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(12-01-2023, 10:39 PM)grymmjack Wrote: @a740g This is great work! Would it be possible to use only the GIFPlay components outside of inform? Or are there requirements for inform too?

I guess what I'm asking is, as I've not used InForm yet myself, how would I integrate something like this in for example a formless thing like a game?

Thanks as usual Smile
Certainly we can. That's how I designed it.

Example below. I've also include this example in the zip file and updated the first post.

Also see for complete documentation.

I might just add FLI / FLC and aseprite support in the future. Big Grin 

Code: (Select All)
' GIFPlay Demo - Standalone
' a740g, 2023



' This is a unique number that can identify the GIF (think of this like a QB file number)
' We can load multiple GIFs using different GIF Ids

    DIM gifFileName AS STRING: gifFileName = _OPENFILEDIALOG$("Open GIF", , "*.gif|*.GIF|*.Gif", "GIF Files")
    IF LEN(gifFileName) = 0 THEN EXIT DO

    _TITLE gifFileName

    ' GIF_LoadFromMemory can load a GIF from a STRING buffer
    IF GIF_LoadFromFile(MY_GIF_ID, gifFileName) THEN
        ' GIF_Draw can only render to 32bpp surfaces. Hence our destination surface must be 32bpp
        ' Why 32bpp? That's because GIF animations *can* display more than 256 colors using frame local palettes
        ' See SmallFullColourGIF.gif
        DIM surface AS LONG: surface = _NEWIMAGE(GIF_GetWidth(MY_GIF_ID), GIF_GetHeight(MY_GIF_ID), 32)

        SCREEN surface ' we'll directly assign this to the window

        GIF_Play MY_GIF_ID ' kickstart playback

            DIM k AS LONG: k = _KEYHIT

            IF k = 32 THEN
                IF GIF_IsPlaying(MY_GIF_ID) THEN GIF_Pause (MY_GIF_ID) ELSE GIF_Play (MY_GIF_ID)
            END IF

            ' This renders a GIF frame to the current _DEST. The _DEST must be 32bpp as noted above
            ' The whole _DEST is used. Meaning the frame will be scaled and stretched to fit if _DEST does not match the frame size
            ' We need not worry about timing as it is handled internally by the library. Hence this loop can be run at any frequency (we are using 120 below)
            ' Note: Extremely low frequency will cause frame skips and sometime artifacts (due to intra-frame dependencies)
            GIF_Draw MY_GIF_ID


            _LIMIT 120
        LOOP UNTIL k = 27

        ' This is technically not required as a call to GIF_LoadFromFile/Memory will simply free a previously loaded GIF and re-use the Id
        ' But we'll be good citizens and do it anyway Smile
        GIF_Free MY_GIF_ID

        SCREEN 0
        _FREEIMAGE surface
    END IF



Messages In This Thread
GIFPlay - by a740g - 11-30-2023, 10:48 PM
RE: GIFPlay - by FellippeHeitor - 12-01-2023, 10:38 AM
RE: GIFPlay - by grymmjack - 12-01-2023, 10:39 PM
RE: GIFPlay - by a740g - 12-02-2023, 12:33 AM
RE: GIFPlay - by grymmjack - 12-05-2023, 05:18 AM
RE: GIFPlay - by grymmjack - 12-05-2023, 05:24 AM
RE: GIFPlay - by a740g - 12-05-2023, 08:56 AM
RE: GIFPlay - by grymmjack - 12-05-2023, 07:38 PM
RE: GIFPlay - by Dav - 1 hour ago

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