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time tunnel animation - can this be done as high res and smooth as the video?
OK I tried it and now I am nauseous
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Time Tunnel" ' bplus 2024-09-20
Screen _NewImage(600, 600, 32)
_ScreenMove 250, 60

c& = _NewImage(1200, 1200, 32)
_Dest c&
FC3 600, 600, 550, &HFFFFFFFF
FC3 600, 600, 500, &HFF000000
_Dest 0
max = 1000
    w = max: w2 = w / 2
    While w > 30
        _PutImage (300 - w2, 300 - w2)-Step(w, w), c&, 0
        w = w * .81: w2 = w * .5
    FC3 300, 300, 13, &HFFFFFFFF
    FC3 300, 300, 12, &HFF000000
    max = max + 4
    If max >= 1230 Then max = 1000
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)

Sub FC3 (cx As Long, cy As Long, r As Long, clr~&) ' all types integer due to float errors
    Dim As Long r2, x, y ' for Option _Explicit
    If r < 1 Then Exit Sub
    Line (cx - r, cy)-(cx + r, cy), clr~&, BF
    r2 = r * r
        y = y + 1
        x = Sqr(r2 - y * y)
        Line (cx - x, cy + y)-(cx + x, cy + y), clr~&, BF
        Line (cx - x, cy - y)-(cx + x, cy - y), clr~&, BF
    Loop Until y = r
End Sub
b = b + ...

Messages In This Thread
RE: time tunnel animation - can this be done as high res and smooth as the video? - by bplus - 09-20-2024, 11:22 PM

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