Need a little help with updating a FileSelect function. - Dav - 10-11-2024
I'm updating my old FileSelect function to use _Files$ instead of SHELLing and making temp files to get file/dir info. Working OK doing that (I think) but have a couple a questions using CHDIR with it.
If there a way to see if a directory is accessible before trying to navigate to it? When I try to navigate to a directory with permissions it errors out. I'd like to not allow user to open those directories.
Also, what is a good way (cross-platform) to see if the user is at the root directory?
Here's the code I'm working on. Thanks.
- Dav
Code: (Select All) '====================
'A simple file selector box function using _FILES$.
'Coded by Dav for QB64-PE, OCT/2024
'Lists files in current directory in a scroll box.
'Use arrows, page up/down, home/end to navigate.
'ENTER selects highlighted filename, ESC cancels.
'Selecting a directory will navigate to that
'directory and list files under it.
'Background screen is preserved and restored.
'Works under windows & Linux (havent tested Mac).
'Works in text and graphical screen modes.
Screen _NewImage(700, 500, 32)
_ScreenMove _Middle
'=== draw a background
Cls , _RGB(32, 32, 32)
For x = 1 To _Width Step 3
For y = 1 To _Height Step 3
PSet (x, y), _RGB(Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255)
Print "Use arrows to navigate to a filename. "
Print "Press ENTER to select highlighted file."
Print "Press ESC to cancel and close file box."
'=== Define filebox colors here...
fsborder& = _RGB(255, 0, 0) 'filebox order color
fsfile& = _RGB(255, 255, 255) 'filename color
fsdir& = _RGB(255, 255, 64) 'directories color
fsback& = _RGB(64, 0, 0) 'Background color
fshigh& = _RGB(255, 255, 128) 'highlighted line color
'=== Ask user to select a file
a$ = FileSelect$(5, 15, 20, 55, "*", fsborder&, fsback&, fsfile&, fsdir&, fshigh&)
'=== Show results...
If a$ <> "" Then
Print "You selected: "; a$
Print "No file selected."
End If
Function FileSelect$ (y, x, y2, x2, Filespec$, fsborder&, fsback&, fsfile&, fsdir&, fshigh&)
'FileSelect$ function by Dav, OCT/2024
'This function returns a selected filename.
'Show files in current directory in a scroll box.
'Use arrows, page up/down, home/end to navigate.
'ENTER selects highlighted filename, ESC cancels.
'Selecting a directory will navigate to that dir
'and list files under that directory.
'y,x = top left of box
'y2,x2 = bottom right of box
'Filespec$ = spec of files to list in box
'fsborder& = color of box border
'fsback& = background color of file box.
'fsfile& = color of filenames
'fsdir& = color of directories
'fshigh& = color of highlighted line
'=== save original place of cursor
origy = CsrLin
origx = Pos(1)
'=== save colors
fg& = _DefaultColor
bg& = _BackgroundColor
'=== Save whole screen
Dim scr1 As _MEM, scr2 As _MEM
scr1 = _MemImage(0): scr2 = _MemNew(scr1.SIZE)
_MemCopy scr1, scr1.OFFSET, scr1.SIZE To scr2, scr2.OFFSET
'=== get total file + dir count
c = 0
x$ = _Files$(Filespec$)
If x$ = "" Then Exit Do
c = c + 1
x$ = _Files$
'if no files found, at least add 1 for ".."
If c = 0 Then c = 1
'=== make room for names
ReDim FileNames$(0 To c)
'=== first line always go up a directory
FileNames$(0) = ".."
LineCount = 1
'=== get dir names first, add to Filename$ array
x$ = _Files$(Filespec$)
If x$ = "" Then Exit Do
'skip "." and ".." from this list
If x$ = "./" Or x$ = ".\" Then GoTo jump
If x$ = "../" Or x$ = "..\" Then GoTo jump
If Right$(x$, 1) = "/" Or Right$(x$, 1) = "\" Then
FileNames$(LineCount) = "[" + Left$(x$, Len(x$) - 1) + "]"
LineCount = LineCount + 1
End If
x$ = _Files$
'=== get file names next, add to Filename$ array
x$ = _Files$(Filespec$)
If x$ = "" Then Exit Do
'skip all dir this time
If Right$(x$, 1) = "/" Or Right$(x$, 1) = "\" Then
' do nothing
FileNames$(LineCount) = x$
LineCount = LineCount + 1
End If
x$ = _Files$
'=== draw a box
Color fsborder&
For L = 0 To y2 + 1
Locate y + L, x: Print String$(x2 + 4, Chr$(219));
'=== show current working dir at top
Color fsfile&, fsborder&
CurDir$ = _CWD$
'=== Shorten it is too long, for display purposes
If Len(CurDir$) > x2 - x Then
CurDir$ = Mid$(CurDir$, 1, x2 - x - 3) + "..."
End If
Locate y, x + 2: Print CurDir$;
'=== scroll through list...
top = 0: selection = 0
For L = 0 To (y2 - 1)
Locate (y + 1) + L, (x + 2)
topl = top + L: If topl > LineCount Then topl = LineCount
If topl = selection Then
Color fsback&, fshigh& 'selected line
Color fsfile&, fsback& 'regular
'=== directories get a different color...
If Mid$(FileNames$(topl), 1, 1) = "[" Then
Color fsdir&, fsback&
End If
End If
Print Left$(FileNames$(topl) + String$(x2, " "), x2);
'=== Get user input
k$ = InKey$: _Limit 30
Loop Until k$ <> ""
Select Case k$
Case Is = Chr$(0) + Chr$(72) 'Up arrow
If selection > 0 Then selection = selection - 1
If selection < top Then top = selection
Case Is = Chr$(0) + Chr$(80) 'Down Arrow
If selection < (LineCount - 1) Then selection = selection + 1
If selection > (top + (y2 - 2)) Then top = selection - y2 + 1
Case Is = Chr$(0) + Chr$(73) 'Page up
top = top - y2
selection = selection - y2
If top < 0 Then top = 0
If selection < 0 Then selection = 0
Case Is = Chr$(0) + Chr$(81) 'Page Down
top = top + y2
selection = selection + y2
If top >= LineCount - y2 Then top = LineCount - y2
If top < 0 Then top = 0
If selection >= LineCount Then selection = LineCount - 1
Case Is = Chr$(0) + Chr$(71) 'Home
top = 0: selection = 0
Case Is = Chr$(0) + Chr$(79) 'End
selection = LineCount - 1
top = selection - y2 + 1
If top < 0 Then top = 0
Case Is = Chr$(27) ' ESC cancels
FileSelect$ = ""
Exit Do
Case Is = Chr$(13) 'Enter
'=== if .. then go up one dir
If RTrim$(FileNames$(selection)) = ".." Then
cd$ = _CWD$
If InStr(_OS$, "WIN") Then
cd$ = Left$(cd$, _InStrRev(cd$, "\"))
cd$ = Left$(cd$, _InStrRev(cd$, "/"))
End If
ChDir cd$
Erase FileNames$
GoTo loadagain
End If
'see if directory
test$ = RTrim$(FileNames$(selection))
If Left$(test$, 1) = "[" Then
test$ = Mid$(test$, 2, Len(test$) - 2)
ChDir test$
Erase FileNames$
GoTo loadagain
If InStr(_OS$, "WIN") Then
If Right$(_CWD$, 1) = "\" Then
C$ = _CWD$
C$ = _CWD$ + "\"
End If
If Right$(_CWD$, 1) = "/" Then
C$ = _CWD$
C$ = _CWD$ + "/"
End If
End If
FileSelect$ = C$ + RTrim$(FileNames$(selection))
Exit Do
End If
End Select
'=== Restore the whole screen
_MemCopy scr2, scr2.OFFSET, scr2.SIZE To scr1, scr1.OFFSET
_MemFree scr1: _MemFree scr2
'=== restore original y,x and color
Locate origy, origx
Color fg&, bg&
End Function
RE: Need a little help with updating a FileSelect function. - luke - 10-11-2024
In general the only sure way to check if a filesystem operation is allowed is to do it and be prepared to catch the error. You could maybe try change into every directory immediately to test each one and thus filter the list presented to the user, but I think it's more confusing to see a list that has some entries mysteriously missing. An "access denied" or similar message would be perfectly acceptable to me when I open a directory (cf Windows Explorer, most other file managers).
In any case you need the error handling whenever doing filesystem operations because you don't know what other programs are also modifying the disk concurrently.
At least in Unix systems the root directory has the special property that the parent ".." is also the root, so if you do CHDIR ".." and _CWD$ you must have been in the root. I assume that holds true for windows too. Or just have an OS conditional and check _CWD$ for "/" or "C:" (or is it "C:\"?).
RE: Need a little help with updating a FileSelect function. - bplus - 10-11-2024
Your code works for me, but do you know about _OpenFileDialog$ and _SaveFileDialog$?
RE: Need a little help with updating a FileSelect function. - Dav - 10-11-2024
@luke: Thank you very much!
@bplus: Thanks for testing. Yes, those are nice functions. I wanted a customized look. Also thinking of making a clone of my old favorite filemanager from DOS a days, which listed files like this. I may go back to SHELL and temp files for that though, because I can get a lot more file info that way. I often thought it would be nice if there was a _FILEINFO function to retrieve file/dir details, things like if read only, last modified, permissions, date, etc.
- Dav
RE: Need a little help with updating a FileSelect function. - RhoSigma - 10-11-2024
Hi Dav,
below is the logic I use in my GuiTools, but it's windows only. I've no idea how to figure out if you're in the root under Linux/Mac as those don't use the ":" as far as I know. Also I'm not sure if those platforms behave the same way as Windows regarding the error numbers.
Code: (Select All)
'curr$ = the directory to check
IF LEN(curr$) = 3 AND RIGHT$(curr$, 2) = ":\" THEN 'is root ??
'permission denied or no media in (removeable) drive
'path not found
IF LEN(curr$) > 3 OR MID$(curr$, 2, 1) <> ":" THEN 'is not root or relative ??
oldCurr$ = _CWD$
ON ERROR GOTO internalHandler
lastErr% = 0
CHDIR curr$
IF lastErr% = 0 THEN
'path is accessible
ELSEIF lastErr% = 76 THEN
'permission denied
CHDIR oldCurr$
lastErr% = ERR
RE: Need a little help with updating a FileSelect function. - Dav - 10-11-2024
(10-11-2024, 03:15 PM)RhoSigma Wrote: Hi Dav,
below is the logic I use in my GuiTools, but it's windows only. I've no idea how to figure out if you're in the root under Linux/Mac as those don't use the ":" as far as I know. Also I'm not sure if those platforms behave the same way as Windows regarding the error numbers.
Code: (Select All)
'curr$ = the directory to check
IF LEN(curr$) = 3 AND RIGHT$(curr$, 2) = ":\" THEN 'is root ??
'permission denied or no media in (removeable) drive
'path not found
IF LEN(curr$) > 3 OR MID$(curr$, 2, 1) <> ":" THEN 'is not root or relative ??
oldCurr$ = _CWD$
ON ERROR GOTO internalHandler
lastErr% = 0
CHDIR curr$
IF lastErr% = 0 THEN
'path is accessible
ELSEIF lastErr% = 76 THEN
'permission denied
CHDIR oldCurr$
lastErr% = ERR
Thank you. I can use this.
- Dav
RE: Need a little help with updating a FileSelect function. - SMcNeill - 10-11-2024
Am I the only person who tends to see and use file names such as the following:
Code: (Select All) \\\My Book Duo\CYOA
There is no "C:\" there for the root drive, as the root drive is a network drive and the root for it would probably be "\\\".
(Though there's nothing at "\\\" except for the "My Book Duo\" drive label, so for a lot of purposes, I guess it could be considered root.)
You would think that the _FILE$ command would have an easy way to check for this such as "If there's no directory above your current one, then don't list "..\" as a directory entry." Of course, I guess that just makes too much sense to implement for the guys who make directory structures.
RE: Need a little help with updating a FileSelect function. - Pete - 10-11-2024
Yes, you're the only one, but don't worry, I'm opening up an online dating service next week. It's called OnlyFans. It's for folks who are too poor to own the rest of what goes into a real working laptop... where everyone else uses the letter drive in the file name.
-Enter coupon code: "Harris Sucks" for a free date.
RE: Need a little help with updating a FileSelect function. - a740g - 10-14-2024
(10-11-2024, 01:46 PM)Dav Wrote: @luke: Thank you very much!
@bplus: Thanks for testing. Yes, those are nice functions. I wanted a customized look. Also thinking of making a clone of my old favorite filemanager from DOS a days, which listed files like this. I may go back to SHELL and temp files for that though, because I can get a lot more file info that way. I often thought it would be nice if there was a _FILEINFO function to retrieve file/dir details, things like if read only, last modified, permissions, date, etc.
- Dav The only problem with getting file information using SHELL is that getting it to work cross-platform is a pain.
How about something like GetAttr function (_GETATTR) and FileLen function (_FILELEN)?
RE: Need a little help with updating a FileSelect function. - SMcNeill - 10-14-2024
How about a _FileAttr (*option$*)?