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Font from a string pattern - help needed
(08-27-2023, 01:09 AM)bplus Wrote: For one thing:

FOR i% = 0 TO l%   ' <<< Start at 1 not 0, first letter is at 1
        c$ = MID$(s$, i%, 1)

For another I'd block spacing out in fitting the letter pixels in the block like one or 2 more spaces in columns and rows, that way letter blocks can go next to each other without another variable calculation like the 8x16 default font does. eg 2 more spaces on right and below letter pixels. I am lost trying to figure out what that kerning thing is.

BTW I don't see a need to spec source for _Putimage, the destination block is sufficient.

*smacks head* It didn't occur to me to space the font data glyphs LOL.

OK the fixed version is posted, but I think still have some issues based on reading replies here.

I can change colors by creating a new font with a new color when I `CALL F0NT.make_glyph()` I can pass other colors.

Thanks for all your help guys.
grymmjack (gj!)
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RE: Font from a string pattern - help needed - by grymmjack - 08-27-2023, 01:56 AM

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