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Rock Jockey 2.0 is ready for action
Cool, thanks for posting all that. I'll check em out.
I never did put this game on or hype it on other sites, but I'm still pleased with the rate of downloading here on the forum. So far since mid-December there have been 222 downloads, which I think shows how many visitors come here looking for games. I also never added key mapping per Mad Scientist's suggestion just cause sometimes you want a project to be over. I spent about a year on this on and off - adding to it and fixing bugs - and I think it's probably good enough. Despite the number of downloads though, there's very little feedback, positive or negative...  Dodgy  Oh well.
No negatives... That's a positive!!
LOL, thanks, Steve. I should definitely use that approach around here.
Wow this a fantastic game! Sorry I didn't look at this earlier. It did freeze up on me and shut down at the cockpit view though when I was shooting rocks. Not sure if I used it too fast or what. But this is really awesome, good job.
I am just using a Mini-PC though, without a graphics card. It's Windows 11 64 bit quadcore 16 GB RAM. The graphics use the regular RAM on these PC's. This kind of thing has happened before on large games, like Microsoft Flight Simulator X. So it's probably just this computer.
Hey, thanks, @SierraKen! Glad you like. Smile  Sorry to hear it locked up on you. I've tested it on PCs and Macs and it hasn't glitched on me in months. If you get a chance (and have interest), give it a try on a more powerful machine and lemme know if it crashes again por favor. There's a whole nother half of the game to play after the bad-guy shooting galley. You can also press 's' to skip that section...
Thanks NakedApe, I might just use that 'S' if I need to, I will try it again on this PC soon. I don't have any better computer to use here. This Mini-PC is actually only around 6 months old, brand new. But it has limitations.
I tried running this game on the latest version of QB64PE (4.1) and for some reason one - and only one - of the subroutines loses mouse control. _MouseX and _MouseY stay stuck at zero in the saucerControl sub though _MouseButton(1) works there... Luckily the game still runs fine on earlier versions of QB. I tried to fix the problem myself, but nothing helped. I reported the issue to @a740g, our resident Mac guru. Meanwhile, pressing the 's' key during the problem section skips to the next part of the game fyi.  Undecided

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