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request for printing patterns with for loops tutorial
(11-20-2024, 11:59 PM)fistfullofnails Wrote: Thanks everyone, but I still need to start with something simple, like a square, because I really don't understand what's happening.

Code: (Select All)
FOR i = 1 to 3
   PRINT "***"

The above would print 3 lines for you of "***", making your square.

@fistfullofnails You can "Print patterns" on Screen 0, the default screen (when Screen is not called in code), simply by changing colors and printing a space = " ". A space ONLY prints the background color AND can be used to clear text on a line instead of CLS so you can erase parts of screen without erasing everything.

There are 8 background colors in Screen 0 and here is a horizontal striped using color changes and printing spaces:
Code: (Select All)
For row = 1 To 25 ' the default = screen 0 has 25 rows  to put characters you type
    For col = 1 To 80 ' the default = screen 0 has 80 columns  to put characters you type
        ' you can color screen 0 simple by specifying a backcolor and printing a space
        Color , row Mod 8 ' a mod b divides a by b and return remainder a number between 0 & b-1 inclusive
        Locate row, col: Print " "; ' print a space at each location

simply change
Color ,row, Mod 8
Color , col, Mod 8

and the horizontal stripes become vertical!
Code: (Select All)
For row = 1 To 25 ' the default = screen 0 has 25 rows  to put characters you type
    For col = 1 To 80 ' the default = screen 0 has 80 columns  to put characters you type
        ' you can color screen 0 simple by specifying a backcolor and printing a space
        Color , col Mod 8 ' a mod b divides a by b and return remainder a number between 0 & b-1 inclusive
        Locate row, col: Print " "; ' print a space at each location
b = b + ...
OK @fistfullofnails to print a true square on default screen 0

Here is red square printed with background color 4 into middle of screen:
Code: (Select All)
'  a character cell is 8 pixels wide X 16 pixels high
rowStart = 11: rowEnd = 15 ' 5 vertical rows  5 * 16 = 80 pixels
colStart = 36: colEnd = 45 ' 10 columns 10 * 8 = 80 pixels

' 80 pixels X 80- pixels = true square in screen 0

' pick a color 0 to 7 not 0 = default black background say 4
backcolor = 4 ' try different colors here 4 is red

'  color forecolor,  backcolor   '<<< command to control color

Color , backcolor '  set color to 4, now anywhere we print backcolor is red = 4

' color our square on default black background
For row = rowStart To rowEnd
    For col = colStart To colEnd
        Locate row, col: Print " "; ' print a space at each location of the square
b = b + ...
bplus riffing on the last again:
Code: (Select All)
rowStart = 11: rowEnd = 15 ' 5 vertical rows  5 * 16 = 80 pixels
colStart = 36: colEnd = 45 ' 10 columns 10 * 8 = 80 pixels

' 80 pixels X 8- pixels = true square in screen 0

' pick a color 0 to 7 not 0 say
sqH = 5 ' 1 to 25 rows
sqW = 2 * sqH ' for a square width = 2*height = twice as many columns
sqLeft = 36 ' left most column
sqTop = 11 ' top most row
backcolor = 4 ' try different colors here 4 is red

GoSub printSquare
Locate 22, 23: Print "zzz... press any for random squares"

' riffing again
' pick a random square height max is 25
    sqH = Int(Rnd * 25) + 1 ' 1 to 25 rows
    sqW = 2 * sqH ' for a square width = 2*height = twice as many columns
    sqLeft = Int(Rnd * (80 - sqW)) + 1 ' left most column
    sqTop = Int(Rnd * (25 - sqH)) + 1 ' top most row
    backcolor = (backcolor + 1) Mod 8 ' 0 to 7 colors (including black as "eraser"
    GoSub printSquare
    _Limit 2
Loop Until _KeyDown(27) ' until escape key is pressewd
Color , backcolor
For row = sqTop To sqTop + sqH - 1
    For col = sqLeft To sqLeft + sqW - 1
        Locate row, col: Print " "; ' print a space at each location of the square
b = b + ...
OK, I can make some sense of this.  Thanks for the explanations as well.
(11-20-2024, 03:21 PM)SMcNeill Wrote: Aren't you guys making this all too complicated for such a simple task and question?

Code: (Select All)
For i = 0 To 20
    Print Space$(40 - i); String$(i * 2 + 1, "*")

Three simple lines of code.  That's all you need.  Nothing fancy.  Nothing complex.  Just a FOR statement, a PRINT statement, and a NEXT.

I get this and can back engineer it for the most part to figure out what's going on.  So I notice if I place anything greater than a single character in place of the asterik, the String$ command seems to only print out the very first character.  For example if I entered "Car" in place of "*", then it would just print out the C character every time, instead of the word Car.  Am I correct on that?
You are. String$() is engineered to only give one character and if you try an include more it just spits out the first character. There have been a few times I wished we had on keyword that could handle multiple characters.

Oh, and x-mas tree code...
Code: (Select All)
Locate 7
a$ = "*"
For i = 1 To 14
    If i > 10 Then a$ = "*"
    Locate , _Width \ 2 - Len(a$) \ 2 + 1
    Print a$
    a$ = a$ + "**"

Shoot first and shoot people who ask questions, later.
thank you

You want animation with that?

Code: (Select All)
Width 60, 24
_Font 16
_ScreenMove _Middle
_Title "'Tis The Season"
train$ = Space$(_Width) + "[oo]-[oo]-[Oo>"
Palette 7, 63
Color 2, 7: Cls
msg$ = "Merry Christmas"
Locate 4, _Width \ 2 - Len(msg$) \ 2 + 1
Color 4, 7: Print msg$: Color 2
Locate 7
a$ = "*"
For i = 1 To 14
    If i > 10 Then a$ = "*": Color 0
    Locate , _Width \ 2 - Len(a$) \ 2 + 1
    Print a$
    a$ = a$ + "**"
y = CsrLin - 1
Color 2: Locate y, 1: Print String$(_Width, 177);
_Delay 2: x = 5: z = Timer
    Locate 7: a$ = "*"
    For i = 1 To 10
        Locate , _Width \ 2 - Len(a$) \ 2 + 1
        Color 2: Print a$;
        For j = 1 To Len(a$)
            If Rnd * 20 > 17 Then
                Locate , _Width \ 2 - Len(a$) \ 2 + j
                Color 12 + 16: Print "*";
            End If
        a$ = a$ + "**"
    If Abs(z - Timer) > x Then
        z = Timer
        If t = Len(train$) + 1 Then
            t = 1: x = 3
Sound 300, .05
            t = t + 1: x = .05
            Locate y - 1, 1: Color 0: Print Mid$(train$, Len(train$) - t, _Width);
            If t >= _Width / 2 + Len(_Trim$(train$)) Then Color 0: Locate , _Width \ 2 + 1: Print "*";
        End If
    End If
Loop Until InKey$ = Chr$(27)

Shoot first and shoot people who ask questions, later.
(11-21-2024, 02:22 AM)SMcNeill Wrote:
(11-20-2024, 11:59 PM)fistfullofnails Wrote: Thanks everyone, but I still need to start with something simple, like a square, because I really don't understand what's happening.

Code: (Select All)
FOR i = 1 to 3
   PRINT "***"

The above would print 3 lines for you of "***", making your square.


Happy new year friends!

Sorry Steve you have missed the goal of the task of fist_full_of_nails..
he likes a square of 4 * for 3 rows...
Code: (Select All)

print "***"
is incorrect.

And that the Befana brings us other than black coal!

la Befana


I love it, so nice and in movement!

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