03-14-2024, 09:18 PM
Update: Sorry. Noticed the filename didn't match in the above, so it'd never find the file we were creating. /blush
Try this instead:
I've really got to be a little more careful with these things. I was opening an old file, and not making a new one, and thus never caught the issue until I went in and cleaned up all the temp files. Apologies.
Try this instead:
Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
Shell _Hide "Powershell -command " + Chr$(34) + "$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize = New-Object Management.Automation.Host.Size (200, 50); Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts'|Out-File -Encoding Ascii 'temp.txt'" + Chr$(34)
If _FileExists("temp.txt") Then
Open "temp.txt" For Binary As #1
Line Input #1, text$
Print text$
Loop Until EOF(1)
Print "No file created"
End If
I've really got to be a little more careful with these things. I was opening an old file, and not making a new one, and thus never caught the issue until I went in and cleaned up all the temp files. Apologies.