(01-12-2025, 03:11 AM)JRace Wrote: Thanks yet again, Hero Steve!
Now let's eliminate the PE-specific _IIF:
Quote:(Notice I'm still trying to keep it at least mildly obfuscated.)Code: (Select All)Screen 1: For c = 1 To 1920: Print Mid$("\/", (Rnd < .5) + 2, 1);: Next
This should now run on QB and (with the addition of a line number) GWBasic.
How about this version for something that works in all basics and should have people scratching their heads trying to sort it out without running it first:
Code: (Select All)
_Font 8: For i = 1 To 1920: Print Chr$(Int(Rnd * 2) * 45 + 47);: Next
Or use a different Screen mode as we don't want _Font (which is QB64 specific):
Code: (Select All)
Screen 8: For i = 1 To 1920: Print Chr$(Int(Rnd * 2) * 45 + 47);: Next