11-17-2023, 03:24 PM
@dano Could you give the following code a test run and see how it works on your network device? Just change the filenames to your network drive (don't forget to clean them up afterwards), and let me know what the time results are for you.
Note: This may take a while, if a 4000 line program takes 5+ minutes for you. You might want to let this run while taking a break for lunch, or sleeping overnight.
Note: This may take a while, if a 4000 line program takes 5+ minutes for you. You might want to let this run while taking a break for lunch, or sleeping overnight.
Code: (Select All)
crlf$ = CHR$(13) + CHR$(10)
OPEN "temp.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #1
OPEN "temp2.txt" FOR BINARY AS #2
OPEN "temp3.txt" FOR BINARY AS #3
OPEN "temp4.txt" FOR BINARY AS #4
a$ = "This is just one long line of junk to test some basic write times."
FOR i = 1 TO 10
a$ = a$ + a$
t# = TIMER
FOR j = 1 TO 10000
PRINT #1, a$
t1# = TIMER
FOR j = 1 TO 10000
PUT #2, , a$
PUT #2, , crlf$
t2# = TIMER
FOR j = 1 TO 1000
b$ = b$ + a$ + crlf$
PUT #3, , b$
t3# = TIMER
FOR i = 1 TO 1000
c$ = ""
FOR j = 1 TO 10
c$ = c$ + a$ + crlf$
PUT #4, , c$
t4# = TIMER
PRINT USING "#####.##### seconds with OUTPUT"; t1# - t#
PRINT USING "#####.##### seconds with BINARY"; t2# - t1#
PRINT USING "#####.##### seconds with BINARY (join/1 write) (estimated as the loops were 1/10th the size)"; (t3# - t2#) * 100
PRINT USING "#####.##### seconds with BINARY (batch join/write)"; t4# - t3#