8 160.9,146.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#7A5B3C' points='160.6,142.6 160.4,142.6 161.6,141.2 162,142.2 164.6,143.4 165.8,143.6 168.6,143.2 168.8,143.4 167.8,144.6 166.4,144.6 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#8A6948' points='168.6,143.2 165.8,143.6 163.8,141.4 164.6,143.4 162,142.2 161.6,141.2 162.8,138.4 169.8,141.2 169.4,141.4 '/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#A48258' points='160.8,137.6 158.4,137.0 159.2,135.2 159.8,135.0 160.9,136.6'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#AB6D4B' points='102.6,58.4 101.4,56.2 101.8,55.4 103,49.4 105.2,47.2 105.2,51.9 104,53.0 103.8,58.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#B57753' points='103,49.4 101.8,55.4 100.6,54.2 100.6,51.6 102.2,48.8 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F2CCAD' points='122,59.2 122,59.4 114.2,64.0 111.4,66.8 109,66.8 106.2,65.8 105.2,64.4 113.4,63.2 113.8,62.6 113.8,59 114.2,59.2 115,59.0'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#FAE4D2' points='106.2,65.8 109,66.8 110.9,68.8 110.2,70.9 106.8,70.9 105.6,67.0'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<path fill='#F8E2D1' d='M113.0,77.1l7.4-7.1l2.2,1.1l0.9,7l-1.2,2.8l-9.2-3.3L113.0,77.1z M119.8,79.8l1.1-2.1l-0.3-2.8l-2.6-0.4 l-2,0.9L119.8,79.8L119.8,79.8z'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F8CAB2' points='118.6,83.6 121.6,88.4 120.8,88.4 106.6,75.8 109.4,77.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#EBAB90' points='106.6,75.8 111.2,79.8 111.6,80.6 116.8,87.0 116.2,87.0 114.4,85.6 106.8,78.4 107.0,82.2 106.6,82.2 105.2,76.8 106.2,75.4'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#ECCAB1' points='128.8,90.4 130,85.4 131.6,85.4 131.2,83.0 132.6,79.8 134.6,80.6 132.8,84.6 132.8,85.2 132,94.0 131.8,94.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#EBC7AA' points='134.6,80.6 132.6,79.8 132.4,78.4 135.4,66.6 135.0,80.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#EBC5AB' points='120.8,88.4 121.6,88.4 127,90.8 126.8,91.9 126.2,95.2 125.8,97 123.6,97.8 123.0,98.8 120.2,97.2 118.4,93.6 118.6,93.0 120.9,90.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E1C1A8' points='126.2,95.2 126.8,91.9 127,90.8 128.8,90.4 131.8,94.2 132,94.0 132.8,85.2 132.8,84.6 134.6,80.6 135.0,80.2 135.8,82.4 136.4,85.6 133.6,95.6 133.4,95.8 130.2,94.2 126.6,94.8 '/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E5B298' points='139.4,56.8 141.2,56.8 140.9,58.6 138.4,59.8 138.8,57.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#B19782' points='138.8,57.4 138.4,59.8 137.8,60 137.2,56.6 138.2,55.6 '/><polygon fill='#927966' points='138.2,50.8 138.4,50.8 140.8,52.4 139.8,53.6 138.4,52.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F3D7C4' points='137.8,60 140.9,58.6 141.2,59.2 140.8,63.0 138.8,63.8 137.8,61.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F5CFBA' points='137.8,61.8 138.8,63.8 140.8,63.0 141.8,65.0 139.8,65.6 138.8,65.4 137.4,64.6 137.4,64.6 137.4,64.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#372E23' points='110.9,53.0 117.0,55.4 116,57 115.8,57.2 113.0,57.8 111.8,57.2 109.2,57.2 108.2,55.8 109,53.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#764932' points='110.9,53.0 109,53.4 108.2,55.8 106.6,56.8 104.4,57.4 105.8,52.2 111.4,51.2 112.2,51.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#CA9A7F' points='115.8,57.2 116,57 117.2,57.2 120.8,58.4 122.4,58.2 122,59.2 115,59.0 114.2,59.2 115.8,58.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#5B3B29' points='117.2,57.2 116,57 117.0,55.4 119,56.6 118.9,57 '/><polygon fill='#B9876D' points='107.6,42.8 106.2,44.8 102.4,47.8 103.4,44.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#B67E62' points='102.4,47.8 106.2,44.8 106.2,45.2 105.2,47.2 103,49.4 102.2,48.8'/><polygon fill='#664637' points='114.4,48.6 114.2,48.6 108.8,46.2 108.6,45.2 110.9,45.0 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#996042' points='108.6,45.2 108.8,46.2 109.2,49 111.9,49.6 111.4,51.2 105.8,52.2 105.2,51.9 105.2,47.2 106.2,45.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#7C4F39' points='111.9,49.6 109.2,49 108.8,46.2 114.2,48.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#6D5F51' points='135.0,23.6 134.6,21.8 137.8,23.6 137.8,26.0'/><polygon fill='#FAE3CC' points='94.8,51.6 94.8,54.6 94.4,54.6 93.4,52.6 94.6,51.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#864B37' points='90.4,67.8 89.6,69.9 88.8,70.8 87.4,73.8 86.2,71.9 80.4,75 81.6,72 82.2,65.4 81.2,62.6 81.2,62 83.2,59.2 80.4,51.4 78.2,50.4 78,50 82.8,51.6 85.2,54.4 85.4,59.8 84,61.2 84,62 88.4,65.4 88.9,55.8 89.2,56 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#A27E41' points='81.2,62 81.2,62.6 78.8,63.4 68.9,63.8 68.2,63.2 63.8,63.2 59.8,62 58.6,60.6 58.0,58.2 59.2,54.2 64.0,51.4 77.2,50 78,50 78.2,50.4 75.0,50.8 74,51.4 68.8,51.4 62.8,52 62.2,52.4 62.4,53.2 63,53.6 61.9,53.8 60.2,55.2 58.4,59.6 63.2,61.9 65.0,62.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#714432' points='88.9,55.8 88.4,65.4 84,62 84,61.2 85.4,59.8 85.6,59.6 87.4,55.0 87.4,53.4 88.9,55.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#AB6954' points='88.9,55.8 88.9,55.6 85,49.6 84.4,48.8 83.4,47.4 87.0,49 90.4,55.8 90.8,65 90.4,67.8 89.2,56 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#745446' points='83.4,47.4 84.4,48.8 75.2,44.6'/><polygon fill='#864B37' points='85,49.6 88.9,55.6 87.4,53.4 85.2,50.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D59571' points='68.9,63.8 74.6,63.4 76.2,63.4 75.8,63.6 69.2,66.4 65.4,67 63.4,70.2 65.0,72.6 65.0,74.2 61.8,71.4 61.6,66.4 65.0,65.6 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#AB664D' points='65.2,87.0 64.2,83.4 59.4,72.8 59.2,71.6 60.2,70.9 63.2,75 66.8,87.2 65.8,87.0'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#A66D4E' points='60.2,70.9 59.2,71.6 57.8,67.6 62.6,65.4 65.0,65.6 61.6,66.4 59.8,69.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#AD7762' points='87.4,73.8 88.8,70.8 89.6,69.9 89.4,74 95.2,83.8 98.4,83.6 100.6,84.0 101.6,82.6 104,83.8 103.2,84.8 97.2,86.2 97,86.2 92.6,84.6 90.2,83.0 87,75.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F8E3D4' points='103.2,84.8 104,83.8 106.6,82.2 107.0,82.2 108.6,85.6 108.2,88.2 103.8,87.0 103.2,85.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#95614D' points='101.6,82.6 100.6,84.0 98.4,83.6 98.6,83.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#CA8667' points='110.4,60.2 109.6,60.9 103.8,60.4 102.8,59.2 102.6,58.4 103.8,58.2 104,58.2 106.6,61.2 108.6,58.2 109,58.4 111.2,59.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F9DFD1' points='98.0,79.6 94.6,73.8 96.4,73.0 97.4,74.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#704D39' points='62,99.9 61,99.2 61.4,96.4 61.8,95.0 63.0,96.2 64.4,97 67.6,95.0 68.2,94.8 68.8,96.2 68.2,97.2 67,99.4 66.4,99.8 63.8,99.8 62,98 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#99634A' points='67.6,95.0 64.4,97 65.0,89.2 64.6,88.4 65.2,87.0 65.8,87.0 66.8,87.2 67,88.2 66.2,90.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#8D5B42' points='65.0,89.2 64.4,97 63.0,96.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#6E6050' points='79.8,122.6 78.8,122 79.8,119.4 77.8,119.6 75.4,118.0 75.2,116.4 76.4,113.2 78.2,115.4 77.6,116.2 77.2,117.2 77.6,117.8 78.8,115.8 79.4,114.4 81.6,114.2 82.2,116.2 81.9,119.0 81,122.4 81,122.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#463D35' points='76.4,113.2 75.2,116.4 75.4,118.0 75.0,119.0 73.8,114.4 71.8,114.2 71.4,112.8 70.8,113.2 71.8,111.9 72.6,111.6 75.0,112.4 76.4,112.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#594E45' points='75.0,119.0 75.4,118.0 77.8,119.6 76.4,123.0 76,123.0 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#645040' points='96.6,130.2 95.2,130.2 94.4,129.8 87.4,131.6 91.6,131.2 91.8,129.4 92,128.4 94.2,124.4 94.6,124.4 95.2,124.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#716251' points='91.6,131.2 87.4,131.6 84.6,129.6 82.2,125.4 82.4,125.2 87.6,129'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#5A4D3F' points='82.4,125.2 82.2,125.4 79.8,122.6 81,122.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#45372D' points='67,99.4 68.2,97.2 68.8,96.2 72,95.2 75.2,97 74,98.8 71,96.8 71.4,101.6 72.8,102.2 74.8,103.2 79,102.4 77.8,105.2 74.6,109 72.6,110.4 70.6,108.8 72.8,106.4 73.8,104.2 69.8,104.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#624435' points='67,99.4 68.2,101.6 66.8,103.8 66.2,103.8 62,99.9 62,98 63.8,99.8 66.4,99.8 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#4E3F34' points='66.8,103.8 68.2,101.6 69.8,104.2 69.4,109 67.0,107.6 '/><polygon fill='#5C5146' points='69.4,109 69.8,104.2 73.8,104.2 72.8,106.4 70.6,108.8 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#73665B' points='72.6,110.4 74.6,109 77.6,108.4 77.8,108.6 75.8,110.2 76.2,110.4 76.4,112.4 75.0,112.4 72.6,111.6 71.8,111.9 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#938572' points='96.6,130.2 95.2,124.4 96.4,123.2 98.4,126.2 99,126.6 102.2,127.4 99.9,131.8 102.2,132.4 101.8,130.6 105.8,131.2 105.2,132.6 105.0,132.8 100.8,134.0 98,133.8 99.2,129.9 99.2,128.8 98.2,129.2 96.6,130.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#6F604E' points='96.6,130.4 98.2,129.2 99.2,128.8 99.2,129.9 98,133.8 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#C7A588' points='109.6,139.2 109.6,138.6 116.2,132.2 119.2,130.4 118.6,131.6 115.8,136.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#534539' points='115.6,130.4 119.8,126.6 120.6,123.6 120.4,123.0 123.0,122.2 122.8,124.8 121.8,126.6 117.0,130.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#A78B73' points='117.0,130.2 121.8,126.6 121.4,128.8 119.2,130.4 116.2,132.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#524337' points='123.2,121.6 121.8,119.4 121.9,118.2 123.6,114.6 121.9,115 120.2,114.0 120.2,111.4 118.0,109.4 117.2,106.6 120,107.6 120.2,107.8 122.4,113.0 124.8,113.4 125.8,114.4 125.4,119.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#453830' points='120.2,111.4 120.2,114.0 121.9,115 123.6,114.6 121.9,118.2 121.8,119.4 117.2,120.2 115.8,118.2 115.8,117.8 116.8,117.8 118.6,115.8 118.4,112.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#55493D' points='114.2,119.8 113.6,121.6 112.6,126 110.9,128.2 109.6,128.6 109.8,127.2 109.8,126.8 111.4,118.2 111.9,117.8 113.8,118.0 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#6F5C4D' points='123.2,121.6 125.4,119.2 127,119.0 126.4,120.6 125,122.8 122.8,124.8 123.0,122.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#756A5C' points='109.8,127.2 109.6,128.6 108.6,130.2 106.2,129.8 106.0,129.2 106.6,127.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#584637' points='106.2,129.8 108.6,130.2 105.2,132.6'/><polygon fill='#5A4C3F' points='115.8,118.2 117.2,120.2 115,120.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#6B5D4F' points='115.8,118.2 115,120.6 114.2,119.8 113.8,118.0 115.8,117.8'/><polygon fill='#AB8D60' points='149.6,152.4 152.2,148.2 153.2,149.4 150.8,153.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#836740' points='152.6,150.6 153.2,149.4 153.6,149.2 154.6,151 154.2,152.4 153.2,154 151,153.2 151.8,153.2 153,152.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#574228' points='152.6,150.6 153,152.2 151.8,153.2 151,153.2 150.8,153.2'/><polygon fill='#D1B887' points='153.2,154 154.2,152.4 154.6,151 155.6,153.4 154.6,154.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E6C673' points='133.6,156.2 134,154.4 135.0,152.4 135,150.8 135.2,149.2 136.0,147.8 137.6,152.2 138.6,152.2 139,153.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#BB9250' points='145.4,150.4 142.2,149.6 146,146.6 148.6,143.4 149.4,143.6 150.4,144.6 150.8,146.6 149.2,147.6 146,150.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#CFB074' points='146,150.2 149.2,147.6 150.8,146.6 152,146.2 152.8,147 152.2,148.0 148.0,149.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#9A7345' points='152.2,148.0 152.8,147 154.8,145.4 156.8,145 154.6,148.4 153.6,149.2 153.2,149.4 152.2,148.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F1D379' points='143.4,148.6 142.2,149.6 139.8,151 138.6,152.2 137.6,152.2 136.0,147.8 134.4,140.2 135,136.0 136.2,138 135.8,140.2 137.2,143 138.2,142.4 139.4,143.8 142.6,146 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#EFDE9A' points='129.4,152.6 129.2,152.8 126.2,154.2 124.6,151.4 124.4,150.4 124.4,148.0 125.2,146.8 125.0,145 125.4,142.6 128.2,141.2 129.9,141.9 130.9,143.2 131.4,145.4 130.8,147.4 131.4,148.0 131.4,149.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D8B161' points='134.4,140.2 136.0,147.8 135.2,149.2 135,150.8 135.0,148 133.8,147.2 135.0,152.4 134,154.4 133.2,152.2 133,138.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E5C879' points='133,142.2 133.2,152.2 131.4,149.2 131.4,148.0 132.4,147.0 131.4,145.4 130.9,143.2 129.9,141.9 130.2,140.6 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#DCC675' points='120.2,161.8 119.2,162.8 118.6,162.8 118.6,159 118.8,157.8 118.4,155.6 118.4,149.2 118.6,147.4 119.2,148.2 119.6,149.2 120.2,152.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#FAF4A7' points='125.8,158 124.0,159.9 121.6,154.8 121.8,154.2 125.4,156'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E5D78D' points='125.4,156 121.8,154.2 121.6,152.6 122,151.8 124.4,152.2 124.4,150.4 124.4,150.4 124.6,151.4 126.2,154.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F5E68F' points='122,151.8 121.6,152.6 120.2,152.2 119.6,149.2 121.8,147.8 122.6,148.0 123.0,149.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E4D395' points='118.6,162.8 119.2,162.8 117.0,165.0 114.8,165.8 113.8,165.0 113.8,164.8 115.2,164.2 117.8,162.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F0DC84' points='117.8,162.4 115.2,164.2 113.8,164.8 113.0,164.2 115.2,162.4 116.2,160.9 114.8,160.4 113.8,158.4 115.2,153.4 113.4,153.2 114.4,149.2 116.6,152.2 116.4,147.0 116.6,145 117.4,146.2 118.6,147.2 118.6,147.4 118.4,149.2 118.0,150.2 118.0,159 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#C6A560' points='111.9,154.0 113.0,153.8 110.8,157.6 109.4,158.2 107.2,160.4 107.0,161.2 106.8,158.6 107.6,157.6 108,158.0 108.4,156.6 110.6,154.0 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#CCA053' points='104,152.8 105.6,152.2 106.2,152 107.4,154.0 103.6,155.8 103.2,155.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E2C168' points='111.9,154.0 110.6,154.0 109.6,153.6 109.6,151.2 112.2,150.4 111.6,153.2'/><polygon fill='#DEB75F' points='109.6,151.2 109.6,153.6 107.4,154.0 106.2,152'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E1BB94' points='106.2,141.6 107.6,140.8 108.4,142.4 115.6,139.4 120.6,136.4 124.0,133 128.6,129.9 125.4,134 118.9,139.4 116.2,142.6 116.4,142.6 114.8,143.2 113.2,144.8 109.4,145.6 107.6,145.6 107.8,143.6 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#CEA458' points='108.4,145.6 109.4,145.6 109.8,148.4 111.9,149.2 112.2,150.4 107.2,151.8 106.2,150.4 107.8,149.0 108.9,147 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#DBB08A' points='106.2,141.6 107.8,143.6 107.6,145.6 106.2,146 103.2,143.2'/><polygon fill='#9F753E' points='107.8,149.0 106.2,150.4 102.2,150.4 102.2,149.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E6C19E' points='120.6,136.4 115.6,139.4 108.4,142.4 107.6,140.8 109.6,139.2 115.8,136.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#B38D4E' points='109.8,148.4 109.4,145.6 113.2,144.8 113.2,145.6 113.0,146.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#EFDA7F' points='114.8,143.2 116.4,142.6 118.0,143.4 118.6,147.2 117.4,146.2 116.6,145 116.2,144.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#A0824F' points='114.8,143.2 116.2,144.6 113.2,145.6 113.2,144.8'/><polygon fill='#D3AF64' points='109.8,148.4 113.0,146.6 111.9,149.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F0C1AD' points='143.2,71.4 142.6,72.6 142.6,70.2 141.9,70.2 138.8,74.6 139.6,70.8 138.8,65.4 139.8,65.6 141.8,65.0 143.2,70 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E98B6E' points='141.2,59.2 140.9,58.6 141.2,56.8 142.6,56.8 144.4,58.4 144.0,61.2 143.6,61.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#241D18' points='149.2,109 150.8,115.6 148.9,119.6 147.2,122 144.6,124.8 139,129.0 138.8,127.8 138.4,123.4 136.6,119 136.4,119.0 135.8,118.0 134,112.4 134.6,110.2 136.6,108.6 138.0,108.2 144.8,107.2 148.8,108.8 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#2F231D' points='148.8,108.8 144.8,107.2 138.0,108.2 136.6,108.6 138.8,102.4 141.8,98.6 144.4,100.2 144.6,101.2 146.8,106.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#A6A098' points='141.8,98.6 139.6,101.4 139.2,100.2 141.2,96.2 141.6,96.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#AC8048' points='150.6,120.6 150.6,121.6 149.2,122.8 148.4,125.8 150.4,131.4 150.4,132.2 147.8,135 146.2,133.4 145.8,128.4 147.0,126.6 146.4,125.4 148.0,122.8 149.4,120.8 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#A47944' points='150.4,131.4 148.4,125.8 149.2,122.8 150.6,121.6 152.8,127.8 150.6,127.0'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#9B7445' points='155.4,130.4 156.8,132.6 157,134.6 153.8,138.4 154.2,132.6 153.2,129.9'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#B68C55' points='153.2,129.9 154.2,132.6 153.8,138.4 153.4,139 152.6,137.6 152.6,134.4 151.8,133 153.0,129.9 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#C1995E' points='153.0,129.9 151.8,133 150.4,132.2 150.4,131.4 150.6,127.0 152.8,127.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#A4845D' points='150.6,120.6 149.4,120.8 148.9,119.6 150.8,115.6 152,115.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#A37D4F' points='157.6,141.9 157.6,143.0 155.2,144.6 154.2,144.2 154.6,143.4 156.6,139.4 157.6,138.4 158.0,138.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#AB8551' points='153.4,139 153.8,138.4 157,134.6 157.6,135.8 155.4,138.6 154.2,139.8 153.0,139.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#A07740' points='152,146.2 150.8,146.6 150.4,144.6 152.2,143.4 153.4,144.4'/><polygon fill='#BD9454' points='153.0,139.6 154.2,139.8 152.6,142.4 150.8,142.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#B6915C' points='152,146.2 153.4,144.4 154.2,144.2 155.2,144.6 154.8,145.4 152.8,147'/><polygon fill='#CBA562' points='150.8,142.2 152.6,142.4 152.2,143.4 150.4,144.6 149.4,143.6 149.8,142.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#EADDB7' points='153.6,149.2 154.6,148.4 156.6,149.4 157,152.6 157,152.8 155.6,153.4 154.6,151'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#CDAF79' points='156.6,149.4 154.6,148.4 156.8,145 157.6,144.6 159,144.8 158.8,146.2 159.4,148.4'/><polygon fill='#917351' points='164.6,143.4 163.8,141.4 165.8,143.6'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#FAE7DB' points='119.8,79.8 115.8,75.4 118.0,74.4 120.6,75.0 120.8,77.8 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#EABDA2' points='120.8,88.4 120.9,90.2 118.6,93.0 118.2,89.8 116.8,87.0 111.6,80.6 111.2,79.8 115.2,83'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#C7765A' points='108.6,85.6 107.0,82.2 106.8,81 108.0,80.8 113.0,86 111.2,87.8 110,87.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#C98C71' points='113.0,86 108.0,80.8 106.8,81 106.8,78.4 114.4,85.6 115,87.6 114.4,90.4 112.6,89.0'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D9AA8E' points='116.8,87.0 118.2,89.8 117.4,91.6 115.4,92.6 114.4,90.8 114.4,90.8 114.8,90.8 116.6,88.8 116.2,87.0'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D6A084' points='116.2,87.0 116.6,88.8 114.8,90.8 114.4,90.8 114.4,90.4 115,87.6 114.4,85.6 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D3BAA5' points='140.2,87.0 139.8,87.8 139.8,88.4 136.0,99 135.0,99.2 133.4,95.8 133.6,95.6 136.4,85.6 138.4,82.4 138.2,85.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#EFCAB7' points='138.8,74.6 141.9,70.2 142.6,70.2 142.6,72.6 141.6,83.2 139.8,80'/><polygon fill='#EDD0BD' points='139.8,80 141.6,83.2 140.2,87.0 138.2,85.2 138.4,82.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#B68F77' points='137.4,64.6 138,70 138,71.9 137.6,72.6 136.8,72.2 136,68.6 137.4,64.6 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D5B79E' points='133.4,95.8 135.0,99.2 134,100.6 131.8,100.2 129.4,98.0 125.8,97 126.2,95.2 126.6,94.8 130.2,94.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D3AE92' points='115.4,92.6 117.4,91.6 118.2,89.8 118.6,93.0 118.4,93.6 120.2,97.2 123.0,98.8 123.0,99.0 118.2,100.6 115.8,94.2 114.8,93.6 114.6,92.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D3B298' points='123.0,99.0 123.0,98.8 123.6,97.8 125.8,97 129.4,98.0 131.8,100.2 129.9,101.6 127.4,102.4 125.0,101.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#30615C' points='113.0,57.8 113.0,58.6 111.2,59.2 109,58.4 109.2,57.2 111.8,57.2'/><polygon fill='#B0876B' points='109.2,57.2 109,58.4 108.6,58.2 106.6,57.8 106.6,56.8 108.2,55.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#EBD073' points='74,51.4 75.0,50.8 78.2,50.4 80.4,51.4 83.2,59.2 78.4,56.8 76.4,53.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#754133' points='87.4,73.8 87,75.4 83.8,75.4 82.2,77.0 83.0,79.8 81.8,80 80.9,78.4 78.6,82.4 78.0,83.2 75.4,87.0 75.6,85.6 77.6,80.2 80,75.2 80.4,75 86.2,71.9 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#B57457' points='80.4,75 80,75.2 80.2,72.6 79.8,67 78.8,63.4 81.2,62.6 82.2,65.4 81.6,72'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D8BF6B' points='78.4,56.8 83.2,59.2 81.2,62 80.2,62 77.8,58.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#DAA884' points='78.8,63.4 79.8,67 78.6,68.8 77.0,68.8 70.2,67.8 65.4,69.2 65.4,67 69.2,66.4 75.8,63.6 76.2,63.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#BAA15C' points='65.0,62.4 63.2,61.9 58.4,59.6 60.2,55.2 61.9,53.8 63,53.6 65.4,54.4 64.6,59.9'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D0A96C' points='74,51.4 76.4,53.4 76.4,54.0 75,60.6 72.8,62.2 72.6,62.2 70.9,61.6 71.2,60.6 73.4,60.2 76.0,55.8 72.4,52.8 70.2,53.0 68.8,51.8 68.8,51.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#C5B063' points='70.9,61.6 72.6,62.2 65.0,62.4 64.6,59.9 65.4,54.4 66.6,54.8 66.4,55.8 70.4,61.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#C3AD62' points='72.8,62.2 75,60.6 77,59.2 77.8,58.2 80.2,62 77.8,62.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D8BF6A' points='66.6,54.8 65.4,54.4 63,53.6 62.4,53.2 62.2,52.4 62.8,52 68.8,51.4 68.8,51.8 67.6,54.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E5997C' points='78.6,68.8 79.8,67 80.2,72.6 80,75.2 77.6,80.2 73.8,85.4 68.8,85 67.4,84.2 67,83.4 65.0,74.2 65.0,72.8 66.4,73.8 69.9,82.6 71.9,84.2 73.4,83.0 78.0,76.6 78.8,73.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F1A98D' points='73.4,83.0 71.9,84.2 69.9,82.6 66.4,73.8 65.0,72.8 65.0,72.6 65.8,72.4 65.4,71.2 67.4,71.6 69.2,77.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#CC7D63' points='65.0,74.2 67,83.4 64.4,79.4 63.2,75 61.8,71.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#C17C5C' points='61.8,71.4 63.2,75 60.2,70.9 59.8,69.8 61.6,66.4'/><polygon fill='#E4A47D' points='65.4,71.2 65.8,72.4 65.0,72.6 63.4,70.2 65.4,67'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#BB755C' points='64.4,79.4 67,83.4 67.4,84.2 68.0,87.4 70.4,88.4 73.8,85.4 77.6,80.2 75.6,85.6 73,89.0 72.8,89.2 71.4,89.4 67,88.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#874D3A' points='83.0,79.8 82.2,77.0 83.8,75.4 87,75.4 90.2,83.0'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#6E5846' points='92.6,84.6 97,86.2 97.6,87.0 95.8,89.8 97.8,93 96.6,95.0 95.2,95.2 92.6,92.8 92.2,88.4 93.2,87.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#704635' points='92.6,84.6 93.2,87.2 85,83.2 86.2,81.2 90.2,83.0'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D3B39A' points='97.6,87.0 97,86.2 97.2,86.2 103.2,84.8 103.2,85.6 101.8,87.4 98.6,88.4 '/><polygon fill='#EBDDCC' points='103.8,87.0 108.2,88.2 108.6,89.4 106.2,91.4 103,89.0 102.2,87.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F1D8C3' points='108.6,89.4 108.2,88.2 108.6,85.6 110,87.2 110,88.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E2C8B3' points='103.8,87.0 102.2,87.8 101.8,87.4 103.2,85.6'/><polygon fill='#C0795E' points='106.6,57.8 108.6,58.2 106.6,61.2 104,58.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#AA6E54' points='67,88.2 71.4,89.4 72.8,89.2 72.2,90.2 68.6,93.8 68.2,94.6 68.2,94.8 67.6,95.0 66.2,90.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#78523D' points='68.2,94.8 68.2,94.6 75.6,85.6 75.4,87.0 74,91.8 72,95.2 68.8,96.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#A99A84' points='82.4,125.2 81,122.4 81,122.4 81.9,119.0 82.4,119.8 82.2,122.6 84.8,121.8 86.2,122.4 87.2,125.2 88.4,127.0 89.4,126 90.4,125.4 90.8,128 87.6,129 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#8F7866' points='76.4,112.4 76.2,110.4 75.8,110.2 77.8,108.6 80,108.4 82.6,111.6 83.0,111.8 81.6,114.2 79.4,114.4 78.8,115.8 77.6,117.8 77.2,117.2 77.6,116.2 78.2,115.4 76.4,113.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#BAA892' points='82.4,119.8 81.9,119.0 82.2,116.2 88.2,112.4 88.8,112.4 89.2,112.6 87.2,117.8 85,118.0 84.6,117 83.6,117.6 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#9B8470' points='88.2,112.4 82.2,116.2 81.6,114.2 83.0,111.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#836855' points='90.8,128 90.4,125.4 90.4,124.6 92.2,121.2 93.0,120.6 93.4,121.2 94.2,124.4 92,128.4 91.8,129.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#A38169' points='94.2,124.4 93.4,121.2 93.0,120.6 92.2,121.2 90.4,124.6 90,124.2 91.4,119.6 93.8,119.2 94.8,122.6 94.6,124.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#AA8E75' points='94.6,124.4 94.8,122.6 93.8,119.2 94.0,119.2 97.8,122 96.4,123.2 95.2,124.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#9F927D' points='90.8,128 91.8,129.4 91.6,131.2 87.6,129'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#524031' points='72,95.2 74,91.8 76.6,91.4 77.0,91.8 77.2,93.8 79.4,92.8 82.4,91.8 81.2,91.8 83.8,90.4 83.6,92.8 81.9,97 81.4,97 80.9,96.8 77.2,96.6 75.2,97 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#30241C' points='75.2,97 77.2,96.6 80.9,96.8 81.4,97 81.2,98 77.0,102.8 74.8,103.2 72.8,102.2 74,98.8 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#633D2D' points='78.4,104 79,102.4 85.0,99.2 86.6,97 90.8,96.6 91.4,98 88.6,99.2 88,100.2 86.6,102.4 86.4,102.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#442D21' points='86.6,97 85.0,99.2 79,102.4 77.0,102.8 81.2,98 81.4,97'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#6B4631' points='78.4,104 86.4,102.4 86,102.8 78.8,106.2 77.8,105.2 '/><polygon fill='#392C24' points='74,98.8 72.8,102.2 71.4,101.6 71,96.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#624B3D' points='77.8,105.2 78.8,106.2 77.6,108.4 74.6,109'/><polygon fill='#7D563E' points='77.6,108.4 78.8,106.2 86,102.8 86.4,102.4 86.6,102.4 87.4,102.4 88.0,104.2 88.0,106.6 84.6,106.6 84.0,107 84.2,107.8 86.6,109.6 88.0,107.2 90.2,106.6 91.4,107.8 91.6,109 88.9,110.8 84.0,109.8 81.4,108.4 80,108.4 77.8,108.6 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#BDB2A1' points='102.2,127.4 99,126.6 98.4,126.2 98.6,123.2 100.6,123.4 103.6,125.6 104.8,123.0 105.2,123.2 105.4,125.2 103.8,127.8 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#AFA694' points='102.2,127.4 103.8,127.8 106.0,129.2 106.2,129.8 105.8,131.2 101.8,130.6 102.2,132.4 99.9,131.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#BCA48F' points='98.6,123.2 98.4,126.2 96.4,123.2 97.8,122 98.2,122 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E4C4A5' points='120.6,136.4 115.8,136.2 118.6,131.6 119.2,130.4 121.4,128.8 122.6,128.8 124.0,133'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#C0A288' points='122.6,128.8 121.4,128.8 121.8,126.6 122.8,124.8 125,122.8 126.4,120.6 128,120.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#907762' points='120.2,107.8 119.8,105.0 124.0,106.8 134,104.2 135.4,104.2 134,109.4 132.8,107.8 129.8,112.2 129.6,109.9 127.0,108.4 124.0,108.6 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#6F5B4A' points='120.2,107.8 124.0,108.6 127.0,108.4 129.6,109.9 129.8,112.2 128,116.8 128,116.2 125.8,114.4 124.8,113.4 122.4,113.0 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#6B5647' points='119.8,105.0 120,107.6 117.2,106.6 115.4,103.8 114.8,103.8 115.2,102.8 114.6,100.4 112.4,98.8 111.2,97 110.6,97.6 110.6,96.2 112.4,94.6 113.6,96.0 117.6,101.4 119.4,104.2 119.4,104.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#3E342C' points='115.4,103.8 117.2,106.6 118.0,109.4 120.2,111.4 118.4,112.4 113.6,110.2 112.6,109.4 111.8,107.2 113.4,107.8 114.6,107.0 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#5A4A3D' points='125.8,114.4 128,116.2 128,116.8 127,119.0 125.4,119.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#5A4C3F' points='111.8,107.2 112.6,109.4 113.6,110.2 118.4,112.4 118.6,115.8 116.8,117.8 115.8,117.8 113.8,118.0 111.9,117.8 113.6,115.6 115.4,114.2 111.6,112.2 110,109.6 110.9,105.8 111.2,105.8 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#746857' points='111.4,118.2 109.8,126.8 108.2,124.4 108.2,123.4 110.2,121.8 110,118.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#807261' points='111.4,118.2 110,118.6 109,118.6 107.8,116.0 107.4,115.6 107.8,114.4 107.8,114.2 109,114.6 110.8,114.8 113.6,115.6 111.9,117.8 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#8D8371' points='108.2,124.4 109.8,126.8 109.8,127.2 107.8,127.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#A48C76' points='127,119.0 129.8,112.2 132.8,107.8 134,109.4 134.6,110.2 134,112.4 131.8,113.2 128,120.4 126.4,120.6 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#AAA08E' points='108.2,124.4 107.8,127.6 106.6,127.8 106.6,120.8 106.8,118.6 108.2,119.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#C1B9AA' points='106.6,125.8 106.6,127.8 106.0,129.2 103.8,127.8 105.4,125.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#C19848' points='135.0,152.4 133.8,147.2 135.0,148'/><polygon fill='#C79B54' points='146.2,133.4 147.8,135 148.8,137.0 148.6,143.4 146,146.6 146,134.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E2B962' points='146,141.2 146,146.6 143.4,148.6 142.6,146 142,143.0 144.6,140.8 145.6,140'/><polygon fill='#DAB266' points='148.6,143.4 148.9,137.4 149.8,142.6 149.4,143.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D6AC5F' points='138.2,142.4 137.2,143 135.8,140.2 136.2,138 135,136.0 135.4,135 136.2,134.8 141.4,131.6 141.6,134.8 141.4,136.0 138.6,136.4 139.4,140.6 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#CFA45B' points='138.2,142.4 139.4,140.6 140.2,139.8 141.8,139.4 144.6,140.8 142,143.0 142.6,146 139.4,143.8 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#C49F55' points='135.4,135 135,136.0 134.4,140.2 133,138.2 133.4,136.0 135.0,134.6'/><polygon fill='#F0E08E' points='125.4,142.6 125.0,145 125.0,145 125.0,143.6 122,145 120,144.6 119.8,143.0 124.0,141.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#DAC57C' points='125.4,142.6 124.0,141.4 124.4,139.8 127.2,139 128.2,141.2'/><polygon fill='#EBD88B' points='128.2,141.2 127.2,139 130.4,137.8 129.9,141.9'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F3E189' points='125.0,145 125.2,146.8 124.4,148.0 123.0,147.4 125.0,145'/><polygon fill='#E4D085' points='123.0,147.4 124.4,148.0 124.4,150.4 124.4,150.4 123.0,149.4 122.6,148.0'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E8D189' points='131.4,145.4 132.4,147.0 131.4,148.0 130.8,147.4'/><polygon fill='#EFD87D' points='130.2,140.6 130.4,137.8 133.4,136.0 133,138.2 133,142.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E6D17B' points='119.8,143.0 120,144.6 122,145 121.8,147.8 119.6,149.2 119.2,148.2 118.6,147.4 118.6,147.2 118.0,143.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#EFDA7F' points='118.0,159 118.0,150.2 118.4,149.2 118.4,155.6 118.8,157.8 118.6,159'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#A28540' points='118.0,159 118.6,159 118.6,162.8 117.8,162.4'/><polygon fill='#D1BF76' points='123.0,149.4 124.4,150.4 124.4,152.2 122,151.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D3BF75' points='121.8,147.8 122,145 125.0,143.6 125.0,145 123.0,147.4 122.6,148.0'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F2D3B3' points='128,120.4 131.8,113.2 134,112.4 135.8,118.0 131.6,127.8 124.0,133 122.6,128.8'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#584D43' points='137.8,98 139.2,96.2 138.6,94.2 140.2,93.6 141.2,96.2 140,98.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#855C44' points='125.2,137.4 125.8,136.2 129.9,131.2 135.8,118.0 136.4,119.0 136.4,121.2 133.6,128.4 129.6,134.6 129.8,135.2 '/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#865F46' points='88.6,99.2 89.4,100.9 88.0,104.2 87.4,102.4 86.6,102.4 88,100.2 '/><polygon fill='#6E362A' points='94.0,97 91.4,98 90.8,96.6 90.8,96.2 93.2,96.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#BB9F84' points='93.4,109 91.6,109 91.4,107.8 90.2,106.6 89.6,104 93.2,101.4 95.2,101.4 94.4,106.4 93.8,109 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#8F6D55' points='89.6,104 90.2,106.6 88.0,107.2 88.0,104.2 89.4,100.9 90.8,100.9 91.2,100.9 89.8,102.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#724F3A' points='88.0,106.6 88.0,107.2 86.6,109.6 84.2,107.8 84.0,107 84.6,106.6'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D9C2AC' points='98.2,122 97.8,119.0 98.9,116 100.9,119.0 100.6,123.4 98.6,123.2'/><polygon fill='#D3C8B7' points='100.6,123.4 100.9,119.0 101.4,119.0 101.6,122.2 103.8,123.2 104.8,123.0 103.6,125.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D5CDC0' points='105.2,123.2 106.6,120.8 106.6,125.8 105.4,125.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#362A23' points='111.8,107.2 109.8,101.4 109,100.6 108.8,100.2 108.2,98.2 110.6,97.6 111.2,97 112.4,98.8 112.6,100 114.8,103.8 115.4,103.8 114.6,107.0 113.4,107.8 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#4F362A' points='110.6,97.6 108.2,98.2 108.8,100.2 105.4,98.6 104,98 104,96.8 109.6,96 110.6,96.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#3E342C' points='114.8,103.8 112.6,100 112.4,98.8 114.6,100.4 115.2,102.8 '/><polygon fill='#A2816A' points='119.4,102 119.4,104.2 117.6,101.4 118.2,100.9'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#766351' points='113.6,115.6 110.8,114.8 109,114.6 107.8,114.2 108.2,109 110,109.6 111.6,112.2 115.4,114.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#553C2E' points='109,100.6 109.8,101.4 111.2,105.8 110.9,105.8 109.6,104.4 108.2,103.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#745744' points='109.6,104.4 110.9,105.8 110,109.6 108.2,109'/><polygon fill='#897C69' points='108.2,120.6 108.2,119.2 109,118.6 110,118.6 110.2,121.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#978C7A' points='108.2,120.6 110.2,121.8 108.2,123.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#997258' points='109.6,104.4 108.2,109 107.8,114.4 106.6,113.4 105.6,110.9 105.8,110.6 108.2,103.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#BFA48A' points='105.6,110.9 106.6,113.4 107.8,114.4 107.4,115.6 106.6,118.6 105.2,116.8 103.6,115 103.6,114.8 104.2,112.6 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#9B8C78' points='106.6,118.6 107.4,115.6 107.8,116.0 109,118.6 108.2,119.2 106.8,118.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#CA9A54' points='145,136.6 145.6,140 144.6,140.8 141.8,139.4 142.2,137.8 141.4,136.0 141.6,134.8 141.4,131.6 142.4,130.8 143.2,131.8 143.4,132.4 144.2,136.2 144.6,137.8 145,137.8 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#B2864A' points='143.4,132.4 143.2,131.8 142.4,130.8 141.4,131.6 136.2,134.8 135.4,135 135.0,134.6 136.0,132.8 143.4,128.2 144.4,128.8 144.4,131.6 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#DDB564' points='141.4,136.0 142.2,137.8 141.8,139.4 140.2,139.8 139.8,137.4 138.6,136.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E5C06A' points='138.6,136.4 139.8,137.4 140.2,139.8 139.4,140.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F1E9C5' points='136.0,132.8 135.0,134.6 133.4,136.0 130.4,137.8 127.2,139 124.4,139.8 123.0,139.2 125.2,137.4 133.6,133 135.6,132.8 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#685C50' points='136.4,101.4 136.2,99.2 137.8,98 138.4,100.4'/><polygon fill='#C0924B' points='143.4,132.4 144.4,131.6 145,135.4 145,136.6 145,137.8 144.6,137.8 144.2,136.2'/>"
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i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#836D5A' points='103.8,96.2 107.4,95.2 109.6,96 104,96.8'/><polygon fill='#ED5B23' points='71.4,53.8 74.6,54.8 74.6,58.2 73.2,58 71.2,54.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E52325' points='71.4,53.8 71.2,54.6 73.2,58 74.6,58.2 72,59.6 69.6,58.0 69.2,56.2'/><polygon fill='#8E7962' points='88.0,95.2 87.2,92.4 88.0,90.8 89.4,91 90.4,95.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E6A592' points='95.2,101.4 93.2,101.4 92.8,101.2 95.0,98.6 98.9,97.8 101.4,98 103.8,99.9 102.4,100.4 101,99.8 99.2,99.8 98,101.4'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#AC7B5F' points='103.8,99.9 101.4,98 104,98 105.4,98.6 107.6,102.6 106.0,101.8 105.2,101.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E6C6AC' points='98.9,116 97.8,119.0 95.8,116.8 96.6,116.6 95.6,113 95.0,109 96.8,108.6 96.6,109.4 98.2,113.2 99,113.4 99.8,114.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#CBA990' points='94.2,114.8 94.2,116.6 90.6,115.2 89.6,114.6 89.9,114.2 '/><polygon fill='#CAAC92' points='96.8,108.6 95.0,109 93.8,109 94.4,106.4 96.2,106.2 97.8,107.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#CC7D6D' points='95.0,98.6 92.8,101.2 91.2,100.9 90.8,100.9 92.8,98.6 '/><polygon fill='#D8BBA1' points='97.8,107.2 96.2,106.2 94.4,106.4 95.2,101.4 98,101.4 98.9,101.8 100.2,104.8 100.4,107.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#AC866B' points='91.2,100.9 92.8,101.2 93.2,101.4 89.6,104 89.8,102.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E4CCB7' points='98.9,116 99.8,114.4 100.2,114.4 103.6,114.8 103.6,115 103.4,119.2 101.4,119.0 100.9,119.0'/><polygon fill='#DDD4C5' points='101.4,119.0 103.4,119.2 103.8,123.2 101.6,122.2'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#754C39' points='107.6,102.6 105.4,98.6 108.8,100.2 109,100.6 108.2,103.6 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E0B798' points='103.8,99.9 105.2,101.8 104.8,108.6 105.8,110.6 105.6,110.9 104.2,112.6 104,111.2 103.2,103.8 102.4,100.4 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#BE8F6C' points='105.8,110.6 104.8,108.6 106.4,104.6 106.0,101.8 107.6,102.6 108.2,103.6'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#E9C9AD' points='102.4,100.4 103.2,103.8 104,111.2 104.2,112.6 103.6,114.8 100.2,114.4 100.9,113.4 102.4,109.8 100.4,107.2 100.2,104.8 101.6,105.6 98.9,101.8 98,101.4 99.2,99.8 101,99.8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#D6A984' points='106.0,101.8 106.4,104.6 104.8,108.6 105.2,101.8 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#F0D0B7' points='100.4,107.2 102.4,109.8 100.9,113.4 100.2,114.4 99.8,114.4 99,113.4 98.2,113.2 96.6,109.4 96.8,108.6 97.8,107.2 '/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polygon fill='#EDD2B6' points='98.9,101.8 101.6,105.6 100.2,104.8 '/></svg>"
simg = _LoadImage(i$, 32, "HQ3XA memory")
_PutImage (0, 0), simg
Locate 33, 3: Input A$
Cls: Print Len(i$); ": ";: _PrintMode _KeepBackground
n = 0
For c = 1 To Len(i$) 'show the image again as code
    _Limit 16000
    Color _RGB32(128 + Rnd * 127, 128 + Rnd * 127, 128 + Rnd * 127): n = n + 1
    Print Mid$(i$, c, 1);
    If n = 2100 Then _PutImage (0, 0), simg: n = 0: Locate 1, 1
Next c
_PrintMode _FillBackground 'slowly return to the system
Locate 32, 3: Print: Print "Press Any Key To Continue": Sleep: For n = 1 To 11000: _Limit 3333: _PrintString (Rnd * _Width - 1, Rnd * _Height - 1), " ": Next n
_FreeImage simg

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  Matser Gy Trackwork
Posted by: bplus - 11-23-2023, 12:35 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

Master Gy WTH? is this!

I found this when I was digging around my QB64pe v3.8 files.

Bad enough to find stuff in a folder I did not put there or want but what is this finish.reg ???

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  Write your own Adventure Programs!
Posted by: SMcNeill - 11-22-2023, 10:48 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (8)

.7z   Write_your_own_Adventure_Programs.7z (Size: 9.62 MB / Downloads: 120)    <-- Free PDF book for whomever might like a copy of "Write Your Own Adventure Programs!".  


I thought a few folks might enjoy this one, after I found it lost back in the dim hollows of Steve's Endless Hard Drive Labyrinth, so here it is for whomever might be interested in it.  Smile

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  QBJS Offline Development?
Posted by: JamesAlexander - 11-22-2023, 10:28 PM - Forum: QBJS, BAM, and Other BASICs - Replies (5)

I think it's great that you can do online development, but what about offline QBJS?

In the event that something should happen (and heaven forbid, the code for it goes away or there is a problem with the QB64 politics), is there a way for us to download a QBJS compiler package and develop with it offline? Can we use this offline to develop and make changes so that when we run and upload the javascript, it will be ready to run?

This would not only solve for if we needed to maintain it to upload/host it somewhere, but more crucially, if we ever needed to compile it to Javascript, this would be a must.

Because if not, all of the great code and work done for QBJS would be lost, and then we would only have the compiled javascript versions as-is or the QB64 code. If we ever needed to change, update, or recompile them, I fear this would be lost.

Can we make a version of QB64 that is for Javascript but with the option of offline development and compiling javascript offline for such a situation?

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  A Question on Calls to Subroutines
Posted by: Dimster - 11-22-2023, 04:43 PM - Forum: Help Me! - Replies (10)

If I Dim Shared a variable or an array, if the main module does NOT make a call to a Subroutine, will the program flow check out the Sub for variables and or arrays that have been deemed Shared?? Or it's pretty safe to rely on the program never going to a Sub that is NOT called.

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  QB64 Tutorial Lesson 11 Updated
Posted by: TerryRitchie - 11-22-2023, 12:33 AM - Forum: Learning Resources and Archives - Replies (2)

The tutorial has had database commands (Open for RANDOM, GET, PUT) added to lesson 11.

Along with an explanation of the new commands and examples of how to use them there is a full fledged database program I wrote that shows how to create a database program using QB64 and Random files.

The tutorial asset file has also been updated to include the new content.

You can view the changes here: Lesson 11

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Posted by: a740g - 11-21-2023, 06:41 PM - Forum: a740g - Replies (3)

File I/O like routines for memory loaded files.

The StringFile library can be used for dealing with files that are completely loaded in memory. Since it uses QB64 strings as a backing buffer, no explicit memory management (i.e. freeing) is required. No need to worry about opening, closing, or freeing anything. Everything is nicely cleaned up when it goes out of scope.

API List:
[Image: Screenshot-2023-11-21-234937.png]

I actually have a C version of this, but I made a pure QB64 version for something that I am working on. Sorry, there is no demo for this one. There is some test code in StringFile.bas. Most of it is very simple and straightforward.


1. Unlike QB64 file I/O stuff, StringFile is 0 based. Meaning the first byte in the file is at position 0. This helps a lot when porting over code from languages like C.

Stuff like

Code: (Select All)
byte = fgetc(f);
can be replaced by
Code: (Select All)
byte = StringFile_ReadByte(sf)

2. StringFile is optimized for little-endian. So, if you are loading big-endian stuff, ensure you do the necessary byte swaps.

3. Just because the whole file is in memory, you are not allowed to be careless. StringFile will yell at you (read throw errors) if you do stuff like reading past the end of the file or positioning the cursor to a non-existent location.

Attached Files
.bi   StringFile.bi (Size: 672 bytes / Downloads: 93)
.bas   StringFile.bas (Size: 14.11 KB / Downloads: 85)
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  Basic Editor for 300 LOC or so?
Posted by: bplus - 11-19-2023, 09:04 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (9)

Where did I get the idea I could build one for 300 LOC?

I am at 617 LOC and haven't finished Cut/Copy/Paste yet but 3 Color Themes I have already:


Orange (No Blue!)

Ha! gotta get those colors first thing! But also font that is a size easy on eyes. Thanks to Terry for Lucon 18 pixel hieght Mono, my eyes are loving it both in IDE and this Editor (for programs not Word Wrap), Forest is my choice, Orange / No Blue gave me a headache!

So Dav's is OK at 891 LOC plenty of instructions, you can figure it out if you're willing to put up with all that tight packing into a "Pete" Screen Smile
You can toggle with Enter key between a Hex thing and a more normal thing.

And we've already commented on Eric's growing monster ;-))

I think I saw one (Editor at 300 LOC) back in mid 90's, Dr Dobbs Journal?, I think.
One of those jobs you type from a paper or magazine.
I think I saw one in there for QB, haven't been able to dig it up or anything close to it.

I might have mentioned this before, sure would like to see that code again!

Anyone got anything close to bare bones editor only a few c's of lines ?

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