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Any way to use transparency in SCREEN 0?

Same old stuff, but gathering it all up into libraries. Well, old but with the added new stuff like hardware acceleration to add some effects in SCREEN 0 that were not possible in the old days.

Code: (Select All)
Dim Shared PopDrg
Dim Shared demo As Integer, clean As _Bit
ReDim Shared text$(0), textlen(0), textlenmax(0), fld$(0), button$(0), mRow$(0), a$(0)
ReDim Shared As Long h1(0), h2(0), h3(3), fh(0)
ReDim Shared As Long bl1(0), bl2(0), bl3(0)
ReDim Shared As Long gfx1(0), gfx2(0), gfx3(0)
ReDim Shared As Integer x(0), y(0), y1(0), y2(0), x1(0), x2(0)
ReDim Shared As Integer FType(0), fnx(0), btnmap(0), btnfld(0), tabmap(0), BStyle(0)
Type fields_and_buttons
    a As String
    pad As Integer
    mapping As Integer
    SimClick As Integer
    BSelect As Integer
    tabmax As Integer
    tb As Integer
    TabFldHl As Integer
    fld As Integer
    nof As Integer
    nob As Integer
    style As Integer
    SkipAct As Integer
    idle As Single
    PopStatus As Integer
    HardwareBg As Long
    ' Style
    Fg As Integer
    Bg As Integer
    FTextFg As Integer
    FTextBg As Integer
    FNamFg As Integer
    FHlRed As Integer
    FHlGrn As Integer
    FHlBlu As Integer
    B1Fg As Integer ' Begin button colors.
    B1Bg As Integer
    B1HvrFg As Integer
    B1HvrBg As Integer
    B1FlashFg As Integer
    B1FlashBg As Integer
    B2BdrFg As Integer
    B2BdrHover As Integer
    B2BdrFlash As Integer
    B3TxtRed As Integer
    B3TxtGrn As Integer
    B3TxtBlu As Integer
    B3OutRed As Integer
    B3OutGrn As Integer
    B3OutBlu As Integer
    B3InRed As Integer
    B3InGrn As Integer
    B3InBlu As Integer
    B3Ln1Red As Integer
    B3Ln1Grn As Integer
    B3Ln1Blu As Integer
    B3Ln2Red As Integer
    B3Ln2Grn As Integer
    B3Ln2Blu As Integer
    B3Ln3Red As Integer
    B3Ln3Grn As Integer
    B3Ln3Blu As Integer
    B3Ln1HvrRed As Integer
    B3Ln1HvrGrn As Integer
    B3Ln1HvrBlu As Integer
    B3Ln2HvrRed As Integer
    B3Ln2HvrGrn As Integer
    B3Ln2HvrBlu As Integer
    B3Ln3HvrRed As Integer
    B3Ln3HvrGrn As Integer
    B3Ln3HvrBlu As Integer
    ' Input Types
    CurStyle As Integer
    CurShow As Integer
    hl1 As Integer
    hl2 As Integer
    InputField As Integer
    mhovery As Integer
    mhoverx As Integer
    mvar As Integer
    mtop As Integer
    mleft As Integer
    myclose As Integer
    mxclose As Integer
    page_color As Integer
    skin_frg As Integer
    skin_bkg As Integer
    input_frg As Integer
    input_bkg As Integer
    skin_shadow_frg As Integer
    skin_shadow_bkg As Integer
    mwidth As Integer
    mheight As Integer
    ' Popup Colors
    cp2 As Integer ' Popup background.
    cp4 As Integer ' Popup shadow.
    cp1 As Integer ' Available menu item.
    cp3 As Integer ' Unavailable menu item.
End Type
Dim fb As fields_and_buttons

demo = 10
If demo Then
    Width 80, 35
    fb_palette fb
    _ScreenMove 0, 0
    Color 0, fb.Bg: Cls
    Input "Choose a button mapping method 0 or 1: ", fb.mapping
    GoTo start
End If

fb_palette fb

' Begin User Routine.
fb.a = " Button Hybrid ": fb_make fb, 4, 31, 3
fb.a = " Button Graphics ": fb_make fb, 8, 31, 4
fb.a = " Button Text ": fb_make fb, 12, 31, 2
fb.a = " Button Text ": fb_make fb, 15, 31, 1
fb.a = " Button HTML ": fb_make fb, 19, 31, 5
fb.a = "Text:": fb_fields fb, _Height - 4, 31, 15, 15, "Text goes here."
fb.a = "More Text:": fb_fields fb, _Height - 2, 31, 30, 50, "Additional Text goes here."

    fb_control fb, b$, mx, my, lb, rb, drag

Sub fb_control (fb As fields_and_buttons, b$, mx, my, lb, rb, drag)
    Static initiate As Integer, z1, door, autokey$ ' autokey$ needs to either be preserved here or passed back.
    If initiate = 0 Then
        initiate = 1

        fb_palette fb

        t = _NewImage(_Width * _FontWidth, _Height * _FontHeight, 32)
        _Dest t
        Cls , _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
        fb.HardwareBg = _CopyImage(t, 33)
        _FreeImage t
        _Dest 0
        If demo Then
            fb.nof = 0: fb.nob = 0: fb.tabmax = 0
            ReDim fld$(0), FType(0), btnmap(0), btnfld(0), BStyle(0)
            ReDim y1(0), x1(0), y2(0), x2(0), button$(0)
            clean = -1: fb_fields fb, y, x, length, lengthmax, filler$
            clean = -1: fb_map fb, mapid
            clean = -1: fb_make fb, y, x, ButtonStyle
            Dim nul As String * 1 ' Used only for demo.

            fb_demo fb, nul$, lb, mb, rb, mw, my, mx

        End If
        w& = _CopyImage(0)
        _DisplayOrder _Hardware , _Software ' Hardware under software.
        Cls , fb.Bg
        PCopy w&, 0
        If fb.idle = 0 Then If fb.SkipAct = 0 Then fb.idle = 5 ' Default.
    End If

    MyMouse_and_Keyboard act, lb, mb, rb, my, mx, mw, shift%, AltStatus%, AltToggle%, alt%, ctrl%, clkcnt, drag, k&, b$, autokey$

    _PutImage (0, 0), fb.HardwareBg
    If act Or Abs(z1 - Timer) < fb.idle Or fb.SkipAct <> 0 Then
        If door = -1 Then _PaletteColor 5, _RGB32(0, 0, 0, 0)
        If fb.SkipAct = 0 Then If act Then z1 = Timer
        fb_main fb, b$, mx, my, lb, rb, mw, shift%, drag, autokey$
        door = 0
        If door <> -1 Then _PaletteColor 5, _RGB32(0, 0, 0, 50)
        If door = 0 Then fb_main fb, b$, mx, my, lb, rb, mw, shift%, drag, autokey$
        door = -1
    End If
End Sub

Sub fb_palette (fb As fields_and_buttons)
    ' Reserved colors 3, 5, 6.
    _PaletteColor 3, _RGB32(0, 0, 0, 70) ' Popup shadow.
    _PaletteColor 5, _RGB32(255, 255, 255, 0) ' Software page color (Transparent).
    Palette 6, 63 ' Bright white for background uses.
    ' Button Colors.
    fb.Fg = 0
    fb.Bg = 5
    fb.FTextFg = 15: fb.FTextBg = 0: fb.FNamFg = 0
    fb.FHlRed = 0: fb.FHlGrn = 155: fb.FHlBlu = 155
    fb.B1Fg = 15: fb.B1Bg = 1: fb.B1HvrFg = 7: fb.B1HvrBg = 7: fb.B1FlashFg = 1: fb.B1FlashBg = 7
    fb.B2BdrFg = 8: fb.B2BdrHover = 1: fb.B2BdrFlash = 9
    fb.B3OutRed = 95: fb.B3OutGrn = 95: fb.B3OutBlu = 95
    fb.B3InRed = 155: fb.B3InGrn = 155: fb.B3InBlu = 155
    fb.B3Ln1Red = 155: fb.B3Ln1Grn = 155: fb.B3Ln1Blu = 155
    fb.B3Ln2Red = 0: fb.B3Ln2Grn = 0: fb.B3Ln2Blu = 0
    fb.B3Ln3Red = 255: fb.B3Ln3Grn = 255: fb.B3Ln3Blu = 255
    fb.B3Ln1HvrRed = 0: fb.B3Ln1HvrGrn = 155: fb.B3Ln1HvrBlu = 155
    fb.B3Ln2HvrRed = 0: fb.B3Ln2HvrGrn = 0: fb.B3Ln2HvrBlu = 0
    fb.B3Ln3HvrRed = 255: fb.B3Ln3HvrGrn = 255: fb.B3Ln3HvrBlu = 255
    ' Input Field Colors
    fb.page_color = _BackgroundColor
    fb.input_frg = 15
    fb.input_bkg = 0
    fb.hl1 = 15 ' Highlight text forground.
    fb.hl2 = 1 ' Highlight text background.
    fb.skin_frg = 0 ' These next 4 are for popup input windows, not full page.
    fb.skin_bkg = 5
    fb.skin_shadow_frg = 8
    fb.skin_shadow_bkg = 0
    ' Popup Colors
    fb.cp2 = 6 ' Popup background.
    fb.cp4 = 3 ' Popup shadow.
    fb.cp1 = 0 ' Available menu item.
    fb.cp3 = 7 ' Unavailable menu item.
End Sub

Sub fb_main (fb As fields_and_buttons, b$, mx, my, lb, rb, mw, shift%, drag, autokey$)
    Static BTabHl As Integer, chngfld As Integer
    s1 = CsrLin: s2 = Pos(0)
    b_hover = 0: fb.fld = 0: fb.BSelect = 0
    If fb.mapping Then ' Background was mapped.
        If Len(mRow$(my)) Then
            i = Asc(Mid$(mRow$(my), mx, 1))
            If i > 96 Then
                fb.fld = i - 96
                If FType(fb.fld) = 5 Then b_hover = btnmap(fb.fld)
            End If
        End If
        For i = 1 To fb.nof ' Number of fields.
            If my >= y1(i) And my <= y2(i) And mx >= x1(i) And mx <= x2(i) Then
                Select Case FType(i)
                    Case 1 ' Input field.
                        fb.fld = i
                    Case 5 ' Button.
                        fb.fld = i
                        b_hover = btnmap(fb.fld)
                        Exit For
                End Select
            End If
    End If
    If lb = 1 And FType(fb.fld) = 1 Then
        fb.tb = fb.fld - 1
        fb.TabFldHl = tabmap(fb.tb)
        fb.fld = fb.tb
        BTabHl = 0
        ChangeField% = 1
        If fb.tabmax And b$ = Chr$(9) Then ChangeField% = -1 Else ChangeField% = 0
    End If
    If ChangeField% Then
        If fb.tb = fb.tabmax Then ' Redo cycle.
            fb.tb = 0: BTabHl = 0: fb.TabFldHl = 0
            If FType(fb.tb + 1) = 5 Then ' Button.
                fb.tb = fb.tb + 1
                BTabHl = 0
                force = 1: ' Local variable to force any tab button field to remain highlighted.
            Else ' Field.
                fb.tb = fb.tb + 1 ' Increase tab field for text / non-button fields.
                fb.TabFldHl = tabmap(fb.tb)
                Locate y1(fb.tb), x1(fb.tb)
                s1 = CsrLin: s2 = Pos(0)
            End If
        End If
    End If
    If fb.tb Then
        If fb.TabFldHl And FType(fb.tb) = 1 Then ' Highlight tab field.
            _PutImage ((fnx(fb.tb) - 1) * 8 - 3, (y1(fb.tb) - 1) * 16 - 2), fh(fb.TabFldHl)
            If Abs(chngfld) <> fb.tb Then chngfld = fb.tb
        End If
        If b$ = Chr$(13) Then ' Tab field selected by Enter key.
            If FType(fb.tb) = 5 Then
                fb.SimClick = -btnmap(fb.tb) ' Simulate a left button click.
            End If
        End If
    End If
    For k = 1 To fb.nob
        If demo Then BStyle(k) = (k - 1) \ 2 + 1
        If fb.SimClick = -k Then
            fb.SimClick = Abs(fb.SimClick)
            h = 1: i = Len(button$(fb.SimClick))
            j = fb.tb: l = btnmap(j)
            If BTabHl = k And FType(fb.tb) = 5 Then j = fb.tb: l = btnmap(j) Else j = btnfld(k): l = b_hover
            h = lb: i = Len(button$(k))
        End If
        If BTabHl = k And b_hover <> k And fb.SimClick = 0 And fb.PopStatus = 0 Then ' Display button on Tab selection.
            Select Case BStyle(k)
                Case 1
                    Color fb.B1HvrFg, fb.Bg
                    Locate y1(j) - 1, x1(j): Print String$(i, 220);
                    Locate y1(j) + 1, x1(j): Print String$(i, 223);
                    Color fb.B1Fg, fb.B1HvrBg
                    Locate y1(j), x1(j): Print button$(k);
                Case 2
                    Color fb.B2BdrHover, fb.Bg
                    Locate y1(j), x1(j): Print Chr$(218) + String$(i, 196) + Chr$(191)
                    Locate y1(j) + 1, x1(j): Print Chr$(179);: Locate , Pos(0) + i: Print Chr$(179)
                    Locate y1(j) + 2, x1(j): Print Chr$(192) + String$(i, 196) + Chr$(217);
                    Locate y1(j) + 1, x1(j) + 1: Print button$(k);
                Case 3
                    _PutImage ((x(k) - 1) * 8, (y(k) - 1) * 16), bl2(k)
                Case 4
                    _PutImage ((x(k) - 1) * 8, (y(k) - 1) * 16 + 8), gfx2(k)
                Case 5
                    _PutImage ((x(k) - 1) * 8 + 4, (y(k) - 1) * 16), h2(k)
            End Select
        Else ' Display all buttons standard, hover, or selected.
            Select Case BStyle(k)
                Case 1
                    If fb.PopStatus = 0 Then
                        If h = 0 And b_hover = k Then
                            Color fb.B1HvrFg, fb.Bg
                            Locate y1(j) - 1, x1(j): Print String$(i, 220);
                            Locate y1(j) + 1, x1(j): Print String$(i, 223);
                            Color fb.B1Fg, fb.B1HvrBg
                            Locate y1(j), x1(j): Print button$(k);
                        ElseIf Abs(h) And b_hover = k Or fb.SimClick = k Then
                            Color fb.B1FlashBg, fb.Bg
                            Locate y1(j) - 1, x1(j): Print String$(i, 220);
                            Locate y1(j) + 1, x1(j): Print String$(i, 223);
                            Color fb.B1FlashFg, fb.B1FlashBg
                            Locate y1(j), x1(j): Print button$(k);
                            If h = 2 Then fb.BSelect = k
                            Color fb.B1Bg, fb.Bg
                            Locate y1(j) - 1, x1(j): Print String$(i, 220);
                            Locate y1(j) + 1, x1(j): Print String$(i, 223);
                            Color fb.B1Fg, fb.B1Bg
                            Locate y1(j), x1(j): Print button$(k);
                        End If
                    End If
                Case 2
                    If fb.PopStatus = 0 Then
                        If h = 0 And b_hover = k Then
                            Color fb.B2BdrHover, fb.Bg
                        ElseIf Abs(h) And b_hover = k Or fb.SimClick = k Then
                            Color fb.B2BdrFlash, fb.Bg
                            If h = 2 Then fb.BSelect = k
                            Color fb.B2BdrFg, fb.Bg
                        End If
                        Locate y1(j), x1(j): Print Chr$(218) + String$(i, 196) + Chr$(191)
                        Locate y1(j) + 1, x1(j): Print Chr$(179);: Locate , Pos(0) + i: Print Chr$(179)
                        Locate y1(j) + 2, x1(j): Print Chr$(192) + String$(i, 196) + Chr$(217);
                        Locate y1(j) + 1, x1(j) + 1: Print button$(k);
                    End If
                Case 3
                    If h = 0 And b_hover = k And fb.PopStatus = 0 Then
                        _PutImage ((x(k) - 1) * 8, (y(k) - 1) * 16), bl2(k)
                    ElseIf Abs(h) And b_hover = k And fb.PopStatus = 0 Or fb.SimClick = k And fb.PopStatus = 0 Then
                        _PutImage ((x(k) - 1) * 8, (y(k) - 1) * 16), bl3(k)
                        If h = 2 Then fb.BSelect = k
                        _PutImage ((x(k) - 1) * 8, (y(k) - 1) * 16), bl1(k)
                    End If
                Case 4
                    If h = 0 And b_hover = k And fb.PopStatus = 0 Then
                        _PutImage ((x(k) - 1) * 8, (y(k) - 1) * 16 + 8), gfx2(k)
                    ElseIf Abs(h) And b_hover = k And fb.PopStatus = 0 Or fb.SimClick = k And fb.PopStatus = 0 Then
                        _PutImage ((x(k) - 1) * 8, (y(k) - 1) * 16 + 8), gfx3(k)
                        If h = 2 Then fb.BSelect = k
                        _PutImage ((x(k) - 1) * 8, (y(k) - 1) * 16 + 8), gfx1(k)
                    End If
                Case 5
                    If h = 0 And b_hover = k And fb.PopStatus = 0 Then
                        _PutImage ((x(k) - 1) * 8 + 4, (y(k) - 1) * 16), h2(k)
                    ElseIf Abs(h) And b_hover = k And fb.PopStatus = 0 Or fb.SimClick = k And fb.PopStatus = 0 Then
                        _PutImage ((x(k) - 1) * 8 + 4, (y(k) - 1) * 16), h3(k)
                        If h = 2 Then fb.BSelect = k
                        _PutImage ((x(k) - 1) * 8 + 4, (y(k) - 1) * 16), h1(k)
                    End If
            End Select
        End If
    Select Case FType(fb.tb)
        Case 1

            fb_field_input fb, chngfld, tabmap(fb.tb), lb, mb, rb, my, mx, mw, shift%, clkcnt, drag, b$, autokey$

        Case 5
            If b_hover = 0 Or force Then If fb.PopStatus = 0 Then BTabHl = btnmap(fb.tb)
    End Select
    If demo And fb.PopStatus = 0 Then
        q1 = CsrLin: q2 = Pos(0)
        Color fb.FTextFg, fb.FTextBg
        Locate y1(1), x1(1): Print Space$(2);: Locate y1(1), x1(1): Print LTrim$(Str$(b_hover));
        Locate y1(2), x1(2): Print Space$(2);: Locate y1(2), x1(2)
        If b_hover Then Print LTrim$(Str$(BStyle(b_hover))); Else j = 0: Print LTrim$(Str$(j));
        Locate y1(3), x1(3): Print Space$(2);: Locate y1(3), x1(3): Print LTrim$(Str$(fb.tb));
        Color fb.Fg, fb.Bg
        Locate q1, q2
    End If
    Locate s1, s2, 0 ' Hide cursor
    If fb.SimClick Then fb.BSelect = fb.SimClick: fb.SimClick = 0: _Delay .1
End Sub

Sub fb_fields (fb As fields_and_buttons, y, x, length, lengthmax, filler$)
    Static initiate As Integer, cnt As Integer
    If initiate = 0 Or clean Then
        initiate = 1
        cnt = 0
        If fb.Bg <> _BackgroundColor Then Color fb.Fg, fb.Bg: Cls
        If clean Then clean = 0: initiate = 0: Exit Sub
    End If
    s1 = CsrLin: s2 = Pos(0)
    c1 = _DefaultColor: c2 = _BackgroundColor
    fb.nof = fb.nof + 1: fb.tabmax = fb.tabmax + 1: cnt = cnt + 1
    ReDim _Preserve text$(fb.nof), textlen(cnt), textlenmax(cnt), fld$(fb.nof), fh(cnt), tabmap(fb.nof)
    ReDim _Preserve fnx(fb.nof), y1(fb.nof), x1(fb.nof), y2(fb.nof), x2(fb.nof), FType(fb.nof)
    FType(fb.nof) = 1
    textlen(cnt) = length
    textlenmax(cnt) = lengthmax
    Locate y, x
    fnx(fb.nof) = x
    tabmap(fb.nof) = cnt
    Color fb.FNamFg, fb.Bg
    Print fb.a;
    Color fb.Bg, fb.FTextBg
    Print "Ý";
    j = Len(fb.a) + length + 2 ' Used in Line statement for highlighting line length configuration.
    If Len(filler$) Then
        fld$(fb.nof) = filler$
        fb.a = filler$ + Space$(length - Len(filler$)): fb_map fb, 1
        text$(cnt) = filler$
        fb.a = Space$(length): fb_map fb, 1
    End If
    Print "Þ";
    t = _NewImage((j + 1) * 8, 2 * 16, 32)
    _Dest t
    Line (0, 0)-(j * 8 + 1, 16 * 1 + 3), _RGB32(fb.FHlRed, fb.FHlGrn, fb.FHlBlu), B
    fh(cnt) = _CopyImage(t, 33)
    _FreeImage t
    _Dest 0
    Color c1, c2
    Locate s1, s2
End Sub

Sub fb_make (fb As fields_and_buttons, y As Integer, x As Integer, ButtonStyle As Integer)
    Static initiate As Integer, btnnbr As Integer
    If initiate = 0 Or clean Then
        initiate = 1
        btnnbr = 0
        If fb.Bg <> _BackgroundColor Then Color fb.Fg, fb.Bg: Cls
        If clean Then clean = 0: initiate = 0: Exit Sub
    End If
    s1 = CsrLin: s2 = Pos(0)
    c1 = _DefaultColor: c2 = _BackgroundColor
    j = Len(fb.a)
    fb.nof = fb.nof + 1: fb.nob = fb.nob + 1: fb.tabmax = fb.tabmax + 1
    ReDim _Preserve fld$(fb.nof), FType(fb.nof), btnmap(fb.nof), btnfld(fb.nob), BStyle(fb.nof)
    BStyle(fb.nof) = ButtonStyle ' Passed variable from main.
    FType(fb.nof) = 5
    btnnbr = btnnbr + 1
    btnmap(fb.nof) = btnnbr
    btnfld(btnnbr) = fb.nof
    ReDim _Preserve y1(fb.nof), x1(fb.nof), y2(fb.nof), x2(fb.nof), button$(fb.nof)
    button$(btnnbr) = String$(j, 0) ' Fill any spaces with the null character.
    Mid$(button$(btnnbr), 1 + (j - Len(_Trim$(fb.a))) \ 2) = _Trim$(fb.a)
    Select Case BStyle(fb.nof)
        Case 1 ' Single line button with blank border. 3-rows tall and name, with space ends, wide.
            y = Abs(y)
            Color fb.B1Fg, fb.B1Bg: Locate y, x: fb.a = button$(btnnbr): fb_map fb, 5
            Color fb.B1Bg, fb.Bg: Locate y - 1, x: fb.a = String$(j, Chr$(220)): fb_map fb, 0
            Locate y + 1, x: fb.a = String$(j, Chr$(223)): fb_map fb, 0
        Case 2 ' Text button with line border. 3-rows tall and name, with space ends, wide.
            Color fb.B2BdrFg, fb.Bg
            Locate y - 1, x - 1: fb.a = Chr$(218) + String$(j, 196) + Chr$(191): fb_map fb, 6
            Locate y, x - 1: fb.a = Chr$(179): fb_map fb, 0
            Locate , Pos(0) + j: fb.a = Chr$(179): fb_map fb, 0
            Locate y + 1, x - 1: fb.a = Chr$(192) + String$(j, 196) + Chr$(217): fb_map fb, 7
            Locate y, x: fb.a = button$(btnnbr): fb_map fb, 0
        Case 3 ' Text hybrid button with graphics line border. 3-rows tall and name, with space ends + 2, wide.
            fb.pad = 2 ' Add button style padding.
            j = Len(fb.a)
            k = btnnbr
            ReDim _Preserve x(btnnbr), y(btnnbr), button$(btnnbr), bl1(btnnbr), bl2(btnnbr), bl1(btnnbr), bl3(btnnbr)
            y(k) = y - 1: x(k) = x - 1
            button$(i) = String$(j, 0)
            Mid$(button$(i), 1 + (j - Len(_Trim$(fb.a))) / 2) = _Trim$(fb.a)
            Locate y - 1, x - 1: fb_map fb, 6
            Locate y, x - 1: fb_map fb, -1
            Locate y + 1, x - 1: fb_map fb, 7
            Dest = _Dest
            t = _NewImage((j + 3) * 8, 4 * 16, 32)
            _Dest t
            Line (2, 7 + 2)-((j + 2) * 8 - 2, 16 * 2 + 7 - 2), _RGB32(fb.B3OutRed, fb.B3OutGrn, fb.B3OutBlu), BF
            Line (8, 15)-((j + 1) * 8, 16 + 15), _RGB32(fb.B3Ln1Red, fb.B3Ln1Grn, fb.B3Ln1Blu), BF
            Color _RGB32(fb.B3TxtRed, fb.B3TxtGrn, fb.B3TxtBlu), _RGB32(fb.B3InRed, fb.B3InGrn, fb.B3InBlu): _PrintString (_FontWidth, _FontHeight), fb.a
            Line (2, 7 + 2)-((j + 2) * 8 - 2, 16 * 2 + 7 - 2), _RGB32(fb.B3Ln1Red, fb.B3Ln1Grn, fb.B3Ln1Blu), B
            Line (0, 7)-((j + 2) * 8, 16 * 2 + 7), _RGB32(fb.B3Ln2Red, fb.B3Ln2Grn, fb.B3Ln2Blu), B
            Line (8, 15)-((j + 1) * 8, 16 + 15), _RGB32(fb.B3Ln3Red, fb.B3Ln3Grn, fb.B3Ln3Blu), B
            bl1(btnnbr) = _CopyImage(t, 33)
            _FreeImage t
            t = _NewImage((j + 3) * 8, 4 * 16, 32)
            _Dest t
            Line (2, 7 + 2)-((j + 2) * 8 - 2, 16 * 2 + 7 - 2), _RGB32(fb.B3OutRed, fb.B3OutGrn, fb.B3OutBlu), BF
            Line (8, 15)-((j + 1) * 8, 16 + 15), _RGB32(fb.B3Ln1Red, fb.B3Ln1Grn, fb.B3Ln1Blu), BF
            Color _RGB32(fb.B3TxtRed, fb.B3TxtGrn, fb.B3TxtBlu), _RGB32(fb.B3InRed, fb.B3InGrn, fb.B3InBlu): _PrintString (_FontWidth, _FontHeight), fb.a
            Line (2, 7 + 2)-((j + 2) * 8 - 2, 16 * 2 + 7 - 2), _RGB32(fb.B3Ln1HvrRed, fb.B3Ln1HvrGrn, fb.B3Ln1HvrBlu), B
            Line (0, 7)-((j + 2) * 8, 16 * 2 + 7), _RGB32(fb.B3Ln2HvrRed, fb.B3Ln2HvrGrn, fb.B3Ln2HvrBlu), B
            Line (8, 15)-((j + 1) * 8, 16 + 15), _RGB32(fb.B3Ln3HvrRed, fb.B3Ln3HvrGrn, fb.B3Ln3HvrBlu), B
            bl2(btnnbr) = _CopyImage(t, 33)
            _FreeImage t
            t& = _NewImage((j + 3) * 8, 4 * 16, 32)
            _Dest t&
            Rem _PutImage (0, 0), bl1(btnnbr)
            Line (2, 7 + 2)-((j + 2) * 8 - 2, 16 * 2 + 7 - 2), _RGB32(fb.B3OutRed, fb.B3OutGrn, fb.B3OutBlu), BF
            Line (8, 15)-((j + 1) * 8, 16 + 15), _RGB32(fb.B3Ln1Red, fb.B3Ln1Grn, fb.B3Ln1Blu), BF
            Color _RGB32(fb.B3InRed, fb.B3InGrn, fb.B3InBlu), _RGB32(fb.B3TxtRed, fb.B3TxtGrn, fb.B3TxtBlu): _PrintString (_FontWidth, _FontHeight), fb.a
            Line (2, 7 + 2)-((j + 2) * 8 - 2, 16 * 2 + 7 - 2), _RGB32(fb.B3Ln1Red, fb.B3Ln1Grn, fb.B3Ln1Blu), B
            Line (0, 7)-((j + 2) * 8, 16 * 2 + 7), _RGB32(fb.B3Ln2Red, fb.B3Ln2Grn, fb.B3Ln2Blu), B
            Line (8, 15)-((j + 1) * 8, 16 + 15), _RGB32(fb.B3Ln3Red, fb.B3Ln3Grn, fb.B3Ln3Blu), B
            bl3(btnnbr) = _CopyImage(t, 33)
            _FreeImage t&
            _Dest 0
        Case 4 ' Graphics button.
            fb.pad = 2 ' Add button style padding.
            j = Len(fb.a)
            ReDim _Preserve x(btnnbr), y(btnnbr), button$(btnnbr), gfx1(btnnbr), gfx2(btnnbr), gfx3(btnnbr)
            y(btnnbr) = y - 1: x(btnnbr) = x - 1
            button$(btnnbr) = String$(j + 2, 0)
            Mid$(button$(btnnbr), 1 + (j - Len(_Trim$(fb.a))) / 2) = _Trim$(fb.a)
            Locate y - 1, x - 1: fb_map fb, 8
            Locate y, x - 1: fb_map fb, -1
            Locate y + 1, x - 1: fb_map fb, 9
            caption$ = Mid$(" " + fb.a + " ", 1, j + fb.pad)
            gfx1(btnnbr) = fb_gfx((j + fb.pad) * 8, 2 * 16, 170, 170, 170, -9, -9, -1, caption$)
            gfx2(btnnbr) = fb_gfx((j + fb.pad) * 8, 2 * 16, 200, 200, 200, -8, -7, -1, caption$)
            gfx3(btnnbr) = fb_gfx((j + fb.pad) * 8, 2 * 16, 200, 200, 200, -1, -1, -1, caption$)
        Case 5 ' HTML button.
            img& = _LoadImage("activate-static.png", 32)
            i = _Height(img&)
            j = _Width(img&)
            If j Mod 8 Then j = j \ 8 + 1 Else j = j \ 8
            If i Mod 16 Then i = i \ 16 + 1 Else i = i \ 16
            If i / 2 <> i \ 2 Then i = i + 1
            If j / 2 <> j \ 2 Then j = j + 1
            button$(btnnbr) = _Trim$(fb.a)
            fb.a = String$(j, i)
            ReDim _Preserve x(btnnbr), y(btnnbr), button$(btnnbr), h1(btnnbr), h2(btnnbr), h3(btnnbr)
            y(btnnbr) = y - 1: x(btnnbr) = x - 1
            Locate y - 1, x - 1: fb_map fb, 10
            For k = 0 To i - 2
                Locate y + k, x - 1: fb_map fb, -1
            h1(btnnbr) = _CopyImage(img&, 33)
            _FreeImage img&
            img& = _LoadImage("activate-hover.png", 32)
            h2(btnnbr) = _CopyImage(img&, 33)
            _FreeImage img&
            img& = _LoadImage("activate-active.png", 32)
            h3(btnnbr) = _CopyImage(img&, 33)
            _FreeImage img&
    End Select
    fb.pad = 0 ' Remove any button style padding.
    Color c1, c2
    Locate s1, s2
End Sub

Function fb_gfx (wide, tall, r, g, b, rc, gc, bc, caption$)
    ' Button function courtesy of the Amazing Steve.
    Dim k As _Unsigned Long
    Dest = _Dest
    t = _NewImage(wide, tall, 32)
    _Dest t
    For i = 0 To 10
        rm = rm + rc
        gm = gm + gc
        bm = bm + bc
        k = _RGB32(r + rm, g + gm, b + bm)
        Line (x + i, y + i)-(x + wide - i, y + tall - i), k, B
    Paint (x + i, y + i), k
    Color _RGB32(r, g, b), 0
    _PrintString (x + (wide - _PrintWidth(caption$)) / 2, y + (tall - _FontHeight) / 2), caption$
    fb_gfx = _CopyImage(t, 33)
    _FreeImage t
    _Dest Dest
End Function

Sub fb_map (fb As fields_and_buttons, mapid)
    Static initiate As Integer, mapfld As Integer
    If initiate = 0 Or clean Then
        initiate = 1
        ReDim mRow$(_Height)
        mapfld = 96
        If clean Then clean = 0: initiate = 0: Exit Sub
    End If
    If fb.mapping And mRow$(CsrLin) = "" Then mRow$(CsrLin) = Space$(_Width)
    Select Case mapid
        Case 1 ' Simple text field.
            mapfld = mapfld + 1 ' Advance.
            y1(mapfld - 96) = CsrLin
            x1(mapfld - 96) = Pos(0)
            y2(mapfld - 96) = CsrLin
            x2(mapfld - 96) = Pos(0) + Len(fb.a)
        Case 5 ' Single line button with blank padding.
            mapfld = mapfld + 1 ' Advance.
            y1(mapfld - 96) = CsrLin
            x1(mapfld - 96) = Pos(0)
            y2(mapfld - 96) = CsrLin
            x2(mapfld - 96) = Pos(0) + Len(fb.a)
        Case 6 ' Text or hybrid button top.
            mapfld = mapfld + 1 ' Advance.
            y1(mapfld - 96) = CsrLin: x1(mapfld - 96) = Pos(0)
        Case 7 ' Text or hybrid button bottom.
            y2(mapfld - 96) = CsrLin: x2(mapfld - 96) = Pos(0) + Len(fb.a)
        Case 8 ' Graphics hybrid button top.
            mapfld = mapfld + 1 ' Advance.
            y1(mapfld - 96) = CsrLin
            x1(mapfld - 96) = Pos(0)
        Case 9 ' Graphics hybrid button bottom.
            y2(mapfld - 96) = CsrLin
            x2(mapfld - 96) = Pos(0) + Len(fb.a)
        Case 10 ' HTML button.
            mapfld = mapfld + 1 ' Advance.
            y1(mapfld - 96) = CsrLin
            x1(mapfld - 96) = Pos(0)
            y2(mapfld - 96) = CsrLin + Asc(Mid$(fb.a, 1, 1))
            x2(mapfld - 96) = Pos(0) + Len(fb.a)
    End Select
    If fb.mapping Then Mid$(mRow$(CsrLin), Pos(0)) = String$(Len(fb.a) + fb.pad, Chr$(mapfld))
    If mapid < 6 And mapid > -1 Then Print fb.a;
End Sub

Sub fb_field_input (fb As fields_and_buttons, chngfld As Integer, ifield, lb, mb, rb, my, mx, mw, shift%, clkcnt, drag, b$, autokey$) ' Single line keyboard routine for input.
    Static initiate, ml, mr, y, x, ovw, hscr, restore_color1, restore_color2
    Static hl, string_pos, mhover_close, s1color, s2color
    Static mhlinput As _Bit, popit
    Static restricted_keys$
    Static flen(), yfield(), xfield(), maxflen(), menu$()
    restore_color1 = _DefaultColor: restore_color2 = _BackgroundColor
    If initiate = 0 Then
        initiate = 1
    End If
    If initiate = 1 Or chngfld > 0 Then
        initiate = 2
        If hl Then Locate y, x: GoSub hl_off
        b$ = "" ' Needed to prevent an autokey event if tab was used to open this input field.
        Locate y1(fb.tb), x1(fb.tb)
        Color fb.input_frg, fb.input_bkg ' Initiate input text color.
        fb.InputField = ifield: If fb.InputField = 0 Then fb.InputField = 1
        ReDim _Preserve yfield(fb.InputField) ' Row.
        ReDim _Preserve xfield(fb.InputField) ' Column.
        ReDim _Preserve flen(fb.InputField) ' Field length.
        ReDim _Preserve maxflen(fb.InputField) ' Max text length.
        flen(fb.InputField) = textlen(fb.InputField)
        maxflen(fb.InputField) = textlenmax(fb.InputField)
        yfield(fb.InputField) = CsrLin
        xfield(fb.InputField) = Pos(0)
        If fb.CurStyle = 0 Then fb.CurStyle = 7: fb.CurShow = 1 ' Default cursor.
        hscr = 0: fb.mhovery = 0: fb.mhoverx = 0: mhlinput = 0
        ml = Pos(0)
        mr = ml + flen(fb.InputField)
        If chngfld > 0 Then
            chngfld = -chngfld
            If lb <> 0 Then Locate my, mx
        End If
        y = CsrLin: x = Pos(0) ' Initial cursor position.
        fb.CurShow = 1: Locate y, x, fb.CurShow, 7, fb.CurStyle ' Show cursor.
    End If
    Color fb.input_frg, fb.input_bkg: Locate y, x, 1
    If PopDrg Then If drag = 0 Then PopDrg = -1: popit = -1 Else popit = -1
    If popit Then

        fb.CurShow = 0: Locate , , fb.CurShow ' Hide cursor

        fb_input_popup fb, menu$(), hl, popit, lb, mb, rb, my, mx, mw, drag, b$

        If b$ = "" Then Exit Sub
        If popit = 0 Then fb.CurShow = 1: Locate , , fb.CurShow, 7, fb.CurStyle ' Show cursor
            string_pos = Pos(0) - ml ' Track text position from 0 to maxflen(fb.InputField).

            If InStr(restricted_keys$, LCase$(b$)) And Len(b$) = 1 Then
                _MessageBox " Invalid character.", "File names cannot contain the following characters: " + restricted_keys$, "info"
                b$ = ""
            End If
            If fb.myclose Then ' Self contained close on x click routine. Includes hover and left click release.
                If my = fb.myclose And mx = fb.mxclose Or mhover_close Then
                    If mhover_close And lb = 2 Then Exit Do ' Close popup and exit input routine.
                    y = CsrLin: x = Pos(0)
                    s1color = _DefaultColor: s2color = _BackgroundColor
                    j = mhover_close
                    If my = fb.myclose And mx = fb.mxclose Then
                        If mhover_close = 0 Then Color fb.skin_bkg, 4: mhover_close = 1
                        If mhover_close Then Color fb.skin_frg, fb.skin_bkg: mhover_close = 0
                    End If
                    If j <> mhover_close Then
                        Locate fb.myclose, fb.mxclose - 1: Print " x ";
                        Color s1color, s2color
                        Locate y, x
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            If mhlinput Then If drag = 0 And lb = 0 Then mhlinput = 0 ' Quit mouse input line highlighting.
            If lb > 0 Or drag Then ' Mouse button events.
                    If drag Then
                        If my = yfield(fb.InputField) Or mhlinput Then
                            If mx >= ml - hscr And mx <= ml + Len(text$(fb.InputField)) - hscr Or mhlinput Then
                                mhlinput = -1
                                If drag > 0 Then
                                    If mx > Pos(0) - 1 Then
                                        shift% = -1: GoSub cursor_forward '|--------------->
                                        string_pos = Pos(0) - ml
                                        y = CsrLin: x = Pos(0)
                                    End If
                                    If mx < Pos(0) Then
                                        shift% = -1: GoSub cursor_back '|--------------->
                                        string_pos = Pos(0) - ml
                                        y = CsrLin: x = Pos(0)
                                    End If
                                End If
                            End If
                            Exit Do
                        End If
                    End If
                    If lb = 1 Or clkcnt > 1 Then
                        For i = 1 To UBound(yfield) ' Find input line.
                            If my = yfield(i) And mx >= xfield(i) And mx <= xfield(i) + flen(i) Then ' Mouse cursor in an input field.
                                If hl Then GoSub hl_off '|--------------->
                                Rem If i <> 1 Then If text$(1) = "" Then Beep: Exit Do ' Uniqueue restriction when no text is present in first input field.
                                fb.InputField = i
                                If clkcnt > 1 Then
                                    GoSub select_all '|--------------->
                                    GoSub mouse_click_relocate '|--------------->
                                End If
                                y = CsrLin: x = Pos(0)
                                Exit For
                            End If
                        Exit Do
                    End If
                    If lb = 2 Then ' Mouse button pressed and released.
                        '</----------------------- USER DEFINED ROUTINE -----------------------/>
                        Exit Do
                    End If
                    Exit Do
            End If
            If rb = 2 Then ' Right mouse button released.
                If fb.mvar < 1 Then
                    If my <> yfield(fb.InputField) Then ' Check for change input field click.
                        For i = 1 To UBound(yfield)
                            If my = yfield(i) Then ' Change input fields.
                                Rem If i <> 1 Then If text$(1) = "" Then Beep: Exit Do ' Uniqueue restriction when no text is present in first input field.
                                If i <> fb.InputField Then ' Remove any highlighting if input line is being changed.
                                    If hl Then GoSub hl_off '|--------------->
                                End If
                                fb.InputField = i
                                GoSub mouse_click_relocate '|--------------->
                                Exit For
                            End If
                    End If
                    popit = -1
                End If
            End If
            Exit Do ' Flow through.
    End If
    If Len(b$) Then
        Select Case b$
            Case Chr$(27) ' Esc key.
                Rem Exit Do ' Leave sub.
            Case Chr$(9), Chr$(13) ' Tab or Enter key.
                initiate = 1
                If hl Then GoSub hl_off '|--------------->
                autokey$ = Chr$(9)
                Rem Exit Do ' Leave sub.
            Case Chr$(8) ' Backspace key.
                GoSub backspace '|--------------->
            Case Chr$(0) + "S" ' Delete key.
                GoSub delete '|--------------->
            Case Chr$(0) + "M" ' Arrow right key.
                GoSub cursor_forward '|--------------->
            Case Chr$(0) + "K" ' Arrow left key.
                GoSub cursor_back '|--------------->
            Case Chr$(0) + "t" ' Ctrl + Arrow right key.
                GoSub ctrl_rt '|--------------->
            Case Chr$(0) + "s" ' Ctrl + Arrow left key.
                GoSub ctrl_lt '|--------------->
            Case Chr$(0) + "G" ' Home
                GoSub cur_home '|--------------->
            Case Chr$(0) + "O" ' End
                GoSub cur_end '|--------------->
            Case Chr$(0) + "R" ' Insert/overwrite toggel.
                ovw = 1 - ovw
                If ovw Then fb.CurStyle = 30 Else fb.CurStyle = 7
                Locate , , fb.CurShow, 7, fb.CurStyle ' Change cursor appearance. Assumes cursor is shown, not hidden.
            Case Chr$(22) ' Ctrl + V - Paste
                GoSub paste '|--------------->
            Case Chr$(3) ' Ctrl + C - Copy
                GoSub copy '|--------------->
            Case Chr$(24) ' Ctrl + X - Cut
                GoSub cut '|--------------->
            Case Chr$(1) ' Select all.
                GoSub select_all '|--------------->
            Case Chr$(32) To "z"
                GoSub print_chr '|--------------->
        End Select
        y = CsrLin: x = Pos(0) ' Track cursor.
    End If
    Color restore_color1, restore_color2
    If popit <> 0 Or PopDrg <> 0 Then fb.PopStatus = 1 Else fb.PopStatus = 0
    Exit Sub

    If hl Then GoSub cut '|--------------->
    string_pos = Pos(0) - ml
    If string_pos + ml < mr - 1 And Len(text$(fb.InputField)) < flen(fb.InputField) - 1 Then
        If ml + Len(text$(fb.InputField)) < mr Then
            text$(fb.InputField) = Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), 1, string_pos) + b$ + Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), string_pos + 1 + ovw)
            Locate , ml: Print Space$(flen(fb.InputField));: Locate , ml
            Print text$(fb.InputField);
            Locate , ml + string_pos + 1
        End If
    Else ' Horizontal scrolling.
        If Len(text$(fb.InputField)) < maxflen(fb.InputField) Then
            If string_pos = flen(fb.InputField) - 1 Or string_pos = flen(fb.InputField) - 2 And string_pos < Len(text$(fb.InputField)) - hscr - 1 Then
                j = 1 ' At right margin.
                j = 0
            End If
            text$(fb.InputField) = Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), 1, hscr + string_pos) + b$ + Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + string_pos + 1 + ovw)
            hscr = hscr + j
            Locate , ml
            If ovw Then Print Space$(flen(fb.InputField));: Locate , ml
            Print Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + 1, flen(fb.InputField));
            Locate , ml + string_pos + 1 - j
        End If
    End If

    If hl And shift% = 0 Then GoSub cut: Return '|--------------->
    If string_pos = 0 And hscr > 0 Or string_pos > 0 Then
        If hl Then GoSub hl_off '|--------------->
        text$(fb.InputField) = Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), 1, hscr + string_pos - 1) + Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + string_pos + 1)
        If hscr Then hscr = hscr - 1: j = 0 Else j = 1
        Locate , ml: Print Space$(flen(fb.InputField));
        Locate , ml
        Print Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + 1, flen(fb.InputField));
        Locate , x - j
    End If

    If hl Then
        GoSub cut '|--------------->
        text$(fb.InputField) = Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), 1, hscr + string_pos) + Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + string_pos + 2)
        Locate , ml: Print Space$(flen(fb.InputField));
        Locate , ml
        Print Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + 1, flen(fb.InputField));
        Locate , x
    End If

        GoSub cursor_back '|--------------->
        string_pos = Pos(0) - ml
    Loop Until hscr = 0 And string_pos = 0

        GoSub cursor_forward '|--------------->
        string_pos = Pos(0) - ml
    Loop Until string_pos + 1 > Len(text$(fb.InputField)) - hscr

    If hl And shift% = 0 Then GoSub hl_off '|--------------->
    If string_pos + 1 <= Len(text$(fb.InputField)) - hscr Then
        If ml + string_pos + 1 = mr And Len(text$(fb.InputField)) >= flen(fb.InputField) And shift% = 0 Then
            hscr = hscr + 1
            Locate , ml: Print Space$(flen(fb.InputField));: Locate , ml
            Print Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + 1, flen(fb.InputField));
            If string_pos <> Len(text$(fb.InputField)) - hscr Then Locate , Pos(0) - 1
        ElseIf shift% And string_pos < Len(text$(fb.InputField)) - hscr Then
            If string_pos = flen(fb.InputField) - 1 Then
                hscr = hscr + 1
                Color fb.input_frg, fb.input_bkg
                Locate , ml: Print Space$(flen(fb.InputField));: Locate , ml
                If string_pos - hl > flen(fb.InputField) Then
                    Print Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + 1, (flen(fb.InputField)) - 1);
                    Print Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + 1, string_pos - hl - 1);
                End If
                If hl < 0 Then Color fb.input_frg, fb.input_bkg Else Color fb.hl1, fb.hl2
                hl = hl + 1
                If Pos(0) = ml Then
                    Print Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + 1, flen(fb.InputField) - 1);
                    Print Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + 1 + string_pos - hl, (flen(fb.InputField)) - (string_pos - hl) - 1);
                End If
                If hl < 0 Then Color fb.input_frg Else Color fb.hl1, fb.hl2
                hl = hl + 1
                Print Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + string_pos + 1, 1);
            End If
            If hl Then GoSub hl_off '|--------------->
            If Pos(0) < mr Then Locate , Pos(0) + 1
        End If
        Color fb.input_frg
    End If

    If hl And shift% = 0 Then GoSub hl_off '|--------------->
    If string_pos = 0 And shift% = 0 Then
        If hscr Then hscr = hscr - 1: Print Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + 1, flen(fb.InputField));: Locate , ml
    ElseIf shift% Then
        If string_pos = 0 Then
            If hscr Then
                hscr = hscr - 1
                If hl > 0 Then Color fb.input_frg, fb.input_bkg Else Color fb.hl1, fb.hl2
                hl = hl - 1
                j = Abs(hl): If j > (flen(fb.InputField)) Then j = flen(fb.InputField)
                Print Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + 1, j);
                Color fb.input_frg, fb.input_bkg: Print Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + 1 + j, (flen(fb.InputField)) - j);
                Locate , ml
            End If
            Locate , Pos(0) - 1
            If hl > 0 Then Color fb.input_frg, fb.input_bkg Else Color fb.hl1, fb.hl2
            Print Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + string_pos, 1);
            Locate , Pos(0) - 1
            hl = hl - 1
        End If
        Color fb.input_frg, fb.input_bkg
        If hl Then GoSub hl_off '|--------------->
        Locate , Pos(0) - 1
    End If

        GoSub cursor_forward '|--------------->
        string_pos = Pos(0) - ml
    Loop Until Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + string_pos, 1) = " " Or string_pos >= Len(text$(fb.InputField)) - hscr

        GoSub cursor_back '|--------------->
        string_pos = Pos(0) - ml
    Loop Until Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + string_pos, 1) = " " Or Pos(0) = ml And hscr = 0

    j = Pos(0)
    Locate , ml
    Color fb.input_frg, fb.input_bkg
    Print Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + 1, flen(fb.InputField));
    Locate , j
    hl = 0

    Color fb.input_frg, fb.input_bkg
    Select Case hl
        Case Is > 0
            If b$ = Chr$(24) Then _Clipboard$ = Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), string_pos + 1 + hscr - hl, hl) ' Only copy to clipboard for 'cut' and not delete or paste over highlighted text calls.
            j = ml + string_pos - hl
            Locate , ml
            Print Space$(flen(fb.InputField));
            text$(fb.InputField) = Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), 1, hscr + string_pos - hl) + Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + string_pos + 1)
            Locate , ml
            If j < ml Then hscr = hscr + string_pos - hl: j = ml
            Print Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + 1, flen(fb.InputField));
            Locate , j
        Case 0
            ' Do nothing
        Case Is < 0
            If b$ <> Chr$(0) + "S" Then _Clipboard$ = Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), string_pos + 1 + hscr, Abs(hl))
            Locate , ml
            Print Space$(flen(fb.InputField));
            text$(fb.InputField) = Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), 1, hscr + string_pos) + Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + string_pos + 1 + Abs(hl))
            Locate , ml
            Print Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + 1, flen(fb.InputField));
            Locate , ml + string_pos
    End Select
    hl = 0 ' No need for hl_off.

    Select Case hl
        Case Len(text$(fb.InputField)) ' Select all.
            _Clipboard$ = text$(fb.InputField)
        Case 1 To Len(text$(fb.InputField)) - 1
            _Clipboard$ = Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), string_pos + 1 - hl, hl)
        Case 0
            ' Do nothing
        Case Is < 0
            _Clipboard$ = Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), string_pos + 1, Abs(hl))
    End Select

    If Len(_Clipboard$) Then
        If InStr(_Clipboard$, Chr$(13)) Then
            tmp$ = "": j = 0
            For i = 1 To Len(_Clipboard$)
                x$ = Mid$(_Clipboard$, i, 1)
                If x$ = Chr$(13) And j = 0 Then
                    tmp$ = tmp$ + " "
                    j = -1
                    If Asc(x$) > 32 Then j = 0
                    If j = 0 Then tmp$ = tmp$ + x$
                End If
            tmp$ = _Clipboard$
        End If
        If Len(text$(fb.InputField)) - Abs(hl) + Len(tmp$) <= Abs(hl) + Len(tmp$) Then
            If hl Then GoSub cut '|--------------->
            text$(fb.InputField) = Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), 1, hscr + string_pos) + tmp$ + Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + string_pos + 1)
            If Pos(0) + Len(tmp$) + 1 >= mr Then
                i = hscr
                hscr = hscr + Pos(0) + Len(tmp$) + 1 - mr
                j = Pos(0) + Len(tmp$) - (hscr - i)
                j = Pos(0) + Len(tmp$)
            End If
            Locate , ml: Print Space$(flen(fb.InputField));
            Locate , ml: Print Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + 1, flen(fb.InputField));
            Locate , j
            Beep ' Too many characters to paste.
        End If
    End If

    GoSub cur_end '|--------------->
    hl = Len(text$(fb.InputField))
    Locate , ml
    Color fb.hl1, fb.hl2
    Print Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), hscr + 1, flen(fb.InputField));
    Color fb.input_frg, fb.input_bkg

    If text$(fb.InputField) = "" Then
        Locate yfield(fb.InputField), ml: Print Mid$(text$(fb.InputField), 1, flen(fb.InputField));
        If mx <= xfield(fb.InputField) + Len(text$(fb.InputField)) Then
            Locate my, mx
            If Len(text$(fb.InputField)) >= flen(fb.InputField) - 1 Then
                Locate yfield(fb.InputField), xfield(fb.InputField) + flen(fb.InputField) - 1
                Locate yfield(fb.InputField), xfield(fb.InputField) + Len(text$(fb.InputField))
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Sub fb_input_popup (fb As fields_and_buttons, menu$(), hl, popit, lb, mb, rb, my, mx, mw, drag, b$)
    Static initiate, nomi, oldmy, oldmx
    Static atmp As String
    Static menu_restrict()
    Static MenuHL, MenuT, MenuR, MenuB, MenuL, myalt, mxalt, shadowB, shadowR
    y = CsrLin: x = Pos(0)
    restore_color1 = _DefaultColor: restore_color2 = _BackgroundColor
    Rem fb.CurShow = 0: Locate , , fb.CurShow ' Hide cursor
    If initiate Then
        _PutImage ((MenuR - 1) * _FontWidth, MenuT * _FontHeight), shadowR
        _PutImage (MenuL * _FontWidth, (MenuB - 1) * _FontHeight), shadowB
    End If
    If PopDrg > 0 And oldmx = mx And oldmy = my Then Exit Sub
    If initiate = 0 Then
        initiate = 1
        Restore PopupMenuData

        PopupMenuData: ' eof must be lowercase.
        Data Cut.........Ctrl+X,Copy........Ctrl+C,Paste.......Ctrl+V,Clear..........Del,Select All..Ctrl+A
        Data Close..........Esc,eof

        t = _NewImage(200, 20, 32)
        _Dest t
        Line (0, 0)-(190, 15), _RGB32(128, 128, 128, 190), BF
        shadowB = _CopyImage(t, 33)
        _FreeImage t
        t = _NewImage(20, 200, 32)
        _Dest t
        Line (0, 0)-(14, 191), _RGB32(128, 128, 128, 190), BF
        shadowR = _CopyImage(t, 33)
        _FreeImage t
        _Dest 0
        nomi = 0
            Read tmp$
            If tmp$ = "eof" Then Exit Do
            nomi = nomi + 1
            ReDim _Preserve menu$(nomi)
            menu$(nomi) = tmp$
    End If
        mxalt = 0
        If b$ = Chr$(0) + "H" Or mw = -1 Then
            If (MenuHL - MenuT + 1) \ 2 > 1 Then
                myalt = MenuHL - 2: mxalt = -1
            End If
        ElseIf b$ = Chr$(0) + "P" Or mw = 1 Then
            If MenuHL = 0 Then
                myalt = MenuT + 1: mxalt = -1
                If (MenuHL - MenuT + 1) \ 2 < nomi Then
                    myalt = MenuHL + 2: mxalt = -1
                End If
            End If
        ElseIf b$ = Chr$(13) Or mb = 2 Then
            If menu_restrict((MenuHL - MenuT + 1) \ 2) = 0 Then
                fb.mvar = (MenuHL - MenuT + 1) \ 2
                popit = 0
                Exit Do
            End If
        End If
        If PopDrg < 0 Then
            PopDrg = -MenuL
            fb.mvar = 0: MenuHL = 0
            popit = -1
            PCopy 1, 0
            If drag And oldmx <> mx Or drag And oldmy <> my Then
                If my > MenuT - 2 And my < MenuT + 2 And mx >= MenuL And mx <= MenuR Or PopDrg Then
                    PopDrg = MenuL - (oldmx - mx):
                    If PopDrg < 1 Then PopDrg = 1 ' Prevents going over left page margin.
                    fb.mvar = 0
                    PCopy 1, 0 ' Removes current popup.
                    popit = -1 ' Reopens popup in next cycle.
                End If
            End If
        End If
        Select Case fb.mvar
            Case -1 ' Hover.
                If mxalt = 0 Then myalt = my: mxalt = mx
                i = myalt >= MenuT And myalt < MenuB And mxalt > MenuL And mxalt < MenuR
                If i Or mxalt = -1 Then
                    j = (myalt - MenuT) \ 2 <> (myalt - MenuT) / 2 And myalt <> oldmy
                    If j Or mxalt = -1 Then ' Works for odd or even number top margins.
                        If MenuHL Then ' Remove highlighting from previous hover.
                            atmp = Space$(fb.mwidth - 2) ' This and next line center menu item to menu.
                            Mid$(atmp, 2, Len(menu$((MenuHL - MenuT + 1) \ 2))) = menu$((MenuHL - MenuT + 1) \ 2)
                            Locate MenuHL, MenuL + 2 - 1
                            If menu_restrict((MenuHL - MenuT + 1) \ 2) Then Color fb.cp3, fb.cp2 Else Color fb.cp1, fb.cp2
                            Print atmp
                        End If
                        atmp = Space$(fb.mwidth - 2)
                        Mid$(atmp, 2, Len(menu$((myalt - MenuT + 1) \ 2))) = menu$((myalt - MenuT + 1) \ 2)
                        Locate myalt, MenuL + 2 - 1
                        If menu_restrict((myalt - MenuT + 1) \ 2) Then Color fb.cp2, fb.cp3 Else Color fb.cp2, fb.cp1
                        Print atmp;
                        Color fb.cp1, fb.cp2
                        MenuHL = myalt
                    End If
                    If lb = 2 Then
                        If menu_restrict((myalt - MenuT + 1) \ 2) = 0 Then
                            fb.mvar = (myalt - MenuT + 1) \ 2
                            popit = 0
                            Exit Do
                        End If
                    End If
                    ' Toggle close popup menu.
                    If i = 0 And drag = 0 Then ' One exception is too close to top of menu to prevent closing on a drag event.
                        If lb <> 0 Or rb <> 0 Then
                            popit = 0
                            fb.mvar = 0: Exit Do
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                If Len(b$) Then
                    Select Case b$
                        Case Chr$(0) + "S", Chr$(22), Chr$(24), Chr$(1), Chr$(3): Exit Do
                        Case Chr$(27): b$ = "": fb.mvar = 0: popit = 0: Exit Do ' Simply close popup.
                    End Select
                End If
            Case Else ' Open popup menu.
                menu_variety = 1
                h = 5 ' Variable to determine margin spaces from the right of menu.
                If nomi > _Height - 2 Or Len(menu$(1)) > _Width - 4 Then nomi = 0: initiate = 0: Exit Sub ' Not enough room to open popup.
                ReDim menu_restrict(nomi) ' Restrictions.
                If text$(fb.InputField) = "" Then
                    For i = 1 To nomi - 2: menu_restrict(i) = 1: Next
                    If hl = 0 Then
                        For i = 1 To 4: menu_restrict(i) = 1: Next
                    End If
                End If
                If Len(_Clipboard$) Then menu_restrict(3) = 0 Else menu_restrict(3) = 1 ' End Restrictions.
                For i = 1 To nomi ' Determine menu width by largest menu item.
                    j = Len(menu$(i))
                    If j > k Then k = j
                fb.mwidth = k + h
                fb.mheight = nomi * 2 + 1 ' Add one for the separate border element.
                Select Case menu_variety
                    Case 0 ' Fixed menu to left.
                        MenuT = 3: MenuL = 1: MenuR = MenuL + fb.mwidth: MenuB = MenuT + fb.mheight
                    Case 1 ' Movable menu.
                        Select Case PopDrg
                            Case Is < 0
                                MenuL = Abs(PopDrg)
                                PopDrg = 0 ' Drag cycle completed.
                            Case Is > 0
                                MenuT = my
                                MenuL = PopDrg
                            Case 0
                                MenuT = my + 1 ' One below input line.
                                MenuL = mx
                        End Select
                        If MenuT + fb.mheight > _Height Then MenuT = _Height - fb.mheight ' -1 for shadow.
                        If MenuL + fb.mwidth >= _Width Then MenuL = _Width - fb.mwidth - 1 ' -1 for shadow.
                        MenuR = MenuL + fb.mwidth: MenuB = MenuT + fb.mheight
                End Select
                fb.mvar = -1 ' Identifies the menu is open.
                PCopy 0, 1 ' Place current page in memory to be restored when popup is closed.
                Color fb.cp1, fb.cp2
                Locate MenuT, MenuL
                Print Chr$(218) + String$(fb.mwidth - 2, 196) + Chr$(191) ' Menu top border.
                For i = 1 To fb.mheight - 2
                    Color fb.cp1, fb.cp2: Locate , MenuL
                    Print Chr$(179); Space$(fb.mwidth - 2) + Chr$(179)
                Color fb.cp1, fb.cp2: Locate , MenuL
                Print Chr$(192) + String$(fb.mwidth - 2, 196) + Chr$(217); ' Menu bottom border.
                For i = 0 To nomi - 1 ' Show menu items.
                    Locate MenuT + 1 + i * 2, MenuL + 2
                    If menu_restrict(i + 1) Then
                        Color fb.cp3, fb.cp2 ' Restricted menu item.
                        Color fb.cp1, fb.cp2 ' Usable menu item
                    End If
                    Print menu$(i + 1)
                    Color fb.cp1, fb.cp2
                    Locate , MenuL
                    If i + 1 < nomi Then Print "Ã" + String$(fb.mwidth - 2, Chr$(196)) + "´";
        End Select
        Exit Do
    oldmy = my: oldmx = mx
    If popit = 0 Then PCopy 1, 0: MenuHL = 0 ' Removes popup, any popup highlighting, and restores screen.
    Color restore_color1, restore_color2
    Locate y, x
    Select Case fb.mvar
        Case 1: b$ = Chr$(24) ' Cut
        Case 2: b$ = Chr$(3) ' Copy
        Case 3: b$ = Chr$(22) ' Paste
        Case 4: b$ = Chr$(0) + "S" ' Delete
        Case 5: b$ = Chr$(1) ' Select All
        Case 6 ' Do nothing. (Close Menu).
    End Select
    If fb.mvar > 0 Then fb.mvar = 0
End Sub

Sub MyMouse_and_Keyboard (act, lb, mb, rb, my, mx, mw, shift%, AltStatus%, AltToggle%, alt%, ctrl%, clkcnt, drag, k&, b$, autokey$)
    Dim As Integer oldmw
    Static As Integer oldmy, oldmx, mwy, oldmwy
    Static z1 As Single
        _Limit 60
        act = 0
        If AltStatus% Then AltStatus% = 0
        If Len(autokey$) Then
            b$ = Mid$(autokey$, 1, InStr(autokey$ + ",", ",") - 1)
            autokey$ = Mid$(autokey$, InStr(autokey$ + ",", ",") + 1)
            act = 1
            Exit Do
            k& = _KeyHit
            If k& = 100307 Or k& = 100308 Then
                AltStatus% = -1
                AltToggle% = 1 - AltToggle%
                act = 1
                Exit Do
            End If
            If k& > 0 Then
                b$ = MKI$(k&)
                If Mid$(b$, 2, 1) = Chr$(135) Then b$ = "" ' Keys like like Shift, Ctrl, and Alt.
                If Right$(b$, 1) = Chr$(0) Then b$ = Left$(b$, 1)
                act = 3
                b$ = ""
            End If
        End If
        If z1 Then If Abs(Timer - z1) > .25 Then z1 = 0: clkcnt = 0
        If lb > 0 Then
            If lb = 1 Then
                lb = -1: act = 1
                lb = 0: act = -1
            End If
        End If
        If rb > 0 Then If rb = 1 Then rb = -1: act = 1 Else rb = 0
        If mb > 0 Then If mb = 1 Then mb = -1: act = 1 Else mb = 0
        While _MouseInput
            mwy = mwy + _MouseWheel: act = 1
        my = _MouseY
        mx = _MouseX
        If lb = -1 Then
            If oldmy And oldmx <> mx Or oldmy And oldmy <> my Then
                If mx <> oldmx Then drag = Sgn(mx - oldmx) ' Prevent zero which can occur if mouse moves off row when being dragged horizontally.
            End If
        End If
        If drag = 0 Then
            If mwy <> oldmw Then
                mw = Sgn(mwy - oldmwy): mwy = 0
                mw = 0
            End If
            oldmwy = mwy
            If _KeyDown(100303) Or _KeyDown(100304) Then shift% = -1: act = 1 Else If shift% Then shift% = 0
            If _KeyDown(100305) Or _KeyDown(100306) Then ctrl% = -1: act = 1 Else If ctrl% Then ctrl% = 0
            If _KeyDown(100307) Or _KeyDown(100308) Then alt% = -1: act = 1 Else If alt% Then alt% = 0
            If ctrl% Then ' Convert select all, cut, copy, paste.
                Select Case LCase$(b$)
                    Case "a": b$ = Chr$(1)
                    Case "x": b$ = Chr$(24)
                    Case "c": b$ = Chr$(3)
                    Case "v": b$ = Chr$(22)
                    Case Chr$(0) + "k": b$ = Chr$(0) + "s"
                    Case Chr$(0) + "m": b$ = Chr$(0) + "t"
                End Select
            End If
        End If
        If lb = -1 And _MouseButton(1) = 0 Then
            lb = 2: drag = 0: hover = 0: act = 1
        ElseIf rb = -1 And _MouseButton(2) = 0 Then
            rb = 2: act = 1
        ElseIf mb = -1 And _MouseButton(3) = 0 Then
            mb = 2: act = 1
        End If
        If _MouseButton(1) Then
            If lb = 0 Then
                lb = 1: z1 = Timer: act = 1
                clkcnt = clkcnt + 1
            End If
        ElseIf _MouseButton(2) And rb = 0 Then
            rb = 1: act = 1
        ElseIf _MouseButton(3) And mb = 0 Then
            mb = 1: act = 1
        End If
        If my <> oldmy Or mx <> oldmx Then act = 2
        oldmy = my: oldmx = mx
        Exit Do
End Sub

Sub fb_demo (fb As fields_and_buttons, nul As String * 1, lb, mb, rb, mw, my, mx)
    Static cnt As Integer, y As Integer
    ReDim a$(_Height)
    If fb.mapping = 0 Then _Title "Mouse / Keyboard Demo with Array Mapping" Else _Title "Mouse / Keyboard Demo with Screen Mapping"
    fb.Fg = 0
    fb.Bg = 5
    Color fb.Fg, fb.Bg: Cls
    fb.FTextFg = 15: fb.FTextBg = 0: fb.FNamFg = 0
    fb.FHlRed = 0: fb.FHlGrn = 155: fb.FHlBlu = 155
    fb.B1Fg = 15: fb.B1Bg = 1: fb.B1HvrFg = 7: fb.B1HvrBg = 7: fb.B1FlashFg = 1: fb.B1FlashBg = 7
    fb.B2BdrFg = 8: fb.B2BdrHover = 1: fb.B2BdrFlash = 9
    fb.B3OutRed = 95: fb.B3OutGrn = 95: fb.B3OutBlu = 95
    fb.B3InRed = 155: fb.B3InGrn = 155: fb.B3InBlu = 155
    fb.B3Ln1Red = 155: fb.B3Ln1Grn = 155: fb.B3Ln1Blu = 155
    fb.B3Ln2Red = 0: fb.B3Ln2Grn = 0: fb.B3Ln2Blu = 0
    fb.B3Ln3Red = 255: fb.B3Ln3Grn = 255: fb.B3Ln3Blu = 255
    fb.B3Ln1HvrRed = 0: fb.B3Ln1HvrGrn = 155: fb.B3Ln1HvrBlu = 155
    fb.B3Ln2HvrRed = 0: fb.B3Ln2HvrGrn = 0: fb.B3Ln2HvrBlu = 0
    fb.B3Ln3HvrRed = 255: fb.B3Ln3HvrGrn = 255: fb.B3Ln3HvrBlu = 255
    ' Input Field Colors
    fb.page_color = _BackgroundColor
    fb.input_frg = 15
    fb.input_bkg = 0
    fb.hl1 = 15 ' Highlight text forground.
    fb.hl2 = 1 ' Highlight text background.
    fb.skin_frg = 0 ' These next 4 are for popup input windows, not full page.
    fb.skin_bkg = 5
    fb.skin_shadow_frg = 8
    fb.skin_shadow_bkg = 0
    ' Popup Colors
    fb.cp2 = 6 ' Popup background.
    fb.cp4 = 3 ' Popup shadow.
    fb.cp1 = 0 ' Available menu item.
    fb.cp3 = 7 ' Unavailable menu item.
    ' Display Demo Items
    fb.a = "Hover:": fb_fields fb, 2, 51, 2, 0, nul
    fb.a = "Button Style:": fb_fields fb, 4, 51, 2, 0, nul
    fb.a = "Tab:": fb_fields fb, 6, 51, 2, 0, nul
    fb.a = " Button 1 ": fb_make fb, 10, 51, 1
    fb.a = " Button 2 ": fb_make fb, 10, 66, 1
    fb.a = " Button 3 ": fb_make fb, 15, 51, 2
    fb.a = " Button 4 ": fb_make fb, 15, 66, 2
    fb.a = " Button 5 ": fb_make fb, 20, 51, 3
    fb.a = " Button 6 ": fb_make fb, 20, 66, 3
    fb.a = " Button 7 ": fb_make fb, 25, 51, 4
    fb.a = " Button 8 ": fb_make fb, 25, 66, 4
    fb.a = "Activate": fb_make fb, 30, 51, 5
    fb.a = "Activate": fb_make fb, 30, 66, 5
    fb.a = "Text:": fb_fields fb, 33, 51, 19, 38, "Text goes here."
    Rem For i = 1 To _Height - 1: Locate i, 1: Print mRow$(i);: Next ' Test mapping area.
    SkipAct = 0: z1 = Timer
    fb.idle = 10
    w& = _CopyImage(0)
    _DisplayOrder _Hardware , _Software ' Hardware under software.
    Cls , fb.Bg ' Apply transparent software background.
    PCopy w&, 0 ' Copy previously made software images back to the screen.

        MyMouse_and_Keyboard act, lb, mb, rb, my, mx, mw, shift%, AltStatus%, AltToggle%, alt%, ctrl%, clkcnt, drag, k&, b$, autokey$

        _PutImage (0, 0), fb.HardwareBg
        If act Or Abs(z1 - Timer) < fb.idle Or fb.SkipAct <> 0 Then
            If door = -1 Then _PaletteColor 5, _RGB32(0, 0, 0, 0)
            If fb.SkipAct = 0 Then If act Then z1 = Timer
            fb_main fb, b$, mx, my, lb, rb, mw, shift%, drag, autokey$
            door = 0
            If door <> -1 Then _PaletteColor 5, _RGB32(0, 0, 0, 50)
            If door = 0 Then fb_main fb, b$, mx, my, lb, rb, mw, shift%, drag, autokey$
            door = -1
        End If
        If fb.PopStatus = 0 Then
            If drag Then
                If olddrag <> drag Then
                    If drag > 0 Then GoSub print_array: a$ = "Drag Right. Status = " + LTrim$(Str$(drag)) Else GoSub print_array: a$ = "Drag Left. Status = " + LTrim$(Str$(drag))
                    olddrag = drag
                End If
                olddrag = 0
            End If
            If oldlb <> lb Then
                Select Case lb
                    Case 0
                        GoSub print_array: a$ = "Left Button Up - Button Status = " + LTrim$(Str$(lb))
                        GoSub print_array: a$ = "Number of clicks = " + LTrim$(Str$(clkcnt))
                    Case -1
                        GoSub print_array: a$ = "Left Button Down - Button Status = " + LTrim$(Str$(lb))
                    Case 1
                        GoSub print_array: a$ = "Left Button Pressed - Button Status = " + LTrim$(Str$(lb))
                    Case 2
                        GoSub print_array: a$ = "Left Button Released - Button Status = " + LTrim$(Str$(lb))
                End Select
            End If
            If oldmb <> mb Then
                Select Case mb
                    Case 0: GoSub print_array: a$ = "Middle Button Up - Button Status = " + LTrim$(Str$(mb))
                    Case -1: GoSub print_array: a$ = "Middle Button Down - Button Status = " + LTrim$(Str$(mb))
                    Case 1: GoSub print_array: a$ = "Middle Button Pressed - Button Status = " + LTrim$(Str$(mb))
                    Case 2: GoSub print_array: a$ = "Middle Button Released - Button Status = " + LTrim$(Str$(mb))
                End Select
            End If
            If oldrb <> rb Then
                Select Case rb
                    Case 0: GoSub print_array: a$ = "Right Button Up - Button Status = " + LTrim$(Str$(rb))
                    Case -1: GoSub print_array: a$ = "Right Button Down - Button Status = " + LTrim$(Str$(rb))
                    Case 1: GoSub print_array: a$ = "Right Button Pressed - Button Status = " + LTrim$(Str$(rb))
                    Case 2: GoSub print_array: a$ = "Right Button Released - Button Status = " + LTrim$(Str$(rb))
                End Select
            End If
            If oldmw <> mw Then
                If mw < 0 Then GoSub print_array: a$ = "Mouse Wheel Up - Wheel Status = " + LTrim$(Str$(mw))
                If mw > 0 Then GoSub print_array: a$ = "Mouse Wheel Down - Wheel Status = " + LTrim$(Str$(mw))
            End If
            If fb.BSelect Then GoSub print_array: a$ = "Button Selected = " + LTrim$(Str$(fb.BSelect))
            If oldalt% <> alt% Then
                If alt% < 0 Then GoSub print_array: a$ = "Alt Button Down" Else GoSub print_array: a$ = "Alt Button Released"
            End If
            If oldctrl% <> ctrl% Then
                If ctrl% < 0 Then GoSub print_array: a$ = "Ctrl Button Down" Else GoSub print_array: a$ = "Ctrl Button Released"
            End If
            If oldshift% <> shift% Then
                If shift% < 0 Then GoSub print_array: a$ = "Shift Button Down" Else GoSub print_array: a$ = "Shift Button Released"
            End If
            If AltStatus% And OldAltStatus% <> AltStatus% Then
                If AltToggle% Then GoSub print_array: a$ = "Alt Key Pressed / Alt Toggle Status: On" Else GoSub print_array: a$ = "Alt Key Pressed / Alt Toggle Status: Off"
            End If
            If k& < 0 Then oldb$ = ""
            Select Case Len(b$)
                Case 1
                    If oldb$ <> b$ Then x = CVI(MKI$(Asc(b$))): GoSub print_array: a$ = "You Pressed: " + Chr$(x) + "  Chr$(" + LTrim$(Str$(x)) + ")"
                    oldb$ = b$
                Case 2
                    If oldb$ <> b$ Then GoSub print_array: a$ = "You Pressed: " + "nul + " + LTrim$(Str$(Asc(Mid$(b$, 2, 1)))) + "  Chr$(0) + " + Chr$(34) + Mid$(b$, 2, 1) + Chr$(34)
                    oldb$ = b$
            End Select
            oldlb = lb: oldrb = rb: oldmb = mb: oldmw = mw: oldalt% = alt%: oldctrl% = ctrl%: oldshift% = shift%: OldAltStatus% = AltStatus%
        End If

    s1 = CsrLin: s2 = Pos(0)
    y = y + 1
    If cnt = _Height - 1 Then
        Locate 1, 1
        j = cnt: cnt = 0
        For cnt = 1 To j - 1
            a$(cnt) = a$(cnt + 1)
            Print a$(cnt);
        a$(cnt) = Space$(45)
        Mid$(a$(cnt), 1) = a$
        Print a$(cnt);
        cnt = cnt + 1
        a$(cnt) = Space$(45)
        Mid$(a$(cnt), 1) = a$
        Locate y, 1
        Print a$(cnt);
    End If
    Locate s1, s2
End Sub

So the problem I'm having with it is the popup shadow. You can open the popup by...

1) Left click on any character in the sample text input box.
2) Right click.
3) Hover the mouse near the top of the popup, depress the left mouse button, and start dragging the window around the screen.

Notice when the shadow moves over the first four 'software' buttons, it doesn't dim the button color it covers. This also happens with the software text, but it is less noticeble... umless the text has been highlighted. That becomes plenty noticeble.

There are rabbit holes everywhere to fix this, but nothing I've found is straight forward enough to bother with. Ironically _SCREENIMAGE could be used  with other statements to make a temporary screen under the popup, which is a full hardware image. That would allow for a software popup with a hardware opaque shadow to correctly display. The problem is _SCREENIMAGE is dependent on exact coordinates of the QB64 window, minus the title bar. It would probably require API additions to track that, and my hunch is the screen contents wouldn't be perfectly aligned anymore, but really, really close. After the popup is closed, a copy of the old software screen would be put back, and the hardware images would return as the program cycles through their display statements. I wish _COPYIMAGE had this ability to capture the QB64 window contents in SCREEN 0 like _SCREENIMAGE does for the desktop.

Anyway, if you are inclined, download the buttons below to your QB64 folder and give it a good quantum spin. The demo is on, but if you change it to demo = 0 , in line 101, you can put in your own statements to place the various button types and text fields on a screen. See the examples I included beginning at line 114: ' Begin User Routine.



- Give Bill enough string and he'll tunnel himself.
(Yesterday, 06:39 AM)Pete Wrote: No luck getting _copyimage to work in SCREEN 0 to pick up a screen with both the hardware and software images present. So no way to make  copy into a hardware only image. If I could do that, situation solved.

Not *today*, but I mentioned it to @a740g and he didn't seem to think it'd be that hard to work into the language.  You *could* already do a work around by saving to disk with _SaveImage (it works with SCREEN 0), and then _LOADIMAGE that saved image, and then _COPYIMAGE that software image to hardware.  

That's basically the process we'd implement behind the screens (though with it all being mem streams and no disk read/writes required), to add that functionality to _COPYIMAGE(text_screen_handle, 33).   It seems pretty straight forward, and if you can wait until the next release, it may be something that we can add into the language by then for added flexibility with that command.  It'd be SLOW as you'd convert from text to software to hardware, but it should be *possible*, rather than just tossing that error that you see now.

Today, the solution would be:
_SaveImage "foo.png"
temp = _LoadImage("foo.png", 32)
hw = _CopyImage(temp, 33)
_FreeImage temp

Once we expand the functionality, it'd just be:
hw = _CopyImage(0, 33)

So... you can do a work around yourself, or.. wait for updates and expansions which may, or may not, be soon(tm).  Big Grin
Well once the image is loaded, it wouldn't be anymore time than using the blank underlay, so that would only give us the one draw back of not being able to easily update that background image if a process, say a stupid clock with a jackass second counter was running on that page. Well, that would just mean adding an update trigger, but I bet that would make dragging the popup a bit glitchy. Or... just convert the clock readout to mem and display it as a hardware image. Man, this mixing screens is a lot of thought and planning. Very procedural in nature. It makes me remember why, as much as I like to fly, I never took lessons. Too impetuous. Maybe when AI gets better I'll give it a go. You know, when I can just jump in the cockpit and say...


Pete Big Grin 

PS Did you guys have a look at what I thought might be a bug in the _SCREENIMAGE output?

The "Hello World" part made a duplicate appearance that shouldn't be present in the upper right corner.

(Yesterday, 02:34 PM)Pete Wrote: Maybe when AI gets better I'll give it a go. You know, when I can just jump in the cockpit and say...


You're beautiful, baby - don't ever change! Tongue
(03-29-2025, 07:52 PM)Kernelpanic Wrote:
Quote:That's not possible, as QB64(PE) supports only one physical window per program. However, as finally the contents of a window is just an image, and we can create as many images as our memory allows you could simply go a master/slave approach.

You have a master program which creates and manages the images and react to inputs and a slave program which can be run multiple times . . .
Thanks for the explanation! The master/slave thing is too complicated for me, so it doesn't work.

IMHO a master/slave structure is more complex, 
when I was developing my windows system I used a simple stack structure, in the main I got the inputs (Keyboard & mouse) and the user action went to the window that was at the top of the stack. So the system must manage the stack and let interact the window on the top with the user.
Surely the system can be enpowered with inputs that let navigate quickly from a window to another adjourning the position of the windows in the stack. Take as example the Alt+Tab that let you navigate among the different open window in Windows.
moreover if there are uncovered areas of different windows the pointer of mouse can activate the window pointed (it goes to the top of the stack and it is showed wholly).
Quote:1) Make the popup a hardware image and keep the default display order. I explained earlier this is a pain because with even just one menu, you have to make and assemble multiple parts to get a color difference as the menu item are sometimes usable (normal black text) or not usable (grey text). Now if you are also making multiple menus, like the QB64 IDE, this would get tedious and time consuming, fast.
don't be so imperative! The work has made by software not by hand of coder!
Each menu becomes a hardware image... if a menu has 2/3 options activable you use 3-4 hardware images (1 for standard with no option activated, 1 with each option activated... copy paste and cut are cohoperative and not exclusive! 
Instead if you make a project with  multiple indipendent activable options I think you love hard workd and you need a hard numbero of hardware images!)
take a look here hardware images and screen 0 and here hardware images screen 0 and alpha channel
Yeah, I realized that just yesterday. Mentioned it in the other thread just awhile ago. All I need to do is draw the popup once to a graphics window each time one is opened. That's much easier. It still doesn't get me past the popups with text input. I really want to keep those as software popups.

I usually give myself a simmering down phase before I jump the gun and code. If not, I'd already be half way done with piecemeal hardware menus before I woke up and realized I worked my ASCII off for nothing. Well, others would have a good laugh over it... so, on the bright side, there's always that! Big Grin


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