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General Discussion - Freedom To Speak
(02-25-2025, 12:54 AM)eoredson Wrote:
@steve: instead of the verbose reply you could have just stated this. Huh

A "to-the-point" answer would have not only defeated the purpose of the "smoke", it also would have been nowhere near as entertaining.

Besides, this feller is old enough to appreciate-me (something silly) some long-winded stories (whether for any reason or no reason).
Are you saying Steve get his jollies are other people's expense? No way! Steve gets his jollies at his own expense (verbose writing) 'cause Steve's no Democrat!

Don't feel alone. This isn't the first, nor will it be the last time someone asks this question. 

Happy posting.

Pete Big Grin
(02-25-2025, 12:54 AM)eoredson Wrote:
Quote:What do you have to be to view any sort of adult material?  "over 18"

What limits do we place upon free speech and the freedom to speak?  "none"
I am sorry for the confusion but it didn't seem quite obvious to me.

@steve: instead of the verbose reply you could have just stated this. Huh


One can either give a direct answer, which teaches nothing, or else one can be more verbose and explain the LOGIC behind HOW to derive the correct answer.

I could write, "just type in the following sequence of characters into the password field:

And perhaps you may have gotten that solution, or else you might type in "none<ENTER>" and then came back to say it didn't work.  Even if it did work, you wouldn't know where it came from, how to find it, or care enough to remember it.  Three months from now, after you do a browser update, or clear your browser cache, you'll then be back asking, "Guys, I can't get into the forums anymore.  What's the password again?"

So, rather than just impart a worthless answer repeatedly (as has been done several times on the forums before and then got shuffled and lost in the posts), I'm the type who would rather explain the logic.  It didn't seem obvious to you, you couldn't sort out how to arrive at the solution even when pointed to the relevant posts in question, so I took the time to HIGHLIGHT THE PROCESS TO OBTAIN THE SOLUTION for you.  Now, hopefully, you -- and anyone else who might've had issues with sorting out the answer (perhaps due to a language barrier or having to use translation software) -- will be able to not only know the solution yourself, but now you'll also know how to help guide others to unlock the answer for themselves.

And, as Charlie pointed out earlier, giving a round-about answer in such a way also tends to confound any spot bots which might be scraping the forums.

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