Find attached a dir/file compare utility which has the following:
Code: (Select All)
The Compare utility v1.0a QB64 source PD 01/15/2025.
This utility has 2 functions, one for directories and one for filenames.
The main menu starts with:
Dir/File compare utility.
Enter (D)ir/(F)ile/(Q)uit?
D -- compares the equivalency of 2 directories.
Also prompts: Count only(y/n)?
to count the dirs without display.
F -- compare the difference of 2 filenames.
Also prompts: List only(y/n)?
to list all mismatched bytes.
Note: Includes a realtime statusline and a Control-Break trap.
Due to the large buffer this utility can compare two 10MB files
in less than a second.
During file compare the percentage of completion is displayed.
The filename also displays the byte position and values that do not match:
Offset Byte Hex ASCII
------------ ---- ----- -------
1024 F\E 0F\0E 070\069
Function to get directory:
D$ = _SelectFolderDialog$("Enter directory", _CWD$)
Function to get filename:
F$ = _OpenFileDialog$("Enter file", _CWD$)