Text Menu Library Project - Pete - 01-03-2025
Hopefully this will progress into a text menu library...
Code: (Select All)
Width 80, 28
_Font 16
_ScreenMove _Middle
msg$ = "Error: " + LTrim$(Str$(Err)) + " at line " + LTrim$(Str$(Erl)) + "." + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
msg$ = msg$ + "Incorrect alignment of data is the most likely cause."
_MessageBox " Error Message", msg$, "alert"
Sub Gui
Type menu
top As Integer
height As Integer
left As Integer
width As Integer
oldtop As Integer
oldleft As Integer
oldwidth As Integer
End Type
Dim m As menu
Type color
MenuBdrFg As Integer
MenubrdBg As Integer
MenuSdwFg As Integer
MenuSdwBg As Integer
MenuFg As Integer
MenuBg As Integer
MenuHlFg As Integer
MenuHlBg As Integer
MenuAbr As Integer
MenuTopActiveFg As Integer
MenuTopActiveBg As Integer
MenuTopAbrFg As Integer
MenuTopAbrBg As Integer
MenuTopHlFg As Integer
MenuTopHlBg As Integer
LineFg As Integer
LineBg As Integer
PageFg As Integer
PageBg As Integer
End Type
Dim c As color
ReDim heading$(0), MapHeading$(0)
Gui_Menu_Setup c, m, heading$(), MapHeading$(), spacing, justify, pop, CurStyle, PageAltFg, PageAltBg, pete
MenuType$ = "": pete = 0
End Sub
Sub Gui_User (MenuType$, spacing, justify, CurStyle, pop, selection, sucker)
Static initiate
If initiate = 0 Then
initiate = 1
' Gui_User defined.............................
spacing = 0
CurStyle = 1
pop = 1
justify = 0
End If
Select Case MenuType$
Case "display"
Restore menu_data
Case "header"
Select Case selection
Case 1: Restore data1
Case 2: Restore data2
Case 3: Restore data3
Case 4: Restore data4
End Select
Case "suckerfish"
Select Case sucker
Case 1: Restore suckerfish1
Case 2: Restore suckerfish2
Case 3: Restore suckerfish3
Case 4: Restore suckerfish4
End Select
Case "footer"
' Nothing to do here.
End Select
' Palette assignments 1-15.
Data 1,-1,2,-1,3,-1,4,-1,5,-1,6,63,7,-1,8,-1,9,-1,10,-1,11,-1,12,-1,13,-1,14,-1,15,-1: Rem Do not add to this data.
Rem c.MenuBdrFg, c.MenubrdBg, c.MenuSdwFg, c.MenuSdwBg
Rem c.MenuFg, c.MenuBg, c.MenuHlFg, c.MenuHlBg, c.MenuAbr
Rem c.MenuTopActiveFg, c.MenuTopActiveBg, c.MenuTopAbrFg, c.MenuTopAbrBg
Rem c.MenuTopHlFg, c.MenuTopHlBg, c.LineFg, c.LineBg, c.PageFg, c.PageBg
Data 1,6,8,0
Data 0,6,15,1,1
Data 0,7,9,7
Data 15,0,14,1,9,1
Data -999: Rem eof
Data "1) Single-Space Display Menu",0
Data "2) Double-Space Display Menu",0
Data "3) Triple-Space Display Menu",0
Data "4) Toggle Block/Center Style",0
Data "5) Toggle Background",0
Data "6) Toggle Link Cursor On/Off",0
Data "7) Toggle Flat/Popup Window",0
Data eof
Data New,N,0,Open,O,0,Save,S,0,,Export,E,1,,Exit,x,0
Data eof
Data Undo,U,0,Redo,R,0,,Cut,0,0,Copy,0,0,Paste,0,0,Select All,0,0
Data eof
Data Subs...,S,0,Line Numbers,L,2,Compiler Warnings,C,0
Data eof
Data Find,F,0,Repeat Last Find,R,0,Change,C,0,,Clear Search History,H,0,,Quick Navigation,Q,0,Go To Line,G,0
Data eof
Data Hypertext,H,Rich Text,R,Code Block,C
Data eof
Data Show Line Numbers,L,Background Color,B,Show Separator,S
Data eof
Data eof
Data eof
Data This demo includes this
Data handy dandy help window
Data where we simply add data
Data statements to produce
Data then help text displayed
Data in this pop-up window.
Data eof
End Sub
Sub Gui_Menu_Setup (c As color, m As menu, heading$(), MapHeading$(), spacing, justify, pop, CurStyle, PageAltFg, PageAltBg, pete)
Gui_User MenuType$, spacing, justify, CurStyle, pop, selection, sucker
Restore color_palette_data
For i = 1 To 15
Read j, k
If k <> -1 Then Palette j, k
Restore color_data
i = 0
i = i + 1
Read j
If j = -999 Then Exit Do
Select Case i
Case 1: c.MenuBdrFg = j
Case 2: c.MenubrdBg = j
Case 3: c.MenuSdwFg = j
Case 4: c.MenuSdwBg = j
Case 5: c.MenuFg = j
Case 6: c.MenuBg = j
Case 7: c.MenuHlFg = j
Case 8: c.MenuHlBg = j
Case 9: c.MenuAbr = j
Case 10: c.MenuTopActiveFg = j
Case 11: c.MenuTopActiveBg = j
Case 12: c.MenuTopAbrFg = j
Case 13: c.MenuTopAbrBg = j
Case 14: c.MenuTopHlFg = j
Case 15: c.MenuTopHlBg = j
Case 16: c.LineFg = j
Case 17: c.LineBg = j
Case 18: c.PageFg = j
Case 19: c.PageBg = j
End Select
If PageAltFg + PageAltBk Then c.PageFg = PageAltFg: c.PageBg = PageAltBg
Color c.PageFg, c.PageBg
Color c.LineFg, c.LineBg
Locate 2, 1: Print String$(80, 196);
Locate _Height - 1, 1: Print String$(80, 196);
Color c.PageFg, c.PageBg
For i = 3 To _Height - 2
Locate i, 1: Print String$(80, 176);
Color 1, 7: a$ = " File Edit View Search": Locate 1, 1
Gui_Menu_Headings a$, heading$(), MapHeading$(), 0
Color 7, 1: a$ = "[F1] Help [Esc] Quit": Locate _Height, 1
Gui_Menu_Headings a$, heading$(), MapHeading$(), 1
ReDim a$(0), abr$(0), sf(0)
MenuType$ = "display": Gui_Data_Reader m, MapHeading$(), a$(), abr$(), sf(), dcnt, MenuType$, MenuOpen, spacing, pop, justify, selection, sucker
Gui_Menu_Placement c, m, a$(), abr$(), dcnt, spacing, pop
_Limit 30
MyMouse_and_Keyboard lb, mb, rb, my, mx, mw, shift%, alt%, clkcnt, drag, b$, autokey$
Gui_Menu_Selection c, m, MenuType$, selection, spacing, justify, pop, CurStyle, my, mx, lb, mb, mw, alt%, b$, heading$(), MapHeading$(), a$(), PageAltFg, PageAltBg, pete
If pete Then Exit Do
End Sub
Sub Gui_Menu_Headings (heading$, heading$(), MapHeading$(), centering)
y = CsrLin: Locate y, 1: Print Space$(_Width);
Select Case centering
Case 0: Locate y, 1
Case Else: Locate y, _Width \ 2 - Len(heading$) \ 2 + 1
End Select
Print heading$;
f$ = "": Locate y, 1
For i = 1 To _Width
f$ = f$ + Chr$(Screen(y, i))
temp$ = " ": j = 0
If InStr(f$, "[") Then ' Bracket format.
For i = 1 To Len(f$) ' Map mouse hot zones.
x$ = Mid$(f$, i, 1)
If hot Then
If Left$(LTrim$(Mid$(f$, i) + "["), 1) = "[" Then
hot = 1 - hot: temp$ = " "
End If
End If
If x$ <> Chr$(32) And hot = 0 Then
hot = 1 - hot: j = j + 1: temp$ = Chr$(96 + j)
End If
map$ = map$ + temp$
Else ' Two-space format.
For i = 1 To Len(f$) ' Map mouse hot zones.
x$ = Mid$(f$, i, 1)
If hot Then
If Mid$(f$ + " ", i, 2) = " " Then
hot = 1 - hot: temp$ = " "
End If
End If
If x$ <> Chr$(32) And hot = 0 Then
hot = 1 - hot: j = j + 1: temp$ = Chr$(96 + j)
End If
map$ = map$ + temp$
End If
If y > UBound(MapHeading$) Then ReDim _Preserve MapHeading$(y): ReDim _Preserve heading$(y)
MapHeading$(y) = map$: heading$(y) = heading$
End Sub
Sub Gui_Data_Reader (m As menu, MapHeading$(), a$(), abr$(), sf(), dcnt, MenuType$, MenuOpen, spacing, pop, justify, selection, sucker)
Static sfTop()
Gui_User MenuType$, spacing, justify, CurStyle, pop, selection, sucker
On Error GoTo erhandler_data
dcnt = 0: ReDim a$(0), abr$(0)
Read dta$
If dta$ = "eof" Or (_Height - 6 + pop) \ 2 <= (dcnt * (spacing + 1) + 1) \ 2 + pop Then Exit Do ' Data exceeds window max menu height.
dcnt = dcnt + 1
ReDim _Preserve abr$(dcnt)
If Len(dta$) Then
Read abr$(dcnt)
abr$(dcnt) = "" ' Indicates a blank divider in the menu.
End If
If MenuType$ = "header" And Len(dta$) Then
ReDim _Preserve sf(dcnt) ' Only header type menus contain suckerfish option.
Read sf(dcnt)
If sf(dcnt) Then
ReDim sfTop(sf(dcnt)): sfTop(sf(dcnt)) = dcnt
dta$ = dta$ + " " + Chr$(26) ' Suckerfish id symbol.
End If
End If
ReDim _Preserve a$(dcnt): a$(dcnt) = dta$
If Len(dta$) > w Then w = Len(dta$) ' Look for greatest width.
On Error GoTo 0
For i = 1 To dcnt
temp$ = a$(i)
a$(i) = Space$(w)
Select Case justify
Case 0: j = 1:
Case 1: j = w \ 2 - Len(temp$) \ 2 + 1
End Select
If InStr(temp$, Chr$(26)) Then
temp$ = Mid$(temp$, 1, InStr(temp$, Chr$(26)) - 2)
Mid$(a$(i), Len(a$(i)), 1) = Chr$(26)
End If
Mid$(a$(i), j) = temp$
m.height = dcnt * (spacing + 1) - spacing + 2
m.width = w + 4
If MenuType$ = "display" Then
m.top = _Height \ 2 - m.height \ 2 + 1
m.left = _Width \ 2 - m.width \ 2 + 1
If sucker > 0 Then
m.top = MenuOpen + 1 + pop + sfTop(sucker) * (spacing + 1) - spacing - 1
m.left = m.oldleft + m.oldwidth - 1 ' 1-space overlap.
m.top = MenuOpen + 1 + pop ' "header"
j = InStr(MapHeading$(MenuOpen), Chr$(96 + selection))
m.left = _InStrRev(" " + Mid$(MapHeading$(MenuOpen), 1, j), " ")
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub Gui_Drop_Menu_Headings (c As color, b$, heading$(), MapHeading$(), alt%, altmenu, altdown, selection, TopMenuChoice)
Static TopMenuAbbr$
If alt% Or b$ = Chr$(27) And altmenu Then
If altdown = 0 Then altmenu = 1 - altmenu: altdown = 1
Select Case altmenu
Case 1
GoSub highlight_top_menu
Case 0
GoSub unhighlight_top_menu
End Select
altdown = 0
End If
Select Case b$
Case Chr$(0) + "P"
selection = TopMenuChoice
Case Chr$(0) + "K"
TopMenuChoice = TopMenuChoice - 1
If TopMenuChoice = 0 Then TopMenuChoice = Asc(Right$(RTrim$(MapHeading$(1)), 1)) - Asc(Left$(LTrim$(MapHeading$(1)), 1)) + 1
GoSub highlight_top_menu
Case Chr$(0) + "M"
TopMenuChoice = TopMenuChoice + 1
If TopMenuChoice > Asc(Right$(RTrim$(MapHeading$(1)), 1)) - Asc(Left$(LTrim$(MapHeading$(1)), 1)) + 1 Then TopMenuChoice = 1
GoSub highlight_top_menu
Case "a" To "z", "A", "Z"
If InStr(UCase$(TopMenuAbbr$), UCase$(b$)) Then
TopMenuChoice = InStr(UCase$(TopMenuAbbr$), UCase$(b$))
GoSub highlight_top_menu
selection = TopMenuChoice
End If
Case Chr$(27)
GoSub unhighlight_top_menu
b$ = ""
End Select
Exit Sub
If TopMenuChoice = 0 Then TopMenuChoice = 1
Color c.MenuTopActiveFg, c.MenuTopActiveBg: Locate 1, 1: Print heading$(CsrLin) + " ";: Locate 1, 1 ' Extra space is to mask out highlighted area.
i = Asc(Left$(LTrim$(MapHeading$(CsrLin)), 1))
Color c.MenuTopAbrFg, c.MenuTopAbrBg
TopMenuAbbr$ = "" ' Print different color letter abbreviation to open menu from keyboard.
j = InStr(MapHeading$(CsrLin), Chr$(i))
If j = 0 Then Exit Do
i = i + 1
Locate , j
temp$ = Mid$(heading$(CsrLin), j, 1)
Print temp$;
TopMenuAbbr$ = TopMenuAbbr$ + temp$
temp$ = Chr$(TopMenuChoice + Asc(Left$(LTrim$(MapHeading$(CsrLin)), 1)) - 1) ' Find the menu in the top list. Ex: File Edit.
i = InStr(MapHeading$(CsrLin), temp$) - 1
j = _InStrRev(MapHeading$(CsrLin), temp$) - i + 2
Locate 1, i ' Print a highlighted block behind menu to be opened.
Color c.MenuTopHlFg, c.MenuTopHlBg: Print Mid$(heading$(CsrLin) + " ", i, j);
Color 0, 7
Locate 1, 1: Print heading$(CsrLin) + " ";
End Sub
Sub Gui_Menu_Selection (c As color, m As menu, MenuType$, selection, spacing, justify, pop, CurStyle, my, mx, lb, mb, mw, alt%, b$, heading$(), MapHeading$(), a$(), PageAltFg, PageAltBg, pete)
Static MenuOpen, MouseField$, abr$(), sf(), sucker, oldmy, oldmx, mshow$, dcnt
Static mhl, oldmhl, OldMenuType$, oldselection, altmenu, altdown, TopMenuChoice, curhot
If MenuType$ = "" Then MenuType$ = "display": Gui_Data_Reader m, MapHeading$(), a$(), abr$(), sf(), dcnt, MenuType$, MenuOpen, spacing, pop, justify, selection, sucker
Select Case MenuOpen
Case 0 ' Header menus are closed.
If alt% Or Len(b$) And altmenu <> 0 Then
If mhl Then ' Get rid of previous highlighted item if switching menus.
Locate m.top - pop + mhl + (mhl - 1) * spacing, m.left - pop + 2 - 1: Color c.MenuFg, c.MenuBg: Print " " + a$(mhl) + " "; ' Unhighlight.
mhl = 0
End If
Gui_Drop_Menu_Headings c, b$, heading$(), MapHeading$(), alt%, altmenu, altdown, selection, TopMenuChoice
If selection Then MenuOpen = 1: GoSub top_menu ' Gets "header" assignemnt.
altdown = 0 ' Needed for alt key toggle when the menu is highlighted but not yet open.
End If
j = 0: selection = 0
If Len(MapHeading$(my)) Then
j = Asc(Mid$(MapHeading$(my), mx, 1)) - 96
If j > 0 Then
If CurStyle And mshow$ <> "LINK" Then mshow$ = "LINK": _MouseShow "LINK"
curhot = 1
If lb = 2 Then
If altmenu Then ' Toggle menu highlighting off.
alt% = 1: Gui_Drop_Menu_Headings c, b$, heading$(), MapHeading$(), alt%, altmenu, altdown, selection, TopMenuChoice
altdown = 0 ' Force this here because the cycle hasn't gone back to the mouse sub yet.
End If
If mhl Then ' Get rid of previous highlighted item if switching menus.
Locate m.top - pop + mhl + (mhl - 1) * spacing, m.left - pop + 2 - 1: Color c.MenuFg, c.MenuBg: Print " " + a$(mhl) + " "; ' Unhighlight.
mhl = 0
End If
selection = j ' The menu selected to be opened.
MenuOpen = my ' The row the selected menu occupies.
If MenuOpen = 1 Then ' IMPORTANT Change this to allow for top menu to be on a different row.
TopMenuChoice = selection
alt% = 1: Gui_Drop_Menu_Headings c, b$, heading$(), MapHeading$(), alt%, altmenu, altdown, selection, TopMenuChoice
End If
Exit Do
End If
Else ' Mouse pointer is at top or footer menu in a non-clickable area.
curhot = 0
End If
curhot = 0 ' Mouse is not on a clickable menu row.
End If
j = 0
GoSub check_top_menu_status
If MenuType$ = "display" Then
GoSub eval: If pete Then Exit Sub
End If
Exit Do
If selection Then
If CurStyle And mshow$ <> "DEFAULT" Then mshow$ = "DEFAULT": _MouseShow mshow$ ' Remove link mouse appearance.
curhot = 0
Select Case my
Case 1 ' Top menu.
GoSub top_menu ' Opens the selected top menu.
Case _Height ' The footer menu.
Select Case selection
Case 1
Restore help_data
help$ = ""
Read d$
If d$ = "eof" Then Exit Do
help$ = help$ + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) + d$
_MessageBox " App Help", help$, ""
MenuOpen = 0: selection = 0 ' Needed to clear variables.
Case 2: System
End Select
End Select
End If
Case Else ' A header menu is open.
If alt% Then alt% = 0: b$ = Chr$(27) ' Toggle close header menu.
GoSub eval: If pete Then Exit Sub
End Select
oldmy = my: oldmx = mx
Exit Sub
' Evaluate mouse field.
If my > m.top - pop And my < m.top - pop + m.height - 1 And mx > m.left - pop + 1 And mx < m.left - pop + m.width - 2 Then
MouseField$ = "mouse-in"
MouseField$ = "mouse-out"
If CurStyle And mshow$ <> "DEFAULT" And curhot = 0 Then mshow$ = "DEFAULT": _MouseShow mshow$
End If
If oldmy And my <> oldmy Or oldmy And mx <> oldmx Then ' Only for header menus.
If Len(MapHeading$(MenuOpen)) And my = MenuOpen Then
j = Asc(Mid$(MapHeading$(MenuOpen), mx, 1)) - 96
GoSub slider ' Sliding mouse to open menus.
End If
End If
If lb <> 0 Or mb <> 0 Or mw <> 0 Or Len(b$) Then ' An event occured.
If lb = 2 Then
Select Case MouseField$
Case "mouse-in"
j = (my - m.top + pop + spacing) / (spacing + 1)
If j And Int(j) = j Then
If j <> mhl And Len(LTrim$(a$(j))) Then
GoSub menu_item_highlight
_Delay .1
End If
If MenuType$ = "display" Then
b$ = LTrim$(Str$(mhl))
Else ' "header"
j = mhl: GoSub menu_item_selected
End If
If mhl Then
Locate m.top - pop + mhl + (mhl - 1) * spacing, m.left - pop + 2 - 1: Color c.MenuFg, c.MenuBg: Print " " + a$(mhl) + " "; ' Unhighlight.
mhl = 0
End If
End If
Case "mouse-out"
GoSub closeit: If sucker = -1 Then GoSub top_menu
End Select
ElseIf mb Then
If mhl Then
If MenuType$ = "display" Then
b$ = LTrim$(Str$(mhl))
Else ' "header"
j = mhl: GoSub menu_item_selected
End If
End If
ElseIf mw Then
i = mw: GoSub next_menu_item
End If
If Len(b$) Then
Select Case MenuType$
Case "display"
Select Case b$
Case Chr$(0) + "H"
i = -1: GoSub next_menu_item: b$ = ""
Case Chr$(0) + "P"
i = 1: GoSub next_menu_item: b$ = ""
Case "1": spacing = 0
Case "2": spacing = 1
Case "3": spacing = 2
Case "4": justify = 1 - justify
Case "5"
Select Case c.PageBg
Case 0: PageAltFg = c.PageFg: PageAltBg = 1
Case 1: PageAltFg = c.PageFg: PageAltBg = 0
End Select
Case "6"
CurStyle = 1 - CurStyle
If CurStyle = 0 Then
If mshow$ <> "DEFAULT" Then mshow$ = "DEFAULT": _MouseShow mshow$
End If
Case "7"
pop = 1 - pop
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(59), "F1"
Restore help_data
help$ = ""
Read d$
If d$ = "eof" Then Exit Do
help$ = help$ + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) + d$
_MessageBox " App Help", help$, ""
b$ = ""
Case Chr$(13)
If mhl Then b$ = LTrim$(Str$(mhl)): _Continue
Case Chr$(27): System
Case Else
b$ = ""
End Select
Exit Do
If Len(b$) Then pete = 1: mhl = 0
Case Else ' "header" or "suckerfish"
Select Case b$
Case Chr$(0) + "H"
i = -1: GoSub next_menu_item
Case Chr$(0) + "P"
i = 1: GoSub next_menu_item
Case Chr$(0) + "M" ' Enter alternative for suckerfish menu symbol.
If InStr(a$(mhl), Chr$(26)) Then
selection = TopMenuChoice ' Get the top menu number.
j = mhl: GoSub menu_item_selected ' Get the number of the item selected.
j = TopMenuChoice + 1
If j > Asc(Right$(RTrim$(MapHeading$(1)), 1)) - Asc(Left$(LTrim$(MapHeading$(1)), 1)) + 1 Then j = 1
b$ = "": GoSub slider
End If
Case Chr$(0) + "K" ' Esc alternative for suckerfish menu.
If sucker > 0 Then
GoSub closeit: If sucker = -1 Then GoSub top_menu
j = TopMenuChoice - 1
If j = 0 Then j = Asc(Right$(RTrim$(MapHeading$(1)), 1)) - Asc(Left$(LTrim$(MapHeading$(1)), 1)) + 1
b$ = "": GoSub slider
End If
Case Chr$(13)
selection = TopMenuChoice
j = mhl: GoSub menu_item_selected
Case Chr$(27)
GoSub closeit: If sucker = -1 Then GoSub top_menu
Case "a" To "z", "A", "Z"
For j = 1 To dcnt
If Len(abr$(j)) Then
If UCase$(abr$(j)) = UCase$(b$) Then
b$ = LTrim$(Str$(j))
GoSub menu_item_selected
Exit For
End If
End If
End Select
End Select
End If
If MouseField$ = "mouse-in" Then
If oldmy And my <> oldmy Or oldmy And mx <> oldmx Then
j = (my - m.top + pop + spacing) / (spacing + 1)
If j And Int(j) = j Then
If CurStyle And mshow$ <> "LINK" Then mshow$ = "LINK": _MouseShow mshow$
If j <> mhl And Len(LTrim$(a$(j))) Then
GoSub menu_item_highlight
End If
If CurStyle And mshow$ <> "DEFAULT" Then mshow$ = "DEFAULT": _MouseShow mshow$
If mhl Then
Locate m.top - pop + mhl + (mhl - 1) * spacing, m.left - pop + 2 - 1: Color c.MenuFg, c.MenuBg: Print " " + a$(mhl) + " "; ' Unhighlight.
mhl = 0
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
If j > 0 And j <> selection Then
mhl = 0: altmenu = 0: altdown = 0
selection = j ' Leave MenuOpen as is.
If sucker Then sucker = 0
PCopy 1, 0
TopMenuChoice = selection
MenuOpen = 1 ' The row the selected menu occupies.
alt% = 1: Gui_Drop_Menu_Headings c, b$, heading$(), MapHeading$(), alt%, altmenu, altdown, selection, TopMenuChoice
GoSub top_menu
End If
If lb = 2 Or rb = 2 Or mb = 2 Then ' Mouse Event.
If altmenu Then ' Remove prep to open from top menu.
b$ = Chr$(27): Gui_Drop_Menu_Headings c, b$, heading$(), MapHeading$(), alt%, altmenu, altdown, selection, TopMenuChoices
End If
End If
MenuType$ = "header": Gui_Data_Reader m, MapHeading$(), a$(), abr$(), sf(), dcnt, MenuType$, MenuOpen, spacing, pop, justify, selection, sucker
If sucker <> -1 Then
PCopy 0, 1
Gui_Menu_Placement c, m, a$(), abr$(), dcnt, spacing, pop
sucker = 0
End If
s1 = CsrLin: s2 = Pos(0): c1 = _DefaultColor: c2 = _BackgroundColor
If mhl Then ' Unhighlight the previous menu item.
Locate m.top - pop + mhl + (mhl - 1) * spacing, m.left - pop + 2 - 1
Gui_Show_Menu_Item c, mhl, a$(), abr$(), MenuType$
End If
Locate m.top - pop + j + (j - 1) * spacing, m.left - pop + 2 - 1
Color c.MenuHlFg, c.MenuHlBg
Print " " + a$(j) + " ";
Locate s1, s2: Color c1, c2: mhl = j ' Highlight current.
j = mhl
j = j + i: If j > UBound(a$) Or j < 1 Then j = 0: Exit Do
Loop Until Len(LTrim$(a$(j))) ' Bypass dividers.
If j Then GoSub menu_item_highlight
OldMenuType$ = MenuType$: oldmhl = mhl: m.oldtop = m.top: m.oldleft = m.left: m.oldwidth = m.width: oldselection = selection
MenuType$ = "suckerfish": Gui_Data_Reader m, MapHeading$(), a$(), abr$(), sf(), dcnt, MenuType$, MenuOpen, spacing, pop, justify, selection, sucker
mhl = 0 ' Don't unhighlight the parent menu, but zeroing mhl here revents the child menu from being highlighted at the parent level when it opens.
PCopy 0, 2
Gui_Menu_Placement c, m, a$(), abr$(), dcnt, spacing, pop
If sf(j) And sucker = 0 Then ' Open suckerfish menu.
sucker = sf(j)
GoSub suckerfish_menu
sucker = 0 ' Selection was made so close both windows.
_Title a$(j)
GoSub closeit
MenuType$ = "display": Gui_Data_Reader m, MapHeading$(), a$(), abr$(), sf(), dcnt, MenuType$, MenuOpen, spacing, pop, justify, selection, sucker
End If
If mhl Then ' Get rid of previous highlighted item if switching menus.
Locate m.top - pop + mhl + (mhl - 1) * spacing, m.left - pop + 2 - 1: Color c.MenuFg, c.MenuBg: Print " " + a$(mhl) + " "; ' Unhighlight.
mhl = 0
End If
If sucker > 0 Then ' Closes suckerfish menu. Keeps parent menu open.
PCopy 2, 0
m.left = m.oldleft
m.top = m.oldtop
mhl = oldmhl
selection = oldselection
MenuType$ = OldMenuType$
Gui_User MenuType$, spacing, justify, CurStyle, pop, selection, sucker
sucker = -1
If MenuType$ = "display" Then
If mhl Then ' Get rid of previous highlighted item if switching menus.
Locate m.top - pop + mhl + (mhl - 1) * spacing, m.left - pop + 2 - 1: Color c.MenuFg, c.MenuBg: Print " " + a$(mhl) + " "; ' Unhighlight.
mhl = 0
End If
PCopy 1, 0
End If
MenuOpen = 0: selection = 0: MouseField$ = "": mhl = 0
If sucker Then sucker = 0
If CurStyle And mshow$ <> "DEFAULT" Then mshow$ = "DEFAULT": _MouseShow mshow$
b$ = Chr$(27): Gui_Drop_Menu_Headings c, b$, heading$(), MapHeading$(), alt%, altmenu, altdown, selection, TopMenuChoice
MenuType$ = "": TopMenuChoice = 0: altmenu = 0: altdown = 0
End If
End Sub
Sub Gui_Menu_Placement (c As color, m As menu, a$(), abr$(), dcnt, spacing, pop)
' Centers height evenly for odd window heights and 1-space towards top for even.
Locate m.top - pop, m.left - pop
For h = 1 To dcnt
If h = 1 Then
Color c.MenuBdrFg, c.MenubrdBg
Print Chr$(218) + String$(m.width - 2, 196) + Chr$(191)
j = CsrLin
For i = 1 To m.height - 2
If CsrLin < _Height Then Locate j, m.left - pop Else Locate , m.left - pop
Color c.MenuBdrFg, c.MenubrdBg: Print Chr$(179);
Color c.MenuBdrFg, c.MenubrdBg: Print Space$(m.width - 2);
Color c.MenuBdrFg, c.MenubrdBg: Print Chr$(179);
j = j + 1
Locate j, m.left - pop
Color c.MenuBdrFg, c.MenubrdBg: Print Chr$(192) + String$(m.width - 2, 196) + Chr$(217);
If pop Then ' Shadow effect.
Color c.MenuSdwFg, c.MenuSdwBg ' Shadow below.
Locate CsrLin + 1, m.left - pop + 2
For i = 1 To m.width
j = Screen(CsrLin, Pos(0))
Print Chr$(j);
Locate m.top - pop + 1 ' Shadow to the right.
For i = 1 To m.height - 1
Locate , m.left - pop + m.width
j = Screen(CsrLin, Pos(0))
Print Chr$(j);
j = Screen(CsrLin, Pos(0))
Print Chr$(j)
End If
End If
Color c.MenuFg, c.MenuBg
Locate m.top - pop + h + (h - 1) * spacing, m.left - pop + 2 - 1
If Len(LTrim$(a$(h))) Then
Gui_Show_Menu_Item c, h, a$(), abr$(), MenuType$ ' Show each menu item in this for/next loop.
Color c.MenuBdrFg, c.MenubrdBg
Locate , Pos(0) - 1: Print Chr$(195);
Print String$(m.width - 2, Chr$(196)) + Chr$(180);
End If
Next h
End Sub
Sub Gui_Show_Menu_Item (c As color, counter, a$(), abr$(), MenuType$)
If MenuType$ = "display" Then
j = 0
j = InStr(a$(counter), abr$(counter))
End If
If j Then ' Color coded short-cut key selection.
If j = 1 Then
Print " ";: Color c.MenuAbr, c.MenuBg: Print Left$(a$(counter), 1);: Color c.MenuFg, c.MenuBg: Print Mid$(a$(counter), 2); " ";
Color c.MenuFg, c.MenuBg: Print " " + Mid$(a$(counter), 1, j - 1);: Color c.MenuAbr, c.MenuBg: Print Mid$(a$(counter), j, 1);: Color c.MenuFg, c.MenuBg: Print Mid$(a$(counter), j + 1); " ";
End If
Else ' Menu selection without short-cut key.
Color c.MenuFg, c.MenuBg: Print " " + a$(counter) + " ";
End If
End Sub
Sub MyMouse_and_Keyboard (lb, mb, rb, my, mx, mw, shift%, alt%, clkcnt, drag, b$, autokey$)
Static oldmy, oldmx, z1, hover, mwy, oldmwy
If Len(autokey$) Then
b$ = Mid$(autokey$, 1, InStr(autokey$ + ",", ",") - 1)
autokey$ = Mid$(autokey$, InStr(autokey$ + ",", ",") + 1)
Exit Sub
k& = _KeyHit
If k& = 100307 Or k& = 100308 Then alt% = -1: Exit Sub Else If alt% Then alt% = 0
If k& > 0 Then
b$ = MKI$(k&)
If Right$(b$, 1) = Chr$(0) Then b$ = Left$(b$, 1)
End If
End If
If z1 Then If Abs(Timer - z1) > .3 Then z1 = 0: clkcnt = 0
If lb > 0 Then
If lb = 1 Then
lb = -1
lb = 0
End If
End If
If rb > 0 Then If rb = 1 Then rb = -1 Else rb = 0
If mb > 0 Then If mb = 1 Then mb = -1 Else mb = 0
While _MouseInput
mwy = mwy + _MouseWheel
my = _MouseY
mx = _MouseX
b_hover = 0
For i = 1 To nob ' number of buttons.
If my >= y_btl(i) And my <= y_bbr(i) And mx >= x_btl(i) And mx <= x_bbr(i) Then
b_hover = i
Exit For
End If
If lb = -1 Then
If oldmy And oldmx <> mx Or oldmy And oldmy <> my Then
If mx <> oldmx Then drag = Sgn(mx - oldmx) ' Prevent zero which can occur if mouse moves off row when being dragged horizontally.
End If
End If
If drag = 0 Then
If mwy <> oldmw Then
mw = Sgn(mwy - oldmwy): mwy = 0
mw = 0
End If
oldmwy = mwy
If _KeyDown(100303) Or _KeyDown(100304) Then shift% = -1 Else If shift% Then shift% = 0
End If
If lb = -1 And _MouseButton(1) = 0 Then
lb = 2: drag = 0: hover = 0
ElseIf rb = -1 And _MouseButton(2) = 0 Then
rb = 2
ElseIf mb = -1 And _MouseButton(3) = 0 Then
mb = 2
End If
If _MouseButton(1) Then
If lb = 0 Then
lb = 1
If z1 = 0 Then
z1 = Timer ' Let first click go through.
clkcnt = clkcnt + 1
End If
End If
ElseIf _MouseButton(2) And rb = 0 Then
rb = 1
ElseIf _MouseButton(3) And mb = 0 Then
mb = 1
End If
oldmy = my: oldmx = mx
End Sub
Next step is to herd up some of the variable names into more TYPEs and make a couple more GOSUB routines out of some minor repetitious code.
RE: Text Menu Library Project - SierraKen - 01-03-2025
Wow great work Pete!
RE: Text Menu Library Project - bplus - 01-03-2025
What NOT Sharing variables!?!? I have seen some disparagement of both Constants and Shared.
I understand Constants somewhat but Man! Shared? I would like to understand reasoning going into that decision. Is it only because you intend a Libary for Menu's.
RE: Text Menu Library Project - Pete - 01-03-2025
I love shared variables, especially in the middle of a large project when I know I will be wasting a lot of time passing new variables to various subroutines.
I do have some large programs that have all shared variables, and no variables passed. They all work just fine.
Yes, for the sake of a library, it is a neater job to not used shared variables, but it is only a bulletproof measure if the programs or other libraries you add to it never contain shared variables with the same names.
So it's a matter of choice, and I love BASIC for being a language that offers up so many choices over other languages, even though this is not one of those instances.