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time tunnel animation - can this be done as high res and smooth as the video?
Nobody seems to have tried to do his problem, so I did. Here's mine:

Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
$Let COLOR = 0

_Title "Time Tunnel Demo - Press ESC to exit."
' Simulation of the "Time Tunnel" visual effect from the 1960s show of the same name
' Paul Robinson 2024-09-20
Dim s&, centerW&, centerH&, mode&
Dim As Double T1, T2
Dim As _Unsigned _Byte Red, Gray, Yellow, Pink, Green, Blue, Black, White, Brown, Teal, Purple, Violet
Dim As _Unsigned _Byte Color1, Color2, OnColor, OffColor, LoopCount
Dim As Long I, J, K, sw, sh
sw = 1024
sh = 768

'Red = _RGB(255, 0, 0)
'Pink = _RGB(255, 127, 127)
'Yellow = _RGB(255, 255, 0)
'Green = _RGB(0, 255, 0)
'Blue = _RGB(0, 0, 255)
'Black = 0
'White = _RGB(255, 255, 255)
'Brown = _RGB(128, 64, 64)

Dim Shared ColorTable(20, 3) As _Unsigned _Byte
Red = 1: Call InitColortable(Red, 255, 0, 0)
Pink = 2: Call InitColortable(Pink, 255, 127, 127)
Yellow = 3: Call InitColortable(Yellow, 255, 255, 0)
Green = 4: Call InitColortable(Green, 0, 255, 0)
Blue = 5: Call InitColortable(Blue, 0, 0, 255)
Black = 6 ' It's already 0,0,0
Gray = 7: Call InitColortable(Gray, 127, 127, 127)
Teal = 8: Call InitColortable(Teal, 6, 127, 127)
Red = 9: Call InitColortable(Red, 255, 0, 0)
Pink = 10: Call InitColortable(Pink, 255, 127, 127)
Yellow = 11: Call InitColortable(Yellow, 255, 255, 0)
Green = 12: Call InitColortable(Green, 0, 255, 0)
Blue = 13: Call InitColortable(Blue, 0, 0, 255)
Purple = 14: Call InitColortable(Purple, 255, 0, 255)
Violet = 15: Call InitColortable(Violet, 128, 32, 255)
White = 16: Call InitColortable(White, 255, 255, 255)
Brown = 17: Call InitColortable(Brown, 255, 128, 64)

' On color is the band started
OnColor = Black 'Green
' Off color is the contrast
OffColor = White 'Yellow

s& = _NewImage(sw, sh, 32)
Screen s&

centerW& = _Width(mode&) \ 2 'returns pixels in graphic modes
centerH& = _Height(mode&) \ 2 'returns pixels in graphic modes
K = 1
    If K Mod 2 Then
        $If COLOR = DEFINED Then
            Color1 = OnColor
            Color2 = OffColor
            Color1 = 255 ' Black & White
            Color2 = 0
        $End If

        $If COLOR = DEFINED Then
            Color1 = OffColor
            Color2 = OnColor
            Color1 = 0
            Color2 = 255
        $End If
    End If

    For I = 1 To 12
        If I Mod 2 Then
            For J = 1 To 50
                $If COLOR = DEFINED Then
                    Circle (centerW&, centerH&), I * 50 + J, _RGB(ColorTable(Color1, 1), ColorTable(Color1, 2), ColorTable(Color1, 3)), , , 1

                    Circle (centerW&, centerH&), I * 50 + J, _RGB(Color1, Color1, Color1), , , 1
                $End If
                '      Circle (centerW&, centerH&), I * 50 + J - 1, _RGB(255, 0, 0), , , 1
            Next J
            For J = 1 To 50
                $If COLOR = DEFINED Then
                    Circle (centerW&, centerH&), I * 50 + J + 1, _RGB(ColorTable(Color1, 1), ColorTable(Color1, 2), ColorTable(Color1, 3)), , , 1
                    Circle (centerW&, centerH&), I * 50 + J + 1, _RGB(Color2, Color2, Color2), , , 1
                $End If
                T2 = 0

                T1 = Timer(.001)
                Do While T2 < T1 + .01
                    T2 = Timer(.001)

                $If COLOR = DEFINED Then
                    Circle (centerW&, centerH&), I * 50 + J, _RGB(ColorTable(Color2, 1), ColorTable(Color2, 2), ColorTable(Color2, 3)), , , 1
                    Circle (centerW&, centerH&), I * 50 + J, _RGB(Color2, Color2, Color2), , , 1
                $End If
        End If

    Next I

    T2 = 0
    T1 = Timer(.001)
    Do While T2 < T1 + .3 ' Short delay
        T2 = Timer(.001)
    If InKey$ = Chr$(27) Then End
    K = K + 1

Sub InitColortable (Colorindex%, RedValue%, BlueValue%, GreenValue%)
    ColorTable(Colorindex%, 1) = RedValue%
    ColorTable(Colorindex%, 2) = BlueValue%
    ColorTable(Colorindex%, 3) = GreenValue%
End Sub

A copy is attached so it may be downloaded.

Attached Files
.bas   time_tunnel.bas (Size: 4.08 KB / Downloads: 16)
While 1
   Fix Bugs
   report all bugs fixed
   receive bug report
end while

Messages In This Thread
RE: time tunnel animation - can this be done as high res and smooth as the video? - by TDarcos - 09-20-2024, 08:51 PM

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