08-19-2024, 04:07 PM
I have some proof of concept code working. It's coming along very nicely. This little bit of code below sets up a sprite for user movement around the screen.
RIGHT/LEFT ARROW KEYS - move Mario back and forth across the screen
UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS - zoom Mario in and out
ESC KEY - exit demo and return to operating system
The ZIP file included below contains the demo code, Sprite_Test_1.BAS, and a folder named LIB that contains all of the external library files needed. Simply unzip the .ZIP file into your QB64pe root directory.
This library is still very much a work in progress but feel free to play around with it and the other libraries and individual library demo code included in the LIB folder.
RIGHT/LEFT ARROW KEYS - move Mario back and forth across the screen
UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS - zoom Mario in and out
ESC KEY - exit demo and return to operating system
The ZIP file included below contains the demo code, Sprite_Test_1.BAS, and a folder named LIB that contains all of the external library files needed. Simply unzip the .ZIP file into your QB64pe root directory.
This library is still very much a work in progress but feel free to play around with it and the other libraries and individual library demo code included in the LIB folder.
Code: (Select All)
'$INCLUDE:'.\lib\sprite\lib_sprite.bi' library variable declarations
' -----------------
'| Begin test code |
' -----------------
DIM SHT_mario AS INTEGER ' sprite sheet
DIM IMG_standing AS INTEGER ' sprite standing still image
DIM SPR_mario AS INTEGER ' sprite
DIM CLP_walking AS INTEGER ' sprite walking animation clip
DIM AS INTEGER x1, y1, x2, y2 ' sprite rectangular area
' ----------------------
'| Create sprite sheets |
' ----------------------
SHT_mario = SHEET_Load(".\lib\sprite\mario32x32.png", 32, 32) ' load the mario sprite sheet with assigned 32x32 grid
' ---------------------
'| Create still images |
' ---------------------
IMG_standing = IMAGE_Make(SHT_mario, 1, 1) ' get standing image from sprite sheet at column 1 row 1
' ------------------------
'| Create animation clips |
' ------------------------
'Created from sprite sheet at column 2, row 1, 3 animation cells, forward animation, looping animation, 10 FPS
CLP_walking = CLIP_Make(SHT_mario, 2, 1, 3, LIB_FORWARD, LIB_LOOP, 10) ' create walking animation clip from sprite sheet
' ----------------
'| Define sprites |
' ----------------
SPR_mario = SPRITE_Make% ' create the sprite
SPRITE_ImageApply SPR_mario, IMG_standing ' apply a still image to the sprite
SPRITE_ClipApply SPR_mario, CLP_walking ' apply an animation clip to the sprite
SPRITE_Put SPR_mario, 319, 239 ' set the x,y location of the sprite
SPRITE_Justify SPR_mario, LIB_CENTER ' center the sprite on the sprite's x,y location
' --------------
'| Define world |
' --------------
SCREEN_Make 640, 480 ' create layered graphics screen
SPRITE_GlobalFPS 60 ' screen updates will happen 60 times per second
' -----------------
'| Begin game loop |
' -----------------
DO ' begin game loop
SPRITE_LimitFPS ' limit loop to global FPS
IF _KEYDOWN(19712) THEN ' RIGHT ARROW key pressed?
SPRITE_Flip SPR_mario, LIB_NONE ' yes, don't flip the sprite
SPRITE_Mode SPR_mario, LIB_ANIMATE ' animate the sprite
SPRITE_PutX SPR_mario, SPRITE_X(SPR_mario) + SPRITE_Zoom(SPR_mario) * 2 ' update sprite's x position
ELSEIF _KEYDOWN(19200) THEN ' no, LEFT ARROW pressed?
SPRITE_Flip SPR_mario, LIB_HORIZONTAL ' yes, flip the sprite horizontally
SPRITE_Mode SPR_mario, LIB_ANIMATE ' animate the sprite
SPRITE_PutX SPR_mario, SPRITE_X(SPR_mario) - SPRITE_Zoom(SPR_mario) * 2 ' update sprite's x position
ELSE ' neither RIGHT or LEFT ARROW keys pressed
SPRITE_Mode SPR_mario, LIB_STILL ' sprite is now a still image
IF _KEYDOWN(18432) THEN ' UP ARROW key pressed?
IF SPRITE_Zoom(SPR_mario) < 8 THEN SPRITE_Zoom SPR_mario, SPRITE_Zoom(SPR_mario) + .1 ' yes, zoom the sprite larger
ELSEIF _KEYDOWN(20480) THEN ' no, DOWN ARROW key pressed?
IF SPRITE_Zoom(SPR_mario) > .5 THEN SPRITE_Zoom SPR_mario, SPRITE_Zoom(SPR_mario) - .1 ' yes, zoom the sprite smaller
SPRITE_Area SPR_mario, x1, y1, x2, y2 ' get rectangular area of sprite
IF x1 < 0 THEN ' sprite beyond left side of screen?
SPRITE_PutX SPR_mario, SPRITE_X(SPR_mario) + ABS(x1) ' yes, put it back on screen
ELSEIF x2 > 639 THEN ' no, sprite beyond right side of screen?
SPRITE_PutX SPR_mario, SPRITE_X(SPR_mario) - (x2 - 639) ' yes, put it back on screen
SPRITE_Display ' update screen
LOOP UNTIL _KEYDOWN(27) ' leave when ESC key pressed
SYSTEM ' return to operating system
' ---------------
'| End test code |
' ---------------
'$INCLUDE:'.\lib\sprite\lib_sprite.bm' library subroutines and functions